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How Do We Deal With Overpopulation, While Respecting Human Rights?

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3 hours ago, Robert Greene said:

Overpopulation should be about maintaining environmental and economic integrity, not preventing humans from going to extinct.

[Opposition to] overpopulation should be about making the world a better place (whether or not this involves maintaining environmental and economic integrity). Other things being equal, I suspect that a world in which humans were extinct would be a better place.

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On 03/01/2018 at 10:37 AM, taxme said:

Show some compassion for the human rights of a baby in the womb.

Compassion is also needed for those unfortunate children who are born into a life of decades of misery. Abortion isn't a good way of preventing this, but sometimes it's the only one, in which case it should be used. A baby conceived in bad circumstances has the right not to be born into them.

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9 hours ago, Robert Greene said:

I don't think were going to starve off. Will start eating wheat, rice, bugs if we have too. I think food shortage won't lead to an significant depopulation. It might come from war or disease. Even if there's a collapse, without a culture of population planning, humans overbreed again, until the next collapse taxes place. The planet isn't going to end for Billions of years, and humans could be around for millions of years. The remaining humans will adapt, to whatever compromised planet is left. Overpopulation should be about maintaining environmental and economic integrity, not preventing humans from going to extinct.

We are guaranteed to starve off. The earth's ability to support agriculture is degrading quickly. We wont even be able to farm food on a large scale within about 60 years.


We are on the verge of an near-extinction event... By 2100 there will be about a billion humans left or less.

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21 minutes ago, dre said:

We are guaranteed to starve off. The earth's ability to support agriculture is degrading quickly. We wont even be able to farm food on a large scale within about 60 years.


We are on the verge of an near-extinction event... By 2100 there will be about a billion humans left or less.

I didn't take you for a doom prophet. What happened? Your linked article is overly alarmist and cites no scientific studies. If you research soil degradation, you will see that while it is occurring, it is not occurring everywhere, and even where it is occurring, various techniques have often been successfully used to slow or reverse the process. Humans have been successfully farming the same patches of dirt for thousands of years, ever since our ancient predecessors invented crop rotation. Widespread soil degradation is primarily occurring in areas that are being rapidly deforested and converted to farmland that is quickly over-exploited, primarily in third world areas with rapidly growing populations and no environmental regulations/protections. Extrapolating the rate of soil degradation in these areas to the world might yield some frightening predictions, but it fails to realize that vast other areas of the world are being farmed in a sustainable manner. While soil degradation is an important issue, like many other environmental issues, and should be addressed, it is far from guaranteeing a "near-extinction" event. 

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On 12/27/2017 at 5:48 PM, taxme said:

Then, in order to save the environment than we all know that there must be a depopulation program implemented to get rid of about 4 billion third world people. White people are not the threat to the environment because there is not enough of us to destroy the environment. With a population of approx. 7.5 billion people on earth right now, white people only make up about approx. 6 -7 million white people on earth. The non-whites make up about just shy of seven billion. So, who is really behind trying to destroy the planet with it's population, uhmm? 

People are people, and I will say it loud and clear - That was an extremely racist remark to make.

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On 1/2/2018 at 6:05 AM, Robert Greene said:

While contraceptives are perfectly ok, Abortion is not ok. Abortion is murder. As soon as fertilization takes place, you're killing another human being.

We should separate out the whole pro-choice, anti-abortion debate into another thread, or else we will have another rat hole.

11 hours ago, Robert Greene said:

I'm what most people would call an extreme fiscal conservative. Extreme because I believe no government has the right to spend any money it doesn't have in times of peace. I think deficit financing is inter-generational theft.

I agree, but I wouldn't label it fiscal conservative. How about fiscal competence, something neither Conservative or Liberal governments demonstrate (even Paul Martin had some weakness in that area but he was light years above anything I have seen in my lifetime).

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1 hour ago, ?Impact said:

People are people, and I will say it loud and clear - That was an extremely racist remark to make.


Really ?   Forced depopulation is an extreme action against all people....the entire HUMAN RACE.   Now that's "racist".

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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44 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

People are people, and I will say it loud and clear - That was an extremely racist remark to make.

Lower your tone. You nearly blew my speakers. :P

Only to people like you it is seen as racist. What I was saying here was that white people are not the problem when it comes to overpopulation. It is the non-white world that is causing the overpopulation problem. It is plain as day. So, just where or why or how in saying what I did is suppose to be racist? Please explain this to me. I need some clarification from you here. 

Calling things as they really are hurts some people's feelings. Too bad for them. Any child could easily figure it out that just by the numbers alone they would obviously be able to see that white people are not the problem of overpopulation. Just because you are politically correct does not mean that I have to be also. I much prefer to be politically incorrect because this allows me to question and challenge events and issues and the thoughts and opinions of others who have decided that they would prefer to just go along the zombie path of political correctness, and not read and get the other side of the story. These PC people would prefer to get their information and facts??? from the liberal mainstream media and leftists governments or other so-called experts and professionals and allow those mentioned to do the thinking for them. That way they don't have to be worried about maybe getting called a "RACIST". They are just a bunch of liberal chicken little snowflakes as far as I am concerned.   My opinion, and I approve of this reply. ;)

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1 hour ago, ?Impact said:

We should separate out the whole pro-choice, anti-abortion debate into another thread, or else we will have another rat hole.

I agree, but I wouldn't label it fiscal conservative. How about fiscal competence, something neither Conservative or Liberal governments demonstrate (even Paul Martin had some weakness in that area but he was light years above anything I have seen in my lifetime).

All political party's are all fiscally irresponsible and are too incompetent, and should not be allowed to handle or use the taxpayer's tax dollars as if it were all their own money, and to be able go out and have a good time blowing our tax dollars on their liberal/socialist programs and agendas that have caused more problems than not. The taxpayer's get no accountability from these spend crazy politicians. The taxpayer just gets to see the waste of their tax dollars that the politicians are very professional at when it comes to blowing those tax dollars. :o 

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13 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Really ?   Forced depopulation is an extreme action against all people....the entire HUMAN RACE.   Now that's "racist".

There are just some people that just cannot seem to get the message or at least try to understand the message that is being told to them. It would appear as though common sense and logic is just not their forte. Emotionalism of course is. Aw well. 

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

Lower your tone. You nearly blew my speakers. :P

I thought you needed an excuse to get new ones.

2 hours ago, taxme said:

Only to people like you it is seen as racist. What I was saying here was that white people are not the problem when it comes to overpopulation. It is the non-white world that is causing the overpopulation problem.

No, it is the people with curly hair; or any other characteristic you want to use.

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On 1/3/2018 at 11:57 PM, Robert Greene said:

I'm what most people would call an extreme fiscal conservative. Extreme because I believe no government has the right to spend any money it doesn't have in times of peace.

Unfortunately your extreme belief in a government that forces everyone to do what you want should almost guarantee a constant state of conflict and an even more bottomless money pit.

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21 hours ago, taxme said:


Only to people like you it is seen as racist. What I was saying here was that white people are not the problem when it comes to overpopulation.

We are when it comes to resource use.  How about this?  We insist they make every effort to reduce their numbers, and in turn we share everything we have with them?

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1 minute ago, bcsapper said:

We are when it comes to resource use.  How about this?  We insist they make every effort to reduce their numbers, and in turn we share everything we have with them?


Aren't "we" doing that now?

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11 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Aren't "we" doing that now?

I don't have any in my house.  I probably throw away more food in a week than many thirld world families eat in a year. 

I realise I can't get it to them.  But as we spiral into extinction, I'm going to assign blame across the board.


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Just now, bcsapper said:

I don't have any in my house.  I probably throw away more food in a week than many thirld world families eat in a year. 

I realise I can't get it to them.  But as we spiral into extinction, I'm going to assign blame across the board.



Seriously...our doors are open. We give our country away to those that would seek our death in their home countries.

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1 minute ago, DogOnPorch said:


Seriously...our doors are open. We give our country away to those that would seek our death in their home countries.

Well, I wouldn't let them in if it was up to me.  I prefer the British method of killing them before they leave.

But that said, the office where I sometimes hang my laptop just threw away about half a ton of sugary crap that was sitting in the lunch room from before Christmas, courtesy of various clients and such.  And everyone concerned leaves their truck running so they don't have the discomfort of waiting while it warms up.  (I have a remote start in mine, so I only do it for 15 minutes)

So while I would happily force sterilization on humanity if I could, I would do so on everyone.  They might have too many kids, but they would eat the skin.

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22 hours ago, ?Impact said:

You mean like building roadways, canals, and airports?

No, it is more like blowing Canadian tax dollars on useless programs and agendas like multiculturalism, bilingualism, foreign-aid, and bringing in tens of thousands of Syrian refugees, and not protecting our borders from the 20,000 illegal criminals that have already crossed our borders illegally into Canada from America where all these criminals may now get to stay in Canada for decades at the taxpayer's expense. This is going to cost the Canadian taxpayer's tens of billions of our tax dollars. But what do you care, eh? 

Why would I have a problem with tax dollars being spent on worthwhile projects like building bridges, canals and airports? Stop talking silly talk, will you? Get with the real world and the real events and issues that are being destroyed by your precious marxist justice warrior liberals. They are the ones that have screwed up just about everything that Canada once was and made it so great. 

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3 hours ago, bcsapper said:

We are when it comes to resource use.  How about this?  We insist they make every effort to reduce their numbers, and in turn we share everything we have with them?

I think that it is safe to say that white people use the resources available to them to be able to make your life comfortable and safe and use those resources for all the advances in technology that you see around your room. Those resources also has given people like you a job unless you work in the fields picking fruits for a living. But when it comes to who is really trying to destroy the environment just go to countries like India and China and some Arab/African countries as examples and see as to who is really using up the most resources and polluting the planet today. You need to get out and do a bit of travelling before you open your mouth. 

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3 hours ago, bcsapper said:

I don't have any in my house.  I probably throw away more food in a week than many thirld world families eat in a year. 

I realise I can't get it to them.  But as we spiral into extinction, I'm going to assign blame across the board.


Well, you can always start off by blaming it on all those nasty white racists out there for our upcoming extinction.  :D 

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3 minutes ago, taxme said:

I think that it is safe to say that white people use the resources available to them to be able to make your life comfortable and safe and use those resources for all the advances in technology that you see around your room. Those resources also has given people like you a job unless you work in the fields picking fruits for a living. But when it comes to who is really trying to destroy the environment just go to countries like India and China and some Arab/African countries as examples and see as to who is really using up the most resources and polluting the planet today. You need to get out and do a bit of travelling before you open your mouth. 

No, I don't.  Not really.  There's television and the internet.  And other people, too.

I know where all the bits in your smart phone come from.




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Just now, taxme said:

Well, you can always start off by blaming it on all those nasty white racists out there for our upcoming extinction.  :D 

Oh God, you're as bad as they are.

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3 hours ago, bcsapper said:

Well, I wouldn't let them in if it was up to me.  I prefer the British method of killing them before they leave.

But that said, the office where I sometimes hang my laptop just threw away about half a ton of sugary crap that was sitting in the lunch room from before Christmas, courtesy of various clients and such.  And everyone concerned leaves their truck running so they don't have the discomfort of waiting while it warms up.  (I have a remote start in mine, so I only do it for 15 minutes)

So while I would happily force sterilization on humanity if I could, I would do so on everyone.  They might have too many kids, but they would eat the skin.

I wish that we were still using the old British immigration policy of decades ago by just keeping them all out. There is no need to kill them because they have been doing a pretty good job all those centuries at doing each other in themselves. 

I guess that this just shows that we in the West know how to grow more food than what we need compared to those living in the overpopulated countries. I don't think that we in the West have any fear of ever going hungry unless the politicians somehow are able to manage to screw that up.  

Well, sterilizing humanity should end up making the human race extinct. Right up your alley, eh? 


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