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So-called refugees crossing Manitoba/American border.


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25 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Too bad you made it thru if that's the case.

Too bad you guessed it wrong. Maybe you should go back if that is the case. We don't need muslims in the West. Soon president Trump will kick them all out. They can go to Canada. Trudeau will take them with open arms.

Edited by Goh Shenas
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5 hours ago, Argus said:

When have you ever seen a progressive who learns from example? Remember that they're still zealously pursuing the policies which failed in Europe like Multiculturalism.

A lot of conservatives started off as progressives so they learned something, good or bad. 

In France, some on the Left have been ambivalent about immigration for a long time, e.g. Georges Marchais, and I'd say a good few will vote for Le Pen. Many Ukippers and Brexiteers were once solid Labour voters. 

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On ‎2017‎-‎02‎-‎22 at 9:05 PM, eyeball said:

The reverse of racism is tolerance and my intolerance is for right-wing conservatism which is not a race so...

In any case, much of the human migration we're seeing around the planet is as I've pointed out as much due to climate change as anything which of course is the last thing RWC's consider as a possibility.  As this cause for migration picks up speed and becomes less deniable I'm quite certain RCW's will rise to the challenge and still blame everything but.

And I repeat, none of us have seen anything yet - as the water-hole gets smaller and smaller the animals will get meaner and meaner.

Your intolerance is bigoted thought process no different than the bigoted thought processes you claim to question. You engage in the very thing you criticize others for. That   You nothing more than an obese man telling someone else go on a diet, Not only that you deny your obesity..

I love it. You think you aren't the very animal that gets mean when his water-hole gets smaller. Lol. You'd be the first to snap if someone grabbed your twinkie.

Get off the righteous pedestal Eye its ridiculous.

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2 hours ago, Goh Shenas said:

Too bad you guessed it wrong. Maybe you should go back if that is the case. We don't need muslims in the West. Soon president Trump will kick them all out. They can go to Canada. Trudeau will take them with open arms.

How do you make a judgement if they are Muslims if it was you? Do you look at the color of their passport and if they are a citizen of a supposedly Muslim country then you kick them out? Remember that many of these people (some immigrants some refugees) are victims of the very same thing that you wish to kick them out for. They are runaways from the oppressive system that you hate.

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I am going to respond to Impact's comments to me on this thread when he asked me what I propose as a solution to the current chaos at the borders.

To answer it, I first want to respond to these words he said:

"Yes, it is a bad situation. The point is do you want to create a far worse situation in order to solve it. There are only a small number of refugee claimants that fit into this category, in fact fewer than there were a decade ago."

The answer is no neither I nor any sane person believes a solution is to make things worse. I also disagree with the comment there are only a small number of illegals coming over the boarder. Its now escalating as we speak. Its not going to remain a small number, its going to escalate and very quickly as it has in the past before counter measures were taken. Illegal movement of migrants comes in waves depending on political events and circumstances. Coyotes, or people smugglers watch the political events and react to the loopholes. So governments play a constant game with them of trying to plug the holes that the coyotes find.

Next, Impact stated: "US-Mexico wall, at least $20 billion. Our land border is 3 times a long. Get out you wallet."

The comment is inaccurate, To start with the geography of Mexico and Canada is totally different.  In fact Canada does not need a wall the exact length of its border with the US as Impact has assumed. Canada's geography, i.e., its water, mountain ranges, terrain (marshes, swamps, thick brush) already serve as natural walls that deter illegal entry.

As well much of our border is too far from towns or cities, to make it practical to walk in-you could walk in but you would have to walk too far to get to a town or city and so you would need someone waiting for you in a vehicle and in such places detecting movement does not require walls-it could work with planes, satellite technology and sensors.

The point is to assume you would have to wall off the entire country is false. I deliberately said and Impact you missed it, the solutions I proposed have to be mixed, you do nt go to extremes on any of them. That would not be efficient or make sense.

Impact stated:

"We do have an agreement with the US, the only country we have an agreement, it is the safe third country agreement that is being talked about, the one the NDP want to get rid of."

Wrong with due respect. The safe third country rule is with all countries who signed the UN Refugee Convention Treaty. That said the immediate issue is with the U.S. So what I said is and Impact either did not understand it or acknowledge it, is that the US as we speak is allowed to place US customs officials on our side of the border to prevent illegals or anyone from entering into the US before they cross the border. If they want that right to remain, our Prime Minister must state-it works both ways, you want us to help you avoid illegals before they come into the US, then you do the same with us. Stop illegals from coming into Canada, don't look the other way. Stop them before they enter and we will do the same on our side.

It requires a reciprocal enforcement treaty instead of the two nations working in direct opposition to one another on the borders. This has to be done not just because of illegals, but because of drug smuggling and terrorism and other smuggling as well as people smuggling. We have to do  this to stop organized crime smugglers who exploit the nations working opposite one another to slip in through the chaos.

Impact stated, "Ok, so we are talking process. What exactly is the process today, and how do we change it."

With due respect to Impact he summarizes a real problem with many Canadians and that is they have no clue how our existing Immigration and Refugee laws work and therefore how they are being destroyed by the illegals able to jump the lines and borders. To start with how about Impact, you stop calling illegal migrants immigrants or refugees like the press does or trendy leftists do. There is a huge difference. Legitimate immigrants line up. They fill out applications. They spend years planning and honing their transferable skills to be qualified to enter. They build this country precisely because they bring skills we need.

As for legitimate refugees, they flee persecution as per the definition of the UN Convention definition for refugees. The vast majority of people applying for refugee status are not. They are in fact poor people, what we call economic migrants. They are not refugees. They are migrants who don't qualify for entry as immigrants or refugees. They know this. So they break the laws and jump the line. They do so because they for the most part are coming here for two things; I-is medical care-many have diseases that can't be managed where they come from-some estimate as much as 80% of illegals come here for medical care; ii-the rest are leaving countries where there is no work due to corrupt regimes, desertification, floods, disease. Economic migrants unlike refugees have money. They have sufficient money to pay a coyote to get them to the US border.

A genuine refugee from say the civil wars in Sudan you think they have any money to pay a coyote to get them to the US?

What you have now as we speak a profile of illegal who has managed to live in the US underground working as cheap labour or in crime or maybe using fake i.d. to get welfare, and they fear a crackdown from Trump and so are running because they fear getting caught. Let's be very clear. They are not refuges, they are the walking poor of the planet, the illegals the US once used as cheap manual labour doingt he jobs no one else wanted to do only now they are obsolete as computers and specialized technology has made manual labour jobs scarce. They are being squeezed out because BUSINESS no longer needs them.

So stop calling them refugees or immigrants and lets identify them properly as what they are-poor economic migrants and create a category in our immigration law for exactly who and what they are instead of pretending they are either immigrants or refugees. They are  neither and their actions are directly harming immigrants and refugees. They need to be separated out and given different treatment so that they do not undermine the rights of the  other two categories.

You create in our Immigration Law a classification called ILLEGAL MIGRANT and  you attach to it different laws and  treatment than you do immigrants or refugees so there is no incentive for them to jump the line and get better treatment. This will also have to make it clear to cities, to anyone aiding and abetting illegal migration that this aiding and abetting is a crime as well. This means stiffening laws to place coyotes or people smugglers in jail for minimum jail time of 25 years no parole.

It means making it illegal, for Mayors or political officials to state publically they will aid and abet illegal migrants. Why? Well Mayor Tory opened his big mouth and said Toronto is a sanctuary city. You bet he did, he thinks he is pandering to a segment of illegals who will vote him back in. That and in his next breath he then said the federal government needs to pay him money for these illegals. He's building his empire using illegals to do it. Politicians don't give a damn about illegals. They use them to pander for ethnic vtes and to get money from government which they sure as hell do not spend on illegals. This is why we can't have politicians encouraging illegal migrants breaking laws. Its also insane. Our police are required under the Police Act to enforce all laws. They can't be told, ignore the law because some politician told you to. It opens them up to chaos when trying to decide what to enforce. All levels of government need to work together not at cross purposes just like we need to work together with the US not at cross purposes with them to prevent the very chaos that inspires coyotes to bring more in.

Now Impact said:  "Detention centres already exist."

No they don't. They have long since been filled. This is why because of lack of space we are placing illegals in not just motels, but hotels and in living conditions far higher in benefits than many Canadian citizens and that is just not right. We have homeless Canadians and line jumpers are being placed in hotels. We have Canadians who can't drug prescriptions or dental care and yet line jumpers getting both the moment they step into Canada. That just is not right.

Impact then asked me-"Ok, so what do we do with refugee claimants that arrive in country? Create a concentration camp?"

To start with Impact stop calling illegal migrants refugees. Refugees have a process already. What we need to in fact do is define what an economic migrant is and remove them out of the refuge line and put them in their own stream. As for the reference to concentration camps I think the need to suggest I am a Nazi for taking the positions I do speaks for itself and I won't respond to it.

I said we need more detention centres and I said place then in the North. Placing them in the North will make illegal migrants think twice before coming to Canada. It will mean they don't come to hotels. It will mean they don't have immediate access to all the benefits legal Canadians do and are being offered to them by cities.

No we don't want ghettoes being created of illegal migrants who have no transferable skills, can't speak English or French and have values imcompatible with Canadian values. No yo do not dump people in huge cities with no coping skills and think they will not cause problems for all of society.

Illegal migrants suffer from mental illness, physical diseases brought on by stress, and have much higher rates of suicide, alcoholism. domestic violence, violence against their children. They are vulnerable to crime because they have no skills to do other things.

By putting them up North it is a humane thing. If they hate the weather its a fair way to screen them out and deport them. If they stay and build where they liv eup North working rom the detention centres, then let them earn their legal status by working for it building roads, schools, homes, infrastructure to help our aboriginal peoples.

Let them become meaningful participants. Yah they work from detention centres up North. It means we don't detain them like we do in cities, the natural isolation keeps them detained and therefore the housing or the detention centres does not even have to be institutional it could be communal.  

Unlike Impact I propose constructive solutions to treat illegals as humans but no they don't get automatic benefits and entry into cities undermining the regular immigration system and taking the rights away from legitimate immigrants, refugees and most importantly Canadian citizens..

Impact said: "Ok, so you want to open up the Constitution. Write your MP and tell them your wish. Don't forget to mention what you want to do with permanent resident, visitors, etc. Are there now to be 2 categories, or more of rights?"

I said there must be a third stream to treat illegal migrants. Creating streams of different treatment depending on different categories in immigration law has always been done.

In regards to the Charter of Rights NOT constitution, the Charter says the moment an illegal steps forth on Canadian soil, they have all the rights a Canadian does.

We have to go back to court and have them reinterpret that concept and use the clause of peace, order and good government to say, in the case of illegal migrants, the peace, order and good government needs have priority over the individual needs of the illegal migrants and therefore our government should have the right to restrict their mobility in the first five years they are in Canada to Northern regions and resettlement communities. To make Impact happy we can strip the word detention centre and call them resettlement communities. No gas. No trains. No german sheppards unloading migrants and killing them.

Impact also stated to me:

"You now that? How, are you a mind reader? They are doing their job, arresting illegal aliens and taking them to the border services. We are a country of laws, and so far the laws are being followed. Are you suggesting to change the laws, or break the laws?"

I am no mind reader Impact. I am just a citizen of Canada and like many every day I hear and see Trudeau, Mayors, all kinds of people who are supposed to enforce the law, refusing to enforce the law and calling illegal migrants immigrants or refugees.

I am no mind reader. I have to listen each day as Trudeau refuses to enforce the existng laws.

Nothing I have said demonizes illegals. Nothing  have said asks to hurt or harm them. I am saying sometimes we have to do things that are not popular.

Democracy is not a given. Its not an automatic Impact. We have to work defining it, adjusting it, balancing majority and minority rights. It can not function as a free for all.


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In Finland the main problem people have with refugees is that they have travelled through 8-10 countries, all of which perfectly safe, but have refused to register in any of those and are heading towards Britain, Germany, Sweden and some of them to Finland.


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To put some real facts into the situation, instead of all those alternative facts floating around 

A refugee claimant is an individual who requests refugee protection upon or after arrival in Canada, American's call them asylum seekers. A refugee claimant receives Canada’s protection when he or she is found to be a Convention refugee as defined by the United Nations 1951 Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 protocol, or when found to be a person needing protection based on risk to life, risk of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment, or danger of torture as defined in the Convention Against Torture.  Just over half of all refugee claims are denied, those that are accepted may apply for permanent residence.

Social assistance benefits paid to refugee claimants have averaged $384 million/year (high of $462 million in 2002 and low of $284 million in 2007).

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17 hours ago, ?Impact said:

TSocial assistance benefits paid to refugee claimants have averaged $384 million/year (high of $462 million in 2002 and low of $284 million in 2007).

Of course this does not include the costs of health care nor of the education for their kids. Nor does it include the costs of supporting them for the rest of their lives, since most will never get more than unskilled labour ype jobs, and thus will never be taxpayers.

Edited by Argus
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17 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

Do you have any real data?

Are you saying that we enslave our refugees and not allow them any opportunities?

The Fraser Institute report documented the earnings of immigrants/refugees and thus the taxes they would pay as opposed to the cost of services provided to them and came up with a deficit to all levels of government of $30 billion per year.

Opportunities? Sure, they have opportunities, just like anyone here who doesn't speak English and has no job skills, no contacts, and no education.

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22 hours ago, -TSS- said:

In Finland the main problem people have with refugees is that they have travelled through 8-10 countries, all of which perfectly safe, but have refused to register in any of those and are heading towards Britain, Germany, Sweden and some of them to Finland.


The free benefits that countries like Finland have is the main reason they want to immigrate to European countries. They want the benefits, work is not all that important. At least that is what I am noticing here. Refugees are nothing more than a burden rather than of any benefit. It needs to end. 

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There is a new thing about the refugees from the islamic countries that they tell you that they have abandoned islam and therefore you can't send them back to their own countries because the penalty for apostasy is death.

There you wonder then whether you believe them or is that another occasion of taqiya. Thiose who don't know what taqiya means just google it.

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On 2/24/2017 at 7:22 PM, Rue said:

As well much of our border is too far from towns or cities, to make it practical to walk in-you could walk in but you would have to walk too far to get to a town or city and so you would need someone waiting for you in a vehicle and in such places detecting movement does not require walls-it could work with planes, satellite technology and sensors.

Certainly technology like that will help in finding smugglers, etc. but I don't think that refugee claimants are trying to sneak in. They want to be found so they can make their claim.


To start with how about Impact, you stop calling illegal migrants immigrants or refugees like the press does or trendy leftists do.

I called them refugee claimants, you can see it right there where you quoted me. Americans call them asylum seekers. I am not saying they should be accepted as refugees, I am simply pointing out that they are making that claim. As I understand it just over half of refugee claimants are not accepted.


There is a huge difference. Legitimate immigrants line up. They fill out applications. They spend years planning and honing their transferable skills to be qualified to enter. They build this country precisely because they bring skills we need.

There is a big difference between refugees and immigrants, and trying to compare them is meaningless. 


I said we need more detention centres and I said place then in the North. Placing them in the North will make illegal migrants think twice before coming to Canada.

Yup, Siberian concentration camps. Not only do you want to segregate refugee claimants from society, you want to put them in the most inhospitable situation to teach them a lesson. How about we put them to work in these camps as well.


our government should have the right to restrict their mobility in the first five years

What is the purpose of segregating refugee claimants, and refugees as I assume it won't take five years to determine their status. We currently use detention facilities when we cannot determine their identity, when they might pose a threat, or when we think they may not appear at a refugee hearing. Why do you want to detain them, should they be punished for being refugees?


I am no mind reader. I have to listen each day as Trudeau refuses to enforce the existng laws.

Could you provide an example?

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16 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

Fraser Institute is an opinion agency, they are not a statistics agency. They use other people's data, and then manipulate it to serve their agenda. What is the real source data, that is what needs to be examined.

And yet they make all the data upon which their conclusions are based open and available. They also respond to those who try to rebut their claims.

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19 hours ago, ?Impact said:

Certainly technology like that will help in finding smugglers, etc. but I don't think that refugee claimants are trying to sneak in. They want to be found so they can make their claim.

I called them refugee claimants, you can see it right there where you quoted me. Americans call them asylum seekers. I am not saying they should be accepted as refugees, I am simply pointing out that they are making that claim. As I understand it just over half of refugee claimants are not accepted.

There is a big difference between refugees and immigrants, and trying to compare them is meaningless. 

Yup, Siberian concentration camps. Not only do you want to segregate refugee claimants from society, you want to put them in the most inhospitable situation to teach them a lesson. How about we put them to work in these camps as well.

What is the purpose of segregating refugee claimants, and refugees as I assume it won't take five years to determine their status. We currently use detention facilities when we cannot determine their identity, when they might pose a threat, or when we think they may not appear at a refugee hearing. Why do you want to detain them, should they be punished for being refugees?

Could you provide an example?

"Yup", your response  above deliberately infers that all illegal migrants that come into Canada are refugees  which is incorrect.

"yup" your response that any detention of illegals means a concentration camp is illogical, without basis,  hyperbolic and juvenile. I have not suggested nor do I condone ceoncentration camps and your attempt to suggest I or anyone else who thinks illegal migrants should be properly screened out of the system  is  a Nazi or Russian communist is an attempt to slur and name call rather than debate the issue.

Next you again show your ignorance of immigration laws as they exist now in all your responses.

To start with: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/refugees/reform-safe.asp

We already stream and vet certain kinds of refugee claimants because of their high rate of rejection as the above shows.

As the above states, our government came to the awareness that tgere are places in the world where it is less likely for a person to be persecuted compared to other areas. bu many people from these places were/are trying  claim asylum in Canada, and are later found not to need protection.

As the above Ministry comments state, too much time and too many resources were being spent on these unfounded claims. So the concept of Designated countries of origin (DCO)  was created as a specific category and now includes countries that do not normally produce refugees, but do respect human rights and offer state protection.

Go on educate yourself.

Our country has had to address a flooding and abuse of our refugee process by streamlining out applicants from a designated list of countries and in the future it m ay add more.

So the notion of creating a specific stream of treatment to differentiate applicants to help prevent an abuse and flooding of the system that can crash it, is done.

Next you need to educate yourself how the safe third party rule works. You assume because Canada entered a specific one with the US and has not with other cuntryes none others exist. Wrong. How about you start with: rhttp://www.unhcr.org/3b39a2403.pdf

The following countries honour this rule and say if a refugee applicant gets to their country first, they must apply in their state for refugee status and will not be permitted to state shop and skip through their country:  Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK, Norway, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Krugyzstan, Russia, Ukraine, Botswana.

As well you can add Mexico, Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, Cyprus, Israel, Iceland, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, to that list because they won't allow so called refugees to country shop once they come to their countries. They so do voluntarily at this time without any formal agreement.

Now since 2002, Canada has had 2 methods for taking in refugees. The first is the  resettlement program for refugees determined outside Canada through government or private sponsorship. Since 95% of refugees are not capable of travelling too far because they have no money and have fled with nothing, they end up in camps. If we were genuinely concerned about taking in ONLY genuine refugees, we would simply use the above route. Stephen Harper encouraged private sponsorship of refugees from outside Canada. He did so because in this manner the genuine status of refugees could be determined outside Canada avoiding cost and wasted facilities and create  proper priority to get to them based on urgency. By being doing it through private sponsors, i.e., churches, there was a guarantee such refugees would not become a burden on the state.

.In fact the dishonest Justin Trudeau posed with the private sponsored refugees Stephen Harper arranged, and took credit for bringing them into Canada along with his Immigration Minister and Kathleen Wynne who used these Syrian refugees as props, trained monkeys posing as grateful unwashed savages being patted on the head and given winter coats and told, when they saw all the food spread out for them on tables, and were given more food then they were used to eating, not to wory they were in Canada now and they could just throw what they didn't want in the garbage. Talk about ignorant, patronizing, condescending behaviour. Oh look let's give the monkeys some food, pose them and then waste the food in front of their eyes. What did it ever occur to Justin that someone who had not seen such amounts of food would be shocked to see them being told food would be wasted and thrown out and to take more than they needed and just leave the rest for garbage.

Would Justin the privileged rich boy understand the psychological consequence of such a message. Right.


cont. next post







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The second method we allow in refugees now is when they illegally cross into Canada.

It used to be without the safe third country rule, refugee applicants would shop countries. Well those of us who did immigration law, worked at the refugee board, have volunteered working with refugees knew and still know that genuine refugees didn't leave the refugee camps. They had no money.

The people getting to Canada would pay a coyote, or people smuggler the going rate of $15,000 to $30,000 per head for a plane ticket and fake i.d. to be able to get on a flight.

That amount of money was the equivalent of a migrants entire life saving and much more. If you cam from Somalia, paying a coyot $20,000 is the equivalent of a Canadian paying someone $20 million.

At one point China swamped Canada with refugee applicants from people claiming to be political opponents of the regime. They would be brought in by prganized Chinese triads in Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto such as the Big Circle Boys. They send you to Canada and you have a life mortgage. For the rest of your life you must pay back a certain amount each month to these guys, or your relatives back home who are used as collateral have their ears, fingers, legs, arms. eyes noses, sent to you by Purolator and of that doesn't work to scare you, they just kill you.

Most of these so called Chinese refugees were swet labour flooding out of large cities. They came to Canada, were rejected as claimants but never deported.They then go underground. They get fake social insurance numbers, fake new names, credit cards, a driver's license, an OHIP card and they remain invisible in the Chinese community being exploited and paid less than minimum wage. So the friggin Justin Trudeaus and Impacts of the world who think they are Bwana white man saviours of the unwashed masses offering hem sanctuary in fact have set them up to  be slaves to illegal Chinese criminals for life. They are force to engage in crimes, the sex trade does anyone believe Impact or Justin have a clue about how they live? Oh but we offer them sanctuary cities. Right. Give me one hour with Justin and impact and some 12 year old Chinese ssex slaves riddled with herpes, hepatitis C, v.d, aids, wounds, broken teeth. Yah let's tale some photo ops of them smiling and being given heroin, oh no I meant winter coats.

What crap. What collosal crap to think we are offering them sanctuary. What we are offering illegals right now is the opportunity to clog and choke the regular refugee system to make it crash and not be able to service properly genuine refugees in need of aid. That in Impact's world doesn't exist. He can't admit in that mass of humanity coming at him they are not all the same.

In emergency rooms of hospitals they have a trioche system. It was invented by medics at war time because they could not treat everyone all at the same time and had to priorize with tags who lived, who died, who got expedited into surgery who had to wait and  yes die. Unfair. Well in the world of Impact its better to do nothing and just let the system crash so they all die and he calls me a Nazi?



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