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Harper speaks at Conservative Convention

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Just listened to Harper give his farewell speech at the Conservative Convention. Assuming you are a Conservative, believe in the party, and supported the agenda over the past 10 years, then it was a very appropriate and good speech. Certainly a few things I would disagree with strongly, but then I am not a Conservative (as in big 'C'). There were however a couple of items that stuck out to me.

1. He appropriately thanked and supported the interim leader Rona Ambrose, but when he talked about her I detected a very noticeable lethargic reaction from the audience. That tells me that the rank and file are not that enthusiastic with her performance.

2. He talked about the Conservative fund, and I think there was a lot of truth to what he said. I couldn't however immediately think that it was his office that tried to get money from the fund for the Duffy pay-off. Good on them for turning him down, but not that good that they were considering it when the bill was lower. I also thought about the del Mastro (cousin) affair when he bragged about the lack of corporate donations.

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a whole lotta Harper saying, "friends"! The transcript:

Merci beaucoup, thank you for that warm welcome! Greetings to our Conservative family here in Vancouver and across our great Country.

Laureen and I are so pleased to be here. We have heard from so many of you in recent months,… and we want to thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your encouragement, and your good wishes.

Friends, I don’t plan to spend long on this stage tonight. (I’ve come to quite enjoy being off centre-stage!) So let me begin by just thanking each and every one of you… all of you who are here in Vancouver for this convention. In coming here, in joining with your fellow Conservatives,… you are building for the future,… the future of our Party, and the future of our Country!

Because, let me tell you, friends, at this time in our history,… and in the days to come,… this Country is going to need… a strong Conservative Party of Canada more than ever before! And, friends, just as our founders did,… when they came together, to unify this land, from sea to sea to sea,… we Conservatives take the long view.

While the election last fall did not yield the results we hoped for,… the fact is, our Party has enjoyed a remarkable era of success. In fact, for the first time since Sir John A. Macdonald,… for the first time in over a hundred years,… a long-serving Conservative Government even in defeat has emerged strong and united,… as the one and only Opposition Party positioned to take Government the next time round!

Friends, that kind of lasting, long-term success is thanks to you, the members of this great Party. You have given generously of your time, your money and your prayers. You took a set of ideas and made them into a National grassroots organization.

It was thanks to you,… that we were able to cut taxes to their lowest level in 50 years,… and put dollars back in the pockets of families,… to expand their incomes,… and to make record investments in infrastructure, while balancing the budget!

It was thanks to you that we were able,… to get tough on crime,… to rebuild our military,… to vastly expand Canada’s global free-trade access,… to witness the decline of Quebec separatism and Western alienation,… and to stand up as a Country and take principled positions in a dangerous world!

And, my friends, as i look out on this room tonight,… I see energy, I see passion, I see the deep abiding love for Canada,… that will propel you forward to an even brighter future! It was this same energy that brought us together, some 13 years ago,… in this, the modern Conservative Party of Canada. Friends, many, many tens of thousands of individuals deserve thanks for their efforts throughout those years.

Let me just say, first that as leader I was blessed to work with… the most talented, dedicated and loyal Parliamentary Caucus,… that I think any leader in this country has ever had. And I would ask all of our Parliamentarians, past and present,… to rise and be recognized for their outstanding service to our great Country!

Also, friends, no Caucus, no Cabinet, and certainly no Prime Minister… can be effective without capable, committed staff. Over the last decade, literally thousands of individuals have worked for our Conservative team,… whether on Parliament Hill, in Minister’s offices, the Prime Minister’s Office, or at our Party headquarters. I know many of you are also here tonight. Yours was often thankless work,… requiring heroic energy and inexhaustible patience. Without you our ten years of accomplishment simply would not have been possible,… so let’s give a big thank you to our staffers!

I also want to thank those who have served our cause managing Conservative Fund Canada. In the new Conservative Party of Canada, we broke with the past,… broke with the failed systems of both legacy parties,… by giving the people who are responsible for raising the money,… the primary responsibility for managing the money. This allowed us to move away from corporate money, from union money, from big money,… and, yes also, to significantly reduce taxpayer subsidies,… and to finally create a genuine, grassroots-based fundraising system!,… a system where those who give can have no expectation,… other than a shared desire to advance our values and to build a better country.

And, friends, Irving Louis, and the other members of the Fund have done something without precedent,… even after an election defeat, we remain financially the strongest of all of the Parties,… so a big hand to all the members of the Conservative Fund! Of course, the Fund supports the critical work of our Party’s National Council. As leader and Prime Minister I benefited enormously… from the professionalism, the discretion and the commitment… of the men and women, chosen by you to serve on National Council. And I know we all want to extend our thanks… to all members of our National Council, past and present! Forgive me if I single out one member in particular,… for his friendship, his outstanding work, and his loyal service to our organization over many years,… our outgoing President, John Walsh!

And, friends, just as John has steered our Party through this time of transition,… so too has our outstanding Interim Leader, the Hon. Rona Ambrose! Rona, in a short time, has become one of the most effective Opposition leaders this country has ever seen. She is doing our Country a great service,… and doing our Party and our Caucus proud. So one more time, for our leader, Notre Chef, Rona Ambrose!

Friends, let me wind up by thanking those particularly close to my heart. Every year, I told my riding that I couldn’t do what I did in Ottawa,… unless they did what they did in Calgary. To our friends, the board, the volunteers and members of Calgary Heritage,… for your years of devoted hard work, I thank you very, very much. And most importantly, I want to thank my family. Whatever a person pays for being in public life,… and, frankly, I always found it far more of an honour than a burden, nevertheless, a bigger price is paid by those closest to them. I can never properly thank my late father, my mother my brothers, and their families… of course, Ben and Rachel,… and above all… my best friend, my closest counselor and the love of my life, Laureen. I have tried to devote the majority of my working life to making Canada a better place for hard-working families. My family made that possible. So thank you Laureen, Ben and Rachel for everything!

We have a proud record,… but the past is no place to linger. Now is the time to look forward. Our Party’s journey is only beginning. Millions of Canadians entrusted us with their votes,… and I know, in the months and years ahead,… you will work hard to secure the votes of millions more. I know you will continue to build our organization from coast to coast to coast. And I know you, friends, you will continue the critical work,… of reaching out to new Canadians and bringing them into our Party at all levels. It was one of the outstanding achievements of the past decade,… and that work must continue.

And, I know, friends, that, throughout all these efforts,… ours will continue to be the Party of those… who work hard, who play by the rules, and who are struggling to raise a family in this uncertain world. Ours is the Party that knows hard-earned dollars are better spent by families than by Governments. And we are the Party that knows… that this Country this bastion of freedom and human dignity, must stand for something in the world,… even if that means you can’t be all things to all people.

Friends, our Party,… the Party you have built over the last 13 years,… is strong today. And it will be even stronger in the future. In a year you will select,… from among many outstanding candidates,… a new leader,… and you will unite behind that person. Because in 2019, perhaps more than we understand even now,… our Country will need a strong, united, Conservative Party,… ready to govern! A Party driven by hope by hard work and by higher purpose,… that Canada can be and must always be, the best Country in the world… I know you that you will succeed, and that,… for our Party and for our Country,… the best is yet to come!

Merci beaucoup, God bless all of you, and God bless Canada!

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He will be very missed. And history will be very good to him. He lead this country thru some tough times and worked his ass off for this country, unlike the lazy one we have now. Pick a leader, tweak the rules and let Justin do the rest, and we will be back in the next election.

Edited by PIK
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Yes he will be, and he was never the great ogre the media et al made him out to be. The 'hidden agenda' never materialized, and as the PBO told us 2014 the tax policy remained progressive. The dreaded implementation of social conservatism the big bogeyman of liberal campaigns just never happened. He ran a strong steady ship but there's no surprise after all those years that people wanted change. Well, they've got it and IMO it's not all for the better.

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ya ya... the ever present pacifier for Conservatives: "people just wanted change"... ya, change from Harper Conservatives! In the past Harper gave the obligatory, "I take responsibility for the election loss". However, his most convenient media avoidance ensured he didn't have to answer the tough questions concerning campaign strategy and just why some of the bigBoner moves were trotted out during that campaign. And just how a 'not ready' guy managed to send him and his party packing, managed to set in place the beginning of the dismantling of most everything Harper accomplished. Yes, as Harper said in his swan song, "the best is yet to come"!


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Harper tried his best to mold Canada into his vision. He really believed in what he tried to do - good for him. Canadians seemed to reject that direction - good for us.

As to his legacy, I do not think anyone in the Conservative Party will be running on continuing Harper policies nor will the next leader of this Party run as a fried of or copy of Harper.

Legacy is not something that a person can try to create for themselves. I believe the legacy of any PM is what legislation he brought in that lasted the test of time. Unfortunately for Harper, it seems every session, more and more Harper directed legislation is being reversed. He had ten years to change the direction of Ship Canada towards the right but it looks to me like it is steering back towards the center.

Oh well, he tried.

This convention will have to decide in which direction they want to go. Because of the Harper iron fist rule, a lot of the far right wing former Reform crazies were muzzled or marginalized. Now, they will be looking to be heard again or they will split off - the Eastern Wildrose Party is looking for federal presence.

I wish them well. Canada needs a strong opposition party. I believe that the most effective Canadian government is either a Liberal or Progressive Conservative minority with the NDP holding the extra votes needed for legislation.

I wish this political party well.

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On Harper's legacy. John Ibbitson says Harper's lasting legacy will be that Harper downsized the federal government and got it out of a variety of areas which were supposed to be the provinces' responsibility, creating a true federation as Canada was intended to be.

During his nearly 10 years as prime minister, Mr. Harper greatly reduced the scope and power of the federal government by limiting its ability to raise funds and by retreating from areas he believed were best managed by the provinces.

He ended six decades of competition between Ottawa and the provincial capitals for dominance over the national agenda by having Ottawa surrender the field. The federation today is more truly federal – with each order of government carrying out its constitutionally defined responsibilities – than at any time since the Second World War. This change is likely to be permanent. Those who believe that the Liberals are rolling back the Harper legacy either don’t realize or willfully ignore that this, above all, is his legacy – one that his successor, Justin Trudeau, has accepted. This is why it is right to say that Stephen Harper changed Canada.

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Another point I remember from the speech but didn't go back to confirm (I don't see the French in above transcript). I thought I heard him call Quebec a 'nation' in French, but didn't repeat that in English. Anyone else actually catch what he said in French? I don't have a recording, but no doubt someone on youtube it will be put up.

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Another point I remember from the speech but didn't go back to confirm (I don't see the French in above transcript). I thought I heard him call Quebec a 'nation' in French, but didn't repeat that in English. Anyone else actually catch what he said in French? I don't have a recording, but no doubt someone on youtube it will be put up.

Stephen Harper said: "Notre parti a désormais une base solide au cœur même de la grande nation québécoise,… Bravo!"

waldo translation services: Our party now has a strong base in the heart of the great Quebec nation ... Bravo!

ya... somehow that didn't make its way into the English text - go figure!


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Well at least there was 1 good thing about Harper. He obtained more free trade agreements than any other prime minister and nearly concluded the TPP & Canada-Europe FTAs.

He wasn't pro trade enough though, and his irrational support for supply management probably slowed down our ability to get an FTA with the EU and weakened our negotiating position for the TPP.

Too bad we can't have someone like Martha Hall Findlay or Belinda Stronach run the country.

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On Harper's legacy. John Ibbitson says

sorry... don't have a subscription to that G&M article - by its title though, it fits right in with the past years fawning over Harper that Ibbitson is well known for. Really, what should one expect when your sourced quote comes from an Ibbitson article titled, "Stephen Harper, Canada's true father of federation". But then Harper has been great material for Ibbitson... multiple books on Harper and winning that $25K award for his biography... where it's stated Ibbitson was granted unprecedented access to Harper/Laureen. Like I said, fawning!


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The federation today is more truly federal – with each order of government carrying out its constitutionally defined responsibilities – than at any time since the Second World War.

Yep, and he sure showed the SCC who was in charge too.

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in Harper's swan-song he referred to Rona Ambrose as "outstanding... one of the most effective Opposition leaders" evah! And then later the rank and file subsequently voted to ensure she can't run in the leadership campaign, really putting the final screws to that 'draft Rona movement', for evah!

apparently, "outstanding and effective" for this kind of tripe... where at the convention Ambrose takes a swipe at Prime Minister Trudeau, alluding to him as a female Prime Minister. Surprisingly, it went over quite well with party members.


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Looks like the Conservatives have realized that their domestic policies have to move towards the middle. The centrists are taking charge and the extremists and bigots are losing power.

Now Conservative policy INCLUDES support of same sex marriage and the anti-Muslim element is being rejected by the majority. The majority is realizing that the homophobes, racists, and bigots have to be purged from positions of power. Soon it will be difficult to notice the difference between the Conservative and Liberal domestic policies.

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sorry... don't have a subscription to that G&M article - by its title though, it fits right in with the past years fawning over Harper that Ibbitson is well known for. Really, what should one expect when your sourced quote comes from an Ibbitson article titled, "Stephen Harper, Canada's true father of federation". But then Harper has been great material for Ibbitson... multiple books on Harper and winning that $25K award for his biography... where it's stated Ibbitson was granted unprecedented access to Harper/Laureen. Like I said, fawning!


Gee, Waldo, in all your denunciation of Ibbitson you apparently forgot to address what he wrote...

No doubt an oversight on your part.

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Looks like the Conservatives have realized that their domestic policies have to move towards the middle. The centrists are taking charge and the extremists and bigots are losing power.

Bigot: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices;

Bigot: a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

You use that word a lot, I've noticed, towards those who disagree with your views, and I wondered if you actually understood what it meant.

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You stopped at the semi colon:

Full Definition of bigot

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance


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apparently, "outstanding and effective" for this kind of tripe... where at the convention Ambrose takes a swipe at Prime Minister Trudeau, alluding to him as a female Prime Minister. Surprisingly, it went over quite well with party members.


I don't get it.... is it supposed to be really insulting to call a man a woman? Why would that be? And why would Rona (a woman) think that this would be an appropriate insult/joke?

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Extremist and bigots, pretty powerful words to describe a political party here in Canada. I mean it was a political party that held a majority here in Canada was it not..... not some middle eastern nation like Syria comes to mind where extremism and bigotry are common practice....Perhaps those very words Extremist and bigot have lost there meaning over time, and have become as common as the words The or And....

I guess it does not take much to earn the title of extremist or bigot, I mean what did they do to earn such an extreme classification anyways....Oh yes they wanted to ban face coverings at 2 Federal Functions, one the swearing in ceremony to become a Canadian citizen, the other to vote in a federal election... The conservatives failed to bring in this EXTREMIST piece of legislation twice as far as I know, they lost because of religious freedoms and our charter of rights.... And yet, the whole premise behind not supporting same sex marriage was also based on religious rights, you know the Christian religion, the same religion that this country was built around, that our very constitution was built and our freedoms of rights constructed around....

But it was this very nation that decided to throw all that out and change our laws and charter to reflect protecting those people who's actions or life styles did not reflect our religious beliefs....I mean for most Canadians it was a common sense decision was it not....we had put our religious values aside and made the right choice....

And yet when it comes to the only 2 times a women who has decided to cover her face is asked to remove this covering (another common sense decision) people loss there minds, They won their case based on religious freedoms...I get it this issue is deeper than what I have time for right here right now.....But that day common sense went out the window....And earned those Canadians that agreed with removing the face coverings the title of Extremists or bigots....or as big guy has added to the list Racist, Homophobes who need to be purged from our politics.....

Well I guess those terms or words can be used to describe a lot of Canadians, lets add the BLoc party, Liberal party of Quebec to that list as well....here they are drafting up a new bill, one that goes a lot father than the Conseratives every dreamt of....The total ban of face coverings in all provincial offices, wait for it....it means for both employees and people that want service from these offices, everyone will be required to show their faces....That means hospitals, day care, which seems reasonable I say that because it makes common sense, that and I've already been labeled a bigot by some on this forum........and to those that refuse to uncover there is a fine 1000.00 for first offense upto 10,000.....


There are a lot of other examples across the country, to many to list.....

My question is this if we can put our religious beliefs away for a minute , like we did with the LGBT community, and make choices that are right ....why does this not apply across the board for every religion....or do we side step the issue because it is Islam we are talking about, and today we seem to do what is fashionable....or face the wrath of some Canadians and risk being called racists or bigots...or worse extremists....

Maybe it is time to bring back common sense, something all parties could use.....

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You stopped at the semi colon:

Full Definition of bigot

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance


Especially but not limited to. Correct?

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My question is this if we can put our religious beliefs away for a minute , like we did with the LGBT community, and make choices that are right ....why does this not apply across the board for every religion....

It is not two different sides of the same coin as you are stating, but the same side of two different coins. The 'side' is individual freedom, not religion. We are not picking one religion over another, we are siding with individual freedoms.

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Extremist and bigots, pretty powerful words to describe a political party here in Canada. I mean it was a political party that held a majority here in Canada was it not..... not some middle eastern nation like Syria comes to mind where extremism and bigotry are common practice....Perhaps those very words Extremist and bigot have lost there meaning over time, and have become as common as the words The or And....

I guess it does not take much to earn the title of extremist or bigot, I mean what did they do to earn such an extreme classification anyways....Oh yes they wanted to ban face coverings at 2 Federal Functions, one the swearing in ceremony to become a Canadian citizen, the other to vote in a federal election...

It doesn't take much to be labelled an extremist or bigot to the progressive set. You have to remember most of them are rigidly intolerant to any variation of their own ideological views. They also regard those views almost as religious dogma, which means those who oppose them are not merely wrong, but blasphemers, evil people who must be suppressed!

Isn't an 'extremist' someone whose views are wildly out of sync in Canada? Yet the majority of Canadians in every province supported the ban. And if you look at other progressive touchstones, such as gay marriage, abortion, death penalty, etc, you find very high percentages of support among Canadians. We're not talking about 2% of the population here, but more like 30%, sometimes 40% or 50%. Yet to certain people on the Left they're all 'extremists' if they disagree with their views.

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It is not two different sides of the same coin as you are stating, but the same side of two different coins. The 'side' is individual freedom, not religion. We are not picking one religion over another, we are siding with individual freedoms.

So incest and child porn (which doesn't involve children) are okay?

Do you believe in the individual freedom of, say, the owner of a BNB to not rent to a gay couple?

What about the individual freedom of a bar to have smoking inside?

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