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Israeli War Crimes - Part 2

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The absolutely digusting issue is that Hamas and the PA in the past have accused Israel of refusing to treat Palestinian children and citizens for cancer.

They have done so purely for politics.


Official PA daily acknowledges
Israeli hospital's medical care
for Palestinian children and training of doctors

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

The official PA daily reported on a visit by the PA Minister of Health, Hani Abdeen, to Israel's Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. The daily noted that 30% of the child patients in Hadassah are Palestinians and that the Israeli hospital is training "60 Palestinian medical interns and specialist physicians who will be returning to the [Palestinian] Authority areas to carry out their work." The hospital has a special program to train Palestinian doctors to treat cancer among children, reported the PA daily.

The following is the report:

"[PA] Minister of Health, Hani Abdeen visited the [israeli] Hadassah Hospital yesterday [May 5, 2013]. This is the first visit by a Palestinian minister to one of the most important Israeli hospitals, according to the hospital's announcement.

Minister Abdeen who was accompanied by a delegation that included senior officials of the ministry and of the PA, met with the Director of Ein Karem Hadassah Hospital, Yuval Weiss. He [the minister] visited Palestinian patients being treated in the hospital, and he distributed gifts. [Hospital director] Weiss said: 'We relate to patients without regard to nationality and religion. We treat Muslims, Christians, Jews, and other nationalities without bias, and 30% of the patients who are children are Palestinians.'

He went on to say: 'We've begun cooperating with the Palestinians. We now train teams of physicians from the hospital in Beit Jala in the southern West Bank, to treat cancer among children. We have about 60 Palestinian medical interns and specialist physicians who will be returning to the [Palestinian] Authority areas to carry out their work.'"
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 6, 2013]

This article documenting Israel's medical care for Palestinian children is a change from common PA accusations that Israel intentionally tries to hurt Palestinians, for example by spreading drugs intentionally among Palestinian youth."

War Crimes my ass. When Mr. Abbas' wife and brother had cancer where do you think he sent them?


What Big Guy and Hudson Jones acknowledge the IDF role in getting Palestinian children into Israel for caner treatments....right:


War Criminals my ass. Have Big Guy and Hudson explain why if Israel is a war criminal Hamas sends its leader's sister to Israel

for cancer care:


Zionist rationale Buig Guy calls it. I call it facts, facts Bug Guy and Hudson and their scripts can not acknowledge:


There's no rationale. There's simply another version of events other than the stale dated, stunted scripts that pass on this forum but are

recycled and withhold what actually is happening.

Israeli cancers. Right.

Go on Hudson Jones and Bug Guy take a look at these Israeli cancers-take a look at the Israelis you smeer go on:


I told you as quick as you come on this board to spew your hatred you will know where to find me.

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So the Israeli's have decided to jail pre-puberty "terrorists":


Those 12 year olds should be in jail. That will teach them!! Teach them what, you ask?

How to become successful terrorists of course! What else do they learn in jail?

Looks like Netanyahu wants to guarantee a new crop of terrorists for the next many years.

Canada has to wash its hands of this global pariah!

The sooner the better.

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Oh look what Big Guy skipped...

"The "Youth Bill" allows authorities to imprison minors convicted of serious crimes such as murder, attempted murder or manslaughter, even if he or she is under the age of 14, the Israeli government said in a statement on Wednesday."

Here is what Big Guy won't discuss and why he has zero credibility:

http://www.humanrightsvoices.org/site/documents/?d=15368which states among many things:

"The most recent wave of Palestinian terrorism that began in September 2015 – a wave of stabbings and knifings now being emulated in European cities – has a particularly grotesque feature: child terrorists.

Palestinian children who directly perpetrate acts of terrorism, including murder, violate the most fundamental of human rights: the right to life. The Palestinian adults who encourage Palestinian child terrorism violate one of the most fundamental rights of the child: the right not to take part in armed conflict or hostilities."

Big Guy's agenda it now appears is not to discuss Israeli war crimes but to advocate on behalf of using children as terrorists and pretend when they get arrested they aren't already terrorists trained by Palestinians.

What a pathetic attempt by Big Guy to justify child terrorism and pretend it does not exist and when it arises to just release these terrorists.

Hey now its not just Bug Guy who pretends child terrorists don't exist:


"At least 42 Palestinian child terrorists have attempted 36 attacks from the second half of 2015 until May 2016, according to a new report obtained exclusively by the Washington Free Beacon that criticizes the United Nations for omitting these statistics from its official records on the use of child soldiers."Uh

“The preferred method of murder and attempted murder by Palestinian child terrorists are stabbings or knifings, the modus operandi in 34 of the 36 attacks,” according to the report, authored by Human Rights Voices, an anti-discrimination group that monitors the U.N.

Male and female children ages 11 to 17 have perpetrated terrorist attacks over the past year, according to the report.

Boys carried out at least 14 of the attacks while girls committed 11, according to the report. The terrorist’s gender was not identified in 17 cases.

Anne Bayefsky, a lawyer who heads Human Rights Voices and directs the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust, said the U.N. is covering up Palestinian crimes and skewing official records on child terrorists.

“Obviously, information on these incidents is readily accessible,” Bayefsky wrote in the report. “And the Palestinian U.N. Ambassador publicly supported child terrorism at the U.N. itself. Moreover, videos, photographs, television programs, and social media outlets—from Palestinian and Israeli sources—provide a multitude of evidence both of Palestinian children engaged in armed conflict and Palestinian adults (from the political sphere to the education system to the family unit) promoting such behavior.”

Now its supporting child terrorism. Gee what a surprise.

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Big Guy its time you understand, your support for child terrorists now, in your attempt to use this thread to piss on Israel is beyond

defence. You remind me of Donald Trump. You have no idea how to stop your need to spew negative things, in this case in

an attempt to piss on Israel. All you have done is show your contempt of Palesinian children and your use of them as a pawn

to piss on Israel on this thread. If you had a shred, just a shred of decency you would understand who is training these children

to do what they do and you wouldn't try exploit it in some pathetic attempt to piss on Israel for existing or Jews of Israel for existing

as Israelis.

Dehumanizing Israelis as cancer cells that isn't absurd enough. Now you shrill for child terrorists in some fantasy land ignoring who

is enabling them:



A Palestinian father pushed his 4-year-old son toward armed Israeli soldiers on Friday, encouraging his son to throw stones at the soldiers. At the same time, he taunted the Israeli soldiers to shoot at his son, calling out to them: "Shoot this little boy, after all you always do that to small children."
However, when the little boy reached one of the Israeli soldiers, the soldier stretched out his hand to the boy who immediately "high fived" and shook the soldier's hand. Finally, when the boy fulfilled his father's instructions to throw stones, he threw the stones at the empty field and not at the soldiers.

Palestinian Media Watch has viewed two video versions of this incident. The unedited version appears as described above and was published on the Facebook page of Israeli Army Spokesperson and Head of the Foreign Press Branch Lt. Col. Peter Lerner. However, official PA TV did not want its viewers to see a friendly handshake between a young Palestinian child and an Israeli soldier, so they distorted the footage. In slow motion, PA TV showed the Israeli soldier reaching out his hand to the Palestinian boy, but then jumped a few seconds ahead so it seems as if the boy never shook the soldier's hand. The PA TV reporter completed the deception by lying to the viewers, claiming the boy refused to shake hands with the soldier:"

Go to the above and you can see the video and how it deletes the boy high fiving the Israeli soldier.

The above article summarizes how adults like Big Guy exploit children in the conflict. Its pathetic. Its cowardly. Its as low as it gets. As low as smeering people who believe in their statehood as cancers.

Its par for the course on this thread-no discussion on any war crimes, just words to incite hatred of Jews who believe in living in their own state.

Big Guy just can't resist. He can't quit and the question is of course why? What drives someone to using children as pawns to get an insult across. What causes a person to obsess over Jews of Israel repeating the same exclamation marked statements over and over?

The mentality, the thinking process that would exploit children as political terrorist pawns is seen right here:


Its not Israel using these children to dig tunnels and die.

Its not Israel exporting Israeli children to engage in terror:


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The selective world of Big Guy ignores this:


Did Big Guy start a thread to complain about this?


Big Guy wants to use Palestinian terrorist children on this thread to piss on Israel I defend these children by exposing who

is turning these children terrorist and no its not Israelis as much as the fantasy world of Big Guy suspends reality to pretend the indoctrination comes from Israel not Palestinian adults:


I did not come on this board to hide behind children to justify pissing on Israel, I've come to confront it and expose it for the bull crap it is:


This is the world Israel faces and Big Guy pretends does not exist:



Like I said Big Guy, whether you name call Israelis as cancer, or use children to piss on them using this thread as the pretext, you know where to find me.

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Big Guy is a messenger taking facts on the ground and stating his opinion based on the truth of reality.

Big Guy is not creating these confrontations or the decisions of Netanyahu or misrepresenting the decisions of the Knesset or reporting something that did not happen. Big Guy is only focusing on certain facts.

Rue, your problem is not Big Guy - it is what your Zionist friends are doing in Israel.

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Big Guy is a messenger taking facts on the ground and stating his opinion based on the truth of reality.

Big Guy is not creating these confrontations or the decisions of Netanyahu or misrepresenting the decisions of the Knesset or reporting something that did not happen. Big Guy is only focusing on certain facts.

Rue, your problem is not Big Guy - it is what your Zionist friends are doing in Israel.

But Rue has said that he is a Zionist, and Zionists cannot be reasoned with. Zionism has a world goal, and the rest of the world should just shut up about what that goal is and sit down. Many have tried to conquer the world, and all have failed. It is just a matter of time for them to fail. They just don't seem to know their history.

Edited by taxme
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The selective world of Big Guy ignores this:


Did Big Guy start a thread to complain about this?


Big Guy wants to use Palestinian terrorist children on this thread to piss on Israel I defend these children by exposing who

is turning these children terrorist and no its not Israelis as much as the fantasy world of Big Guy suspends reality to pretend the indoctrination comes from Israel not Palestinian adults:


I did not come on this board to hide behind children to justify pissing on Israel, I've come to confront it and expose it for the bull crap it is:


This is the world Israel faces and Big Guy pretends does not exist:



Like I said Big Guy, whether you name call Israelis as cancer, or use children to piss on them using this thread as the pretext, you know where to find me.

Maybe you can tell me as to why we never hear stories of ISIS attacking Israel? Every time they kill or bomb someone we hear all about it. It is strange that ISIS biggest enemy is Israel but for some strange reason they seem to leave Israel alone. Are you able to explain to me why this is so?

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"Light unto the world". Is that what those cluster bombs were all about? To light up the skies so people can find out where they are going. :D

Curing a Jew-hater is impossible it seems.

Maybe you can tell me as to why we never hear stories of ISIS attacking Israel? Every time they kill or bomb someone we hear all about it. It is strange that ISIS biggest enemy is Israel but for some strange reason they seem to leave Israel alone. Are you able to explain to me why this is so?

It's easy. If they attacked Israel they'd be destroyed. When they attack France or Belgium they get a weepy eulogy from a politician.

Edited by jbg
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Curing a Jew-hater is impossible it seems.

It's easy. If they attacked Israel they'd be destroyed. When they attack France or Belgium they get a weepy eulogy from a politician.

Yup, the KKK and the white supremos are really stuck on that one, aren't they? You will have to talk to them about that jew hating stuff. Not me.

Well, if Israel can destroy ISIS that easily then why doesn't Israel get in on the attacks with Russia against ISIS and help destroy them into oblivion for good, and do the world a favor.

Yes, you are right. All we do get from countries like those you mentioned above and Canada also is that not all Muslims are bad. It's funny though? When some guy kills people with a gun, then all gun owners are considered to be bad by the media and politicians. Strange isn't it. The media and our politicians certainly know how to pick and chose as to who they will and will not discriminate against. I guess that it must have something to do with political correctness. Aw well.

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It's easy. If they attacked Israel they'd be destroyed. When they attack France or Belgium they get a weepy eulogy from a politician.

Since NATO can't handle dealing with ISIS (an more often NATO's actions have helped ISIS), I very much doubt Israel could take out ISIS all on it's own.

The only thing Israel may have over many other nations is their intelligence agencies and their ability to stop attacks. But even with all that , they still cannot stop attacks from the occupied territories.

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Since NATO can't handle dealing with ISIS (an more often NATO's actions have helped ISIS), I very much doubt Israel could take out ISIS all on it's own.

The only thing Israel may have over many other nations is their intelligence agencies and their ability to stop attacks. But even with all that , they still cannot stop attacks from the occupied territories.

I read on the internet sometime ago where some believe that ISIS is a Mossad creation. Maybe this is the reason why ISIS never attacks Israel.

Hey, you never know.

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I read on the internet sometime ago where some believe that ISIS is a Mossad creation. Maybe this is the reason why ISIS never attacks Israel.

Hey, you never know.

I read on the interwebs that the Holocaust was a Hoax.

Here's a clue: what happens when the first IAF bomb kills some Muslims...any Muslims?

That's right: a new enemy that everybody fighting now can get behind attacking. Suddenly that wee dispute you had with the other Muslim faction doesn't seem that important...

Israel prefers the current players to attack each other. I do, too.

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I read on the interwebs that the Holocaust was a Hoax.

Here's a clue: what happens when the first IAF bomb kills some Muslims...any Muslims?

That's right: a new enemy that everybody fighting now can get behind attacking. Suddenly that wee dispute you had with the other Muslim faction doesn't seem that important...

Israel prefers the current players to attack each other. I do, too.

Ya, let other countries and their military pay the price for their involvement while fighting ISIS while Israel sits back and watches the show. Some ally, eh?

I also read on the internet that the Holocaust as told for decades was a bit of an hoax. Hey, you never know. Doug Collins once called it the Holohoax. Even Norman Finklestein wrote a book called "The Holocaust Industry". Interesting, eh? And he is Jewish. Uhmm.

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The most moral army in the world is at it again. Here is another child terrorist that Big Guy probably supports: Video

Marcus has produced an incident he finds on You Tube showing an IDF soldier confiscating a bike from a child. It of course does not explain why the bike was confiscated. What it does contain are a string of anti semtiic comments after it. Gee what a surprise. Anti semitic drivel using a Palestinian girl.

It is sad this girl's bike was taken away. Here is what sadder the reason why it was taken away and its on You Tube as well but of course Marcus won't acknowledge these tapes:







In the world in which this child was born, children are used as weapons. Marcus depends on you not knowing that and not finding out why its

necessary children on bikes be kept away from any fences or security zones, no matter how innocent they may be.

That girl may hate the soldier for taking the bike away yes. Its unfortunately the price that must be paid because where she was playing she could get shot at by an extremist from either side looking to kill her to incite riots.

That's the world she lives in-one where children are used as pawns by extremists and ironically Marcus shows you this mentality-the mentality of

exploiting children to incite hatred.

The irony is he can't resist the bait no matter what incarnation he uses he needs to come back and have the final say on using children to advance hatred against Jews and Israel.

I call it a pathetic failure and sad exploitation of children.

If you had been to Hebron you would know just how volatile it is and how it is currently under seige as people on both sides have been killed by extremists engaged by the klind of b.s. propaganda Marcus engages in on this forum.

Edited by Michael Hardner
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So the Israeli government is now attacking Christian charities who dare to try to help those persecuted Palestinians under the Israeli thumb:


And some Canadians still support the Israeli cancer!


The Israeli cancer! There you go complete with exclamation mark. Now instead of using children Big Guy's words tries to exploit Christians. Here you go bad bad Jews are mean to Christian charities. He doesn't even attempt to discuss the thread he started. He's not talking of any war crime. He's simply on this thread to spew hatred this time with a pretext trying to get Christians to hate Jews.

Now Big Guy is the person who referred to himself when I responded to his words in earlier threads. He insists when I respond to make the thread about himself not his words by referring to himself over and over and among other things as being the man on the ground, whatever that means.

He's certainly not in Hebron or Israel or anywhere near the Gaza or West Bank or Israel. That is clear. As for his referring to himself as presenting facts from the ground as you can see once again his sole m.o. is to take an Al Jazeera article that he repeats. Second hand info, that he uses to then justify childish insipid name calling like Israeli cancer which defines all Israelis as not worthy of life.

Hey now what an agenda to call all Israelis a cancer and therefore not worthy of life. But hey that's not inciting hatred. That's talking about Israeli war crimes don't you know. Oh I know. The fact this thread still continues, no I do not understand.

Now as for this supposed issue Big Guy once again has deliberately and with pre-meditation misrepresented the article. Its what he does. Its his agenda on this forum-to make bold faced misrepresentations of articles to try incite hatred in this case against Jews by Christians.

He accuses the Israeli government of "attacking Christian charities".

The article says otherwise it states:

Last week, the Israeli Security Agency (ISA) - or Shin Bet - announced serious charges against a Gaza-based Palestinian employee of the global Christian charity, World Vision.

According to Shin Bet, Mohammad el-Halabi, the head of World Vision's Gaza office, funnelled tens of millions of dollars of aid money to Hamas' al-Qassam Brigades in an elaborate, years-long scheme.

Mohammad el-Halabi was allegedly tortured by Israeli authorities before he was charged with funnelling millions of dollars in aid money to Hamas [Reuters]

Israeli officials wasted no time in publicising allegations that boost Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government's narrative that Hamas is exploiting naive, or nefarious, international aid groups."

Israel has not attacked any charity, its exposed a terrorist using a charity.

But hey why let the actual story get in the way of Big Guy's agenda. He doesn't even have the integrity to admit the charity was not being questioned or attacked and even the article made that clear. No no Big Guy. Why report the actual story when instead you can misrepresent it to suggest the Israeli government is attacking a charity when its not, let alone a Christian charity as if its being attacked because its Christian.

The anti semitic drivel flows like the sewage water in Rio.

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In Big Guy's world, no charity is used as a cover for terrorism- Israel invents such stories because its governments have nothing better to do then attack Christians for being charitable. Such drivel First its the exploitation of children by Big Guy, now Christian charities... what-ever Big Guy can drag through the mud and use as a pretext to try incite hatred against Israel he will throw out on this thread showing this thread was never about Israeli war crimes, its about using the forum to flood the board with anti Israel messages of hatred.

In the real world -the one Big Guy's Tehran scripts won't acknowledge, terrorist financing using charities as their cover is a fact:










Shalom Mo and the Boys of Tehran.

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Yes, the problem is Marcus and Big Guy - and a few more millions of people who care about the innocent civilian Palestinians who are subjected to the Israeli hammer every day.

Although there is nothing that Big Guy has referenced that is not true. These things happened and continue to happen. I see nothing in the rebuttal that the events and incidents have not taken place.

In time, the rest of the world will condemn the Israeli cancer that is spreading into Gaza and repudiate the Netanyahu war criminals. Then justice will have been served.

Canada should be in the forefront of bringing these criminals to trial.

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You are hilarious. Your very comment has nothing to do with the topic

The priest attack has NOTHING to do with Palestinians. There was no reason for jbg to bring it up but to distract people from who the criminals are.

Here is "the most moral army in the world" (I love these b.s. PR slogans Zionists create for themselves, like anyone believes it), at work again, keeping the terrorists in check: Video

Edited by Hudson Jones
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I don't agree with BigGuy's name-calling.

And I also don't agree with Israel's 'methods'.

From BigGuy's link:

Amnesty International's report for 2015-16 says Shin Bet personnel "tortured and otherwise ill-treated Palestinian detainees ... particularly during arrest and interrogation", while a study published last year in a peer-reviewed medical journal found that "sexual ill-treatment is systemic".

Commenting on the issue in general, Sari Bashi, Israel and Palestine country director at Human Rights Watch, told Al Jazeera how provisions that "suspend due process protections for suspects", intended for "emergency situations", are used "quite routinely against Palestinian detainees".

Torture may elicit what you demand to hear, but it won't necessarily be the truth:

Last week, World Vision said that "based on the information available to us at this time, we have no reason to believe that the allegations are true". On Monday, World Vision International CEO Kevin Jenkins pointed to discrepancies in the Shin Bet charges: "World Vision's cumulative operating budget in Gaza for the past 10 years was approximately $22.5m, which makes the alleged amount of up to $50m being diverted hard to reconcile."


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