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8 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

disregarding the far more recent Democratic "racists" like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden (i.e. "Super-Predators", "Predators")

It’s funny that you say that because stoking fear of Black criminals is standard fare for “tough on crime” republicans. I could give you hundreds of examples of Republicans doing that on any given day. What about Trump’s full page add calling for the Central Park 5 to be executed which he still refuses to take back even though they were exonerated by DNA and the real perp was identified?  What about Trump  tweeting pictures of black people punching white people and calling for justice?  What about Trumps 2015 false tweet that Blacks are responsible for 81% of all murdered white people?  What about Trumps current race-baiting about “low income housing” destroying suburbs? What about Willie Horton and all the disenfranchisement activities currently going on to discourage black voters?  

Go ahead and call out Hillary for the superpredators comment she deserves it.  Americans loved it which is proof of America’s race problems. It’s also proof she’s just another wolf-in-sheep’s clothing centrist not a true liberal which is part of the reason she didn’t win an election in what should have been an easy victory. 

But to cherry pick that and ignore the similar statements Republicans make daily for 40 years and continue to make is a joke. 

9 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

"In American politics", the Republican Party was founded by abolitionists who fought Democrats over slavery in southern states and new territories

That was a long time ago. Republicans are the party of the  south now and have been for half a century or so. Or dis you not even know that?  Pretty pathetic to bring up the 1800s as proof while ignoring the current century 

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1 minute ago, BeaverFever said:

...That was a long time ago. Republicans are the party of the  south now and have been for half a century or so. Or dis you not even know that?  Pretty pathetic to bring up the 1800s as proof while ignoring the current century 


The impact is still being experienced in the United States today.   Some African Americans want reparations...you know...like they pay in Canada for how it treated "aboriginals" (racist colonial term).

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8 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

And Trump has spent his presidency denouncing white supremacy. You guys (progressives and their bot-people) won't accept that., so this denunciation thing works for thee but not for he, eh?

Also Byrd didn't just play with the KKK. He was a leader. What they called "an exalted Cyclops." He was all in when he was in then when his slobbering, fast-talking, good ol' boy mouth gave him an opening in the political arena it became politically expedient to get out of the clan. He was still talking like a racist up to the time he died though.

And the "Southern Strategy" is regressive leftist revisionism. Wikipedia is useless junk for anything political. It's a hard left partisan site that twists history without conscience. 

Even the creator of Wikipedia says it's gotten too partisan left and untrustworthy. Last week they were banning editors for being against gay marriage.

So much of the typical Fiddle garbage there’s not enough time to go through it all. The southern strategy is not some theory or anything that was a “revealed” as as a se cret it was out in the open. Like Republicans would fo on Tv and say “our southern strategy is working well”  Are you also unaware that the South is Republican???

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6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:
22 hours ago, BeaverFever said:


You are being racially divisive by advancing a racially divisive and false message. You're actually fear-mongering against police. That's a fact.

FYI police are not committing genocide against blacks, they're not even in the top 20 killers of black people. 

Black people, even criminals who are black, are completely safe when they're being arrested if they're just polite.

Sharks and murderers are still dangerous if you're polite with them. Police are not. Therefor, police are not dangerous. It's just your own stupidity that gets you killed.

Eg, if Brionna's boyfriend hadn't shot at cops she'd still be alive. If Rayshard hadn't shot a taser at a cop's head, he'd still be alive. If Michael Brown hadn't tried to wrestle a cop's gun away from him, he'd still be alive. 

If you're not like those idiots, you've got no more to worry about than a white person who gets arrested.

Police abuse or misuse their power all the time, against white people too. Blacks and POC just end up on the receiving end more often. This is true in Canada but especially the US. 

Your whole argument is that the victims of police brutality like Trayvonn and Brionna are to blame because they didn’t properly debase and subjugate themselves to overzealous police even though they did nothing wrong to attract the police in the first place. Republicans supposedly believe in all this stand your ground castle doctrine principles, support all these armed standoffs like Ruby Ridge Wacco and the Bundys where white people are actually breaking the law and taking up arms against authorities but not apparently for innocent law abiding people of certain complexions who are minding their own business are targeted for one reason or another. Let alone those like Flloyd who were committing some minor offence and were killed. 

6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Cite required, again.

FYI the KKK can endorse anyone they want, and I'm sure that by doing so they know that they're actually damaging that party's chances of winning.

Cite required?  Really you missed that one?  
Th KKK Newspaper :


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33 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

I guess you didn’t read your own link about Thurmond did you?  It’s what I’ve been saying tue whole time   Is this forum for people who never tool high school history or something?

It says:

Thurmond represented South Carolina in the United States Senate from 1954 until 2003, at first as a Southern Democrat and then, from 1964 onwards, as a Republican.


A magnet for controversy during his nearly half-century Senate career, Thurmond switched parties in 1964, primarily because of his vehement opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and endorsed Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. In the months before switching, he had "been critical of the Democratic Administration for ... enactment of the Civil Rights Law",[2] while Goldwater "boasted of his opposition to the Civil Rights Act, and made it part of his platform."[3]



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Just now, BeaverFever said:

I guess you didn’t read that one about Thurmond did you?  It’s what I’ve been saying tue whole time   Is this forum for people who never tool high school history or something?


Thurmond represented South Carolina in the United States Senate from 1954 until 2003, at first as a Southern Democrat and then, from 1964 onwards, as a Republican.




Yes indeed. Lived it. 

His movement to the Republican party was another 'change of heart'...just like your Robert Byrd.

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1 minute ago, BeaverFever said:

Uh no read the part where it says he changed parties because he DIDN’T have a change of heart. I added it to my post 


You're free to think whatever. Everybody thought old Strom a thing of the past...and he was. Just like Byrd. A constant source of jokes on the old SNL.

Thurmond isn't Trump's mentor, btw...


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11 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

Eventually that info won't be there anymore. 



Side note: They say that every new "age" has a shorter span of time. IE, the Stone Age was tens of thousand of years, the bronze age was 2,000 years, stone age was approximately the same, the Rennaisance was a few hundred years, the industrial age was 100 years, the Atomic age less, Space Age even less, the disinformation age was less again...

They also say that history is constantly being re-written, and it seems to me as though the length of time that it takes for history to be rewritten is also changing. 

There aren't many changes to be made to what we believe about earth's pre-history, but any changes made would take a long time to be agreed upon, by a consensus of a lot of anthropologists. What we believe about the stone age through the bronze age changes a bit more quickly because we have more info from there, but still not very much. 

From the iron age there are a lot of conflicting histories, like what is believed about Jesus, the various hadiths, and what we believe we know about the lives of a lot of famous people seems to change from year to year.  

When we get to 1900 it's a shit-show. Things of a massive scale like the Armenian genocide are apparently up for debate. Even the Holocaust is denied by many. 

Ffwd to 2020, no one can even agree on what happened this morning. News agencies and political parties all vie to refute each other's 'truths', sometimes pre-emptively, like the Dems are doing with the new and yet-to-be-released Hunter Biden emails.  

By 2021 I think that no one will believe anything anymore, I think that integrity will no longer be considered a virtue. I know that for a large percentage of the population that's the case right now. 

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3 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

So much of the typical Fiddle garbage there’s not enough time to go through it all. The southern strategy is not some theory or anything that was a “revealed” as as a se cret it was out in the open. Like Republicans would fo on Tv and say “our southern strategy is working well”  Are you also unaware that the South is Republican???

Well yeah, Beave I think we've established that from deep inside the pixie dust dream landscape of Beave-world all fact looks like garbage.

I'll agree with you that the southern strategy isn't a theory though. It doesn't even rise to the level of hypothesis. It's imagined, revisionist crap yanked straight out the Progressive butt-hole. It's fantasy. It never happened.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

FYI the KKK can endorse anyone they want, and I'm sure that by doing so they know that they're actually damaging that party's chances of winning.

Oh another false flag reverse psychology crackpot conspiracy theory. They endorsed Trump because they wanted Hillary to win. Got it!?


6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

t's an absolute certainty that every islamic terrorist group wanting to gain entry into the US prefers the Dems and their open borders, defunding police, abolishing ICE, etc, but Al Qaeda isn't doing a press release to that effect because their leaders know the effect it will have.

I don’t know, Bush’s invasion of Iraq is exactly what the terrorists wanted. They got to eliminate their secular enemy Saddam Hussein, fight the infidels in their own Muslim land, humiliate the US military for years on end. Terrorists can get in to the US no matter who is in charge, what they want is a military adventurist who will give them their holy wars overseas. To his credit, Trump is unusual - almost unique - among Republicans in that so far he doesn’t really seem interested in fighting foreign wars.


6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

It's no crackpot theory. Just watch the Floyd Bodycam video yourself and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.

Leftist theory: Floyd didn't resist arrest and the police should have known he was having respiratory trouble...

Video: Floyd most certainly was resisting arrest, and he said that he was having respiratory trouble when no one was even touching him.

Like I said, no theories, just absolute proof that you are 100% wrong again. 

 He knelt on the guys neck for 7 minutes while bystanders screamed that he's unconscious. The cop is still charged with murder. Your Non-expert crackpot interpretation that’s been verified by absolutely nobody isn’t “proof” of anything 


6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

That's not what I said at all. Your reading comprehension sucks.

Saul Alinsky did something. I can't say exactly what everyone else's motivation was when they did similar things. I am not pretending to know exactly why every single human on earth makes their individual choices.

FYI the KKK was a branch of the Dem party. That's an absolute historical fact. Black people still fare far worse in Dem-controlled areas than in Republican-controlled areas. That's another fact.

Dems pander to black people with their words, but not by their actions. Fear-mongering against the police and defunding police in majority-black neighbourhoods is not actually good for black people at all.

So when we see KKK and Neo Nazis at unite the right rallies and supporting Trump and it means they’re Democrats. Riiiight.  Because “Saul Alinsky”.  He “did something”. Friggin ridiculous 

It is not a fact that Blacks fare worse in Dem cities. And you don’t understand what defeund the police means but that’s a whole separate topic on its own. 

7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

That's not what I said at all. Your reading comprehension sucks.

Saul Alinsky did something. I can't say exactly what everyone else's motivation was when they did similar things. I am not pretending to know exactly why every single human on earth makes their individual choices.

FYI the KKK was a branch of the Dem party. That's an absolute historical fact. Black people still fare far worse in Dem-controlled areas than in Republican-controlled areas. That's another fact.

Dems pander to black people with their words, but not by their actions. Fear-mongering against the police and defunding police in majority-black neighbourhoods is not actually good for black people at all.

No you’re not paying attention. How many times do I have to say this. After the civil rights act the Democrats began to come around to it lead mostly by the northern wing of the party which was not overwhelmingly racist. Then the racist southern Democrats began to leave the party and then the republicans scooped them up starting with Goldwater. Why do you think the south is majority republican today?  

Republican Strom Thurmond is a perfect example. 

7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

There was no "Proud Boys gaffe". 

Trump was asked a question in the form of a trap.

Wallace: "Will you condemn white supremacists?"

Trump: "Sure. Name the group you want me to condemn."

Wallace: "Will you tell the Proud Boys to stand down?"

Trump: "Proud Boys stand down." And then Trump said something which correctly identified Antifa as the most violent and destructive group in North America. 


Like I said it was a trap, framed like a question. He had two options: 1) don't tell the proud boys to stand down and then the likes of you will say that he's encouraging the Proud Boys  or 2) tell them to stand down, and then be accused of being their de facto leader. 

That’s a complete lie and false transcript Where did you get it?  Some crackpot email list? Nobody coached him to say “stand down” and that’s not even what he said.  They asked him to denounce the group and after trying to redirect and deflect all he could come up with was “stand back and stand by”  Hardly a denouncement 



PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I would say almost everything I see is from the left wing, not from the right wing.

CHRIS WALLACE: So what are you...

TRUMP: If you look...

WALLACE: What are you saying...

TRUMP: I'm willing to do anything - I want to see peace.

WALLACE: Well, then do it, sir.

JOE BIDEN: Say it. Do it. Say it.

TRUMP: Do you want to call them - what do you want to call them? Give me a name. Give me a name. Go ahead...

WALLACE: White supremacists and right-wing militia.


TRUMP: Who would you like me to condemn?

BIDEN: The Proud Boys.


BIDEN: The Proud Boys.

TRUMP: The Proud Boys, stand back, and stand by. But I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what - somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left because this is not a right-wing problem.



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3 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

I'll agree with you that the southern strategy isn't a theory though. It doesn't even rise to the level of hypothesis. It's imagined, revisionist crap yanked straight out the Progressive butt-hole. It's fantasy. It never happened.

Just like the moon landing right?  That’s the level of denial required to believe your nonsense 

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35 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Police abuse or misuse their power all the time, against white people too. Blacks and POC just end up on the receiving end more often. This is true in Canada but especially the US. 

This version of "all people experience police brutality, blacks just moreso" is a greatly toned-down version from your original crap about how "So you think segregation laws in the Jim Crow South weren’t  at the forefront of daily life?  Even after the civil rights era, it was and always has been at the forefront of daily life if you are black. And riots were frequent enough  Just because people like you have spent your entire life blind and oblivious to the racism and racial tension all around you doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. "

People of colour get treated the same as white people in Canada. I can show you a video of a white guy who was only armed with a bicycle chain, surrounded by cops, who was shot 'til he fell, and then a few seconds after he fell on the ground he was shot point-blank about 6 more times. Or a video of a polish visitor who was killed by a bunch of police using a taser and their collective body weight, just because they were too lazy to bother finding someone who could speak polish (or probably Russian as well). 


Your whole argument is that the victims of police brutality like Trayvonn and Brionna are to blame because they didn’t properly debase and subjugate themselves to overzealous police even though they did nothing wrong to attract the police in the first place.


LMAO. Now you've gone from trying to make salient points with a bit of lying to just spouting pure drivel. 

Brionna was shot because she didn't subjugate herself? Is the bar for the occupants of a house subjugating themselves drawn at firing less than two bullets at the cops now Beaver? That's beeeeeeeyonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd stupid. That makes normal stupidity look brilliant. It's like stupid and stupid had a baby and then sent it to Berkeley.

How do you know what Trayvon did or didn't do? Were you there? No you weren't, so you don't actually have a clue wtf you're talking about. That's normal for you though, so of course it doesn't stop you from acting like your opinion on the matter is gold. 


Republicans supposedly believe in all this stand your ground castle doctrine principles, support all these armed standoffs like Ruby Ridge Wacco and the Bundys where white people are actually breaking the law and taking up arms against authorities but not apparently for innocent law abiding people of certain complexions who are minding their own business are targeted for one reason or another.

Who said that Republicans support Ruby Ridge, Waco or the Bundys?

Republicans support the constitution.  


Let alone those like Flloyd who were committing some minor offence and were killed. 

Floyd passed a counterfeit $20. He wasn't necessarily even committing an offence. The cops most likely weren't even coming to arrest him, they were just in a position where they just needed to ask him some questions. 

FYI no one on earth ever said that he made the $20, or that he was going to jail for using it. The police just needed to say "Where did you get the $20?" at that point.

The police approached his vehicle, and asked him to show his hands (which they always do regardless of the race of the vehicle's occupants) and Floyd started rummaging under the passenger seat. He kept doing it after the officers told him to show them his hands multiple times. It was a hectic few moments which forced the police to draw their guns. Then he resisted arrest, and then pretended that he couldn't breathe even when no one was touching him. It's all in the video, but you don't know that because you feel like you don't need to watch it - BLM already told you your opinion.

What happened to him could easily have been avoided if he just acted properly when the police approached him. 

He's not in the same boat as Brionna and Rayshard imo, because police had a chance to take the time and make better decisions after a few minutes had passed, but he did put himself in imminent danger when he didn't have to. If I was black I'd tell my son never to put the police in a situation where they have to do something


I don't know what the KKK newspaper is, or if that's really it, but it's sad (yet somehow not surprising) to see that they make better judgements than CNN on occasion. Even a broken clock is right twice a day but CNN is not.

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Oh another false flag reverse psychology crackpot conspiracy theory. 

Nope, and don't worry. I'm not gonna get in your lane.


I don’t know, Bush’s invasion of Iraq is exactly what the terrorists wanted. They got to eliminate their secular enemy Saddam Hussein, fight the infidels in their own Muslim land, humiliate the US military for years on end. Terrorists can get in to the US no matter who is in charge, what they want is a military adventurist who will give them their holy wars overseas. To his credit, Trump is unusual - almost unique - among Republicans in that so far he doesn’t really seem interested in fighting foreign wars.

TBH, I guess that I shouldn't be surprised if someone dumb enough to join the Taliban would also be dumb enough not to want Hillary to get elected, but I can't for the life of me think of anything that she did at Benghazi to alienate terrorist voters.


 1) He knelt on the guys neck for 7 minutes 2) while bystanders screamed 3)The cop is still charged with murder. 4) Your Non-expert crackpot interpretation that’s been verified by absolutely nobody isn’t “proof” of anything 


1) Police knelt on Tony Timpa's neck for 13 minutes. What's your point? 2) Screaming bystanders does not de-escalate a situation, just in case you were wondering 3) The police had several minutes to make a better decision and they didn't do it. There's a good chance that it was murder and the courts will decide 4) There's no interpretation involved. What I said is simply true and you'd know if you weren't too steeped in ignorance to watch the video. Honest to god, if I was going to weigh in on a topic so often I'd at least avail myself of what information was readily at hand at some point


So when we see KKK and Neo Nazis at unite the right rallies and supporting Trump and it means they’re Democrats. Riiiight.  Because “Saul Alinsky”.  He “did something”. Friggin ridiculous 

1)The genesis of the idea that the KKK support Republicans was an Alinsky stunt. It's never really been the case.

2) Just because a certain group of people support Trump over Hillary it doesn't necessarily have to do with any one specific topic. Anyone who considers themselves an American would prefer Trump over Hillary "what difference does it make" Clinton.


1) It is not a fact that Blacks fare worse in Dem cities. 2) And you don’t understand what defeund the police means but that’s a whole separate topic on its own. 

1) The BBC tried to refute Trump's claim that the Dem cities are the most violent, with an appalling lack of success. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53991722 They have the top 16 most violent cities by the number of murders, and 9 of the top ten by murders per 10,000 people, and the city that isn't run by a Dem mayor has an independent. 

2) You don't understand much of anything, and I do know exacty what "defund the police" means. I know that was re-branded to "re-imagine police" after it was discovered to be wildly unpopular, even among blacks with whom it was supposed to be a hit.


No you’re not paying attention. How many times do I have to say this. After the civil rights act the Democrats began to come around to it lead mostly by the northern wing of the party which was not overwhelmingly racist. Then the racist southern Democrats began to leave the party and then the republicans scooped them up starting with Goldwater. Why do you think the south is majority republican today?  

Republican Strom Thurmond is a perfect example. 

Of course I'm not paying attention to your revisionist history lesson. Are you kidding me?

Just because the KKK was created by the Dems, and it was an actual part of their party for a long time, doesn't mean that the second they officially disavow them that they "went over to a different party".

That's a false dichotomy on steroids. 



That’s a complete lie and false transcript Where did you get it?  Some crackpot email list? Nobody coached him to say “stand down” and that’s not even what he said.  They asked him to denounce the group and after trying to redirect and deflect all he could come up with was “stand back and stand by”  Hardly a denouncement 



PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I would say almost everything I see is from the left wing, not from the right wing.

CHRIS WALLACE: So what are you...

TRUMP: If you look...

WALLACE: What are you saying...

TRUMP: I'm willing to do anything - I want to see peace.

WALLACE: Well, then do it, sir.

JOE BIDEN: Say it. Do it. Say it.

TRUMP: Do you want to call them - what do you want to call them? Give me a name. Give me a name. Go ahead...

WALLACE: White supremacists and right-wing militia.


TRUMP: Who would you like me to condemn?

BIDEN: The Proud Boys.


BIDEN: The Proud Boys.

TRUMP: The Proud Boys, stand back, and stand by. But I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what - somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left because this is not a right-wing problem.



Go back and watch the video. The very first time that Wallace asked Trump to disavow the KKK he said "Sure". 

Even your transcripts suck Beaver. Look what he said 13-14 seconds into the video and try to tell me that the word isn't "SURE". He said it again at 20 seconds and then 25 seconds in. TRUMP SAID SURE 3 TIMES!!!!! https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2020/09/30/trump-asked-to-disavow-white-supremacists-dbx-2020-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/2020-presidential-debate/

Then Trump went on TO CORRECTLY IDENTIFY ANTIFA AS THE GROUP COMMITTING 49.9% OF THE VIOLENCE AND DESTRUCTION  in America, for whatever reason he didn't mention that BLM was doing another 49.9%.

FYI, Trump doesn't have to be a dancing bear and disavow everyone on Wallace's list while at the same time Biden isn't held accountable for supporting the violence of BLM and Antifa, and supporting the fear mongering against police officers. 

Many people were killed, and Biden approved of it al. At no point in time has he ever condemned any of that violence.

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1 hour ago, Infidel Dog said:

50 years from now the future version of Beave will be presenting the Russian Collusion Delusion as established fact.

5 years from now it will be and you conveniently won’t be able to remember denying it.

 The conservatives have used their selective memory before. Just like how the conservatives SWORE Saddam had WMD that could hit America in 45 minutes and screamed that the dems were traitors putting us all in danger  for not supporting their invasion.... now all they remember Ilianthe invasion being bipartisan and don’t recall any controversy at all 

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