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America under President Trump

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14 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

So you think segregation laws in the Jim Crow South weren’t  at the forefront of daily life?  Even after the civil rights era, it was and always has been at the forefront of daily life if you are black. And riots were frequent enough  Just because people like you have spent your entire life blind and oblivious to the racism and racial tension all around you doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. 

Bullshit. You're just a divisive racist if you think that "black people live in fear of the police killing them for no reason". 


I don’t know what claim you’re trying to make regarding the Floyd bodycam footage.  The murderous cop hasn’t been exonerated and is still charged with murder 

My claim is that "Floyd was resisting arrest, so force actually was necessary, and Floyd was making the claim that he couldn't breathe when no one even had their hands on him, so police had reason to believe he was lying when he said he couldn't breathe."

If you watch the bodycam footage it literally takes most of the wind out of the sails of the G F saga.


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14 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

AFAIK neither BLM or Antifa have been declared terrorist  groups nor have any such acts of killing been attributed to them. Nor have any such acts by individuals been officially declared acts of terrorism, have they?

Trump has publicly talked about labelling the KKK and Antifa as terrorist groups, but that might just be because of their DNC roots.

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14 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

I guess when you live your life completely immersed in a bubble of right wing propaganda you would think the falsehoods you posted above are true but line-by-line they’re completely false and half-truths. The Mueller report enumerated at least ten acts by Trump that would constitute obstruction of justice if committed by any other person.  Each are summarized  here:


Pity you can't read. Even the title says "may have" but it's all downhill from there. They're all just idiocy.

It's Trump's right to fire Comey, and Comey was a proven slimeball by the time he was fired. Telling people not to make emails public is normal, unless you're as dumb as Hillary or Hunter. Telling Sessions not to recuse himself was just fine. There was no crime, there was no need for recusal. Etc. Your list is just pure partisan BS. No surprises there. 

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14 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Manafort, Flynn, Stone, how many Trumpsters were convicted for lying to authorities, “conspiracy against the United States” laundering Russian money?  How many were found to be in regular contact with know Russian government agents?  The personal contacts of Trump campaign members were crawling with Russian government influencers whether they knew it or not. 

1) FYI not a single person from Trump's team has been convicted of collusion. Zeeeeroooo.

2) Every top-level American gov't official has Russian contacts. The US and Russia have normal diplomatic relations. 

3) If you have names of someone in jail for collusion then name them. You're still at a big fat zero for all your posts here combined.

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29 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

No...the point is that you do not have it correct, as you attempted to describe the "daily" experiences of all black Americans for your own partisan agenda....from Canada of all places.

That a completely false representation of what I said and what was being discussed. You need to re-read the thread again.  You have no clue what was being discussed here you just thought you could wade in and have the last word once you identify yourself as being Black. 


32 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Take it up with him...and Obama.

No, my question FOR YOU was why you didn’t censor him for his observations about the daily experience of black people given that he is a white Canadian.   HE IS THE ONE who brought that up.  So what’s your answer?


35 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

More of the same from you....no broader context beyond "black people".   Are "black people" in the United States your go to mojo, disregarding many other Americans and their experiences ?  

Again go back and re-read the thread, you’re lost on a wild goose chase  For the hundredth time  WESTCAN CLAIMED THERE WAS NO RACIAL TENSION IN AMERICA BEFORE OBAMA.  That is what is being discussed here and only that.  Do you finally get it?   Do you agree or disagree with his statement ?  I disagree and you have to be black or American to have an opinion on that  Anything else you think I said is just made up fiction in your own head  


40 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

and yet you stayed for five years, just like thousands of other smug Canadians who visit or live in Florida sunshine each year, despite all those oppressed "black people".   

Can't make this stuff up.

LMAO you calling me hypocrite because I didn’t drop out of school and move out of state?  And aren’t you an anti-Trudeau American living in Canada? Does that make you a hypocrite?

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1 minute ago, BeaverFever said:

That a completely false representation of what I said and what was being discussed. You need to re-read the thread again.  You have no clue what was being discussed here you just thought you could wade in and have the last word once you identify yourself as being Black.


Obviously I do not have the last word, but I am a lot "blacker" than you, and I also happen to be an American.    Guess who knows more about what is being discussed ?



No, my question FOR YOU was why you didn’t censor him for his observations about the daily experience of black people given that he is a white Canadian.   HE IS THE ONE who brought that up.  So what’s your answer?


I didn't censor anybody...do you feel censored because another member called out your BS about all black people ?   Too bad....I AM THE ONE who is challenging you and those of your political ilk.



Again go back and re-read the thread, you’re lost on a wild goose chase  For the hundredth time  WESTCAN CLAIMED THERE WAS NO RACIAL TENSION IN AMERICA BEFORE OBAMA.  That is what is being discussed here and only that.  Do you finally get it?   Do you agree or disagree with his statement ?  I disagree and you have to be black or American to have an opinion on that  Anything else you think I said is just made up fiction in your own head 


Actually, the topic is America under President Trump, and nobody said you can't have your "white" opinion from Canada, just don't expect it to go unchallenged when flawed.

I agree that there has been and is racism in the U.S. (and Canada) from the 'git go, but President Obama was not taken to task for the incidents on his watch.



LMAO you calling me hypocrite because I didn’t drop out of school and move out of state?  And aren’t you an anti-Trudeau American living in Canada? Does that make you a hypocrite?


Why the hell would I be living in Canada ?    Where did you get that idea ?    I have never lived or worked in Canada, or any other country.   No, you are the one who went to school for five years in "racist" Florida and now claim to be "woke".   

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13 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Yes, Trump made billions. So what? He has billion-dollar businesses that existed long before he became POTUS.

It's not just the Presidency that grew his brand. The Apprentice did that too. 

It's far more questionable when guys like 3-House Bernie and B Obama have become wealthy from...... what exactly? 


FYI $1.2M isn't a lot. The gov't received services equal to that amount, and Trump would have made $1.6M by now just from his salary as POTUS, and he has never taken any of that money. Seems like the Gov't owes him bigtime.


Oh and didn’t you say the media is all some kind of leftist conspiracy if that’s true how is it this story tarnishing the leftist leaders image is even in the mainstream media?  Conveniently the “fake news “ is true just when you want it to be eh?

That's not CBC or CTV, the article I posted was from the National Post, and CBC and CTV let Trudeau say that "all that happened is that I failed to recuse myself from the decision-making process to hire We" for the $900M program, and they knew he was lying but they didn't mention that.

This is like when Biden says "It's not important that my son got an $83K/mo job at Burisma, just because he set up meetings between myself and oligarchs. The fact that Hunter did $1,500,000,000.00 of business with the Chinese government is no big deal as well" and the media collectively nod their heads and rush off to cover the story about anonymous sources claiming that Trump said [insert random BS here]"THIS IS HUGE!!!!".

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8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

t was a situation where a slow pull-out was necessary. Truncating the military's oversight there created an enormous power vacuum.

I’m not saying Obama did everything right in hindsight but clearly the person who started the fire (Bush) is more to blame than the firefighter who could have done a better job in hindsight. Al Qaeda in Iraq, rebranded as the Islamic State of Iraq, had been pushed out of the country into Syria, where it was out of US reach and eventually absorbed anti-Assad militias and became ISIS. Their return to Iraq was not foreseen by anyone unfortunately. But given Trumps further withdrawals of troops from the region I fail to see how he’s doing anything differently.  

8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

You've just taken TDS to a whole new level. That's literally the stupidest thing I've ever read in my life. 

I know I say that a lot here, especially in the last week for some reason, but this time is for real. 

Another empty insult instead of an answer. Answer the question. 



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Just now, Shady said:

No surprise.  Trump was right.

NBC: Say, you know who turned out to be right about forest fires?


This discussion about forest fire management strategies  has been going on for decades, it’s not something Trump came up with. There are times when certain strategies are appropriate and times when they aren’t. 

But most forests on fire aren’t even state-managed forest which are relatively small and few.  In California for example the federal government manages 58% of the 33 million acres of forest land,  the state controls 3% (that’s THREE percent). The rest is private. 

The real issue is climate change. 

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7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Yes, Trump made billions. So what? He has billion-dollar businesses that existed long before he became POTUS.

He had failing businesses. And once you’re POTUS you cant use the office of the president to make yourself richer by doling out favours to Saudis and sycophants who spend millions at your hotels while you order you own people to stay there. If he had any integrity he would AVOID his properties so as to avoid any appearance of self-enrichment. 

7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

It's far more questionable when guys like 3-House Bernie and B Obama have become wealthy from...... what exactly? 

Books  And after they leave office it’s speaking fees too   That’s how it works  Also Bernie is not rich.  Having 3 houses doesn’t make someone rich  His entire net worth is less than 2 million


7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

That's not CBC or CTV, the article I posted was from the National Post, and CBC and CTV let Trudeau say that "all that happened is that I failed to recuse myself from the decision-making process to hire We" for the $900M program, and they knew he was lying but they didn't mention that.

CBC, CTV and the rest of the media covered the scandal extensively including coverage of Conservatives criticism. You’re just upset because you want only one-sided coverage, hence your anger that they “let” Trudeau give his side  You want them to not “let” him speak?  

By the way, eve your National Post article doesn’t accuse him of anything more than “not recusing himself” it just suggests there could be.  For example it doesn’t say Trudeau was personally involved in planning that event  But unlike you with Trump I’ve already agreed it’s inappropriate and bad optics  A Canadian bureaucrat booking Margaret Trudeau as an event speaker looks a lot like an American one who stays at the Trump hotel   It looks like there’s some sort of favour expected and it shouldn’t happen  





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8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Bullshit. You're just a divisive racist if you think that "black people live in fear of the police killing them for no reason". 

I’m a racist that’s rich. How does that work?  Your claim which you’re trying to run away from now is that there was no racial tension in American society before Obama became president.  Which is just hilarious


8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

My claim is that "Floyd was resisting arrest, so force actually was necessary, and Floyd was making the claim that he couldn't breathe when no one even had their hands on him, so police had reason to believe he was lying when he said he couldn't breathe."

If you watch the bodycam footage it literally takes most of the wind out of the sails of the G F saga.

OMG!  You have to let the world know!  Don’t keep this secret to yourself! ?


8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Trump has publicly talked about labelling the KKK and Antifa as terrorist groups, but that might just be because of their DNC roots.

UM YOU DO KNOW THE KKK PUBLICLY ENDORSED TRUMP RIGHT???  The KKK has been Republican for 50 years now after the southern conservatives were expelled or defected from the DNC after the civil rights era.  And Trump refuses to condemn white supremacist groups. So it’s a little sad and pathetic that you keep bringing up that ancient history 

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7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

This is like when Biden says "It's not important that my son got an $83K/mo job at Burisma, just because he set up meetings between myself and oligarchs. The fact that Hunter did $1,500,000,000.00 of business with the Chinese government is no big deal as well" and the media collectively nod their heads and rush off to cover the story about anonymous sources claiming that Trump said [insert random BS here]"THIS IS HUGE!!!!".

Oops missed this one. More garbage fake news “alternative facts” from the conservative propaganda machine. This fake story in particular has Russian fingerprints all over it. 

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10 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Guess who knows more about what is being discussed ?

You don’t even know what is being discussed you’re just accusing me of saying shit I didn’t say. Straw Man much?

10 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


I didn't censor anybody...do you feel censored because another member called out your BS about all black people ?

Show me where I said anything about “all black people” please



10 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

No, you are the one who went to school for five years in "racist" Florida and now claim to be "woke".   

Yeah woke enough to realize I didn’t want to live in that shithole state, racism wasn’t it’s only problem and the rest of the country isn’t much better even inside the few liberal bubbles  

America has a lot of systemic problems racism is just one. None of them started under Obama and none will magically disappear if only the right person can someday get elected president, as too many Americans in both side of the aisle foolishly believe. 

Edited by BeaverFever
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2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Yeah woke enough to realize I didn’t want to live in that shithole state, racism wasn’t it’s only problem and the rest of the country isn’t much better even inside the few liberal bubbles 


Sure...it only took you five years to figure it out.

Many millions of people visit Florida each year, from all over the world...far more than the number who visit racist Canada in its entirety each year.    More than 100,000 Canadians live in Florida full or part time.



America has a lot of systemic problems racism is just one. None of them started under Obama and none will magically disappear if only the right person can someday get elected president, as too many Americans in both side of the aisle foolishly believe. 


America has more landed immigrants than any other country in the world (20% of all immigrants), and is still the #1 desired destination.   

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3 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Their return to Iraq was not foreseen by anyone unfortunately. But given Trumps further withdrawals of troops from the region I fail to see how he’s doing anything differently.  

Trump's using military intelligence, drones and fighter planes, and relying on local fighters on the ground instead of putting American soldiers in harm's way, but the biggest difference between Trump's leadership and Obama's leadership was giving more authority to in-theatre leadership & personnel. Obama's Whitehouse tried exercising too much oversight, and as a result the US attacks were later and more ineffective.


Another empty insult instead of an answer. Answer the question. 

I didn't see a question, just your idiotic comment that amounted to "the area just kind of cleared itself up and US foreign policy wasn't a determining factor" lol. 

Leftists didn't understand Trump's foreign policy strategy. They called it 'reactionary'. Turns out, America's enemies learn to behave a lot better when they know exactly what America's reaction is going to be. Screw about, get bombed, period. 

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3 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

He.... Books  And after they leave office it’s speaking fees too   That’s how it works  Also Bernie is not rich.  Having 3 houses doesn’t make someone rich  His entire net worth is less than 2 million

'He had failing businesses' lol. Utter BS all the way. Ordering people to stay at his hotels didn't earn him billions.

Books.... Who's buying them? The Chinese gov't and some Russian oligarchs?


CBC, CTV and the rest of the media covered the scandal extensively including coverage of Conservatives criticism. You’re just upset because you want only one-sided coverage, hence your anger that they “let” Trudeau give his side  You want them to not “let” him speak?  

They didn't cover any of his scandals at all. SNC was just at the beginning of 2019 and it's already gone. Duffygate lasted 3 years and it was just over $90K. Trudeau has had scandals since the beginning of SNC which are also not getting coverage.

CTV and CBC let Trudeau give weak, fake summaries of his crimes and leave it at that. 

Those networks were far more critical of Trump and American police officers for than Trudeau, and Trudeau was actually guilty many times now. The media aren't talking about releasing We docs at all. If CBC and CTV knew that there were Russian collusion docs that were just hidden in plain sight they'd be apoplectic.


By the way, eve your National Post article doesn’t accuse him of anything more than “not recusing himself” it just suggests there could be.  For example it doesn’t say Trudeau was personally involved in planning that event  But unlike you with Trump I’ve already agreed it’s inappropriate and bad optics  

That's just pure stupidity. He asked them to host an event and he gave them gov't money that went into his mom's pocket.

Taxpayer money --> We -->Trudeau's family. This equates to"Let's split some taxpayer money between your company and my family".


A Canadian bureaucrat booking Margaret Trudeau as an event speaker looks a lot like an American one who stays at the Trump hotel   It looks like there’s some sort of favour expected and it shouldn’t happen  

Value for money. 

When people stay in hotels there's actual value received for money spent. It's money that would have been spent somewhere, not just money that was coughed up for no better reason than family enrichment.

Also, Trump had good reasons to stay in hotels where he knew he wasn't being spied on. That matters, and that's the fault of the Dems and their partners in crime at the FBI.

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19 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Trump's using military intelligence, drones and fighter planes, and relying on local fighters on the ground instead of putting American soldiers in harm's way, but the biggest difference between Trump's leadership and Obama's leadership was giving more authority to in-theatre leadership & personnel. Obama's Whitehouse tried exercising too much oversight, and as a result the US attacks were later and more ineffective.

I didn't see a question, just your idiotic comment that amounted to "the area just kind of cleared itself up and US foreign policy wasn't a determining factor" lol. 

Leftists didn't understand Trump's foreign policy strategy. They called it 'reactionary'. Turns out, America's enemies learn to behave a lot better when they know exactly what America's reaction is going to be. Screw about, get bombed, period. 

What a load of bs. Trump didn’t do anything different, the guy doesn’t even pay attention in briefings let alone have a strategy. Obama was criticized on the left for being too trigger happy with drones.  America’s enemies aren’t afraid of Trump and his fake bonespurs. The real enemies like Russia have been emboldened 

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3 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

I’m a racist that’s rich. How does that work?  Your claim which you’re trying to run away from now is that there was no racial tension in American society before Obama became president.  Which is just hilarious

You're saying racially divisive things. Call yourself what you want. IDGAF.

Sure, there was racial tension. But nothing like "The biggest danger that I face when I walk the streets of Chicago is racist white cops". People who say things like that are fear-mongering and racially divisive.


OMG!  You have to let the world know!  Don’t keep this secret to yourself! ?


The video is out there now, but your leftist sources don't show it to you, because they already own you.

Your decision to wallow in ignorance doesn't make me a conspiracy theorist. 


UM YOU DO KNOW THE KKK PUBLICLY ENDORSED TRUMP RIGHT???  The KKK has been Republican for 50 years now after the southern conservatives were expelled or defected from the DNC after the civil rights era.  

One of Saul Alinsky's best tricks was to portray the KKK as Republican supporters. He didn't just make the accusation, they dressed people up in hoods and had them applaud loudly at Republican talking points. The KKK started with the Dems, and real American racism comes from the Dem party. All the worst places in the US for blacks to live are dem-controlled.  


And Trump refuses to condemn white supremacist groups. 


You can't use ignorance or stupidity to deflect on this one. You've just been caught in a straight up lie - you are a liar. 

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8 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

What a load of bs. Trump didn’t do anything different, the guy doesn’t even pay attention in briefings let alone have a strategy. Obama was criticized on the left for being too trigger happy with drones.  America’s enemies aren’t afraid of Trump and his fake bonespurs. The real enemies like Russia have been emboldened 

That's just your own stupidity shining through again. 

Russia and the world's various terrorist organizations are not standing up to America, at all. 

The only enemy of the US that is more bold now than it was 4 years ago is China, and that's because China didn't need to stand up to America. Obama's America was in China's pocket. Just ask Hunter Biden. 

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6 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

Just because I support someone doesn't mean that they support everything I say or do. 

What percentage of terrorists in Canada do you think support Justing Trudeau? 99.9% or 100.0%. 

The correct answer is 100.0%. 

Does that mean that Trudeau loved it when the Arianna Grande concert was bombed? 

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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Just because I support someone doesn't mean that they support everything I say or do. 

What percentage of terrorists in Canada do you think support Justing Trudeau? 99.9% or 100.0%. 

The correct answer is 100.0%. 

Does that mean that Trudeau loved it when the Arianna Grande concert was bombed? 

That was in reference to :


UM YOU DO KNOW THE KKK PUBLICLY ENDORSED TRUMP RIGHT???  The KKK has been Republican for 50 years now after the southern conservatives were expelled or defected from the DNC after the civil rights era.  

One of Saul Alinsky's best tricks was to portray the KKK as Republican supporters. He didn't just make the accusation, they dressed people up in hoods and had them applaud loudly at Republican talking points. The KKK started with the Dems, and real American racism comes from the Dem party. All the worst places in the US for blacks to live are dem-controlled.  


From the article: 



Mr Duke is a renowned neo-Nazi antisemite and white supremacist who founded a Ku Klux Klan chapter in the early 1970s; since then, he has unsuccessfully run for office several times and endorsed various extremist figures and causes.


Frankly I think tucker belongs at the three rings.  

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