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1 hour ago, Boges said:

So really the only source that isn't sickeningly biased to you is Fox or comparable conservative media. 

Which speaks to your extreme bias. 

It's a built in excuse for anything that interferes with your worldview. It's all a lie anyway.

When you catch Fox lying like I catch CTV and CNN lying all the time, let me know Boges. Open challenge. 

Argus and eyeball tried yesterday, they both just looked stupid for regurgitating easily disproven falsehoods from PolitiFake. 

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In terms of providing good information, I found this poll interesting:




The Yahoo News/YouGov poll, released on Friday, found that 44 percent of Republicans also buy into the unfounded claim, while just 19 percent of Democrats believe the lie about the Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist. [debunked conspiracy theory claiming Bill Gates is looking to use a coronavirus vaccine to inject a microchip into people and track the world’s population.]

Of course, the TRUE BELIEVERS will dispute the idea that this is a conspiracy theory ! :lol:  And this is why FOX is brilliant: they create the environment that takes in the facts, prioritizes and reviews them, and manages what the end result of all of it is.  Only a truly great and wealthy nation could afford to mold facts into entertainment like this.

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

When you catch Fox lying like I catch CTV and CNN lying all the time, let me know Boges. Open challenge. 

Argus and eyeball tried yesterday, they both just looked stupid for regurgitating easily disproven falsehoods from PolitiFake. 

I don't pay for Fox. 

But I do think a lot of the analysis of Fox is that it's day-to-day news is pretty good. You have responsible journalists doing good work all day. 

But then when you hit Prime Time you get talking heads peddling conspiracy theories. They'll openly concede they're not journalists. 

BTW I do watch CNN, and I can say the same thing about them. From 7-Midnight it's just talking heads bitching about Trump. Don Lemon does the same act every night. 

Edited by Boges
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Just now, Michael Hardner said:

In terms of providing good information, I found this poll interesting:



Of course, the TRUE BELIEVERS will dispute the idea that this is a conspiracy theory ! :lol:  And this is why FOX is brilliant: they create the environment that takes in the facts, prioritizes and reviews them, and manages what the end result of all of it is.  Only a truly great and wealthy nation could afford to mold facts into entertainment like this.

I started a thread about this :huh:

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22 minutes ago, Boges said:

I don't pay for Fox. 

But I do think a lot of the analysis of Fox is that it's day-to-day news is pretty good. You have responsible journalists doing good work all day. 

But then when you hit Prime Time you get talking heads peddling conspiracy theories. They'll openly concede they're not journalists. 

BTW I do watch CNN, and I can say the same thing about them. From 7-Midnight it's just talking heads bitching about Trump. Don Lemon does the same act every night. 

That's a pretty fair post Boges. Kudos.

The main difference between Fox and CNN is that the conspiracy theories pushed by CNN are pushed all throughout their programming. Like Russian collusion, Kavanaugh, Ukrainian collusion, etc - every "news" item they talk about is skewed to support their falsehoods (remember hearing how many people were indicted and imprisoned for Russian collusion? Was it 13 or something? The real answer is zero. It has been all along. Manafort is in jail for tax fraud, etc). CNN was on the dead wrong side of history on all of those issues.

It's true that on Fox they have Hannity delving into the shadow world, reporting on things that we can't see burning or getting shot with our own eyes, so his track record for accuracy is all that we have to rely on. How good/bad is it?

Hannity predicted that McCabe was getting busted for lying- he was right. Hannity said (after a few months of following the story) that there was no evidence of collusion, at the end when sworn testimony in Congress came in from people who pimped Russian collusion they all said: "We have never seen any actual evidence of collusion". Hannity reported the dossier was fake when it was still being promoted as partly verified - not a single thing in the dossier was ever verified. Hannity correctly reported that FBI officials were lying to the FISA court to get renewals.... that was a wild accusation and he'd be completely exposed as a fraud if he was wrong and then the IG report noted that 17 significant errors and omissions were made by FBI officials in the original FISA application and the 3 subsequent renewals. That's a huge deal imo. Now they're reporting on Hannity that on Jan 4 2017 the investigators on the case filed the paperwork to close it, and that they were overruled by the people higher up (not specifically named the last I saw) to keep it going. The collusion investigation was left open and cast a shadow over the GOP right through the 2018 mid-terms. 

You can go back and watch Hannity's program with the benefit of hindsight now and see for yourself how right or wrong he was. I've watched his show quite a bit since the Nov 2016 election, I had never seen it before that. I catch people on the news lying all the time, and I have yet to catch Hannity after all this time. 

So then there's a site like Politifake that comes along and says that Hannity's record is "20% true"? They cherry-picked 17 stories out of the hundreds of things that Hannity has talked about and then PFake lied on at least two, but maybe all of them? I honestly only checked two stories and they were both outright lies by PolitiFake. I guess I should check some more, maybe all of them. 

Don Lemon's history of being blatantly wrong is obvious by now. He's a race-baiting asshole with no scruples. Watch any show of his for the last 3 years and you'll see I'm right.

Honestly, the worst thing I ever saw Hannity do was last night when he talked about the black guy that was killed by the cops in Minneapolis. Hannity said over and over that it was abuse, and that the cop who had his foot on the neck should have known that what he was doing was life-threatening and would almost certainly result in death after 6 minutes, or 8 or whatever it was. Problem is that at the beginning of Hannity's show he made the clear distinction that calling the events in Minneapolis "protests" was wrong - they were "riots". Fair enough, I agree that the protests were in the form of riots, but at one point in the show Hannity said that the victim "died in police custody" which is as inaccurate as you can get. The guy was definitely killed by the police. He wasn't going to die that day if he wasn't trampled like a rabbit under a herd of bison. In fairness, Hannity acknowledged the guy was killed, and he said it over and over again, but on the point of the importance of semantics, Hannity got hoisted on his own petard last night. 

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1 hour ago, Boges said:

I started a thread about this :huh:

That article was a joke, but in all honesty, we all have good reason not to believe covid stories now.

The WHO told us not to block travel and not to wear masks ffs. People have known for centuries to block travel, and Drs, nurses and lab techs have been wearing masks for over a century. Those are some huge lies that cost hundreds of thousands of lives. 100% true. 

Then they came out and said that taking HCQ was more dangerous than covid. They completely lied about the side effects of HCQ. Now they're pimping the vaccine that's about to come out as perfectly safe and 100% effective? How do they know that? We'll all take a vaccine to protect us from a disease with an infected death rate of around .1 to .5%? 

HCQ has been around for decades, we already know the side effects of HCQ. No one knows the long-term side effects of the "vaccine" yet, that's impossible.

(whether or not HCQ works is irrelevant to this topic, the fact is that HCQ was vilified from the moment Trump said it, and there was no reason to lie about it).

Let's all take this guy's vaccine: 


 I heard it tastes like Kool-Aid. 

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Trump’s remarks about Ted Cruz’s father and the Kennedy assassination should have been enough for Republican voters enough to reject him. Instead we’ve been subjected to an unprecedented stream of tabloid garbage from the White House. His recent accusation that Joe Scarborough was involved in the death of Lori Klausutis brings dishonour to himself and the office he holds - but his supporters just don’t care. If anybody, let alone the PM, did this in Britain, they’d be facing a libel suit for millions and an immediate, abject apology written for them by their lawyers. Here’s an experiment you can undertake closer to home; go to some livelier bars at closing time, start accusing random people of murder and see how far you get. It’s just not acceptable behaviour. It never has been. 

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54 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Trump’s remarks about Ted Cruz’s father and the Kennedy assassination should have been enough for Republican voters enough to reject him. Instead we’ve been subjected to an unprecedented stream of tabloid garbage from the White House. His recent accusation that Joe Scarborough was involved in the death of Lori Klausutis brings dishonour to himself and the office he holds - but his supporters just don’t care. If anybody, let alone the PM, did this in Britain, they’d be facing a libel suit for millions and an immediate, abject apology written for them by their lawyers. Here’s an experiment you can undertake closer to home; go to some livelier bars at closing time, start accusing random people of murder and see how far you get. It’s just not acceptable behaviour. It never has been. 

Well, we do have a PM who unlawfully suspended Parliament and his closest political advisor who broke his own stay at home rules without any apparent comeback.

You're right though, falsly accusing someone of murder would certainly lead to legal action.

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3 hours ago, Boges said:

 We also know that HDQ doesn't really work. Other drugs have shown promise and are being promoted. 

Why isn't Trump taking HDQ anymore? 

The point is that people lied about it's uber-dangerous side effects (that was a lie) to steer us towards their precious vaccine (which may have worse side effects than HCQ - no one knows yet). 

If I wanted to lower my own standards for honesty in discourse to the accuracy and integrity of the anti-HCQ'ers I could say actually right now that "There's a risk of death, stroke, birth defects, blindness, infertility, impotence and heart attack from taking the vaccine!!!!! If you get an erection that lasts for more than 4 hours talk to a nurse!!!!" 

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Just now, WestCanMan said:

The point is that people lied about it's uber-dangerous side effects (that was a lie) to steer us towards their precious vaccine (which may have worse side effects than HCQ - no one knows yet). 

If I wanted to lower my own standards for honesty in discourse to the accuracy and integrity of the anti-HCQ'ers I could say actually right now that "There's a risk of death, stroke, birth defects, blindness, infertility, impotence and heart attack from taking the vaccine!!!!! If you get an erection that lasts for more than 4 hours talk to a nurse!!!!" 

A Vaccine would actually prevent people from getting it. At best, HDQ would help recovery once your sick enough to be hospitalized. And tests have shown it's not great at that. 

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1 hour ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Trump’s remarks about Ted Cruz’s father and the Kennedy assassination should have been enough for Republican voters enough to reject him. Instead we’ve been subjected to an unprecedented stream of tabloid garbage from the White House.

I don't even remember those ones. His comment about "blood coming out of Meghan Kelly's eyes and her.... whatever" should have been enough to keep him from getting elected.


His recent accusation that Joe Scarborough was involved in the death of Lori Klausutis brings dishonour to himself and the office he holds - but his supporters just don’t care.

There's nothing wrong with that at all. Joe is a huge liar and a scumbag with no scruples, he's fair game, and Trump just referred to an old allegation. He didn't invent the story. Joe Scarborough and his idiot viewers can go to hell.


If anybody, let alone the PM, did this in Britain, they’d be facing a libel suit for millions and an immediate, abject apology written for them by their lawyers. Here’s an experiment you can undertake closer to home; go to some livelier bars at closing time, start accusing random people of murder and see how far you get. It’s just not acceptable behaviour. It never has been. 

Wrong, for two reasons.

1) Trump referred to an old allegation, there's nothing wrong with bringing up questions from the past. People referred to Russian collusion millions of times and it was known to be fake for over a year now.

2) Joe Scarborough has been on national TV telling blatant, material lies about Trump for 3 years. If he goes to court with Trump re: libel Joe will come out owing Trillions of dollars. 

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6 minutes ago, Boges said:

A Vaccine would actually prevent people from getting it. At best, HDQ would help recovery once your sick enough to be hospitalized. And tests have shown it's not great at that. 

How do you know the vaccine will work? How do you know there won't be worse side effects than with HCQ? You don't.

Like I said, do you trust this guy? I sure as fuck don't. 




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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

How do you know the vaccine will work? How do you know there won't be worse side effects than with HCQ? You don't.

Like I said, do you trust this guy? I sure as fuck don't. 


Are you peddling an Anti-Vaxxer narrative? 

Do you get your kids vaccinated. 

This is why Vaccines generally take a long time to develop. Because you need to test, test and test again. 

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34 minutes ago, Boges said:

Are you peddling an Anti-Vaxxer narrative? 

Do you get your kids vaccinated. 

This is why Vaccines generally take a long time to develop. Because you need to test, test and test again. 

My kids are vaccinated. I never get the flu vaccine though, and I won't be getting vaccinated for covid either.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

There's nothing wrong with that at all. Joe is a huge liar and a scumbag with no scruples, he's fair game, and Trump just referred to an old allegation. He didn't invent the story. Joe Scarborough and his idiot viewers can go to hell.

Wrong, for two reasons.

1) Trump referred to an old allegation, there's nothing wrong with bringing up questions from the past. People referred to Russian collusion millions of times and it was known to be fake for over a year now.

2) Joe Scarborough has been on national TV telling blatant, material lies about Trump for 3 years. If he goes to court with Trump re: libel Joe will come out owing Trillions of dollars. 

Have you ever publicly accused somebody of murder in a case that was ruled otherwise? It’s an extremely reckless thing for anybody to do, let alone a head of government, and it doesn’t matter how long ago it was if the person harmed by the libel is still living, or what you think of that person otherwise. There have been so many other disgraceful remarks as well that would have earned a man pistols at ten paces or a good hiding in other times and places. Public figures in the US deserve more protection under the law than they currently have IMO. Amidst this shameful morass, I’d forgotten about Megyn Kelly - that should have sunk him too with any right-thinking person. Disgusting. 

Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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1 hour ago, Iceni warrior said:

Well, we do have a PM who unlawfully suspended Parliament and his closest political advisor who broke his own stay at home rules without any apparent comeback.



After the news that Dominic Cummings supposedly broke lockdown rules to drive from London to Durham then drove to Barnard Castle to ‘test his eye site’, BrewDog has revealed a tongue in cheek nod to the series of events with a ‘Barnard Castle eye test’ New England IPA release.

...It is described on their website as a “short sighted beer for tall stories. Dry-hopped for a juicy hit with pineapple, mango and hint of zesty lime.”



Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

When you catch Fox lying like I catch CTV and CNN lying all the time, let me know Boges. Open challenge. 

Argus and eyeball tried yesterday, they both just looked stupid for regurgitating easily disproven falsehoods from PolitiFake. 

I just go to Trumps Twitter account to see what dumb things he is saying. No need for the news media.

And now that Twitter is fact checking Trump, he does not like that and now attempting to regulate Facebook and Twitter.  WAAAY to late on that notion. Trump going to war with Twitter will not end well for him.

If you want to see a trainwreck, then head over to his twitter account.

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1 hour ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Have you ever publicly accused somebody of murder in a case that was ruled otherwise? It’s an extremely reckless thing for anybody to do, let alone a head of government, and it doesn’t matter how long ago it was if the person harmed by the libel is still living, or what you think of that person otherwise.

If you've never accused anyone of anything then carry on, but I really doubt that's the case.

FYI 1) this is not a case of libel because he didn't say that Joe did it, he just asked if there was going to be a trial 2) there was never a court case, so no judge ever made a ruling on that death. 


There have been so many other disgraceful remarks as well that would have earned a man pistols at ten paces or a good hiding in other times and places. Public figures in the US deserve more protection under the law than they currently have IMO. Amidst this shameful morass, I’d forgotten about Megyn Kelly - that should have sunk him too with any right-thinking person. Disgusting. 

Honestly liberals are the last people on earth to talk about who needs a good slap upside the head for running their idiot mouths and committing libel. Our own loser PM has insulted every male in Canada in his quest to be the world's biggest hypocrite/virtue signaller. 

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17 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I don't go on Twitter. I have a video that pretty much sums up the tweet writing/posting process that every single twitter user follows:


You should. Get the info straight from Trump himself instead of relying on the media to tell you what he thinks!

The other thought I have is no one wants to see it as it may ruin the image they have of Trump, if they support him.

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