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America under President Trump

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12 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Hillary would beg to differ lol. 

She barely lifted a finger in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin based on that exact assumption and she lost all of those states by small margins. That was 46 electoral college votes that she let slip away to the other side.

The final tally was 304 - 227 for Trump.

Take 46 from Trump, add 46 to Hillary and it's suddenly 258 for Trump and 273 for Hillary. 

She likes to blame her loss on a million things, but his energy vs her lethargy was the actual difference in the election. She just didn't do enough. She thought CNN could do it all for her. 

Well this is why all the bravado and confidence in Trump's re-election is completely unearned. 

It's clear that Hillary was extraordinarily confident she'd get Obama voters that she ignored Rust-belt voters that Trump's team actually targeted. 

That mistake won't happen again. 

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12 minutes ago, Boges said:

Well this is why all the bravado and confidence in Trump's re-election is completely unearned. 

It's clear that Hillary was extraordinarily confident she'd get Obama voters that she ignored Rust-belt voters that Trump's team actually targeted. 

That mistake won't happen again. 

Trump's track record thus far is going up against the Dems' radical & idiotic policies and their history of being emphatically wrong over the past 4 years.

The Dems followed the Smollett story, collusion, obstruction, they want to embark on a $30 trillion fiasco.... they don't have a single policy as of yet that's actually good for the country. 

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Just now, WestCanMan said:

The Dems followed the Smollett story, collusion, obstruction, they want to embark on a $30 trillion fiasco.... they don't have a single policy as of yet that's actually good for the country. 

You might need to expand on that a little. 

I think many peopl think that expanding Healthcare would be good for the country. 

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1 hour ago, Boges said:

You might need to expand on that a little. 

I think many peopl think that expanding Healthcare would be good for the country. 

Expand? Ok, now even Pelosi says that Trump needs to be impeached (impeachment is part of the fake collusion/obstruction story that has been at the top of the Dems' agenda these past 3 years) because he started talking about the fact that Biden used $1B US taxpayer dollars to incentivise the Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son.

Biden is on video bragging that he told the Ukrainian government that [paraphrasing] "they wouldn't get the $1B US unless they fired that prosecutor before Biden's plane left". He was fired before Biden's plane left. There's no debating it. 

If Trump was giving a country $1B in foreign aid then said "That money is on hold unless you fire the prosecutor [that's investigating my son] before I get on my plane" what would you say about that Boges? I doubt that you'd be ignoring it. I think you'd say that it would stand alone as a bona fide reason that Trump needed to be impeached. 

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23 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Expand? Ok, now even Pelosi says that Trump needs to be impeached (impeachment is part of the fake collusion/obstruction story that has been at the top of the Dems' agenda these past 3 years) because he started talking about the fact that Biden used $1B US taxpayer dollars to incentivise the Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son.

Biden is on video bragging that he told the Ukrainian government that [paraphrasing] "they wouldn't get the $1B US unless they fired that prosecutor before Biden's plane left". He was fired before Biden's plane left. There's no debating it. 

If Trump was giving a country $1B in foreign aid then said "That money is on hold unless you fire the prosecutor [that's investigating my son] before I get on my plane" what would you say about that Boges? I doubt that you'd be ignoring it. I think you'd say that it would stand alone as a bona fide reason that Trump needed to be impeached. 

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Hunter Biden has denied using his influence with his father to aid Burisma. He remained on the board through early 2019, often appearing at energy-related conferences abroad representing Burisma’s interests.

On Saturday, the former vice president said he never speaks to his son about his overseas business dealings.

The matter, however, has continued to be questioned by Trump and his allies. They’ve pointed in particular to Biden’s move in March 2016 to pressure the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who had previously led an investigation into Burisma’s owner.

Biden was representing the official position of the U.S. government, a position that was also supported by other Western governments and many in Ukraine, who accused Shokin of being soft on corruption.


Ukraine’s current prosecutor, Yuriy Lutsenko, was quoted by Bloomberg News in May as saying he had no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden or his son. Bloomberg also reported that the investigation into Burisma was dormant at the time Biden pressed for Shokhin’s ouster.


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Oh boy...they have Trump now !



The 2016 losers are still trying to cook nothingburgers while President Trump finishes out his first term in office, with a strong down payment on a second term.

The funniest part is that Biden cooked his own goose.

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22 hours ago, Boges said:

Wouldn't the EC be better if states weren't winner take all? Each EC vote represents a district in the House of Representative. Shouldn't that's district's choice for POTUS be how the EC vote is cast and not winner take all? 

In the current system you have states that are majority blue or majority red by a certain margin. There's no need to campaign in those states because they're so partisan. So the only important states are the purple ones (Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania etc). A state like Wisconsin can go to a Candidate by the smallest margin, but all the EC votes go to the winner. How is that representative?

Conversely, it would mean that candidate could campaign in other red or blue states because some targeted EC votes could be obtained. 

eg: Austin in Texas or Buffalo in New York. Those are areas in an otherwise safe state that would go against the EC win or take all model. 

If there are 435 districts, there should be 435 separate electors that represent each district. The state of Maine already does this with its four EC votes. 

Again, in case you are not quite getting it yet, if this EC is such a big deal with the demorats now, why did they not say or do something about the EC when they were in power? The EC is there for a reason. It works, no matter how much you would like to see it gone. Trump 2020. Works for me. ;)

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6 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

Trump seems particularly incoherent and red-faced and sweaty when he talks about it too. It must be sad for you to watch him go down in such a pathetic manner.

Trump will never go down. The dumbocrats have been trying to nail Trump on so many things but yet Trump is still left standing while the dumbo fools keep falling on their asses. It is the dumbos that will be going down again in the next election in America. Aw well, those dumbo supporters better keep a box of hankies by their bedsides after the election. They can be such pathetic crybabies. :D

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1 hour ago, Boges said:

Joe Biden prompted a foreign country to fire one of their prosecutors, and it just randomly turned out to be THAT guy who was involved in investigating his son. 

What are the chances hey? Like, $1Billion to one? And you think that the world should just take Biden at his word, no investigation required? He probably didn't even know his son was being investigated because he never talks about overseas business with him. It was just a huge coincidence.


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16 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Joe Biden prompted a foreign country to fire one of their prosecutors, and it just randomly turned out to be THAT guy who was involved in investigating his son. 

What are the chances hey? Like, $1Billion to one? And you think that the world should just take Biden at his word, no investigation required? He probably didn't even know his son was being investigated because he never talks about overseas business with him. It was just a huge coincidence.


With those dumbo democrats it is all and only about getting Trump. The many things that Hillary and Obama and Biden have done in the past while they ran the show in the White House is always being overlooked by the fake and phony and lying leftist liberal activist American and Canadian media. What are the chances, eh? ;)

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2 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Oh boy...they have Trump now !



The 2016 losers are still trying to cook nothingburgers while President Trump finishes out his first term in office, with a strong down payment on a second term.

The funniest part is that Biden cooked his own goose.

Don't believe Biden is done;  it will be Trump's fault anyway. However Obama will see his legacy in shreds.

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34 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Joe Biden prompted a foreign country to fire one of their prosecutors, and it just randomly turned out to be THAT guy who was involved in investigating his son. 

What are the chances hey? Like, $1Billion to one? And you think that the world should just take Biden at his word, no investigation required? He probably didn't even know his son was being investigated because he never talks about overseas business with him. It was just a huge coincidence.


From the article referenced earlier. 



The matter, however, has continued to be questioned by Trump and his allies. They’ve pointed in particular to Biden’s move in March 2016 to pressure the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who had previously led an investigation into Burisma’s owner.

Biden was representing the official position of the U.S. government, a position that was also supported by other Western governments and many in Ukraine, who accused Shokin of being soft on corruption.



Ukraine’s current prosecutor, Yuriy Lutsenko, was quoted by Bloomberg News in May as saying he had no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden or his son. Bloomberg also reported that the investigation into Burisma was dormant at the time Biden pressed for Shokhin’s ouster.

I'm curious of the point though? This has nothing to do with a Whistleblower complaint and refusing to hand over the complaint to Congress which is the law. 

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26 minutes ago, egghead said:

Impeachment incoming,  Dems can hardly wait :rolleyes:

Pelosi to announce Trump impeachment inquiry at 5pm ET


Pelosi needs to retire. She is an old has been and does not serve the interests of the American people or America, just her demo rat party.

If ever there were a time for Jesus to come and save the earth from these democrat devils the time is now. How much longer will these morons and retards keep this going? These democrat devils have given politics a real bad name and they are leaving a very bad political taste in people's mouth. They have shown us all as to just how vindictive and deplorable these stupid idiots have become. There is no impeachment to be found, period. Why do these fools keep doing this? If the American people cannot see as to what these idiots are made up of, pure chicken manure, and some will still even vote for them, then it is no wonder America finds itself in big time trouble today.

The economy is booming, the markets are up, jobs are up, unemployment is down and many people are now off welfare and food stamps, so what more do all Americans need to see anymore that Trump appears to be doing a great job at trying to make America great again. A vote for those demo rats is a vote for the destruction of America. It's these demo rats that have made the words democracy and politics look like dirty words now. They have nothing to offer America and Americans but more tent cities like we see today on LA and San Francisco streets, and both those cities are controlled by demo rats who truly do show that they do not care about the American people at all. We see many demo rats being arrested for many crimes against the American people like pedophiles and sex perverts like Weinstein and Epstein too name but two. They all supported the demo rats. What does that tell you, eh? :unsure:

Edited by taxme
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Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Tuesday that the transcript of President Trump's call with Ukraine's leader doesn't need to show a "quid pro quo" in withholding military aid in order for the president's actions to be considered wrong.

"If the president brings up, he wants them to investigate something of his political opponent, that is self-evident that it is not right. We don't ask foreign governments to help us in our elections,"  Pelosi said at the Atlantic Festival. "There is no requirement there be a quid pro quo in the conversation."


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1 minute ago, Boges said:

When will you ever get it? Trump is not the enemy of the American people, it is the likes of Pelosi, Nadler, Hillary, Biden and Obama to name but a few who are the real enemies of the American people. To keep trying to bash Trump when everything said about him has been proven to be false is quite amazing indeed. Why do you keep attacking Trump all the time? Trump has done nothing wrong that is hurting the American people or America. At least Trump is trying to make America great again. All i ever see from the demo rats is that they are trying to make America poor again. More impeachment nonsense is not trying to help make America great again. Trump is trying to make America great again without the demo rats help. They do truly hate America. All the demo rat controlled cities are all full of poverty and crime and homelessness. Trump is trying to change all of that but the demo rats refuse to help Trump. Of course we all should know why by now? The demo rats do not want to help make Trump in any way look good and themselves look like a bunch of rotten apples. <_< 

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If Trump called a foreign government leader and told him to investigate Biden he has broken the law and is impeachable. Its called treason. However it seems we have spent 3 years listening to everything Trump does and watching him remain clean as a whistle. Why think it will change. Biden is as demented as Trump.

The Republicans really need to get off their ass and find a replacement. For that matter the Democrats can't be serious trotting out Bernie and Joe. Ms. K. Harris is an Obama clone, and the other leading female candidate Ms. Warren  is Hilary Clinton without the baggage. Me thinks the Dems will settle on Harris or Warren and are test driving both.

I think the Dems think a woman is the best bet to take down Trump and will try turn this into a gender war of sorts.

The US is headed for a recession. All the signs are there of a stock implosion. Both China and the US are over extended and bankrupt for different reasons.

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7 hours ago, Boges said:

TDS is just a way of hand-waving Trump's crazy behaviour. 

You can accuse any opposition to a political leader as a Derangement Syndrome. 

ODS was strong. 

Politician I Don't Like Derangement Syndrome is a thing. It is a way to describe the counter-productive opposition that is so ineffective it's as if they are moles trying to make the opposition look stupid on purpose. You've got TDS pretty bad.

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6 hours ago, Boges said:

Well this is why all the bravado and confidence in Trump's re-election is completely unearned. 

It's clear that Hillary was extraordinarily confident she'd get Obama voters that she ignored Rust-belt voters that Trump's team actually targeted. 

That mistake won't happen again. 

They are already making the same mistake again. They are doubling down on the failed 2016 strategy, it's pure wishful thinking on your part that they won't do that again. They think it was all Clinton's fault, and if they just run the same strategy with a different candidate, they are guaranteed to win. The Democrats show infinitely more hubris than the Republicans, despite losing. They have learned nothing.

Edited by Yzermandius19
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1 hour ago, Boges said:

From the article referenced earlier. 


I'm curious of the point though? This has nothing to do with a Whistleblower complaint and refusing to hand over the complaint to Congress which is the law. 


1 hour ago, Boges said:

From the article referenced earlier. 


I'm curious of the point though? This has nothing to do with a Whistleblower complaint and refusing to hand over the complaint to Congress which is the law. 

This is what you do Boges. You take every single thing that you see and hear in the "news" as gospel if it's bad for the Republicans. If one liberal outlet publishes it, you steadfastly believe it and defend it tooth and nail. (how did the whole kavanaugh thing work out? collusion? obstruction? Do you feel like your loyalty to those stories was rewarded? Do you feel like the Smollett case was handled fairly?)

Here's the thing Boges. This has to do with the son of the Vice-President. If Obama makes it his position to get rid of the guy who's investigating his VP's son, then it's officially "the government's" position. So does that mean that Biden can do or say whatever he wants as long as Obama rubber stamps it, so that it's officially "the government's position"? No, not at all. That's pretty see-through.

And how is it that the prosecutor who was fired for being "too soft on corruption", was busy investigating corruption, and then the investigation that he was conducting into the shady Russian ally within the Ukraine was suddenly closed? Shouldn't that type of investigation ramp up at the point when someone who was more serious about investigating corruption took over? Again, your story seems to be just that - a story.


If Mike Pence's son is given a high-ranking position in a foreign country, and then he and his company suddenly came under investigation from prosecutor X, and Pence was about to rubber stamp a $1B lump sum to that country from the US but he said "fire prosecutor X within 6 hours or you don't the $1B", but it was officially the US government's position because Trump said so, would you say "hey it's all good. It's the US's official position? And I totally believe that Pence didn't talk to his son about that at all?" And then when the new, tougher prosecutor didn't follow up on that case would you think "Hey it's normal for the guy who's tougher on crime to close up an investigation of that magnitude and just let it all go?" I would hope that you could at least acknowledge that you would scream BULLSHIT at the top of your lungs if this was the case.


By now it should be obvious to you that the Dems are the world champions of getting investigations opened and closed. Hillary is known to have deleted subpoenaed emails, sent money to Russians for election dirt on Trump, she was able to say "I don't remember" 39 times (Comey over 200 times) during her election campaign when she seemed to be doing fine remembering everything else, and her hubby coincidentally met the Obama AG (Loretta Lynch) on a tarmac the weekend before it was announced that Hillary wouldn't face criminal charges. But Clinton and Lynch didn't discuss the case at all (common theme, these guys never discuss the elephant in the phone booth). 


I give up on you Boges. I don't think that you're going to allow a critical thought into your head.

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2 hours ago, Boges said:



"If the president brings up, he wants them to investigate something of his political opponent, that is self-evident that it is not right. We don't ask foreign governments to help us in our elections,"

Where the hell do they think the info for the Trump dossier (the one that they used to get a FISA warrant and hold a 2+ year-long investigation) came from? Kansas? 

Where are the adults? This is even dumber than the last round of stupid BS.

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