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Donald vs Hillary

Who will American voters choose: Clinton or Trump?  

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Kellyanne Conway cancelled her media appearances today.  I guess she really did need a day off after all.

No such luck... she's actually bunkered in Trump Tower along with Rince Priebus, Trump's son-in-law, and a few others, trying to get him prepared for the debate.

Hillary's team are expecting an all-out assault from Trump and getting her prepared on how to respond to it. I expect she'll do fine. She's been dealing with the aftermath of Bill's shenanigans for a very long time, and she's had lots of practice.

I expect that she'll talk about Trump's pussy-grabbing comments at first opportunity, then focus on attempting to seem empathetic and caring to the people in the town hall. And I expect that Trump will take the bait, devour the bait, and spend the rest of the evening looking like an angry, defiant, indignant fool.


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11 hours ago, Derek 2.0 said:



I see it as the opposite, this is common, normal, behavior among most men........though I agree with Pence on many issues, I'm not observant of his puritan religious values.....the key difference that I would observe between many like minded (real) males is most observe that there is a time and a place.... this alone is what separates a chauvinist from a gentleman........


So I assume you include yourself in the totally normal majority of non "metrosexual/manjina" camp who like to joke about sexually assaulting women?

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First off, anyone who has never witness talk or behaviour like the Trump bus conversation is flat out lying.  I've seen it countless times from both sexes - and i've worked in office environments as well as out in the field environments, golf course, locker rooms, bars etc.

Now, what we're seeing here is nothing more than than show business - the ugly side perhaps, but show business.  People know that there are a couple different routes to fame, publicity and therefore money in show business.  In most cases, and in Trumps case, he has to have the media like him to give him good publicity.  In some cases, it's a matter of someone reporting untruths.  What we saw in the bus was banter between 2 guys, Trump was serving up the rhetoric to a receptive and laughing Billy Bush.  Billy Bush seemed to be having fun with Donald, and Trump just kept taking it up a notch.  The same with the Howard Stern interviews.  The only reason people go on HS is to be and say outrageous things, you can't go on stern and give the same interview as you'd give Charlie Rose - that's just not the forum.  If we believed everything I heard a celebrity say on HS, then we'd be looking a really sick world.  Ever wonder why Obama goes on "The View" and is gushed over, while McCain shows up and they grill him on foreign policy - it's all about getting the media to like you and give you favourable publicity.

Ever wonder why every celebrity seems to get along so well in front of the camera or at social events?  Ever wonder how last year so many celebs liked Trump, and now they're calling him out.  It's all a show, and 10 years ago, Trump made his brand using a certain persona.   Ironically, the media that used to like it back then is using the same persona to crush him now.

I can only imagine what what would happen if Louis CK or Russel Peters went into politics   

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1 hour ago, cybercoma said:

This is just astoundingly ignorant. You don't need to repost his words. Everyone's seen them. His own wife denounced what he said. Let that sink in for a minute in light of you saying there was nothing wrong with them.

Let me ask you, Betsy, since there's nothing wrong with what he said. Are you okay with a complete stranger that you've just met grabbing your crotch? Trump obviously  likes them young, so how about some old man she's never met before grabbing your daughter's or a niece's crotch?

There's NOTHING wrong with that? Do words even have meaning to you?

You're reacting without really understanding what he's saying.  He's used crude words.  It's like locker talks among men who want to be macho!  I wouldn't be surprised if Trump had experienced a lot of rebuffs, either - perhaps he's actually intimidated by women and all these macho talks are just that.....talking big!

But look what he's actually saying,

" And when you’re a star they let you do it,” he said. “You can do anything. Grab them by the p*ssy. You can do anything.”

THEY LET YOU .   If they're "letting you"  do it......how is that sexual assault?  He may be talking about his experience as a celebrity, or something he'd seen other celebrity guys had experienced!  But he used such crude words.....that's all.

Haven't you seen women wanting autographs on their cleavage?   Look how women swoon over Tom Jones with his sexually suggestive grinding moves - and practically fighting over his sweaty scarf or shirt?  If that was in the 70's, think how much more it is around 2005!

I heard of women sending their nude photos to celebs, hoping they'll be interested.  There are women and men who stalk people with fame, power and fortune....what more when you're a billionaire to boot! 

So yeah....there's some truth to what he was saying.  There are women - groupies, especially - who'd let a celebrity do anything to them.

Unfortunately for Trump,  he used crude words.  And now, they're taking his statement out of context....making it fit the smear narrative to show he's a misogynist, and milking it for all it's worth.  I'm sure there are a lot of people who impulsively reacted the way you did.


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20 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Clinton's private speeches are not consistent with her public campaign rhetoric, and will likely turn off some Sanders faithful.   Trump can leverage some of the "leaked" content during the next debate.  

As long as he doesn't get too many questions of why the Russian intelligence service is so anxious to make him US president.

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I think the American people will choose Hillary as the lesser of two very bad candidates. That is what I am doing.  The Donald has shown no temperament for or interest in leading.

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7 minutes ago, Argus said:



He paid $850,000 to Paula Jones in an out-of-court settlement.....and according to the Washington Times (scroll up for the article), the claims of the other women were never disproved!


Furthermore, if there's no truth to any of it....why are these women freely going on interviews these days and repeating the same accusations?  You'd think they'd be slammed for slander, if there no truth to any of it.

Here's Juanita Broaddick, reliving her experience.


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16 hours ago, Topaz said:

As a woman, I don't appreciate the things Trump said he did 10 years ago BUT IF u look at what Bill Clinton has done in his past .... which is worse? He was accused of raping women and I was told , he has a son by a Black women, whom Hillary wants no part of.  Many former male employees, are coming forward and telling what the Clintons are and were like  back when Bill was governor and we all know what he was doing in the White House with Monica. Do people forget that there was some information going around about them selling info. to China? I was also told today, that when Clinton was Sec. of State, the President of Libya ask her , to let him leave the country before the attacks and she said no and told the military to kill him. No one  really knows for sure what  kind of President Trump would be  BUT we do know what the Clintons are all about. Trump has to fight off the Clinton and the Bushs  besides  Democrats supporters.  I think Trump is the lesser evil.

Evidence? Actual evidence of any of that?

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12 hours ago, BC_chick said:

Men may lie about their conquests but it takes a special kind of sleazeball to lie about sexually assaulting women (by grabbing their pussy) if untrue.

I saw the comment as nothing more than macho braggadocio. I'm a rich, famous guy and women will let me do anything I want. I don't think he actually went around grabbing women between the legs on first meeting. I thought his comments about his strong efforts at seducing a married woman while his current wife was 5 months pregnant were worse, and weirdly, have gone mostly unremarked upon.

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3 minutes ago, Argus said:

I saw the comment as nothing more than macho braggadocio. I'm a rich, famous guy and women will let me do anything I want. I don't think he actually went around grabbing women between the legs on first meeting. I thought his comments about his strong efforts at seducing a married woman while his current wife was 5 months pregnant were worse, and weirdly, have gone mostly unremarked upon.

How many women did Clinton groped while Hillary was pregnant, I wonder?

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11 minutes ago, betsy said:


He paid $850,000 to Paula Jones in an out-of-court settlement.....and according to the Washington Times (scroll up for the article), the claims of the other women were never disproved!

I'm sorry but 'failing to disprove' does not constitute evidence of proof.

Eventually, the court dismissed the Paula Jones harassment lawsuit, before trial, on the grounds that Jones failed to demonstrate any damages. However, while the dismissal was on appeal, Clinton entered into an out-of-court settlement by agreeing to pay Jones $850,000.[1]


So she couldn't prove sexual harassment (there was no charge of rape) and the court dismissed it and they paid her some money to go the hell away.



Furthermore, if there's no truth to any of it....why are these women freely going on interviews these days and repeating the same accusations? 

Money? Broderick was repeatedly threatened and lied to by Republican operatives, taped without her knowledge, and pushed into the open against her will. But her unsupported testimony does not constitute 'proof' of any kind, or if you suggest the mere accusation is good enough well then Donald Trump has been accused of raping a 13 year old girl. 

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4 minutes ago, Argus said:

I saw the comment as nothing more than macho braggadocio. I'm a rich, famous guy and women will let me do anything I want. I don't think he actually went around grabbing women between the legs on first meeting. I thought his comments about his strong efforts at seducing a married woman while his current wife was 5 months pregnant were worse, and weirdly, have gone mostly unremarked upon.

That's fine but Derek insists that type of macho exaggeration is what the majority of men who are not metrosexual manjinas do (his words). 

I'm deducing therefore that Derek includes himself in the group who "joke" about sexually assaulting women.  

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8 minutes ago, Argus said:

I'm sorry but 'failing to disprove' does not constitute evidence of proof.

Eventually, the court dismissed the Paula Jones harassment lawsuit, before trial, on the grounds that Jones failed to demonstrate any damages. However, while the dismissal was on appeal, Clinton entered into an out-of-court settlement by agreeing to pay Jones $850,000.[1]


So she couldn't prove sexual harassment (there was no charge of rape) and the court dismissed it and they paid her some money to go the hell away.

Money? Broderick was repeatedly threatened and lied to by Republican operatives, taped without her knowledge, and pushed into the open against her will. But her unsupported testimony does not constitute 'proof' of any kind, or if you suggest the mere accusation is good enough well then Donald Trump has been accused of raping a 13 year old girl. 

Well.....what's the difference with Trump's remarks, when you actually have no proof that he actually did those to women. 


Trumps remarks was said in the context of women letting celebrities do anything the celebs want.....and you're already convinced that he'd actually done those things.  For me to even say that it's a double standard, is laughable, since there is no comparison between Bill and Donald. Trump was not in in any political office at that time, whereas Clinton was!


Trump was speaking as a celluloid celebrity.   Clinton had abused his position if  any of those allegations are true.  Did you check out Juanita Broadick's youtube?  How can she sit there, repeating these accusations after all these years.....and not concerned getting sued for defamation?

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Bill isn't running, but Trump is. Trump threatened his ex-wife with legal action when she said he raped her with the argument that under New York law at that time, a man could technically not rape his wife. After that, she said he violated her.

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10 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

Bill isn't running, but Trump is. Trump threatened his ex-wife with legal action when she said he raped her with the argument that under New York law at that time, a man could technically not rape his wife. After that, she said he violated her.

Bill is campaigning for Hilary, using his influence as former President to Hillary's advantage. 

That makes him - and all the scandals attached to him - fair game.


So Hillary claims, "I'm the champion for women.  I'll fight for you."  And Bill agrees, "yeah, she is."  What's wrong with that picture? :)



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2 hours ago, betsy said:

You liberals, it seems, never could tell right from wrong..........

Does that go for all the Republican Party that has denounced him, as well as his wife Melania, who said his words were, "unacceptable and offensive" to her? I don't know how you could with deadpan seriousness claim that the people criticizing Trump can't tell right from wrong. If you don't see what's wrong with what he said, then your moral compass is non-existent.

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8 minutes ago, cybercoma said:

Does that go for all the Republican Party that has denounced him, as well as his wife Melania, who said his words were, "unacceptable and offensive" to her? I don't know how you could with deadpan seriousness claim that the people criticizing Trump can't tell right from wrong. If you don't see what's wrong with what he said, then your moral compass is non-existent.

Melania has to do it......that's called, damage control. 

As a wife, wouldn't you find it offensive and unacceptable that your husband is talking about being interested in other women??? That's their own marital problem, however. 


Why shouldn't I make light of it and say they can't tell right from wrong - they're making such a hay out of crude remarks over 10 years ago, and conveniently sweeping aside the seriousness of the allegations against Hillary Clinton, not just as an enabler for her husband.....but also for all the lies she's been doing while serving in office.

Their perspective is twisted.


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Among the US evangelicals, none less than Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist convention, has denounced Trump.



Nevertheless, I know very well many of the evangelical leaders who found a way to support Trump, and many are close friends. ...

They are not wrong to understand that elections have consequences and that the election of Hillary Clinton would be a radical advance for liberal causes that will have lasting, perhaps irreversible consequences.

They are wrong, I believe, to serve as apologists for Donald Trump.

The release of the sexually-explicit tape revealed Trump in a light that must be the worst nightmare for the candidate’s campaign. It revealed a sexual predator, not merely a playboy.


Trump’s horrifying statements, heard in his own proud voice, revealed an objectification of women and a sexual predation that must make continued support for Trump impossible for any evangelical leader.


His apologists are right: The stakes could not be higher. Jesus famously asked, “What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26)


From a conservative Christian of Mohler's stature, those are incredibly damning comments.


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35 minutes ago, betsy said:

You're reacting without really understanding what he's saying. 

I, his wife, Republicans, Americans, and the rest of the world understand just fine, thank you very much. It takes a stunning amount of ignorance or blind partisanship not to see what's wrong with what he said.

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39 minutes ago, Hal 9000 said:

First off, anyone who has never witness talk or behaviour like the Trump bus conversation is flat out lying.  I've seen it countless times from both sexes - and i've worked in office environments as well as out in the field environments, golf course, locker rooms, bars etc.

Now, what we're seeing here is nothing more than than show business - the ugly side perhaps, but show business.  People know that there are a couple different routes to fame, publicity and therefore money in show business.  In most cases, and in Trumps case, he has to have the media like him to give him good publicity.  In some cases, it's a matter of someone reporting untruths.  What we saw in the bus was banter between 2 guys, Trump was serving up the rhetoric to a receptive and laughing Billy Bush.  Billy Bush seemed to be having fun with Donald, and Trump just kept taking it up a notch.  The same with the Howard Stern interviews.  The only reason people go on HS is to be and say outrageous things, you can't go on stern and give the same interview as you'd give Charlie Rose - that's just not the forum.  If we believed everything I heard a celebrity say on HS, then we'd be looking a really sick world.  Ever wonder why Obama goes on "The View" and is gushed over, while McCain shows up and they grill him on foreign policy - it's all about getting the media to like you and give you favourable publicity.

Ever wonder why every celebrity seems to get along so well in front of the camera or at social events?  Ever wonder how last year so many celebs liked Trump, and now they're calling him out.  It's all a show, and 10 years ago, Trump made his brand using a certain persona.   Ironically, the media that used to like it back then is using the same persona to crush him now.

I can only imagine what what would happen if Louis CK or Russel Peters went into politics   

You and the boys like to sit around and shoot the s*** about how you sexually assault women, eh? Just some friendly man talk, huh? Sorry, but every single workplace I've ever been in would have fired someone faster than they could say, "But..." if they made comments bragging about sexually assaulting coworkers, customers, or clients. Don't sit here and try to tell me or anyone else who has at least two braincells to rub together that this is normal or acceptable behaviour. It isn't. He's a scumbag and anyone who condones it is equally scum.

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25 minutes ago, betsy said:

How many women did Clinton groped while Hillary was pregnant, I wonder?

Hillary treated Bill's lovers with some nasty words.


I guess that is how she easily gets away with lying about top secret information regarding her personal email server. 


End of this story is that you cannot trust Clinton, and you cannot trust Trump ..  You are all screwed.  


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9 minutes ago, cybercoma said:

I, his wife, Republicans, Americans, and the rest of the world understand just fine, thank you very much. It takes a stunning amount of ignorance or blind partisanship not to see what's wrong with what he said.

What?  The Republicans are all......politicians!  Every man for himself!  Political correctness, rules!    :D

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