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I don't want to behave this way which is why our governments should seek our permission in referendums requiring super majorities of at least 75% of the adult population....in a mandatory vote.

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.


Such as? Do you have examples?

Yes, the problems of First Nations people in Canada for one glaring example. I'm from Toronto so we don't see it so much, but on a trip out west I was aghast as to the scale of this problem.

I also think that addressing the problem of "what we pay attention to" and attuning "publics" to problems will result in progress on concerns for all Canadians regardless of their politics. Right now, we have one political "pipe" through which all problems need to be funneled. No one problem can get enough attention, so they all get pushed around like a broken vacuum cleaner pushing dirt from one place in the room to the next. We need to increase the amount of attention across the board, but reduce it for each individual problem I think.


Yes, the problems of First Nations people in Canada for one glaring example.

No it's not. We've cut down whole forests to print up the numerous reports, attestations, condemnations and criticism of the current lifestyle on reserves. We most definitely don't ignore the situation. It's just that it's an extremely complicated situation, with no set path through the woods so to speak, and no agreement on which direction to go. All we do know is that any resolution will be hideously expensive and piss a lot of people off. Even the natives don't agree or seem to know how to resolve the situtuation, other than by giving them all our money, most of the land in Canada, exemption from all our laws and setting no boundaries or rules on what they do.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley


The creeping incursion of Israel into Palestinian territory is something we know all about in North America. It's the story of our continent, after all. We know how these things are justified and how the story will probably end. The nature of the Palestinian regime(s) looks increasingly irrelevant as hard liners like Naftali Bennett come to the fore. The Palestinian Territory on the West Bank will be progressively shrunk until a rump state, call it Gaza East, is eventually left to them. Israel will get the land without the people and, like us, will express surprise how things turned out.


Nonetheless it's not a priority and problems persist.

You are changing the goalposts. I thought it was something we ignored.

And it would be a priority if anyone could think of anything to do which would improve things other than just pouring more money into the reserves.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley


You are changing the goalposts. I thought it was something we ignored.

If we haven't done anything significant to turn things around, I would say it's not a priority and therefore the problem has been ignored.

And it would be a priority if anyone could think of anything to do which would improve things other than just pouring more money into the reserves.

I doubt that this has anything to do with a lack of ideas. These problems are solvable but political.

Posted (edited)

Spanky is it now? Just once I would like to see someone use the name Muhammed or Ali on this forum.

Edited by Rue

I come to you to hell.


If we haven't done anything significant to turn things around, I would say it's not a priority and therefore the problem has been ignored.

I doubt that this has anything to do with a lack of ideas. These problems are solvable but political.

Well-meaning people have tried, but it's extremely difficult when sitting across a table from 600 'chiefs' to get a consensus on anything realistic.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley


Well-meaning people have tried, but it's extremely difficult when sitting across a table from 600 'chiefs' to get a consensus on anything realistic.

Wouldn't you also agree that the average Canadian isn't really thinking about this issue much ? I honestly think that this statement isn't controversial; people aren't thinking about it.


Wouldn't you also agree that the average Canadian isn't really thinking about this issue much ? I honestly think that this statement isn't controversial; people aren't thinking about it.

I'd say there is a general societal awareness of and agreement that the conditions on many reserves are disgraceful and something should be done about it. There is a general willingness to help, or to approve of something which helps deal with the problems on reserves. But I'd also say there is a general feeling that a lot of the problems stem from poor, unrepresentative, corrupt and self-serving local native governments. I think the Tories efforts at forcing the reserve governments to open up more about what they're spending money on is part of trying to deal with that.

But yes, I'd certainly agree most Canadians aren't spending a lot of time thinking about the issues. When something brings the subject to the media's attention there's a lot of awareness but like any other topic it will fade into the background after a given time. I don't agree, though, that this makes us 'worse' than anyone else out there.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley


I don't agree, though, that this makes us 'worse' than anyone else out there.

I don't think it does either. But it doesn't make us 'better' than anyone necessarily either. Israel's sovereignty fight with its indigenous/encroaching peoples question receives much more attention there than our issues do.


I don't think it does either. But it doesn't make us 'better' than anyone necessarily either. Israel's sovereignty fight with its indigenous/encroaching peoples question receives much more attention there than our issues do.

Yes, well, as they say, if it bleeds it leads, and there's a lot of bloodshed going on over there.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley


I was talking about Canadians looking in their own backyard, not in the status of First Nations people relative to Palestinians or anything like that.

We can and have looked in out backyard. Why does the government send troops into Iraq when our own back yard needs cleaning up? Canadians are looking, our government is ignoring it.

Google : Webster Griffin Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser

ohm on soundcloud.com

Posted (edited)

Spanky is it now? Just once I would like to see someone use the name Muhammed or Ali on this forum.

Um, what? I have never posted under any other name here before and there's not one Muhammed (of any spelling) in my family - not that I would apologise if there were BTW. Try focusing on the content of posts if you want to encourage more members here.

Edited by SpankyMcFarland

Amnesty International asks four simple questions from war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu as he comes to Washington DC to encourage Americans to sacrifice their sons and daughters yet again for the cause of Zionist militarism:

1. Why is Israel taking Palestinian land?

2. Why is Israel undermining Gaza reconstruction?

3. Why is Israel arresting nonviolent Palestinian protesters?

4. Why does Israel oppose international accountability?


Still waiting for someone to attempt an answer ... <crickets>


Rapists, pedophiles, and nazis post online too.

Posted (edited)

Forever is a long time...most of us try to live in the present reality.

Why is Canada bombing Iraqis (again) ? Because it can.....

Edited by bush_cheney2004

Economics trumps Virtue. 



Forever is a long time...most of us try to live in the present reality.

Why is Canada bombing Iraqis (again) ? Because it can.....

Because we have a PM who is a dumbass and reckons he needs to help you guys out, unlike one of our previous PMs who just said no to your namesake. We have an election coming up though you should know.

Posted (edited)

Well for Spanky and our anti Zionist gang you asked these questions:

1. Why did Iran invade Kurdish land and kill thousans of Kurds?

2. Why does it prevent the UN time and time again from conducting inspections on its nuclear reactors?

3.Why is Iran undermining the Iraqi government and assisting Shiite militias in Iraq to exterminate non Shiites?

4. Why does it arrest thousands and torture them for the crime of being female, gay, trade unionist, Bahai, Christian, Jewish,Zoroastrean or a perceived infidel?

5.Why to the our anti Zionist gang only selectively ask questions about Israel and skip over questions about Iran, Syria, Turkey, et al?

Why does Jacee only show up on the board if its to say something anti Israeli?

Why do people choose names like Rue and Spanky instead ofJerry and Muhammed?

Why has there never been someone Muslim admit that on this board?

Stay tuned.

Edited by Rue

I come to you to hell.

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