GostHacked Posted March 9, 2015 Report Posted March 9, 2015 Seems like no one likes the Kurds. Iran attacked them, Iraq attacked them, Turkey attacked them. Quote Google : Webster Griffin Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser ohm on soundcloud.com
LemonPureLeaf Posted March 9, 2015 Report Posted March 9, 2015 Seems like no one likes the Kurds. Iran attacked them, Iraq attacked them, Turkey attacked them.. Don't worry soon they will all be Canadians. We can then airlift them out. Quote
Shady Posted March 9, 2015 Report Posted March 9, 2015 Seems like no one likes the Kurds. Iran attacked them, Iraq attacked them, Turkey attacked them. They're not liked because they're one of the only normal group of people around in the Middle East, other than the Israelis. Quote
GostHacked Posted March 9, 2015 Report Posted March 9, 2015 They're not liked because they're one of the only normal group of people around in the Middle East, other than the Israelis. No one likes the Yazidis either. Quote Google : Webster Griffin Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser ohm on soundcloud.com
Argus Posted March 9, 2015 Report Posted March 9, 2015 (edited) Still waiting for someone to attempt an answer ... <crickets> . 1. Why is Israel taking Palestinian land? Because of internal political divisions and the political system which grants enormous influence to tiny, religious parties, and because Israel is crowded, and because no one in Israel except the Arabs much likes Palestinians. 2. Why is Israel undermining Gaza reconstruction? Because at least some of the materials used for 'reconstruction' will be used for military construction. 3. Why is Israel arresting nonviolent Palestinian protesters? Because they did something Israel didn't like. 4. Why does Israel oppose international accountability? Because the Islamic block distorts the entire meaning of 'international' both with numbers and money used to purchase the votes of countries which really don't care one way or the other, or who know the constant demands of the UN are essentially meaningless anyway. Edited March 9, 2015 by Argus Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
Big Guy Posted March 9, 2015 Report Posted March 9, 2015 Another question on Iran: Why does this anti-Semite, Jew hating country allow about 20,000 Jews and over 20 synagogues to remain in Iran? Quote Note - For those expecting a response from Big Guy: I generally do not read or respond to posts longer then 300 words nor to parsed comments.
Argus Posted March 9, 2015 Report Posted March 9, 2015 Another question on Iran: Why does this anti-Semite, Jew hating country allow about 20,000 Jews and over 20 synagogues to remain in Iran? I suppose you've noted that 85% of Iran's Jews have emigrated since the Ayatollah Khomeini took charge in 1985? And if anyone can posit a reason for the relentless hostility of Iran towards Israel other than it being Jewish I'd like to hear it. Any suggestion Iran has any care or interest in human rights abuses will result in laughter, of course, especially given their support for Syria's regime. Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
SpankyMcFarland Posted March 9, 2015 Report Posted March 9, 2015 Well for Spanky and our anti Zionist gang you asked these questions: 1. Why did Iran invade Kurdish land and kill thousans of Kurds? 2. Why does it prevent the UN time and time again from conducting inspections on its nuclear reactors? 3.Why is Iran undermining the Iraqi government and assisting Shiite militias in Iraq to exterminate non Shiites? 4. Why does it arrest thousands and torture them for the crime of being female, gay, trade unionist, Bahai, Christian, Jewish,Zoroastrean or a perceived infidel? 5.Why to the our anti Zionist gang only selectively ask questions about Israel and skip over questions about Iran, Syria, Turkey, et al? Why does Jacee only show up on the board if its to say something anti Israeli? Why do people choose names like Rue and Spanky instead ofJerry and Muhammed? Why has there never been someone Muslim admit that on this board? Stay tuned. Got me bang to rights. Where do I sign my jihadi confession? Quote
GostHacked Posted March 9, 2015 Report Posted March 9, 2015 (edited) 1. Why is Israel taking Palestinian land? Because of internal political divisions and the political system which grants enormous influence to tiny, religious parties, and because Israel is crowded, and because no one in Israel except the Arabs much likes Palestinians. Because there is no room in Israel? Maybe one of the lowest comments regarding this I have heard so far. Edited March 9, 2015 by GostHacked Quote Google : Webster Griffin Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser ohm on soundcloud.com
Argus Posted March 9, 2015 Report Posted March 9, 2015 Because there is no room in Israel? Maybe one of the lowest comments regarding this I have heard so far. Low as in what way? I didn't say there was no room, btw, only that it was getting crowded. Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
On Guard for Thee Posted March 10, 2015 Report Posted March 10, 2015 Low as in what way? I didn't say there was no room, btw, only that it was getting crowded. I wonder if its at all crowded in Palestine. You do manage to get your foot in your mouth from time to time, dont you... Quote
Bonam Posted March 11, 2015 Report Posted March 11, 2015 Spanky is it now? Just once I would like to see someone use the name Muhammed or Ali on this forum. Here you go: http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums/user/6406-mansour-mohammed-jaffa/ Quote
Rue Posted March 13, 2015 Report Posted March 13, 2015 (edited) Thanks Bonam. Last active in 2011. Well now. It would be nice to have one person with the integrity to be proud of his ethnicity and not hide it when he's making disparaging comments about another person's right to express their own. I won't hold my breath for him to come back. Regards, Hyman Goldfarb aka Bernie Shapiro aka Hy Cohen aka Sid Greenberg aka Nate Shuster aka Gavin Rothchild aka Sam Rabinovitch aka John Smith aka Blayne Sississ aka Vlad Putin Edited March 13, 2015 by Rue Quote I come to you to hell.
Rue Posted March 13, 2015 Report Posted March 13, 2015 The West Bank,Israel, and Gaza are for a fact densely populated and the environment in all three regions is endangered as a result. Its a fact. Here we go again with the high almighty self righteous attempt to suggest saying that is politically inappropriate. It is unbelievable the amount of self appointed politically appropriate censors on this board curling their noses up in fits of propriety. What now you On Guard? What next a lecture on how you don't hate people and practice the Golden Rule and are a good Christian too? Go on. Go to Wikepedia and type in demographics of the Palestinian territoriesthen stuff the self righteousness and go look somewhere else although that article seems to be written in as low a level of English as I could find to make it easier to understand. Quote I come to you to hell.
Rue Posted March 13, 2015 Report Posted March 13, 2015 (edited) There is physically no room in Israel for more immigrants no. Its saturated. The more people it takes in now, the more of a strain on its environment. That is a fact. It has no water, very little land. I think On Guard needs to get off his ass and travel to Israel to see how small it is, how crowded it is, and understand the reality of size and proximity in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel and just how close Syria, Jordan and Lebanon are, and why this presents security and other limitations to demographic settlement. Israel's length is 263 miles. At its most strategic locations to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, it is only 9.3 miles wide. That is how small it is. You could run across its width in a couple of hours if you are a marathon runner. Go drive in Canada 9.3miles and then understand you've crossed the width of Israel and why its so difficult to protect security wise. Arm chair geniuses in Canada who take size for granted can't fathom that so can't resist the need to lecture Argus on what is or is not crowded. Edited March 13, 2015 by Rue Quote I come to you to hell.
guyser Posted March 13, 2015 Report Posted March 13, 2015 There is physically no room in Israel for more immigrants no. Its saturated. The more people it takes in now, the more of a strain on its environment. That is a fact. It has no water, very little land. I think On Guard needs to get off his ass and travel to Israel to see how small it is, how crowded it is, and understand the reality of size and proximity in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel and just how close Syria, Jordan and Lebanon are, and why this presents security and other limitations to demographic settlement.Well for starters there is room. That is a fact. Not to mention 30+ countries have much higher density, but lets leave that since there could well be reasons for that. And hey, lookie here "The Israeli government has taken steps to encourage French immigration, approving an initiative that includes a hefty boost in the amount of Israeli emissaries operating in France; a significant increase in the public relations campaigns targeting French Jewry, and the implementation of new procedures that will expedite the absorption process for French Jews." Maybe rue needs to get of his ass and go to israel and talk with the leaders there and plead and grovel as to why the State of Israel is asking for more people to move there since it is ruining his street cred and making him look like he makes up his own narrative. Yea...that would be a good idea. Israel's length is 263 miles. At its most strategic locations to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, it is only 9.3 miles wide. That is how small it is. You could run across its width in a couple of hours if you are a marathon runner. Actually it would take one about 40 -45 minutes. Arm chair geniuses in Canada who take size for granted can't fathom that so can't resist the need to lecture Argus on what is or is not crowded.Um....looks like the self appointed genius made up a nice story. Oh....Cool story bro ! Too bad the PM of Israel and the rest of the nation dont agree with you. Uh oh. Quote
GostHacked Posted March 13, 2015 Report Posted March 13, 2015 There is physically no room in Israel for more immigrants no. Its saturated. The more people it takes in now, the more of a strain on its environment. That is a fact. It has no water, very little land. I think On Guard needs to get off his ass and travel to Israel to see how small it is, how crowded it is, and understand the reality of size and proximity in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel and just how close Syria, Jordan and Lebanon are, and why this presents security and other limitations to demographic settlement. Netanyahu wants to increase immigration which means Israel will also expand the settlements in the occupied territories. It would relieve Israel's crowding issue. It could also mean resources for Israel if they simply annexed all of Gaza and the West Bank. Don't blame anyone else but the Jews/Zionists for the modern creation of Israel smack dab in the middle of all the stuff you seem to detest which has caused nothing but issues for the Jewish people while the blame is always on someone else. Wonder what this would be like if Africa was the chosen spot. Bitching about the Nazi's treatment of Jews when we see Israel controlling the worlds largest open air prison. Quote Google : Webster Griffin Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser ohm on soundcloud.com
Rue Posted March 13, 2015 Report Posted March 13, 2015 Don't blame anyone else but the Jews/Zionists for the modern creation of Israel. Wonder what this would be like if Africa was the chosen spot. Bitching about the Nazi's treatment of Jews when we see Israel controlling the worlds largest open air prison. Oh look who's back to making comments that makes Jews and Zionists the same word, engages in holocaust inversion and tries to bait showing his true colours. Atta boy, prove what you stand for. Its there for all to see. Quote I come to you to hell.
Rue Posted March 13, 2015 Report Posted March 13, 2015 (edited) 1-Well for starters there is room. That is a fact. Not to mention 30+ countries have much higher density, but lets leave that since there could well be reasons for that. 2-Actually it would take one about 40 -45 minutes. 3-Oh....Cool story bro ! 4-Uh oh. The fact that other countries have as high or a higher density does not make Israel less crowded. Even for you that was illogical. 2. Uh no, one can not walk 9 miles in 40-45 minutes. But hey you walk fast. 3. If you want to be taken seriously you might want to try engage in something with more syllables when responding. 4. see 3. Now you and Ghost need to get your act together. I hate to see you two disagree. Can we please stay in harmony when trashing Israel. He seems to think and I quote: "Netanyahu wants to increase immigration which means Israel will also expand the settlements in the occupied territories. It would relieve Israel's crowding issue." Come on boys get it together. Edited March 13, 2015 by Rue Quote I come to you to hell.
jacee Posted March 13, 2015 Report Posted March 13, 2015 Amnesty International asks four simple questions from war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu as he comes to Washington DC to encourage Americans to sacrifice their sons and daughters yet again for the cause of Zionist militarism: 1. Why is Israel taking Palestinian land? 2. Why is Israel undermining Gaza reconstruction? 3. Why is Israel arresting nonviolent Palestinian protesters? 4. Why does Israel oppose international accountability? Link Have you answered the 4 questions yet Rue? . Quote Rapists, pedophiles, and nazis post online too.
Rue Posted March 13, 2015 Report Posted March 13, 2015 Have you answered the 4 questions yet Rue? . Have you answered the 4 questions yet? Quote I come to you to hell.
Rue Posted March 13, 2015 Report Posted March 13, 2015 (edited) The rise in population density to 2013 can be found at http://countryeconomy.com/demography/population/israel. In 2013 it was 365 people per square kilometre. Out of the 14.2 million Jewish people in the world, 43% reside in Israel. Israel is the 99th most populous country in the world, not including the over 250,000 illegal foreign workers and African migrants residing in Israel. Israel welcomed approximately 16,884 new Jewish immigrants during 2013, rising 2% from the previous year's figure. Most immigrants arrived in Israel from Russia, France, the United States, Ukraine, and Ethiopia. In 2012, 4.3 million (73%) of the total Jewish population were "Sabras" - born in Israel - compared with just a 35% native-born population at Israel's independence in 1948. 38.6% of the Jewish population are Israeli-born to at least one parent who was also Israeli-born. Those of European and American ancestry make up about 2.2 million (36%) of the Jewish population while Africans fill out another 14.5% and Asians are 11.2%. source for the above: Jewish Virtual Library The State of Israel has a population of approximately 8,296,000 inhabitants as of the end of 2014 according to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics as of December 31, 2014. The current population is: 8,317,255 and I love this site for that number: http://countrymeters.info/en/Israel, because it graphically shows those damned Zionists growing by the minute, tick tick tick. It states that the population density of Israel is 375.7 people per square kilometer as of March 2015. So again in spite of the idiotic attempts to bait and insult, these stats show Argus quite correct. To put it in perspective to other nations and to show how absolutely stupid it is to compare it to other nations to argue its not crowded one need only look at these statistics: The Population density of Israel is similar to that of Tuvalu, Netherlands, Marshall Islands, India, Burundi, Haiti, Philippines, Comoros, Belgium, Japan with a respective Population density of 415, 406, 392, 376, 374, 360, 359, 343, 342, 336 (capita per square kilometer) and a global rank of 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 source:http://mecometer.com/whats/israel/population-denisty/ Edited March 13, 2015 by Rue Quote I come to you to hell.
guyser Posted March 13, 2015 Report Posted March 13, 2015 (edited) The fact that other countries have as high or a higher density does not make Israel less crowded.The Israeli govt wants more people. That means there is room. But you dont think so. Ok, but the country thinks so Plenty of countries have 5+ times the density, what makes your land so special? Nothing. Not worth the time and effort to bother any longer. Keep peddling rubbish. Edited March 13, 2015 by Guyser2 Quote
guyser Posted March 13, 2015 Report Posted March 13, 2015 (edited) at the end of the day, Israel wants more people. Edited March 13, 2015 by Guyser2 Quote
Argus Posted March 14, 2015 Report Posted March 14, 2015 I wonder if its at all crowded in Palestine. You do manage to get your foot in your mouth from time to time, dont you... What would that have to do with the question? You just don't put much effort into these things, do you? Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
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