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Iran Key To Middle East Peace

Big Guy

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The CIA was working for Stalin?

Do you even think about how weird the things you write look?

The CIA helped remove Mossadeq. The Shah was already on the throne. See....History 102 stuff.

Newsreels of events 1941...

Edited by DogOnPorch
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Sure but Iran like much of the world was evolving from rule by monarchy, and a rather tyrannical one, into governance by democracy. And when the US of all the self-liberated self-governing places on the planet helped to strengthen that monarchy at the behest of the UK of all the other places in the world, there must have been a very very good reason to do so. A country that does something that good should be proud of that don't you think?

So did your uncle work for the Mufti the way the Mufti worked for Hitler? Why should that be your fault? It probably happened before you were even born.

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Sure but Iran like much of the world was evolving from rule by monarchy, and a rather tyrannical one, into governance by democracy. And when the US of all the self-liberated self-governing places on the planet helped to strengthen that monarchy at the behest of the UK of all the other places in the world, there must have been a very very good reason to do so. A country that does something that good should be proud of that don't you think?

So did your uncle work for the Mufti the way the Mufti worked for Hitler? Why should that be your fault? It probably happened before you were even born.

The Shah, while 'Absolute King of Kings' after 1967, was secular, pro-modernization, pro-feminist (thanks to Farah) and above all to his allies...anti-Communist. He outlawed the Communist Tudeh Party which hurt his support in the working class. But, where he really ran into opposition was from the Mullahs...who were steaming at their lessening role in Persian society. They started formulating dissent over Iran's close ties to Israel during sermons that by the time 1979 rolled around, a good chunk of the population was convinced he was secretly working for Israel.

As for my uncle, he never went back to Europe after WW2 ended when he was eventually freed from the POW camps in Alberta. He was an officer in the SS in the Balkans. I imagine they would make a big stink about the fellow these days. But, he kept low and nobody bugged him. My father and his brothers were all in the RCAF, though. Made for interesting reunions.

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Sure but Iran like much of the world was evolving from rule by monarchy, and a rather tyrannical one, into governance by democracy.

Your comment is of course unsubstantiated because as usual its false-its fabricated crap,.

When the Shah was replaced by the revolution no democracy was ever put in place. That is an absolute, bold faced lie.

Go on provide your source for the democracy the Ayatollah brought.

Damn you just never fail to spew fabricated sputum.

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Why should Canada support Israeli pushing of Palestinians off their land and expanding their settlements into the contested areas?

What advantage is it to Canada to have any association at all with Israel?

They're not Iran's fascist Mullahs, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah or any number of bloodthirsty Islamic terrorist groups...my hunch.

Edited by DogOnPorch
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They're not Iran's fascist Mullahs, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah or any number of bloodthirsty Islamic terrorist groups...my hunch.

It appears that are unable to come up with a reason.

BTW - You missed that they are not aliens from another world intent on taking over the earth.

On the other hand, if you are a Canadian Israeli or an Israeli Canadian and are more concerned about the increasingly Zionist Israel then you might come up with silly reasons of "why not".

Then "why" would indicate a priority for Canada - if that was your priority... my hunch

My question was directed at a Canadian and perhaps a Canadian should answer that question.

Edited by Big Guy
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That is the reason, BG. Your guys are Islamic terrorists.

Makes folks nervous...

My guys are Canadians. If you are Canadian than people like you make me and other nationalists nervous. Why do you prioritize Israel over Canada? Only Zionists would take that position.

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My guys are Canadians. If you are Canadian than people like you make me and other nationalists nervous. Why do you prioritize Israel over Canada? Only Zionists would take that position.

You've made plenty of claims of support for the Islamic Republic of Iran.

I am a Zionist in the sense Israel belongs right where it is...not in the Ugandan jungle or on Madagascar...etc. It is no different than any other country in the region that were created as a result of the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Well, except the Jew-part, eh?

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The Shah, while 'Absolute King of Kings' after 1967, was secular, pro-modernization, pro-feminist (thanks to Farah) and above all to his allies...anti-Communist. He outlawed the Communist Tudeh Party which hurt his support in the working class. But, where he really ran into opposition was from the Mullahs...who were steaming at their lessening role in Persian society. They started formulating dissent over Iran's close ties to Israel during sermons that by the time 1979 rolled around, a good chunk of the population was convinced he was secretly working for Israel.

Absolute utter jibberish...

You have no idea what you are talking about. I guess you have not hear of white revolution...

The only chance for democracy to flourish in Iran was to stop CIA meddling in the coup of 1953!

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Absolute utter jibberish...

You have no idea what you are talking about. I guess you have not hear of white revolution...

The only chance for democracy to flourish in Iran was to stop CIA meddling in the coup of 1953!

It's *gibberish*...the word you're attempting to spell.

What about the White Revolution do you wish to discuss? Iran was doing just fine under The Shah re: modernization. His wife was very pro-women's rights...something you'd obviously like to see curbed seeing your support for the Islamic Republic.

It was the religious nut-bars in power now that didn't like his reforms. Are you one of those types?

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It's *gibberish*...the word you're attempting to spell.

What about the White Revolution do you wish to discuss? Iran was doing just fine under The Shah re: modernization. His wife was very pro-women's rights...something you'd obviously like to see curbed seeing your support for the Islamic Republic.

It was the religious nut-bars in power now that didn't like his reforms. Are you one of those types?

Thanks for correction the spelling. I didn't have my spell checker. I typed it in rush as I was at work.

Here is the thing with you DOP. Just because I don't agree with your fabricated statements here doesn't make me a pro mullah. Your accusation pretty much sounds like the old Bush with his infamous statement "You are either with us or against us"....Oh the irony. The only difference us when you rewrite thr history so blindly obvious it diesn't give much credence to your argument...,

I suggest you read on the white revolution and the subsidies Shah gave to farmers before coming up with these heresays...,

I have no problem with you criticising the islamic regime. On the contrary that is absolutely fine. The problem with your argument is that you are biased towards Israel despite stating on the last page here that you don't care about Israel. As such you have no desire to acknowledge other countries in the middle east as long as israel's interests remains intact at any cost. That's what is the problem...

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You've made plenty of claims of support for the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Perhaps you should re-read my posts. I believe that Canada should have some influence in the Middle East. I also believe the future of the Middle East is Iran, which is Muslim and has the opportunity to be the main power there. Iran in increasing in power and influence. Iran can be a major trading power and ally.

Israel is a rogue nation which has thumbed its nose at the USA, Canada and the UN. It illegally became a nuclear power and is aggressive and expansionist. The future for Israel is war. I do not think it is in Canada's interest to be associated with Israel. The real danger is that Israel will drag us into a war.

Canada's associations do not depend on human rights or rewarding nations. It depends on doing things that are good for Canada.

You still have not answered my question - Why do you prioritize Israel interests over Canadian interests?

For those who think that an aggressive Israel will ever achieve peace:


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You still have not answered my question - Why do you prioritize Israel interests over Canadian interests?

Do you still beat your wife? :D

I always find it amazing that fellows like yourself just don't come out and say: "I support the Islamic Republic of Iran".

It shouldn't be embarrassing if the place is so wonderful. Isn't it wonderful?

Question: What does Iran do to homosexuals?

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I always find it amazing that fellows like yourself just don't come out and say: "I support the Islamic Republic of Iran".

Because no one does. The source of your amazement is the figment of your conceptually flawed imagination.

It shouldn't be embarrassing if the place is so wonderful. Isn't it wonderful?

Question: What does Iran do to homosexuals?

Nothing. The Islamic crazies in charge of the government do horrible things in it's name but Iran itself is just a place, it's not a who, or a collective that's of a single mind. That you can't or won't make these sorts of distinctions and instead go out of your way to collectivize and demonize Iran along with fellows like me is the only mystery here.

I support the people of Iran and always have, not their rotten government, but you just refuse to get that don't you?

Edited by eyeball
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Do you still beat your wife? :D

I always find it amazing that fellows like yourself just don't come out and say: "I support the Islamic Republic of Iran".

It shouldn't be embarrassing if the place is so wonderful. Isn't it wonderful?

Question: What does Iran do to homosexuals?

I an not interested what you find amazing. I find it amazing that you would support Israel against Canada.

Why not just don't come out and say: "I support the Israeli interests over Canadian interests".

I really do not care what Iran does with homosexuals. It is none of my business. It is their country. I would assume that Iran deals with homosexuals similar to what Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and most of our other trading partners do - and we deal with them because it is in our better interests.

Do you really care or are you just jumping into this thread to try baiting some controversy?

You really have not added anything of substance. Why do you bother?

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I wonder what Iran does about transgender rest rooms ? Very progressive...no doubt.

Oddly enough, Khomeini and his followers have pretty progressive ideas regarding sexuality.

“A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual acts such as foreplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed.

A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not count as one of the man’s four permanent wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl’s sister.

A man can have sex with animals such as sheep, cows, camels and so on. However he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village, however selling the meat to the next door village should be fine.”

– Ayatollah Khomeini, Tahrir al-Vasyleh, Fourth Edition, Darol Elm, Qom, Iran, 1990.

But, if you're gay...well...off with their 'eads.


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