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Shots Fired On Parliament Hill

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I have some questions about all this. I just saw on CBC, that someone sent them a video of the shooter getting into his car. Now, how would someone know who he was or what he had done when it was right after he had shot the reserve. They wouldn't have know what the had done and why did he only kill one person when he could have killed more? Why run to the Parliament Hill, were security is going to getting anyone coming in with a gun, was he suicidal? Apparently.

A Guy dressed in civilian clothes with a rifle stands out, if a soldier drops to the ground wounded and people see a guy with a rifle most people can add 2+2...

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Huh ? Tired of finding out from American sources ? How many other instances have been initially reported from American sources ?

I am watching CTV right now waiting for the PM's statement, and I had to wade through promotions for America's "Big Bang Theory" first.

I love The Big Bang Theory.

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PM's statement was short and to the point. Didn't say "Islam" or "Muslim".....smart. Did say "ISIS"....smart.

What amazes me is how so many Canadians are reacting with "How could this happen in Canada? " Seriously ?

Actually Mr Troll, many of us asked WHEN it was going to happen. Maybe you need bigger bait.

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Either these last two killings of Canadian soldiers are the work of individuals with mental problems or they are the first two Canadian casualties of the new Canadian war against ISIL. Maybe both.

It would be interesting to find out if these individuals would have done what they did if Canada had chosen to NOT join the American coalition against ISIL.

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Here's what I got from listening to CNN. There's a chance the two terrorists want-to bes, e-mailed each other and both had their passports taken away which peeved them off and they reacted like they did. Also, this last guy, he was on his way to fight overseas to fight when the passport was taken away from him. As I said before, there are laws in place for someone going over to fight and he should have been arrested and finally, the PM didn't look to well and I wonder if the statement I heard on TV that ISIS had threaten to cut off his head, again heard it on American TV.

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I don't approve. He should make a simple statement tomorrow in a scrum or in the house. He should not make this into a national crisis.

This is the opportunity Harper has been waiting his whole career for!

I wouldn't doubt it if he was preparing his speech for several years now.


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So were there actual shots at the Chateau Laurier and Rideau Center?? Told you it would get scaled back to a lone gunman.

I'd like to know how some guy got in there with a riffle and bunch of bullets!!!!

Or am I wearing a tinfoil hat now for asking obvious questions?


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I thought, like the Prime Minister, Mr Mulcair's remarks were well thought out, with both statements aimed at not only reassuring Canadians, but also our allies and the markets.

Most definitely....lots of reassurance to go around from both. Nobody should seriously think that PM Harper or Canada is going to back down.

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Most definitely....lots of reassurance to go around from both. Nobody should seriously think that PM Harper or Canada is going to back down.

Not at all.......I think Mr Muclair's suggestion that his party will support the Government in the days ahead are important, much like the bipartisan spirit after 9/11.

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I agree I was in Ottawa this past summer, the parl buildings are right there. He`s a Muslim, no one said he was very bright.

Ya if this was two years ago, you'd be right on schedule to getting banned from this site.

But the moderators here give a ratts ass now so I think you'll fit in just fine now.


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Most definitely....lots of reassurance to go around from both. Nobody should seriously think that PM Harper or Canada is going to back down.

Back down? From what? The gift Harper has been waiting his whole life for?

When did a dead soldier ever stop a war pig from invading a country?


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Not at all.......I think Mr Muclair's suggestion that his party will support the Government in the days ahead are important, much like the bipartisan spirit after 9/11.

Sure....but just browsing the CBC story reader comments (already up to an amazing 7000+), there are folks who really think they can make it all go away by bringing the CF-188's home.

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Either these last two killings of Canadian soldiers are the work of individuals with mental problems or they are the first two Canadian casualties of the new Canadian war against ISIL. Maybe both.

It would be interesting to find out if these individuals would have done what they did if Canada had chosen to NOT join the American coalition against ISIL.

I think we were on the list since 9/11… we have either been lucky or good but something was bound to happen…

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Sure....but just browsing the CBC story reader comments (already up to an amazing 7000+), there are folks who really think they can make it all go away by bringing the CF-188's home.

I don't bother reading comment sections........9 out 10 doctors agree that if you do, it leads directly to diminished mental capacity. ;)

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