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War Against ISIL

Big Guy

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Where do you think they got the idea that was the normally accepted way powerful countries achieve their goals?

Uhm, not sure... could it be thousands of years of Chinese emperors and warlords doing exactly that?

We seem to be going to hell in a hand basket just as often as not according to most of your posts, usually because of a bunch of politicians

not doing their jobs properly. I have lots of ideas on that you just don't care for them is all.

We're talking about the world security, peace and prosperity situation, and where we align in it. What I said was we're doing pretty good and haven't had a major terrorist attack since 2005. And I haven't heard you voicing any opinion other than "Just stop doing everything', which is not really doable.

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Looks like the media is catching up with events in Afghanistan.

Taliban strikes during parliament session!


I thought the Taliban was eradicated? Marginalized? Hahahahahah right....

KABUL - The Taliban launched a complex attack on the Afghan parliament Monday, with a suicide car bomber striking at the entrance and gunmen battling police as lawmakers were meeting inside to try to confirm the appointment of a defence minister, police and witnesses said.

Afghan security forces managed to repel the attack, killing all seven gunmen and ensuring that no members of parliament were harmed. But the audacious assault on one of the most heavily guarded compounds in the capital came as the Taliban captured two northern districts in as many days, displaying their ability to operate on multiple fronts.

Health Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ismail Kahousi said 31 civilians were wounded in the parliament attack, including two women and two children.

Good thing no one dies except the attackers. But I think we will see more of these in the near future.

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To GostHacked - Another attack and more deaths.

There is a bright light. This morning I saw and heard an announcer on an American network referring this bombing as another attack in the Afghanistan civil war! Yes, he said "CIVIL WAR". This may be an indicator that the Americans have finally got it and this will be their pretext to abandoning the whole thing.

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To GostHacked - Another attack and more deaths.

There is a bright light. This morning I saw and heard an announcer on an American network referring this bombing as another attack in the Afghanistan civil war! Yes, he said "CIVIL WAR". This may be an indicator that the Americans have finally got it and this will be their pretext to abandoning the whole thing.

All part of the plan. Destabilize the entire region. Then the 'allies' can present another 'solution' to a problem that they created in the first place. Only a few decades ago was Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria all going the progressive modern lifestyle until foreign intervention (on the east and west) which pissed off a hella lotta people. And then we wonder what the hell happened! History has not exactly been taught as it actually happened.

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All part of the plan. Destabilize the entire region. Then the 'allies' can present another 'solution' to a problem that they created in the first place.

So you're saying ISIS works for ... uh who? The CIA? The Illuminati? The Mossad?

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So you're saying ISIS works for ... uh who? The CIA? The Illuminati? The Mossad?

Why is that so crazy? I mean the claim is that Iran (or insert your fave tyrannical dictator here) is all behind ISIS. While only recently are we seeing in the news (CBC) where they mention that Iran has been fighting side by side with American soldiers to combat ISIS.

So, I am not really sure who is funding ISIS. CIA? Saudis? Iran? Russia? China? The more I look, the less it all makes sense.

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Why is that so crazy? I mean the claim is that Iran (or insert your fave tyrannical dictator here) is all behind ISIS. While only recently are we seeing in the news (CBC) where they mention that Iran has been fighting side by side with American soldiers to combat ISIS.

So, I am not really sure who is funding ISIS. CIA? Saudis? Iran? Russia? China? The more I look, the less it all makes sense.

What's the motivation for the US to invade, attempt to set up a democracy, withdraw then set up an organization to undo all of it ? If it was a conspiracy to make the war in the first place, it makes even less sense.

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Who is claiming Iran is behind ISIS? No one. What the press and in fact Iran has said is that they support Hezbollah and Assad. They are open in their war against ISIL .

ISIL as we all know, is a failed initiative by Obama and Hilary Clinton. They worked with the Turkish President as part of a Muslim Brotherhood alliance between Morsi, Erdogan and Obama to train a Sunni Muslim army to overthrow Ghaddafi. It was then to take the arms seized from Libya and march its way into Syria deposing of Assad. This armed group turned on the US when Erdogan and Obama placed a puppet Shiite in charge of Iraq who then turned on Sunnis in Iraq. Iran did not even support the puppet Shiite President of Iraq. That Shiite puppet of the US only turned to Iran when he started getting his ass kicked.

Turkey and the US thought they would through their Muslim Brotherhood connection rule the Middle East and at the same time placate Shiites in Iran.

Obama meanwhile ignored Morsi's attacks on Christians in Egypt and the continued slaughter of Christians in Sudan.

His step father is Muslim Brotherhood. His half brother is the no.1 fundraiser of the Brotherhood in Sudan.

He openly welcomed the Muslim Brotherhood to Washington, D.C. He placed open members of this group as foreign policy advisors, and in the Homeland Dept. and FBI sanitizing references to the Brotherhood and deleting hundreds of persons reported to be active in the group.

The then removed Hamas from the terrorist list because of their alliance with the Brotherhood referring to them as a peace partner and ordered John Kerry to sabotage the peace agreement to stop their attack on Israel drafted by Egypt and the PA prolonging the war with Hamas another needless 3 weeks.

Obama supported ISIL not Iran. He only turned to Iran when ISIL turned on him. Turkey is and remains enemies with the Kurds an has reluctantly allied with them over ISIL.

That is all now public domain and fact. Netanyahu's warning that Obama should not get into bed with either Sunni or Muslim extremists was ignored.

Obama deliberately ignored Saudi Arabia and Egypt who were dead against ISIL although Saudi Arabia did fund a sister wing of ISIL, Al Nusra, which will not fight outside Syria.

Obama's turning on Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel, his flip flop on Hamas, his courting of Iran all demonstrated his clear bias in carrying out the Muslim Brotherhood agenda and now we have the spectacle of Hilary Clinton trying to pass herself off as a grass roots minority advocate feigning no memory of Libya or what she was part of.

Americans know and will not forget. Clinton has the blood of Libya and Isil on her hands as does Obama.

The thousands of Americans in various agencies shunted to the side and silenced as Obama placed his stooges in key offices to prevent them from doing heir jobs is his legacy.

Clinton will not win, her filthy record will come out, whoever the Republican is coming in will have to do a massive cleansing operation.

As for these so called Wiki Leaks about the US, spying on France, Obama was at odds with Israel, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Italy over Russia, and the ME. This started over the Obama snubbing over the Libya air war and refusing to assist France in Malawi fight Al Quaeda who Obama feels hates ISILso should not be attacked.

He pulled the US out of Afghanistan, has remained silent on Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria, and his silence over Yemen is breathtaking. This is someone who said his foreign policy was envisioned in the peaceful coalition between Sunnis and Shiites in Yemen he established. Right- it blew up like everything else in his face, silence.

As for his chief foreign policy advisor,Zbigniew Brezinski, the left over lunatic from the failed Jimmy Carter foreign policy years,Brezinski's position has been to court as Iran as the no.1 ally in the ME and spend the US focus on no.1 fighting Russia, and 2, China and dismisising Europe,Israel, Saudi Arabia as allies.

This has created an alliance between China and Russia who had mutual interests in fighting Sunni extremists in their own countries. China instead has formed a military alliance with Israel and is the principle reason Israel has not attacked Iran and probably will have no need to. It is China's military alliance with Israel while being Iran's no.1 ally that is keeping the peace, not Obama.

Iran is on the verge of a very painful and brutal civil war as its people burst out of the totalitarianism they are caught in. The only thing preventing the implosion is Obama's open support for Iran and undermining and exposing the activists in Iran.

The best way to have dealt with Iran was to let its people overthrow its government. The same Obama who lambasted Egypt for throwing out Morsi the so called populist champion,has now assured Iran's current brutal regime remain in control as this nuclear treaty fiasco continues with no written agreement and ridiculous posturing by the US as if negotiations are going on just fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the late 1950's, American president Eisenhower and later presidents Kennedy and Johnson warned the world that if those "commies" in Vietnam were not stopped, the domino theory would lead to the communists eventually taking over America. It was "fight them there or see them here!"

With the recent civil wars in the Middle East, our leaders warn us that we have to fight them there or end up with them in our back yard!

Well, Eisenhower was right in one sense. The leader of communist North Vietnam has finally made his way to Washington;


I wonder how soon we can expect the Talban leadership to be negotiating a trade deal with Canada?

Or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi visiting a president of the United States in Washington?

We are being played like a fine fiddle!

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What's the motivation for the US to invade, attempt to set up a democracy, withdraw then set up an organization to undo all of it ? If it was a conspiracy to make the war in the first place, it makes even less sense.

I will use the CIA's support of Osama Bin Laden's Al-Queda ... sorry Muhajedeen to push back against Russia as an example. Not to mention the defense contractors make a lot of money off wars. No matter what side they say they support. More war is more money for Lockheed Martin, Boeing and other weapons manufacturers.

Many have said it multiple times, but some still are just not getting it, but what happens when you remove the iron fist that rules the nation?

Not sure if it is genuine ignorance or completely willful in being ignorant.

But here is something for you to chew on. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/taliban-open-to-peace-talks-but-only-if-all-us-forces-leave-afghanistan/2015/05/04/15ea7d58-f26a-11e4-bca5-21b51bbdf93e_story.html

Let's not forget Bush Jr hosting members of the Taliban at the White House back in 2000/2001

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now we have a real problem for the "terrorist" experts on this board. Looks like there is another small "war" going on in Gaza. Hamas and ISIL are beginning to fight each other:


What do our "ant-terrorist" friends do when they are fighting each other? Their good guy, bad guy analysis of the Middle East does not seem to have a bad guys, bad guys scenario.

There are reports that ISIL fighters are firing rockets into Israel to get Israel involved again militarily. Does it get any better?

Israel (and the USA) has no use for Hamas or for ISIL. If ISIL is trying to take over Gaza should Israel go in to help Hamas? How about us Canadians and Americans who are trying to change the world to our views? Should we allow Hamas to arm so they can defend themselves from ISIL or let ISIL butcher the Palestinians or ... This is just the last nail in that coffin that is being built by the West for themselves. We do not have a clue what is going on yet we go in with our eyes closed.

We are being played like a fine fiddle.

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You Big Guy are the one who poses on this board as a terrorism expert lecturing the US on how to understand

terrorists and referring to terrorists as stable frustrated people forced into action.

Now you suddenly notice ISIL and Hamas have been squabbling? Lol you have cutting edge intelligence gathering processes. Yes sir.

By the way nothing in your latest lecture made any sense. You in fact came on this board to say terrorists are not bad people and now

what...some absurd convoluted statement there are no good or bad guys this coming from someone whose entire subjective opinion

presents Israel as bad. Right.

The fine fiddle reference is overdone. Try a new catch phrase like DYNOM ITE or SHAZZAM will you please.

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To Rue - Thank you for a readable length post. I assume that the whole focus of this post was to tell me that you think I am not too bright, have no understanding of what is happening in the Middle East, my posts read like lectures, and I think that Israel is bad and you don't like my phraseology. What has that got to do with the topic? Every one of your posts directed to me are critical of anything I share or suggest. I get it. I am anti-Semitic, a terrorist sympathizer, ignorant, and ... your perception of the list of my shortcomings are getting too long to repeat. My cat and paste is not working and I am getting tired of typing in your views.

As to new catch phrases, thank you for your suggestions but I prefer my own phrases which better represent my views.

Congratulations on the brevity - it tempts me to read some of your posts.

As to the topic, there have been no reports on the accuracy of the ISIS originating rockets going into Israel. The last Hamas based wonky rockets took out a bunch of wheat and two boulders. I wonder if ISIS is any more accurate? If ISIS fighters are getting into Gaza then the Israeli cordon seems to have a few holes in it.

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You Big Guy are the one who poses on this board as a terrorism expert lecturing the US on how to understand

terrorists and referring to terrorists as stable frustrated people forced into action.

Kind of like how some think they are experts and the authoritative voice on all matters Israel.

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Great News!!! Turkey has joined in the fight against ISIS! Bad news, Turkey is fighting the Kurds!!


Turkey is joining Canada in our fight! No it is not? What do you mean?

Canada is fighting ISIS and the Kurds are Canadian allies and receiving Canadian support but the Turks are dropping bombs on the Kurds? Hey, what is going on here?

Since we are dropping bombs on ISIS and the Turks are dropping bombs on ISIS then we should be fighting along with the Turks who are doing the same thing and protecting them. But the Turks are also dropping bombs on the Kurds. The Kurds are on our side then we should be dropping bombs on the Turks because they are dropping bombs on our ally - the Kurds!

So should we be dropping bombs on the Turks or ISIS or the Kurds all of them, none of them a few of them or ????? Why don't we just go home and let them figure out who is who?

Anybody still think that Canadian involvement in this quagmire has a reason?

We continue to be played like a fine fiddle and our government has not a clue who we support and who we do not!

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Great News!!! Turkey has joined in the fight against ISIS! Bad news, Turkey is fighting the Kurds!!


Turkey is joining Canada in our fight! No it is not? What do you mean?

Canada is fighting ISIS and the Kurds are Canadian allies and receiving Canadian support but the Turks are dropping bombs on the Kurds? Hey, what is going on here?

Since we are dropping bombs on ISIS and the Turks are dropping bombs on ISIS then we should be fighting along with the Turks who are doing the same thing and protecting them. But the Turks are also dropping bombs on the Kurds. The Kurds are on our side then we should be dropping bombs on the Turks because they are dropping bombs on our ally - the Kurds!

So should we be dropping bombs on the Turks or ISIS or the Kurds all of them, none of them a few of them or ????? Why don't we just go home and let them figure out who is who?

Anybody still think that Canadian involvement in this quagmire has a reason?

We continue to be played like a fine fiddle and our government has not a clue who we support and who we do not!

You should probably add some context to this. They are bombing PKK a terrorist group recognized by Turkey. Perhaps it's you being played like a fine fiddle by the media.

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This is nothing more than a PR stunt. Turkey has been involved in the battle against ISIS for some time. That goes back to them housing members of the Free Syrian Army a couple years back. And as we know the FSA had Al-Queda members among them. All to push back Assad. Funny we don't hear to much about Assad these days. Did we 'win'? Is he gone?

The media banks on the fact that many today have a form of ADHD and cannot pay attention to the real news for more than 5 minutes. The media uses that to it's advantage by propping up exhausted mantras of 'terror is gonna get you'. People don't dig into the articles, people don't understand the doublespeak in the articles. People are so distracted by entertainment they want the news to be entertaining as well. The news is not supposed to be entertaining. It is supposed to be informative while presenting facts in an nonpartisan way. Are we getting that? Absolutely not.

Wonder when the media will really start to get into the story that Iran is fighting along side the US in Iraq to combat ISIS. Just like Iran was helping the US in the wake of 9/11. We don't hear praise for Iran from certain leaders in this matter. I guess some don't focus on the positive! :D

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Blg Guy continues to show case his inability to understand conflict without forcing it in simplistic categories, and then when it does not correspond to his rigid parameters of good guy, bad guy, suggesting because of that, it must be a lie.

Its illogical. It shows a stunted and rigid formula for conflict that can't accommodate the notion that in the ME the constellations of armed forces that attack one another constantly mutate in alliance that changes by the moment depending on the theatre of war.

It has been like in the ME for over 3,000 years but Big Guy thinks one needs a fiddle. Right.

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To WestCoastRunner - According to ABC this morning, Turkey is bombing all Kurds in Syria and Iraq. PKK is part of the whole Kurdish movement and is looking for separation from Turkey. Sounds to me like you are starting to listen to the music.

The Turkish Ambassador was on explaining that the Kurds (not PKK) are terrorists and they will be chased around the region by Turkey. But the Kurds are also our and American allies - so are the Turks.

So I guess we have to change some of the labelling; There appear to be different levels of terrorists, the Kurds are good terrorists who terrorize the Turks but are our allies. Assad forces are also good terrorists because they are our enemies but are also killing ISIS. ISIS are really, really bad terrorists because they are fighting everybody. Now those three terrorist groups which are fighting over Libya and Yemen, there are good, bad and very bad terrorists. The good terrorists are ...

Oh, and I forgot Iran, the Iranians are kind of good terrorists because they are on the ground fighting ISIS but they are building nuclear bombs to wipe out the West and according to the Israel are the money men behind all those really, really bad terrorists in the Middle East.

This is a war where even a scorecard and uniforms would not help. The West created power vacuums, have realized what a mistake we made so we feel we should in there doing something or dropping bombs on somebody - anybody!!

You believe any of that crap coming out of Ottawa or Washington about why we are there then you are sipping Washington kool-aid while being played like a fine Canadian fiddle.

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This is a war where even a scorecard and uniforms would not help. The West created power vacuums, have realized what a mistake we made so we feel we should in there doing something or dropping bombs on somebody - anybody!!

The power vacuums were not a mistake in my view. The West knew it would happen, and wanted it that way.

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To WestCoastRunner - According to ABC this morning, Turkey is bombing all Kurds in Syria and Iraq. PKK is part of the whole Kurdish movement and is looking for separation from Turkey. Sounds to me like you are starting to listen to the music.

I'm not arguing for or against this attack by Turkey. But you need to get your facts straight. Turkey is not bombing all Kurds. Can you provide a cite that indicates all Kurds are under attack by Turkey?

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As to "all" I guess I should use the term "both". PKK are Kurds as are the others (just Kurds) being targeted by Turkey.

My point is we have no idea who the good guys are or who the bad guys are. Perhaps you can help; Of the Turks, PKK, regular Kurds, Iraqis, Assad troops, Iranian ground troops, Syrian rebels, ISIS, Iraqi rebels - who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. Canadian airplanes are dropping bombs over there. Who should we be dropping bombs on?

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As to "all" I guess I should use the term "both". PKK are Kurds as are the others (just Kurds) being targeted by Turkey.

My point is we have no idea who the good guys are or who the bad guys are. Perhaps you can help; Of the Turks, PKK, regular Kurds, Iraqis, Assad troops, Iranian ground troops, Syrian rebels, ISIS, Iraqi rebels - who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. Canadian airplanes are dropping bombs over there. Who should we be dropping bombs on?

Again. Please provide a cite as to the Kurds being targeted. You seem to be broad brushing these attacks without facts. And you keep saying we are being played like a fiddle without facts.

I get what you are saying and I partially agree. But I don't tend to buy into the generalizations that you do.

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