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War Against ISIL

Big Guy

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Sad about the soldier dying and I've been read foreign newspapers online, the past couple of days and all I read are the headlines to different stories of ISIS being killed left and right and not one NATO soldier. I checked today and not a mention of the Canadian. I did find a story though that said 6 soldiers killed by roadside bomb near the base they were staying at.

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Looks like Harpers Canada is prepared to continue in the coalition of the dumb. Foreign Affairs Minister has stated "We are in this for the longer term to make sure that we do what we can to help."

He continued with "It's similar to what we did in Afghanistan ...."

He said that. He really did!!

I guess we are prepared to have the same wonderful successes as we had in Afghanistan.

And some posters have asked why I call this the coalition of the dumb!

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Coalition of the dumb ground troops are making headway against ISIS in Tikrit, Saddam's home town. Is this an invasion or a liberation? Local Tikrit Sunni militias are fighting along side (and probably part of ) ISIS. Iranian Shia troops, in association with Iraq military, should eventually push ISIS forces out of and take Tikrit. Then what?

The locals are loyal to Sunni ISIS. We will see IDE's, suicide bombers, assassinations etc. until the invaders are convinced to leave. Will the Iranian troops quietly sneak back to Iran or will Iran now make claims on the conquered territory and bring in regular Iranian military to solidify their gains?

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Ok Bush Chaney I have been asked to make a Red Book of Justin Trudeau sayings. I have many tied to the ISIL matter and here are some I will be placing in the Red Book:

''Why aren't we talking more about the kind of humanitarian aid that Canada can and must be engaged in, rather than trying to whip out our CF-18s and show them how big they are?"

"It's very worrying, especially because Russia lost in hockey, they'll be in a bad mood. We fear Russia's involvement in Ukraine."

"The budget will balance itself."

"I am not going to talk about this anymore because I am setting a new standard for transparency."

"There's a lot of people, refugees, displaced peoples, fleeing violence who are facing a very, very cold winter in the mountains. Something Canada has expertise on is how to face a winter in the mountains with the right kind of equipment."

"I think that's a very slippery slope to get on: to decide that we don't like the values or the color of government of another country."

"I don't read the newspapers, I don't watch the news. If something important happens, someone will tell me."

"I am very much in favour of the west-east pipeline.''

''The East Energy Oil pipeline is not socially acceptable."

(Your McMurray Magazine, May 29, 2014) and (Le Soleil, December 13, 2014)

"There's a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime."

"The thinking that got us to this place no longer holds. We have to rethink elements as basic as space and time."

So Bush-chaney, when Prime Minister Trudeau is elected space and time will change. ISIL is simply an inter-demensional quark.

Edited by Rue
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Good news and bad news - The good news is that the Iraq/Iran ground troops have made progress against ISIL. With our support of the coalition of the dumb and Iran carrying the Iraqi foot soldiers, the ISIL folks are re assembling in Northern Syria. Looks like except for friendly fire our soldiers should not have to watch their backs - for the time being.

The bad news - our new Minister of Defence has declared that Canadian involvement against ISIL in Syria " .. is not off the table!"

Hello, so we may soon be in Syria dropping bombs as air cover for Assad as Assad goes after his opponents. In this case his opposition is ISIL but there are also rebels there fighting against Assad. Was it not about a year ago that we were seriously considering supporting and arming those rebels against Assad?

So we will now have the very good guys Canadians providing air support for (the used to be very bad guy) Assad but is now good guy Assad who is now fighting the very, very bad ISIL. We have to be careful to not drop Canadian bombs on the good guy Syrian rebels who are also fighting Assad in the same area. I wonder what happens when (the used to be very bad but are now on our side ) Iranians follow the very, very bad ISIL into Syria and clash with ...

So far we have poured about $120 million Canadian taxpayer dollars into those convoluted civil wars where we have no clue who we are friends and enemies with. Maybe there should be a temporary truce where each militia gets their own uniforms and communications so we don't end up killing each other.

At least lets have shirts and skins so we can tell which side who is on.

We are being played like a fine, dumb fiddle!

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Great News! Harpers majority government has just declared that Canada intends to "extend and expand" our participation in the coalition of the dumb against ISIL. So now we can spend more time with our allies Iran and Syria.

But wait - We are not sure if we are friends or foes of Assad. If he asks us to go in after ISIS then we are allies. If we are part of the coalition of the dumb when somebody goes into Syria, for any reason, without a request from Syria then we are invading and at war with Assad. Since Syria and Russia are friends does that mean Russia is going to get involved?

Oh! What a lovely war!

Get those body bags ready.

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Does anyone care if mosques are being attacked? Yemen is going to ramp up as well as most of North Africa.

Triple suicide bombers hit a pair of mosques crowded with worshippers in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, on Friday, killing at least 46 and wounding more than 100, according to medical officials. The attackers targeted mosques frequented by Shia rebels, who have controlled the capital since September.

A report on the rebel-owned Al-Masirah TV channel said the bombers attacked the Badr and al-Hashoosh mosques during midday prayers on Friday, traditionally the most crowded time of the week. It added that hospitals were urging citizens to donate blood.

Witnesses said that at least two suicide bombers attacked inside the Badr mosque. One walked inside the mosque and detonated his device, causing panic as dozens of worshippers rushed toward the outside gates. A second suicide bomber then attacked amid the panicked crowds trying to escape.

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Does anyone care you ask. Was that for Marcus, Hudson Jones, Jacee, Michael Harder by any chance?

I never see any of them show the slighest acknowledgment for Muslim on Muslim terrorism.

I care.

So hey now, will I be accused me of being anti Muslim if I point out that the terrorists who do this are Muslim and do it in the name of Islam and this is a symptom of the Muslim on Muslim terrorism and rMulsim religion inspired extremism raging through the Arab Middle East?

Well then?

You really think Obama will call these people Muslim terrorists?

Come on. You know how this trendy leftist shtick works. If you want to focus on pointing out what is evil about Israel and Zionists, that is fine. You want to engage in negative generalizations about Jews, Zionists and Israelis while so doing, that's fine.

However if Muslims attack Muslims, you are not allowed to say that or point out its their Muslim relgious fundamental beliefs fueling these attacks. I mean come on. Obama said so. ISIL are not Muslims. That is what he said.

The civil war in Yemen, the latest attacks in Tunis, these are caused by Muslim exremists trying to preent Western cultural valeus from spreading across the Muslim world. This is a war against the spring uprising the fancy word for Western culture making its way across the Middle East by cell and internet.

You really expect your trendy leftist buddies to acknowledge its Muslim extremism let alone acknowledge it even happened?

Oh come on get with the script. Its not allowed. One only criticizes Jews who want a state. Nothing else. Get with the script.

Did U say I care. I care because I think until there are a hell of a lot of sanctimonious two faced baboons apoligizing in their silence for Muslim extremism. It would cause their bladders to fall out if they had to state iMuslim extremists are killing Muslims in an attempt to beat them into fear and submission so they don't turn to Western values.

Just look around you. Look at the silence when you ask your question. Its called being politically appropriate and selecting what can be discussed. Its precisely the b.s. that sees Obama claiming ISIL is not Muslim and any Muslim extremist is not Muslim, that word Muslim magically disappears and the only time we are allowed to use a religious label is to criticize Jews for wanting a state.

Get with the script.

Edited by Rue
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First off, Rue, grow up. Children use terms like 'poo poo' which is not conducive to any time of adult communication. Just because others are asshats, does not mean you need to stoop to that level, unless you are comfortable there. I think Jones and Marcus also contribute to the problem with the the childish rhetoric in this thread. But one can either rise above it or you can get down in the trenches and sling mud like every other idiot out there. Rise above it or become one of them.

[quopte]Tell me you think the civil war in Yemen, in Tunisia has nothing to do with Islam and an attempt by Muslim exremists to try resist Western cultural changes?

But people are still looking at this as a religion thing instead of world power manipulation of the region(s).

How about Libya? I've proven that foreign intervention and manipulation happened early on before Gaddafi was taken out. Now, equate it to taking out Saddam or any other hardline dictator (although I would not put Gaddafi in the same category as Saddam). The catalyst was both Iraq and Afghanistan. There was no plan in place to replace the current rule/laws under Saddam. Iraq was destroyed and Iraqis left to their own devices to figure where they want to go. So the delicate dictatorship that Saddam held also prevented the factions from largely going at each other. That's not peace, but that is more stable than what we see now.

Intervention in Iraq to push back Saddam and to not be a haven for terrorism. , now we have ISIS.

Intervention in Iraq to push back Afghanistan and to not be a haven for terrorism, we still have the Taliban, Al-Queda and ISIS.

Intervention in Iraq to push back Gaddafi and to not be a haven for terrorism, now we have a civil war and a collapse of the country.

Intervention in Iraq to push back Assad/Syria and to not be a haven for terrorism, now we have an ongoing 'civil war' that taken over 100,000 lives in the past 4 years.

Each time we poke the collective West's nose into anything, situations seem to get worse.

This is not about religion, this is about power, politics, money and resources, and ultimately total control via economic practices through entities like the IMF/World Bank. Which will have no problem with lending them billions for a nice interest rate. Perpetual debt, perpetual control.

I will equate it all to the mentality of those who buy into the left and the right. Both think they are supporting something for valid reasons when in fact most of the reasons the leaders put forth are fabrications.

But if Bibi's words are being misinterpreted, then either he needs to speak more clearly, or there is a sever problem with our media and how stuff is reported. Many times that messed up information is used here as fact. I cannot completely trust most MSM because of their biased slant, and that happens on both sides. This perpetuates and actually contributes to the division through confusion of a population.

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First of all, I consider myself as a truth seeker and I try to keep an open mind on issues of this crazy world and this will probably be the last time I post the following because of the "terrorist bill" the Tories are going to pass and anyone may end up in jail saying anything nay about certain topics. Anyway, last night, a former US airline attendant, quit her job after 9/11 and after finding a co-worker in Paris found dead in her room. She went on for 3 years and investigate 9/11 and the bottom line is she has reason to believe the US military, certain people in government, and outsiders, were behind it. Why? Well 14 years later, the reason is the Middle-East. She believe ISIS and 9/11 are false flags. The control over the the region for its natural resources and the fact that the leaders would never join the New World Order, so they have to go. IF you think I'm nuts that okay because its very hard to believe some US government would kill so many people for control, but isn't that what war is about? I found the following story and I also found it online at the Iraqi news site, so do you have an open or closed mind and what does that say about the things Harper is trying to make happen in here Canada?? http://www.globalresearch.ca/delivery-of-us-weapons-and-ammunition-to-isis-iraqi-commander-wiretaps-isis-communications-with-us-military/5437627

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To Keepitsimple - I agree with you that ISIS is responsible for that carnage in Tunisia. But - to-day it has been reported that those ISIS were created in Libya and are Libyan militia. I wonder what allowed them to be created and take power? Might it have something to do with the fact that Canadians were part of the coalition of the stupid who bombed the Libyan forces, helped take out Muammar Gaddafi and released those "dogs of war" in the Middle East?

Our mistaken incursions, invasions, meddling and expeditions into the Middle East has consequences.

We are just beginning to see these consequences.

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To Keepitsimple - I agree with you that ISIS is responsible for that carnage in Tunisia. But - to-day it has been reported that those ISIS were created in Libya and are Libyan militia. I wonder what allowed them to be created and take power? Might it have something to do with the fact that Canadians were part of the coalition of the stupid who bombed the Libyan forces, helped take out Muammar Gaddafi and released those "dogs of war" in the Middle East?

Our mistaken incursions, invasions, meddling and expeditions into the Middle East has consequences.

We are just beginning to see these consequences.

I'm sure the ones responsible for the current "rivers of blood" in Yemen had reasons to come into being too. At some point you have to blame the people doing the bombing.

"The group posted an online statement saying that five suicide bombers carried out what it described as a “blessed operation” against the “dens of the Shiites.”"

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To bcscrapper I do not disagree with you. My point is that things were "not pretty" and certainly not democratic 25 years ago in the Middle East. Countries were governed by monarchies, dictatorships, military junta's and combinations of such - but it was stable.

I believe that democracy is a type of government that requires the populace to be educated, to understand what the problems with other government structures are/were and the individual voluntarily giving up certain decisions to others - those elected by a majority.

Democracy is the most sophisticated method of public order and at the end of the evolution of social organization. Societies have to evolve into that position. I do not believe that you/we can impose a democracy on any society - the people have to evolve into it.

So 25 years ago things were stable in the Middle East. Iran and Iraq would have a war every few years, kill off a few soldiers from both sides and evolve very slowly. The dictators kept their people in line often through outrageous methods - but they were kept in line. Then the West got involved.

To-day, we have ISIS, probably the next stage of Al Qaeda, walking through the region picking up volunteers from Sunni tribes and people all over the world. Iran is still Ok and getting stronger. Iraq has no government or direction. Afghanistan is a failed state with the Taliban soon to take control. Yemen and Libya are also failed states.

We let the fanatical genie out of the bottle and are now trying to stuff it back in again. It ain't gonna work.

Yes, people are becoming suicide bombers, throat slitters, kidnappers, rapists and ... but we created the atmosphere for that to happen.

And we still have not learned the lesson. We still stick our noses in there and get played by the Saudis and others who are very pleased to allow the West to spend $billions and give lives in that region.

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Ghost of course you do have a point on the poo poo kaka but you will see with you I do debate seriously when you want it.

A couple of things:

1-on Netanyahu and let's cut to the chase he has flipped and flopped over what he says about Palestine many a time-its all part of rhetoric to get elected-did he talk out of both sides of his mouth-absolutely but it means little more than posturing during an election;

2-as for the latest Mosque attacks, let's be clear-they are religious in essence-they come from Muslim extremists; they are a symptom of Muslims, use that word because its what they are and battle for, Muslms, who believe their fellow Muslims have sold out or will sell out and they believe they need to engage in a religious war, not just against Jews but their own fellow Muslims-no this is not spinning the blame on the US-its about a tradition in the Islamic world that has continued since it came about-its a bloody religion with bloody people-it has not evolved past a certain level of expression-its still at an evolutionary stage Jewish and Christian religions once were-whether it evolves so that the majority of its people find a less fundamentalist, orthodox method of expression remains to be seen-for that to happen the illiteracy rate of 80% in the Muslim world would have to change because as long as Muslims remain illiterate, they depend on Mullahs and Imams to tell them how to think and believe and they do not establish for themselves at an individual level the ability to be creative, and engage in critical thought; they remain repressed not just as to what they can believe but what they can express in terms of life, hope.

This has nothing to do with a bunch of sheltered arm chair geniuses in Canada who call themselves whatever they want. This has to do with Muslims attacking Muslims and Muslims attacking non Muslims. Yah you head the word Muslim. It has to do with Muslims, people using their religion to kill.

Its a civil war between Shiite and Sunni, Shite and Shiite,Sunni and Sunni and its been that way for thousands of years. Blaming it on the US is b.s.

Refusing to call it what it is, is pointless. Its as politically pointless as you telling me not to use words like poo poo and ka ka.Sure you don't want me to, but its calling it what it is.

Islam is undergoing turmoil. Turmoil is coming about from change. The change is coming about from the cell and internet broadcasting a new set of values to people who want more then what they have. Its about Beyoncé's butt gyrating, Reahanna showing her tits while she sings, Coke, Big Mac's, Kim Kardashian's plasticity, rap music,NIke, basketball, on and on. its about young Arabs wanting more to life then hollow mantras and corrupt military dictators. Its about Arab mullahs and Imams losing their grip and trying to use fear, violence and war to bring back their youth before they change their names and make babies with infidels.

Its about Muslim women who believe they are are equal, Muslim gays who think they have nothing to apologize for, dhmmis who think they are allowed their own countries,. Its about young Muslims embracing the desire to make more decisions on an individual level and to express themselves as individuals.

Its about fundamentalist Muslim religion losing its grip and grabbing on hard to its people for fear its losing them.

ISIL is nothing more then one of a continuing tradition of mulim religious extremists trying to react to change. Its about panic. Its about realizing thousands of years of a certain unquestioned way of life is now disappearing to inevitable Western materialism that Putin, China, everyone has bought into.

Save the b***s*** mantra that Muslim extremists are not Muslims just extremists.

Save the b***s*** that Muslim terrorism has root causes and its just a bunch of frustrated boys without jobs.

Save the platitudes. Its Muslim extremism in a last gasp of resistance trying to resist the winds of change.

Edited by Michael Hardner
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To bcscrapper I do not disagree with you. My point is that things were "not pretty" and certainly not democratic 25 years ago in the Middle East. Countries were governed by monarchies, dictatorships, military junta's and combinations of such - but it was stable.

I believe that democracy is a type of government that requires the populace to be educated, to understand what the problems with other government structures are/were and the individual voluntarily giving up certain decisions to others - those elected by a majority.

Democracy is the most sophisticated method of public order and at the end of the evolution of social organization. Societies have to evolve into that position. I do not believe that you/we can impose a democracy on any society - the people have to evolve into it.

So 25 years ago things were stable in the Middle East. Iran and Iraq would have a war every few years, kill off a few soldiers from both sides and evolve very slowly. The dictators kept their people in line often through outrageous methods - but they were kept in line. Then the West got involved.

To-day, we have ISIS, probably the next stage of Al Qaeda, walking through the region picking up volunteers from Sunni tribes and people all over the world. Iran is still Ok and getting stronger. Iraq has no government or direction. Afghanistan is a failed state with the Taliban soon to take control. Yemen and Libya are also failed states.

We let the fanatical genie out of the bottle and are now trying to stuff it back in again. It ain't gonna work.

Yes, people are becoming suicide bombers, throat slitters, kidnappers, rapists and ... but we created the atmosphere for that to happen.

And we still have not learned the lesson. We still stick our noses in there and get played by the Saudis and others who are very pleased to allow the West to spend $billions and give lives in that region.

You could say we started with the division of spoils after WWI.

But with more recent events, maybe with the arming of the Mujahideen after Russia took Afghanistan (what would be the situation in the Middle East today if the west had not done that?). Maybe ousting Saddam Hussein (how would he be reacting to Iran's nuclear ambitions today?), or helping to oust Ghaddafi (who knows how the Arab Spring would have gone without that help)

Whatever actions the West took, some version of the events happening there today would still be happening. Unless the trick is to maintain a brutal ironman in all the non democracies of the world, just to keep the peace.

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To bcscrapper - Thank you for the civil response. I guess we could argue the possibilities what might have happened and we could both be correct - but I am focussing on what has happened and the consequences of what the West has done. I believe that what we have done was well intentioned and what we are going to do is also an attempt to make things better there - and in implication - better here.

The problem as I see it is that those who are making decisions for us, well intentioned as they are, are mistaken. They have little to no clue what is really happening on the ground. The closest that I have seen to be correct was/is Eric Margolis who have been proven correct in all of his predictions of what the results would be.

I remember General Hillier, the day he was installed as the leader of Canadian forces assuring our politicians that troops can handle anything that the Taliban can throw at them - and promised he would clean up the area in months. I also know that right after that meeting, the Canadian Ministers making decisions admitted that they had little understanding of Afghanistan or of the problems there.

It appears to me that we still have no understanding of what is happening there, the allegiances. the culture, the hopes and wishes of the locals. Can you understand sending troops into an area not knowing who our allies and who are enemies are?

I watched a discussion this evening between political and military "experts" trying to decide if Canada should be giving Assad air cover or bombing Assad troops. That is bizarre!!

I believe that the people in these countries do not have the education and/or knowledge to sustain a democracy. To most of the "unsophisticated" the father is the boss of the family and the tribal lord or war lord is the boss of the local village. They do not understand the concept of voting and then following the orders of somebody they did not vote for.

It seems to be human nature - we see it here on this board where posters criticize a municipal or provincial or federal government because they did not vote for them. We understand that with time another government will be voted in - so we criticize and wait.

In those societies, you ignore, depose or kill anybody who does not represent your views.

It would be interesting if it was possible to get an idea how many people, in Iraq or Libya or Afghanistan or Yemen or whatever think they are better off now - even without the opinions of the hundreds of thousands who have been killed, the hundreds of thousands injured permanently and the millions who have been displaced with no home to go to.

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I know, I know, everybody else is to blame, except for the religion, culture, and people of the region that are actually responsible for the centures (even before the West even existed) of barbarism, radicalism, and extremism. Just another example in the long list of examples, of blame the west, make excuses for the rest.

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The thing is, the West could wipe them out in a month. If they actually conducted a war as this laughable thread title suggests, it would be over fast. But Obama doesn't want that. He wants something else entirely.

Yeah they coud go in there and just kill everybody with airpower. Brilliant solution. Bush tried and failed miserably. Obama is a little smarter.

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Obama is a little smarter?


His foreign policy in the Middle East is fantastic.

Let's review:

1-First there was his decision to call Muhammed Abbas as the first person once he was elected in office, insulting all his allies and giving a clear insult to Israelpublically;

2-then there was his defence of the anti semite preacher Jeremiah Right, his open support of the Muslim Brotherhood and welcoming them to the White House and placing two of their key supporters in sensitive home security positions;

3-then there was the alliance with Muslim Brotherhood members Erdogan and Morsi, and openly agreeing with Erdogan and shaking his hand and telling him publically he was the most important ally the US had in the Middle East right after Erdogan called Israel a terrorist site and stated Hamas was not a terror organization;

4-then there was Obama before getting elected saying he would never ask Israel to enter any agreement that jeapardized their security then leaked comments Netanyahu was chicken sheeyit for not withdrawing Israel to 1967 borders without Hamas agreeing to dissaarm first;

5-before his election Obama referred to Hamas as a terror organization and never to be recognized,, once elected he then stated they were not terrorist but a legitimate peace partner and demanded both Abbas and Israel recognize them;

6-then of course was his silence as his half brother admitted to being one of the largest financiers of not just the Muslim Brotherhood but the same Sundanese government engaging in genocide of Christians in Sudan;

7-then there as his silence over Morsi openly calling on Egyptians to kill Coptic Christians, his refusalto support France when it went into Mail to try counter Al Quaeda taking over the country, his refusal to work with France, Britain and Canada in regards to Libya and then his decision wit Erdogan to arm Sunni extremists who then turned on him;

8-there was his kissing the hand of the Saudi King causing the entire Arab world to look on in absolute disbelief at his faux pas and single he was being subservient to him and his snubbing of India during a state visit to suddenly go to the Kiing of Saudi Arabia's funeral, the same King who openly ridiculed Obama for supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and alienating the Egyptian government who threw him out causing both Saudi Arabia and Egypt to turn to Putin for military support;

9-there's his openly insulting Netanyahu to the former French President, the constant insults to Netanyahu publically, the insult to Camerson of the UK that caused the British to pull out of Iraq, the insult to Chancellor Merkel with spying and open insults to her over Ukraine;

10-there's the complete bungling of Syria and Ukraine with Putin;

11-there is the complete bungling of his visit to China in which the Chinese openly insulted him and ignored him;

12-there is his alienation of south Korea, Philippines. Japan and Taiwan over North Korea and China's invasion of vietnamese oil fields;

13-there is his deliberate insult to Stephen Harper lecturing Harper about how dirty Canada is and this is why he won't allow oil in from Alebrta-this coming from a country polluting Canada and destroying our fresh water with its coal burning plants causing acid rain and a country during his tenure that allowed a catastrophe to unfold in the Gulf of Mexico over oil extraction;

14-this is the same Obama who as quick to point out he depended on a heavy Latino and black vote, but then called out Netanyahu after his election victory saying Netanyahu should not have told voters there was a high Aarab Israeli turn out for the election and so if voters should keep that in mind realizing those votes would go against him-when Obama does it, its not racist, when Netanyahu does it, its racist;

15-this is the same Obama who failed to see the disaster in Libya, Syria and Yemen, now patronizing Israel and telling them he knows Iran and they must accept Iran having nuclear weapons?

16-this a man who will not call Muslim terrorists Muslim terrorists but will whatever chance he gets point out he supports the MUSLIM Brothehood and Muslims? Suddenly the word is used when its convenient?

17-this is a man who deliberately insulted the President of France and refused to walk in the anti-terrorist walk because among other things it would be construed as him insulting Muslims, let alone being seen in the same place as Netanyahu?

A little smarter?

This is a man who totally botched a medicare plan that to this day no one understands?

What is his legacy?

The US during his tenure has had more deadlocked votes and lack of bills passed than any other President. He has alienated all his allies.

When he leaves other than Erdogan in Turkey what foreign policy reputation has be given the US?

Does anyone think his sucking up now in a panic to Iran to take down ISIL and delist Hezbollah as a errorist organization make him a little bit smarter?

Here is Obama sucking up to Hezbollah and Iran as he did Hamas, openly without hesitation, while at the end of February and beginning of March the head of Hamas and Hezbollah pledged again with full Iranian government support to destroy Israel and this man thinks he will lecture Israel how to deal with Iran and Putin how to deal with Ukraine and Syria?

Is John Kerry not the most pathetic State Secretary of all time being openly ignored by NATO, Israel, Egpt, Saudi Arabia, China, Russia?

A little bit smarter.


I mean how can you say a little smarter. How can anyone not see his brilliance and justification for not winning the Nobel peace prize?

Edited by Rue
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ISIS appear ready to change the rules of war. Soldiers are supposed to be faceless, marching humans who do what they are told and do their thing. The members of the coalition of the dumb are in the Middle East and using the excuse that we have to stop them there or they will be coming here. Looks like ISIS has taken up the challenge and bringing the war back to North America.


It is one thing to be over there killing them and dropping bombs on them and another having yourself identified (and targeted) at home by ISIS hackers.

Dropping bombs from a few thousand feet, expecting no resistance and maintaining your anonymity as part of the coalition of the dumb is one thing. Dropping those bombs and having your name, address and where your family lives, published on the Internet is another.

This is a frightening application of the new technologies to modern warfare. If ISIS hackers or ISIS sympathisers really have been able to hack into American military personnel data bases then it may drastically change the channel. I hope they have not been able to get into the Canadian military data bases and identify who is in the Middle East - and then publish where they and their families reside in Canada.

We may have to reopen the Geneva Convention and add a few more rules.

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