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What was the last movie you watched?

Moonlight Graham

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Ah Derek, perhaps you should actually read his book. You know, the book that actually contains these tales that according to you only surfaced after his death. As to the lawsuit, why shouldn't Ventura sue over an obvious and damaging lie that was also contained in his book? The fact that he won the suit should tell you something all on its own. So how about his claims that he donated all proceeds from the book to Veterans when in fact its been shown he actually donated 2%?

“Bullshit” Chris Kyle stories are just that…….

Now this is rich, considering the fact that these stories were in his book. Guess you hit the nail on the head with that one.

That's right, we should never let silly things like facts get in the way of some good old fashioned hero worship should we.

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Ah Derek, perhaps you should actually read his book. You know, the book that actually contains these tales that according to you only surfaced after his death. As to the lawsuit, why shouldn't Ventura sue over an obvious and damaging lie that was also contained in his book? The fact that he won the suit should tell you something all on its own. So how about his claims that he donated all proceeds from the book to Veterans when in fact its been shown he actually donated 2%?

Now this is rich, considering the fact that these stories were in his book. Guess you hit the nail on the head with that one.

That's right, we should never let silly things like facts get in the way of some good old fashioned hero worship should we.

I take it you haven't read his book (I have and own a copy)..........and you know what, no mention of shooting looters during Katrina (well he was on his second tour in Fallujah) or fighting off carjackers at home.........

And yes, the lawsuit against Kyle's estate is being appealed, that and the fact Jesse Ventura is involved, helps form my opinion.

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So you believe that Ventura isn't entitled to the same application of the law as any one else? Because? He's Ventura and you don't like him? Perhaps you believe that he's fair game for libel because you don't like him. Perhaps you think he should just suck it up and go along with the lies, even though they've been proven 100% to be lies.

Myself, I have no personal opinion on Ventura, I don't really care what he believes. What I do believe though is that he's entitled to a fair and equal application of the law, just like anyone else. Apparently, from what you wrote about him, you do not. So, how exactly do you determine who is and is not entitled to fair treatment?

As for his looters and car jackers lies. He repeated them more than once to reporters who then attempted to verify them. Obviously without success. His Ventura crap, as you full well know, is in the book. This is why his estate lost the case. His wife can appeal all she wants, it wont change what was published in black and white. I should also add, what an obviously stupid made up story it was. You telling me you actually fell for that one?

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So you believe that Ventura isn't entitled to the same application of the law as any one else? Because? He's Ventura and you don't like him? Perhaps you believe that he's fair game for libel because you don't like him. Perhaps you think he should just suck it up and go along with the lies, even though they've been proven 100% to be lies.

Myself, I have no personal opinion on Ventura, I don't really care what he believes. What I do believe though is that he's entitled to a fair and equal application of the law, just like anyone else. Apparently, from what you wrote about him, you do not. So, how exactly do you determine who is and is not entitled to fair treatment?

Where did I saw Ventura wasn't entitled to a "fair and equal application of the law"? Inversely, so is Kyle's widow......

As for his looters and car jackers lies. He repeated them more than once to reporters who then attempted to verify them. Obviously without success. His Ventura crap, as you full well know, is in the book. This is why his estate lost the case. His wife can appeal all she wants, it wont change what was published in black and white. I should also add, what an obviously stupid made up story it was. You telling me you actually fell for that one?

Ahh but didn't you just suggest the Katrina/carjacking story was also in his book? Of course these stories were never repeated by Kyle, but were stories told about him by others........as said, and actually mentioned by Kyle in his actual book, Kyle was in Iraq during Katrina.

You speak of stupid stories and falling for them, yet suggested said stories were in his book (likely because you read something online)......of which they were not.........likewise, Ventura's name wasn't in "black and white" in the book, the defamation case stemmed from later interviews (I watched the one with O'Reilly) in which Kyle identified Ventura as being one of the unnamed subjects (Scruffy Face) from his book.......

Edited by Derek 2.0
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BoxofficeMojo has American Sniper at 105 million for the weekend, not sure why that differs with the 90.2 million, it's still a record breaking opening weekend. I find it funny how liberals want to find something wrong with the movie and Kyle, and are bitching about the stupidest things. MIchael Moore apparently said this weekend that snipers are cowards, then back pedalled and said he didn't mean Kyle specifically, he was thinking of Japanese snipers! What an idiot.

Seth Rogan at least had the cajones to openly refer to American Sniper when he said it reminds him of Nazi films. Oh really, Seth? Just how many Nazi films have you seen? Got a swastika tat?

And you know the liberals just hate, and I mean hate, Eastwood. Ever since he mocked Obama as an empty chair he's been on their shit list. Too bad the guy beats them at their own game and actually makes good movies.

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BoxofficeMojo has American Sniper at 105 million for the weekend, not sure why that differs with the 90.2 million, it's still a record breaking opening weekend...

This past weekend included the MLK Jr. federal holiday in the U.S. (third Monday in January), so maybe the ticket gate is measured differently compared to a weekend without an extra day. Definitely a big opening weekend for January, comparable to a summer "blockbuster".

I haven't seen the film yet, but superficially, I expect something on par with The Hurt Locker, which only grossed about $50 million in total.

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Why would they include tales associated with Kyle that surfaced and were attributed to Kyle, by others, after his death? AFAIK the carjacking rumor came about on call in radio after Kyle was killed, likewise Katrina rumours which came to surface from the lunatic fringe conspiracy crowd.Funny enough though, Kyle was in Iraq during Hurricane Katrina.

Because Kyle "confirmed" the carjacking story himself (no one else has found any evidence such an event occured.) And

there are multiple sources attributing the Katrina story to him. Both of which are as fake as the baby in the movie.

Bullshit Chris Kyle stories are just that.

My point exactly: he was a bullshit artist. A dumb hick in love with his own image.

Edited by Black Dog
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So how much of the movie 'American Sniper' is based on real facts? Sure it claims that it is based on a true story, but how much truth is in that story? And how much is in the movie? Hollywood, remember that.

Indeed, look at another Oscar contender, the Imitation Game. Far more fiction than fact in that one.

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Indeed, look at another Oscar contender, the Imitation Game. Far more fiction than fact in that one.

I've been told Captain Phillips is based on a true story, but also heard the movie failed to deliver a true story. Again, Hollywood.

I know nothing about the movie or book. But I will predict that the movie is over dramatic, over sensationalized, rah rah US military, heart breaking scenes, inward struggle/turmoil of main character in his role in the military.

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Because Kyle "confirmed" the carjacking story himself (no one else has found any evidence such an event occured.) And

there are multiple sources attributing the Katrina story to him. Both of which are as fake as the baby in the movie.

You mean a guy that put out a book about Kyle, after his death, claims Kyle confirmed the story to him? And "multiple sources say" Kyle was shooting looters in New Orleans after Katrina, even though Kyle was in Iraq, on his second tour, during Katrina......odd that story runs counter to Kyle's own retelling (in his actual book) of his time in Iraq............

But hey, its on the Internet, so it must be true :lol:

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You mean a guy that put out a book about Kyle, after his death, claims Kyle confirmed the story to him?

Yes. What reason do you have to doubt his version?

And "multiple sources say" Kyle was shooting looters in New Orleans after Katrina, even though Kyle was in Iraq, on his second tour, during Katrina......odd that story runs counter to Kyle's own retelling (in his actual book) of his time in Iraq............

Not really all that odd if you consider the possibility that Kyle was a bullshitter more concerned with his "badass" rep than, you know, facts.

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Yes. What reason do you have to doubt his version?

Because Mooney's retelling of Kyle's life was a compiling of “stories” told of Kyle by others and put together in several months after Kyle’s death…….Poor research and/or profiteering works for me.

Not really all that odd if you consider the possibility that Kyle was a bullshitter more concerned with his "badass" rep than, you know, facts.

Alex Jonesish-federal government killing US citizens on US soil conspiracies aside, said “story” has been attributed to Kyle by “others”, despite Kyle being in Iraq (on his second tour) during the timeline in which the Katrina story takes place………..

Yeah I don’t believe the “story”, nor do I believe Kyle started/nor continued it what with his own book (that he wrote) countering it with historic fact of his actual second deployment to Iraq…….Sorry that you’ve fallen for several internet tales and memes attributed to him by the tin-foil hat wearing crowd………

But I heard Elvis, Jim Morrison and a clone of Micheal Jackson attended Kyle's funeral...... :rolleyes:

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I know nothing about the movie or book. But I will predict that the movie is over dramatic, over sensationalized, rah rah US military, heart breaking scenes, inward struggle/turmoil of main character in his role in the military.

From reading the book and seeing the movie there were several instances of “artistic license” being invoked, likewise Copper’s portrayal of Kyle in several scenes appeared somewhat more remorseful then what is conveyed by Kyle himself in both his book and in interviews……..and of course, like any movie, “technical errors” that would be missed by most……..( I didn’t notice the plastic baby for instance until it was pointed out above)……..but in my opinion, the movie was close enough to the book given a book/story comprising his life was compressed into a 2 1/2 hour movie .

I enjoyed it and would recommend it.

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Because Mooney's retelling of Kyle's life was a compiling of “stories” told of Kyle by others and put together in several months after Kyle’s death…….Poor research and/or profiteering works for me.

The link I posted indicates he spoke to Kyle to confirm the story before his death.

Alex Jonesish-federal government killing US citizens on US soil conspiracies aside, said “story” has been attributed to Kyle by “others”, despite Kyle being in Iraq (on his second tour) during the timeline in which the Katrina story takes place………..

You have no proof Kyle didn't tell anyone that story.

Yeah I don’t believe the “story”, nor do I believe Kyle started/nor continued it what with his own book (that he wrote) countering it with historic fact of his actual second deployment to Iraq…….Sorry that you’ve fallen for several internet tales and memes attributed to him by the tin-foil hat wearing crowd………

You have no proof Kyle didn't tell anyone that story. As I said, several people cop to hearing him tell the story.

Sorry if the idea that your hero may have been a bullshitter offends you so.

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The link I posted indicates he spoke to Kyle to confirm the story before his death.

You have no proof Kyle didn't tell anyone that story.

You have no proof Kyle didn't tell anyone that story. As I said, several people cop to hearing him tell the story.

Sorry if the idea that your hero may have been a bullshitter offends you so.

And I trust you have proof that Kyle did tell said stories, stories that would run counter to his actual published account of his time spent through late 2004 through 2005.......In Iraq and not New Orleans?

I'm sorry that you trust internet fairy tales.

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And I trust you have proof that Kyle did tell said stories, stories that would run counter to his actual published account of his time spent through late 2004 through 2005.......In Iraq and not New Orleans?

I'm sorry that you trust internet fairy tales.

I just posted accounts indicating he did. You choose to stick your fingers in your ear? Your prerogative I guess

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And I trust you have proof that Kyle did tell said stories, stories that would run counter to his actual published account of his time spent through late 2004 through 2005.......In Iraq and not New Orleans?

I'm sorry that you trust internet fairy tales.

His record in the military speaks for itself. Anyone who can become a Seal has some things going for themselves. The awards, commendations and records make him a hero. Hollywood liberals can't stand a real hero, they'd rather believe in spiderman.

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I just posted accounts indicating he did. You choose to stick your fingers in your ear? Your prerogative I guess

No, you posted accounts of other people stating he said as much…….despite said stories being baseless, and in the case of the Katrina looters, running counter to historic fact as outlined by Kyle himself in his own book……..

Why would Kyle claim to be shooting looters, an act that would have been illegal and covered in great detail by the media (the real one, not Alex Jones) if it happened, when he was Iraq? :rolleyes:

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His record in the military speaks for itself. Anyone who can become a Seal has some things going for themselves. The awards, commendations and records make him a hero. Hollywood liberals can't stand a real hero, they'd rather believe in spiderman.

I doubt they're too fond of Eastwood either.........

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No, you posted accounts of other people stating he said as much…….despite said stories being baseless, and in the case of the Katrina looters, running counter to historic fact as outlined by Kyle himself in his own book……..

And you have evidence those people were lying?

Why would Kyle claim to be shooting looters, an act that would have been illegal and covered in great detail by the media (the real one, not Alex Jones) if it happened, when he was Iraq? :rolleyes:







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Indeed, look at another Oscar contender, the Imitation Game. Far more fiction than fact in that one.

Yes tons of fiction. No one should see the Imitation Game thinking its history. But even though I knew it was bullshit I enjoy Cumberbatch so much that

I simply did not care.

I imagine it would take a hell-of-a-script to make Touring designing the machine a watchable money-maker.

That script they did not have.

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