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Palin Slams Obama!

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That's a complete lie. Stop lying you lying liar.

Anyways, it looks like Democrats are gonna be the ones worrying about 3rd parties ruining their chances.

The SEIU are the union thugs that support Obama. Apparently they have the same mindset as punked. Any Democrat that doesn't completely follow the party line needs to be replaced. The only thing this will accomplish is more elected Republicans.

Call me a Liar again Shady.

But the article then adds a caution from CNN pollster Keating Holland that some will find puzzling: The apparent independence of Tea Party supporters "might be slightly misleading," he said, "because 87 percent say they would vote for the GOP candidate in their congressional district if there were no third-party candidate endorsed by the Tea Party.

That is right when you add leaners 90% of the tea party are Republicans. These are just the republicans/libertarians they are not independents and will never vote democrat. Bush just ran them out of the party with his big spending. Please LOOK AT ALL THE NUMBERS NOT JUST THE ONES YOU LIKE!


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Guest TrueMetis

"I really have no response. Because last I checked, Sarah Palin's not much of an expert on nuclear issues," Obama told ABC's George Stephanopoulos......... "If the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff are comfortable with it, I'm probably going to take my advice from them and not from Sarah Palin"

Shady qoute mining? Impossible. Just more intellectual dishonesty I guess. Nothing new.

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"I really have no response. Because last I checked, Sarah Palin's not much of an expert on nuclear issues," Obama told ABC's George Stephanopoulos......... "If the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff are comfortable with it, I'm probably going to take my advice from them and not from Sarah Palin"

So what? So the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Cheifs of Staff are comfortable with it (or so he claims). It doesn't mean it's the right strategy, and it certainly doesn't mean Obama has vast nuclear experience, in which Palin was commenting on.

That is right when you add leaners 90% of the tea party are Republicans.

Independents who think they'd probably vote for a Republican this time around doesn't mean they're Republicans. That's where you're completely wrong. Or lying. Usually it's the lying part.

Anyways, I'm still shocked that Obama would even respond to Palin's criticism. He elevates her status, and totally undercuts any notion that she's inexperience, who's opinions should be dismissed. It'd be like President Bush commenting on something John Edwards said a couple years after Bush's re-election. It didn't happen, and it wouldn't.

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Exactly how many U.S. presidential candidates since the invention of the a-bomb have ever had experience with nukes? Not too many i'd gather. Not exactly a popular hobby, like building train sets in your basement.

Hard to say...there have been hundreds of candidates. General Curtis Lemay was on the Wallace ticket in 1968. President Carter was nuclear trained as a naval officer by Rickover's program.

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So what? So the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Cheifs of Staff are comfortable with it (or so he claims). It doesn't mean it's the right strategy, and it certainly doesn't mean Obama has vast nuclear experience, in which Palin was commenting on.

Independents who think they'd probably vote for a Republican this time around doesn't mean they're Republicans. That's where you're completely wrong. Or lying. Usually it's the lying part.

Anyways, I'm still shocked that Obama would even respond to Palin's criticism. He elevates her status, and totally undercuts any notion that she's inexperience, who's opinions should be dismissed. It'd be like President Bush commenting on something John Edwards said a couple years after Bush's re-election. It didn't happen, and it wouldn't.

How about this poll then Shady?

Asked which party they would be with if the tea party wasn't around.

Rep(+Ind lean Rep) 74%

Dem(+Ind lean Dem) 16%

Independent 5%

Other 5%

Again they aren't independents at all. Call me a liar again.


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How about this poll then Shady?

Asked which party they would be with if the tea party wasn't around.

Rep(+Ind lean Rep) 74%

Dem(+Ind lean Dem) 16%

Independent 5%

Other 5%

Again they aren't independents at all. Call me a liar again.


I absolutely will call you a liar again. I'll call you a liar everytime you lie you lying liar. Let's press rewind shall we?...

That is right when you add leaners 90% of the tea party are Republicans.

So liar. In your mind, 90% equals 74%? If that's the case, how about we trade $90 for $74 dollars? You know, since they're the same? :lol:


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That is right when you add leaners 90% of the tea party are Republicans. These are just the republicans/libertarians they are not independents and will never vote democrat. Bush just ran them out of the party with his big spending. Please LOOK AT ALL THE NUMBERS NOT JUST THE ONES YOU LIKE!


wow! NationalJournal.com/Pollster.com appear to have real non-partisan legitimacy... obviously tea-baggers were always thought to be primarily made up of Republicans, but who knew it approached that 90% level:

But not always, and that brings me back to the CNN poll. Remember the 52 percent of Tea Party activists who initially identify as independent? It turns out that virtually all of them lean Republican. According to CNN, 88 percent of the activists identify or lean Republican, 6 percent identify or lean Democratic and only 5 percent fall into the pure independent category.

Remember that CNN pollster Holland reported that 87 percent of the Tea Party activists would vote Republican if there were no Tea Party-endorsed third-party candidate running? That makes perfect sense for a group that is 88 percent Republican.

Holland said that the 52 percent independent number is "slightly misleading." Sides said via e-mail that he considers it "highly misleading," since most independent leaners vote loyally for their party, even among the Tea Party activists identified in their survey. That "the Tea Party activists are mostly composed of Republicans, not independents," he writes, "combined with the relatively small number of activists, may hamper the electoral prospects of any Tea Party candidates."

This also tells us that Republican candidates will suffer if Tea Party activists start to mount third party candidacies.

apparently... wingnut Bachmann (VP on the 2012 Palin ticket) advises the GOP and Tea-Baggers will merge! :lol:

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I absolutely will call you a liar again. I'll call you a liar everytime you lie you lying liar. Let's press rewind shall we?...

So liar. In your mind, 90% equals 74%? If that's the case, how about we trade $90 for $74 dollars? You know, since they're the same? :lol:


It approaches 90% very fast the independents and other groups weren't really pressed the point is these people have never voted democrat or if they have it was before the civil rights act. Screw the tea party they aren't a movement Dems should pay attention to they are a splintering of the republican party.

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So what? So the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Cheifs of Staff are comfortable with it (or so he claims). It doesn't mean it's the right strategy, and it certainly doesn't mean Obama has vast nuclear experience, in which Palin was commenting on..

No, Palin and Fox News have been chattering on how it leaves the US open to attack on multiple fronts which it doesn't, it just clears up strategy. The strategy merely states that the US will not use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear NPT abiding states. Therefore, rogue nations such as North Korea and Iran don't apply under the new strategy, even if it's a non-nuclear strike, but a biological or chemical attack.

The people on the right foaming at the mouth trying to pin Obama to this "horrible policy" also have no nuclear experience. They also clearly haven't read what the policy proposes.

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It approaches 90% very fast

What does that even mean? Approaches very fast? We're not talking about a speeding car, we're talking about a number in a poll. Which is 74%. Not your lying lie of 90%. 90% isn't equal to 74%. And polls aren't moving vehicles. They don't approach things with any type of speed. :lol:

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What does that even mean? Approaches very fast? We're not talking about a speeding car, we're talking about a number in a poll. Which is 74%. Not your lying lie of 90%. 90% isn't equal to 74%. And polls aren't moving vehicles. They don't approach things with any type of speed. :lol:

It means when you add up the "independents" who identify as republicans, then you take the "other party" who say they will vote republicans to stop the Democrats we are in the 85-95% range these people are not and never will be democrats Shady. You clearly don't have any knowledge of statistics but like it or not these people are not moderates and because of that the Dems know they don't need to play to them it is the Republicans who are scared.

See Shady I will help you with the math.

We start out with the self identified republicans. 52%

Then we ask the "independents who they identify them self as" 85% say Republicans

Then we add those numbers together and get somewhere in the area of 80-90% are Republicans.

Don't believe the last two polls I showed you? How about another one?


Yep USA today/Gallup found that 83% of Tea party members were republicans. Yeah I know keep citing one poll to my three to bad that isn't the way poll works. One doesn't trump three showing the samething 80-90% of tea party members are straight up Republicans Shady.

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It means when you add up the "independents" who identify as republicans, then you take the "other party" who say they will vote republicans to stop the Democrats we are in the 85-95%

No it doesn't. The poll clearly stated 74%. 90% is not equal to 74%. And I noticed you altered your original number to 85% - 95%. You can change the lie, but it doesn't make it true! :lol:

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No it doesn't. The poll clearly stated 74%. 90% is not equal to 74%. And I noticed you altered your original number to 85% - 95%. You can change the lie, but it doesn't make it true! :lol:

Yes Shady I know it is hard for you to understand more then 1 number at a time, your brain doesn't seem programed for it. We are talking about three separate polls ONE of which shows the 74% number however this poll included a 5% other number of these who were pushed picked republican giving you 79%. So the THREE polls show 80-90% of tea partiers are REPUBLICANS so who cares about them. They aren't independents they are the crazy right of the Republican party they will never vote democrat so just ignore them.

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As long as the argument from the left continues to avoid the elephant in the room and instead centers on percentages in the tea party movement, they can not sway the all important undecided voter or the independents. And by suggesting that the tea party is an actual party instead of a protest movement against the trillions being spent that they don't have, the left ignores the point of the protest at their peril. And by smearing the tea partiers as far right loons, they disenchant democrats and independents as well as the main stream right, which will only hurt the left's cause during the midterms.

And yet in the media and Dem brain trust these strategies continue to this day. Why hurt your own chances, I just don't get it.

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As long as the argument from the left continues to avoid the elephant in the room and instead centers on percentages in the tea party movement, they can not sway the all important undecided voter or the independents. And by suggesting that the tea party is an actual party instead of a protest movement against the trillions being spent that they don't have, the left ignores the point of the protest at their peril. And by smearing the tea partiers as far right loons, they disenchant democrats and independents as well as the main stream right, which will only hurt the left's cause during the midterms.

And yet in the media and Dem brain trust these strategies continue to this day. Why hurt your own chances, I just don't get it.

You know who is more popular then the tea party the IRS. That is why these people are ignored because they are never going to vote Dem and no one out side of their crazy right circle likes them.

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As long as the argument from the left continues to avoid the elephant in the room and instead centers on percentages in the tea party movement, they can not sway the all important undecided voter or the independents. And by suggesting that the tea party is an actual party instead of a protest movement against the trillions being spent that they don't have, the left ignores the point of the protest at their peril.....

True....there will be a backlash in Novemeber that transcends party affiliation. Partisan wonks can play the tea party numbers game all they want, but they are missing the main message from the electorate. That this will or will not favor "Republicans" remains to be seen.

President Obama knows that the clock is ticking, and he only has a few months of Congressional mojo left.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Hey Gosthack, Bubber, how's that "Palin is irrelevant" thing workin out for you!? :lol:

Once again, worst prediction ever! :lol:

The thing with Palin is she'll always attract the 30% or so of the voter base that are inelastic voters IE hardcore partisans who would vote republican whoever the person was. There will be the 30% or so who will always vote against her as they will always vote democrat. That leaves about 40% (give or take) in the centre. Palin, as hard as she can try if she ever gets the nomination, can never position herself as a centrist after all her on tape rhetoric. If it's Palin v Obama in 2012, Palin gets pounded into the ground.

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I think he'll use the rest of his mojo to seat a new supreme court judge.

Yes, it's not clear that Republicans will be the main beneficiary of the tea protest wrath. So of course Dem talking heads set a high bar for Rep. success, winning back both houses. Then when it doesn't happen they'll respond with how the tea partiers failed. The truth is as long as the left is talking about them they are winning.

Ditto for Sarah Palin. They're really worried about her and it's fun to watch the lengths they go to put her down. But of course they miss the point. She's a decoy, and someone is being carefully groomed offscreen to jump out suddenly and before you know it they'll have millions pouring in, kind of like someone you know, eh?

And I'm sure Bush will enjoy that moment immensely.

Edited by sharkman
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Hey Gosthack, Bubber, how's that "Palin is irrelevant" thing workin out for you!? :lol:

Once again, worst prediction ever! :lol:

Well, since I made that comment, she admitted she couldn't take the heat of being a governor and quit, and then she wound up hosting a low-rated lightweight Fox cable show.

Someone asked Obama a question about her and he replied that he didn't think it was necessary to respond to her. As a result, her right-wing cheerleaders have been delighted that at least he acknowledged her existence.

Personally, I'm hoping she becomes more relevant. I would loooove to see an Obama/Palin matchup in 2012. He would certainly destroy her. Unfortunately, I think most Republicans are a lot smarter than Shady and that will never happen.

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....Personally, I'm hoping she becomes more relevant. I would loooove to see an Obama/Palin matchup in 2012. He would certainly destroy her. Unfortunately, I think most Republicans are a lot smarter than Shady and that will never happen.

Gov. Palin's role is clear in the run-up to 2010 mid-terms and 2012 general election. She will not be on the ticket, but she will contribute to her party's base. The democrats have no equivalent high profile "public figure" for inviting and taking flak hits for the team.

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