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McCain picks woman for VP slot

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No, you want someone who has some years in them. Someone who has at least made mistakes and learned from them.
Uh, you mean someone with the depth of experience like Barack Obama?

The problem with the Leftist reaction to Palin is that it applies equally to the Democrats' choice for president, or else it just makes the Left look sexist.


This election will not be won on the fringes but rather at the centre. McCain was aiming to shore up his base and in particular, he wanted to gain the support of independent women. The MSM and Democratic reaction to Palin will only drive these voters more into the Republican camp.

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This election will not be won on the fringes but rather at the centre. McCain was aiming to shore up his base and in particular, he wanted to gain the support of independent women. The MSM and Democratic reaction to Palin will only drive these voters more into the Republican camp.

Doesn't seem to have happened yet.

Republicans themselves are nervous.


"I hope that there are no more surprises, that all the homework is done and that she is impressive," says David Frum, a former White House speechwriter for President Bush. "But the fear is, there's a lot of evidence that the homework was not done."
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No! I have not been given a credible reason why a zygote should be considered human life.

No surprise there, since there are no reason you would find credible anyway.

And I don't believe anyone honestly considers this stage of development worth protecting either!

So, because you reject that notion, anybody who believes it is dishonest, or nobody. Whatever.

The 'right to life' carries with it the implicit understanding that the mother is an incubator that has no say in the matter.

It does not carry an understanding, implicit or otherwise, that the mother is an incubator, or anything other than a human being. It carries an understanding that there are two human lives involved, and that the right to live is the most important human right of all.

As for the "the right to life position is so wrong, it denies the woman any say in the matter" argument, it conviniently ignores the fact that the "pro-choice" position - or your "the woman has the absolute choice, except when she does not have good enough reasons" variation - includes little, if any, consideration of the other human life involved and his/her interests.

Edited by CANADIEN
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Managing a small business is far different from running the biggest business in the US that is the US. Large corporations don't like to aquire VPs that are green, why should the US VP spot be treated any different? You'd want the most qualified person or the second most in the VP seat. From what it seems, Palin is still wet behind the ears. Obama is fresh, but has been in politics for twice as long (at least) as Palin.

Sure...Senator Obama is twice as inexperienced as Governor Palin, so it only makes sense that he should lead the Democratic ticket.

No, you want someone who has some years in them. Someone who has at least made mistakes and learned from them.

Couple hundred thousand to over 350 million.... .. can be overwhelming.


No, it doesn't scale up like that. It's federal, state, and local government...right down to dog catcher.

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I've finally decided that if experience is not an issue that I am going to run for President myself.


:lol: Thanks for sharing. That's cute!

Kimmy, you're not confused, your just being selective in memory.

In the opening days of the DNC, McCain had pulled ahead for the first time 46-44 (Gallup, I believe). As of today, it's Obama 49, McCain 43, making for an 8 point swing in Obama's favor. Rasmussen, which tends to have polls that favor Republicans (probably all in their methods of sampling) today has Obama at 51% -- I forget McCain's % but think it was around 45 or 46%. The Obama-breaks-50% was all sampling done after the selection of Palin but before much of the past few days' media storm. I'm sure after the RNC the numbers will adjust again.

I had thought it was 48-44 Obama last week, and read Dobbins' 49-43 poll earlier. I should have researched it further.

Still, after perusing GC's polls, it still doesn't seem to bear out the predicted Obama Beatlemania, or the anticipated Hindenburg effect that Palin was supposed to have.

People may still not have heard all the latest pregnant teen news, I suppose. But I have a hunch that the worst is over for Palin from either that or "Troopergate" (which, in my view, is the only strike against her that has real merit.)

I think Palin is scheduled to speak tomorrow night, and I suspect that from that point on she will either sink or swim based on how people respond to her, rather than to the so-called scandals.

If people like her, the pregnant daughter thing is not going to hurt in the least, and will probably only add to the sense that she's a regular parent. If people don't like her, it's just not going to be because her daughter got pregnant, it'll be because she didn't deliver a good speech. For a lot of people, whether they like her or dislike her will have a lot to do with their preconceived views. Republican supporters will no doubt accentuate even the smallest positives in the speech, while Obama supporters will undoubtedly find reasons to dislike her. But there's still people open to being swayed one way or the other.

I have still not actually seen her speak. Her background and track record in elections gives me the hunch that she's probably good at this sort of thing, but I won't find out for sure until I actually see the speech, and that also goes for most American voters. I hope she does well, not because of her views, but because I really want to see a woman do well with this opportunity.


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I have still not actually seen her speak. Her background and track record in elections gives me the hunch that she's probably good at this sort of thing, but I won't find out for sure until I actually see the speech, and that also goes for most American voters. I hope she does well, not because of her views, but because I really want to see a woman do well with this opportunity.
Here is a YouTube of her being interviewed a few months back on the Polar Bear issue: http://motls.blogspot.com/2008/08/sarah-pa...-candidate.html
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Now I'm really beginning to wonder exactly when the McCain campaign will stick a fork in Sarah Palin and replace her with Romney or Pawlenty. Every day there's a new scandal to try to sweep under the carpet:

Palin Took Contributions From Fundraising Scheme At Center Of Ted Stevens Scandal

WASHINGTON — GOP vice presidential pick Sarah Palin accepted at least $4,500 in campaign contributions in the same fundraising scheme at the center of a public corruption scandal that led to the indictment of Sen. Ted Stevens.

The contributions, made during Palin's failed 2002 bid to become Alaska's lieutenant governor, were not illegal for her to accept. But they show how Palin, a self-proclaimed reformer who has bucked Stevens and his allies, is nonetheless a product of a political system in Alaska now under the cloud of an ongoing FBI investigation.

_In her earlier career as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Palin hired a lobbyist to help the tiny town secure at least 14 earmarks, worth $27 million between 2000-2003. McCain has touted Palin as a force in his long battle against earmarks.

Palin opposed the U.S. government's listing of a variety of animals as endangered, including the polar bear and the beluga whale, both of which inhabit areas also rich in oil and natural gas.

Palin "bridge to nowhere" line angers many Alaskans

During her first speech after being named as McCain's surprise pick as a running mate, Palin said she had told Congress "'thanks but no thanks' on that bridge to nowhere."

In the city Ketchikan, the planned site of the so-called "Bridge to Nowhere," political leaders of both parties said the claim was false and a betrayal of their community, because she had supported the bridge and the earmark for it secured by Alaska's Congressional delegation during her run for governor.

McCain, Palin Both Oppose Teen Pregnancy Programs

(Newser) – Pregnancies in 17-year-olds like Bristol Palin are something John McCain and his running mate, her mother, agree on: neither believes the government should support sex education and pregnancy-prevention programs, other than encouraging abstinence, in schools. "The explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support," Sarah Palin wrote in a 2006 questionnaire for gubernatorial candidates.

And the hits just keep on coming!

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... and that she headed up a 527 Group to raise electoral funds to support Sen. Ted Stevens. 527s were set up to deliberately avoid... wait for it... McCain-Finegold election financing laws.

... and that she and her husband were both members of a political party (her husband actively so until 2002 at least) which advocated the seccession of Alaska from the US and whose homepage and founder have some pretty inflamatory and hate-filled language about the US, very much akin to Reverend Wright's "goddamn America" stuff.

... and that while mayor her town was only one of six towns in all of Alaska to hire a lobbyist to acquire federal pork $$ (also known as earmarks), but introduced herself last week as being a crusader against earmarks.

... and that the lobbyist firm she hired had ties to convicted felon Jack Abramoff.

... and that when she fired her former brother-in-law's boss, she replaced him with someone she knew had a history of sexual harrassment.

... and that she claims to be a cutter of taxes but not only left her hometown $20 million in debt, but that she raised taxes more than she cut them.

... and that her governance of Wasilla was so controversial that she faced a removal effort and town management was placed in the hands of an administrator.

... that she fired the Wasilla town librarian because that person wouldn't remove certain books from the town library shelves.

I'm sure there's more, but all this speaks to the fact that McCain did not vet her. She was only subject to an interview the day before she was picked. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...ml?hpid=topnews

I am still waiting for someone to defend McCain's vetting of her and how this shows non-reckless behavior on his part.

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It seems to me that given Palin's family situation, notwithstanding her husband seems very supportive, if she takes the VP job, either her work as the Vice President will suffer or her children will suffer. It seems to me she's demonstrated that her political ambitions are more important to her than either the well-being of her family or the country.

And that calls into question, John McCain's judgment and capacity to make a good decision.

Do you feel the same way about Nancy Pelosi? The Democrat head of the house? She has 5 kids?

Can you show me the post where you think that she is being selfish?

thought not.

Consistency please.

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Do you feel the same way about Nancy Pelosi? The Democrat head of the house? She has 5 kids?

Can you show me the post where you think that she is being selfish?

thought not.

Consistency please.

Has Nancy Pelosi just given birth to a special needs baby? Is her teenage daughter pregnant? Nancy Pelosi didn't run for office until 1987 after her youngest child had graduated from high school.

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The problem with the right-wing's criticism of Obama is that it applies equally to Palin.
Obama is on the top of the ticket.

Palin at least was a governor - which means she had constitutional authority and had to run an administration and a large office. Obama was just a senator who had to decide how to vote.

But look, Obama does have one claim to fame now: he beat Hillary Clinton. You can take that anyway you want.


I still think that the MSM/Leftist take down of Paley has a sexist instinct. I just don't see anyone else saying that Joe Biden, for example, should have dropped out of politics to take care of his family when his wife was killed. (Oh right, Biden had to put food on his table for his children.)

Anyway, the VP choice does not have much impact on the presidential election. Biden might swing Pennsylvania into the Democrat camp. Alaska will go for the Republicans.

Has Nancy Pelosi just given birth to a special needs baby? Is her teenage daughter pregnant? Nancy Pelosi didn't run for office until 1987 after her youngest child had graduated from high school.
Did Joe Biden or any man wait until his kids were in high school to get involved in politics?

Best, what are you suggesting? That a woman should stay pregnant and in the kitchen? And you consider yourself "progressive"?

Here's the point: The Left is capable of being just as sexist as the Right.

Edited by August1991
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So i was reading CNN, yahoo, MSNBC, fox and all the other online headlines about her. Has anyone noticed the negative undertone the media has taken. They completely down play every good thing shes ever done or quality she has and highlight only the negative. Obviously the media is all out blitz mode on this women. Personally I dont think shes any worse or better than any other candidate. As far as political corruption goes, All i have to say is Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon. Hell George W. Hoover, FDR, JFK etc etc etc.

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Best, what are you suggesting? That a woman should stay pregnant and in the kitchen? And you consider yourself "progressive"?

Here's the point: The Left is capable of being just as sexist as the Right.

My posting was in response to White Doors asking me "Do you feel the same way about Nancy Pelosi? The Democrat head of the house? She has 5 kids? Can you show me the post where you think that she is being selfish? thought not. Consistency please."

It is clear from the facts that Palin's and Pelosi's family situations and how each approached them are not comparable. I assumed, perhaps wrongly, that facts demonstrating that might be appreciated. Pelosi's approach to her family is quite different from Palin's. Pelosi put her family ahead of her career. Palin has not. Those are the facts. White Doors' comments about Pelosi obscured those facts.

There is nothing in my post to suggest that I hold the notion that "woman should stay pregnant and in the kitchen." Why would you make such a leap?

However, I do question a person--male or female--who voluntarily and unnecessarily puts career before family, particularly a special needs infant, and professes to be champion of the Right Wing's notion of "family values.' Is it inappropriate to ask such questions? If so, why are they inappropriate?

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Has Nancy Pelosi just given birth to a special needs baby? Is her teenage daughter pregnant? Nancy Pelosi didn't run for office until 1987 after her youngest child had graduated from high school.

So to be clear, you think that as a mother, she shouldn't accept the VP nomination?

This is what passes for 'progressive' thought now?

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So i was reading CNN, yahoo, MSNBC, fox and all the other online headlines about her. Has anyone noticed the negative undertone the media has taken. They completely down play every good thing shes ever done or quality she has and highlight only the negative. Obviously the media is all out blitz mode on this women. Personally I dont think shes any worse or better than any other candidate. As far as political corruption goes, All i have to say is Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon. Hell George W. Hoover, FDR, JFK etc etc etc.

What you're suggesting about media coverage of Sarah Palin simply isn't true. Quite the contrary. The media seem to go out of its way to mention her accomplishments and expertise, as slim pickings as they are. Official Republican talking points are mentioned in most commentary. The problem isn't the media. It's Palin herself and McCain picking her to be a heartbeat away from a President whose chances of surviving his first term are slimmer than most. That raises the question of McCain's motives for picking her (politics before country) and his competency to make sound judgments. And lastly if McCain won't vet his VP properly before picking her, perhaps it is the media's job to do so. Don't we want an informed electorate?

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"I'm a feminist! Shame on Sarah Palin! A mother's place is with her children!" :lol:

That's awesome, Drea! I hope the Democrats use something like that in their ads.


First ever response to the infamous kkkkimmyy...!

What I meant was that even feminist knows when to put her family first.

The woman has a handicapped child at home AND a pregnant daughter who needs her. She also is running for the party that espouses traditional family values where children come before career. The right has (before Palin) made it very clear that women who work and put their children in daycare are selfish bitches who care only about their own greed.

Yet she is leaving her desperate children in a lurch.

If my son were to *break his leg, I would stay home to care for him.

*A broken leg is one helluva lot less serious than raising a downs baby or helping your teenage daughter with her first (very frightening) pregnancy.

Not only is the daughter pregnant, but it seems Palin just says "Thanks for looking after your baby brother while I trot around the country -- and by the way, I won't be home very often, I will be far away in Washington so you are going to have to look after him all the time. Don't worry though -- gramma will help. Buh Bye!"

Did the Repubs do this purposely to sink themselves? LOL

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So to be clear, you think that as a mother, she shouldn't accept the VP nomination?

This is what passes for 'progressive' thought now?

I think that given Sarah Palin's unique family situation (the mother of special needs infant and a pregnant teen aged daughter) that if she accepts the VP position and gives it the effort the VP position deserves, her family--and particularly those most in need of her--will suffer. If she gives her special needs newborn and teen aged pregnant daughter the care and attention they deserve and need, the country will suffer.

In my view, there would be no one better than Sarah Palin at taking care of her children at these particular times in their lives. There are many Republicans who can fill the VP slot, many of them far more qualified than Sarah Palin. Examples would be M. Jodi Bell, Linda Lingle, Christine Todd Whitman, Christine Gregoire, etc. Given those facts, in my view, Sarah should choose family over career because that's were she, personally, is most needed at this time. And, the country can get along fine--maybe even better--without her.

Sometimes in life you have to choose to do what's needed of you and not what you'd like to do yourself. Governor Palin it seems to me as opted for the latter, which does not reflect well on her character and, by extension, John McCain's judgment.

This has nothing to do with "progressive" thought. To characterize it as such is disingenuous. It it has to do with competing demands on a person's limited time. If I was in Palin's position where I had to choose between something for which I was indispensable and something for which I was not but wanted to do, I would choose the latter. Most people would, but not Sarah. That says a lot about Sarah Palin's values.

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....This has nothing to do with "progressive" thought. To characterize it as such is disingenuous. It it has to do with competing demands on a person's limited time. If I was in Palin's position where I had to choose between something for which I was indispensable and something for which I was not but wanted to do, I would choose the latter. Most people would, but not Sarah. That says a lot about Sarah Palin's values.

You would choose the latter, but Gov. Palin shouldn't? Gee, that sounds really progressive!

But in this case, she can choose both.

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What you're suggesting about media coverage of Sarah Palin simply isn't true. Quite the contrary. The media seem to go out of its way to mention her accomplishments and expertise, as slim pickings as they are. Official Republican talking points are mentioned in most commentary. The problem isn't the media. It's Palin herself and McCain picking her to be a heartbeat away from a President whose chances of surviving his first term are slimmer than most. That raises the question of McCain's motives for picking her (politics before country) and his competency to make sound judgments. And lastly if McCain won't vet his VP properly before picking her, perhaps it is the media's job to do so. Don't we want an informed electorate?

Im not arguing being Informed but the top 8 or so Media outlets are all casting her in a negative light. And most of the stuff is so arbitrary to competence its rather annoying. So what if her 17 year old daughter is pregnant? It happens all the time. So what if she has a kid with down syndrome? My point is the media has an agenda (like it always has) and they arent pulling punches. Dont give me a bunch of shit about there family, do you think I give a rats ass about what anyone thinks about how she runs her family? I wanna know how she is going to run the country.

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You would choose the latter, but Gov. Palin shouldn't? Gee, that sounds really progressive!

But in this case, she can choose both.

Of course she can!

It is unreal to see the twisting. For years and years the rightwing has espoused traditional family values.

The liberal family who needs two incomes is selfish for putting the children in daycare right? The liberal mother should quit being so selfish and stay home -- that liberal family should learn to live on one income right? After all, the rightwing has always said that moms need to be at home for their children.

But they don't even see the hypocracy!

They don't even see themselves doing it... so far up their asses their heads are.

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Of course she can!

It is unreal to see the twisting. For years and years the rightwing has espoused traditional family values.

The liberal family who needs two incomes is selfish for putting the children in daycare right? The liberal mother should quit being so selfish and stay home -- that liberal family should learn to live on one income right? After all, the rightwing has always said that moms need to be at home for their children.

But they don't even see the hypocracy!

They don't even see themselves doing it... so far up their asses their heads are.

Retracted statment.

Edited by moderateamericain
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