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Iran Threatens To Attack Tel Aviv...

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Why should I care that Iran is threatening Israel? What am I missing here? Am I supposed to give a damn what happens to Israel? Can somebody tell me why? Israel makes its own problems and then comes running to the West for protection. We have our own problems. Israel's had fifty years and all its managed to do is piss everyone off.

Right now oil is at $145 and at least $5 of that is because of Israel's bellicosity. You like that word? I got it from former oil company executive, Condy Rice.

Let's see what might happen. Iran keeps threatening to nuke Israel. Israel takes the threat seriously and decides that offense is the best defense. So she attacks Iran.

HisSelf of course, doesn't care.

Meanwhile, because of the attack oil hits $1000/barrel.

HisSelf still doesn't care, 'cuz he rides a bicycle.

That winter, HisSelf gets a call from his dear old mother, who is starving 'cuz she's out of food, while freezing in the dark. She wants HisSelf to hop on his bicycle and pedal off through the blizzard to get her a can of tuna for her meagre supper. The can costs $100 because of the now increased delivery/truck costs. She offers to send the money online to his PayPal account.

HisSelf tells her "Hey, I don't care!"

Ma gets one of her other sons to save her and cuts HisSelf out of her will. She dies that spring and the family discovers that she's been hoarding baseball cards and comic books all those years. The collection is worth a small fortune but HisSelf gets none.

Have you forgotten Mr. Burke and his wonderful PBS series "Connections"?

We're less independent than we like to think.

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Let's see what might happen. Iran keeps threatening to nuke Israel. Israel takes the threat seriously and decides that offense is the best defense. So she attacks Iran.

HisSelf of course, doesn't care.

Meanwhile, because of the attack oil hits $1000/barrel.

HisSelf still doesn't care, 'cuz he rides a bicycle.

That winter, HisSelf gets a call from his dear old mother, who is starving 'cuz she's out of food, while freezing in the dark. She wants HisSelf to hop on his bicycle and pedal off through the blizzard to get her a can of tuna for her meagre supper. The can costs $100 because of the now increased delivery/truck costs. She offers to send the money online to his PayPal account.

HisSelf tells her "Hey, I don't care!"

Ma gets one of her other sons to save her and cuts HisSelf out of her will. She dies that spring and the family discovers that she's been hoarding baseball cards and comic books all those years. The collection is worth a small fortune but HisSelf gets none.

Have you forgotten Mr. Burke and his wonderful PBS series "Connections"?

We're less independent than we like to think.

What a load of codswallop. Who had nukes first? It wasn't Iran. It wasn't Iraq. Who was it it?

I saw a great movie the other day: Thirteen Days. It was about the Cuban Missle Crisis.

What it showed was Jack and Robert Kennedy (and I am not a great Kennedy fan) trying to figure out what the hell the Russians were up to while the US Chiefs of Staff were hollering for the US to just nuke everybody. Where would we be right now if those morons had gotten their way?

Try to think with more than your pineal eye, Wild Bill.

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It's been brought up a number of times here. Nice way to paint it though, "cross border raids for years"

In fact there have been less that 5 raids mainly in the last year.

How else am I to paint it. The Kurds are getting bombed from Turkey, an ally supposedly. But as soon as 'AXIS OF EVIL IRAN' does something similar against the same people, that will be propagandized to make the Iranians look like the bad guy. And if we go on numbers, Turkey has done it many more times than Iran. Really, think about it.

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How else am I to paint it. The Kurds are getting bombed from Turkey, an ally supposedly. But as soon as 'AXIS OF EVIL IRAN' does something similar against the same people, that will be propagandized to make the Iranians look like the bad guy. And if we go on numbers, Turkey has done it many more times than Iran. Really, think about it.

The worst Iranian regime for brutally torturing Iranians (and we are talking really brutal torture) was the US puppet regime of the Shah. The stuff that SAVAK pulled was like the worst Steven King movie you've ever seen. And they learned it all from the CIA.

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The worst Iranian regime for brutally torturing Iranians (and we are talking really brutal torture) was the US puppet regime of the Shah.

Cant dispute that, it was bad, very bad.

I am however still waiting for you to back up your 5 dollar a barrel claim. Or are you just going to ignore it and hope everyone forgets you made such a claim?

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Cant dispute that, it was bad, very bad.

I am however still waiting for you to back up your 5 dollar a barrel claim. Or are you just going to ignore it and hope everyone forgets you made such a claim?

Yes it was very bad. How long do you think it wil be before the average Iranian is going to forget that it ahppened? Not in our time is my guess.

Sure I'll back it up. Get a chart of the last couple of weeks for the price of oil. Superimpose it on a timeline showing the Israeli/Iranian dialogue.


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Cant dispute that, it was bad, very bad.

I am however still waiting for you to back up your 5 dollar a barrel claim. Or are you just going to ignore it and hope everyone forgets you made such a claim?

I can.

The Safavid era makes the Shah look like what the shah was....a relatively mild enlightened autuocrat. Since the Shah, the theocrats have killed thousands more...

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Sure I'll back it up. Get a chart of the last couple of weeks for the price of oil. Superimpose it on a timeline showing the Israeli/Iranian dialogue.

Do you honestly not see the idiocy of what you just said? In other words you can not back up your statement, thought so, pretty much par for the course with you, eh.

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To protect itself from getting raped by the other powerful countries on the planet?

Barring a response to Iran's shrill, demagogic attacks and threats, there would not even be anyone threatening Iran. A dog can roam freely in most neighborhoods without worrying about people shooting it, only a rabid dog needs a bodyguard.

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The worst Iranian regime for brutally torturing Iranians (and we are talking really brutal torture) was the US puppet regime of the Shah. The stuff that SAVAK pulled was like the worst Steven King movie you've ever seen. And they learned it all from the CIA.

What drivel. The Shah was no worse, and probably considerably better than most of the dictators who preceded him, and certainly better than the theocratic nut jobs who followed him.

If a visiting journalist with a Canadian passport can be tortured to death for merely photographing the outside of a prison, how do you think ordinary Iranians get treated when they step out of line?

The case stayed under the radar screens of most Canadians until March 31, 2005, and the stunning revelations of Shahram Azam, a former staff physician in Iran's Defence Ministry. He said he examined Kazemi in hospital, four days after her arrest.

Azam said Kazemi showed obvious signs of torture, including:

* Evidence of a very brutal rape.

* A skull fracture, two broken fingers, missing fingernails, a crushed big toe and a broken nose.

* Severe abdominal bruising, swelling behind the head and a bruised shoulder.

* Deep scratches on the neck and evidence of flogging on the legs.

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Do you honestly not see the idiocy of what you just said? In other words you can not back up your statement, thought so, pretty much par for the course with you, eh.

On the idiocy of what he just said ..... actually much has been in the news about Iran and the oil. Whenever you see Israel and Iran saber ratteling, you see the news talk about the increase and risk of oil going higher. The markets followed .. or have you not been paying attention?

Let's just look at headlines.


Israel-Iran Tension Causing Oil Price Surge, CNBC Analyst Says


Potential Iran-Israel conflict sends oil prices up


Oil rises as eyes back on Iran-Israel row


Israel-Iran war talk blamed for oil price frenzy


Iran attack to send oil price off the chart


Talk of strike on Iran bears price at the pump
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Barring a response to Iran's shrill, demagogic attacks and threats, there would not even be anyone threatening Iran. A dog can roam freely in most neighborhoods without worrying about people shooting it, only a rabid dog needs a bodyguard.

Who is the rabid dog then??

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Right now oil is at $145 and at least $5 of that is because of Israel's bellicosity. You like that word? I got it from former oil company executive, Condy Rice.

So far this is my favorite part of the whole thread. Enlightened poster reveals how Israel's sabre rattling has caused oil to uptick by $5. Enlightened poster seems unable to look at the oil price and Iran's insistence to develop nuclear technology and how this, in addition to her repeats threats at Israel, has caused oil to jump at least (since above poster is guessing) $50 bucks alone.

This whole thing is not near over, and Iran is laughing all the way to the bank.

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So far this is my favorite part of the whole thread. Enlightened poster reveals how Israel's sabre rattling has caused oil to uptick by $5. Enlightened poster seems unable to look at the oil price and Iran's insistence to develop nuclear technology and how this, in addition to her repeats threats at Israel, has caused oil to jump at least (since above poster is guessing) $50 bucks alone.

This whole thing is not near over, and Iran is laughing all the way to the bank.

So are companies like Exxon, Shell, BP, Esso, Texaco and the like.

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How else am I to paint it.

Accuratley would be nice but also unexpected.

The Kurds are getting bombed from Turkey, an ally supposedly. But as soon as 'AXIS OF EVIL IRAN' does something similar against the same people, that will be propagandized to make the Iranians look like the bad guy. And if we go on numbers, Turkey has done it many more times than Iran. Really, think about it.

Oh brother...so do you think Iran meddling in OIraq is a good thing or a bad thing? Or is it just because another nation, which was roundly condemed did it, it's okay for Iran?

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Accuratley would be nice but also unexpected.

Oh brother...so do you think Iran meddling in OIraq is a good thing or a bad thing? Or is it just because another nation, which was roundly condemed did it, it's okay for Iran?

Do you think it was alright for Turkey to cross the border into Iraq to bomb some Kurds?? I am just showing how hypocritic people are. Only because Iran is in the spotlight about things, Turkey is an ally.

Personally I don't think Iran is messing with Iraq as much as the US is messing with Iran .. US Spec Ops have been in Iran for over a year now. So who is messing with who? OH, the US already messed with Iran decades ago.... that worked out well. :P

QUOTE(GostHacked @ Jul 12 2008, 12:57 PM) *

You forgot Petro Canada as well there... but good job as usuall. You are too predictable.

I probably forgot a few more, while you forgot all of them. Very predictable as well.

You make me laugh.

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I don't even understand why the west grant military aid to Israel while it continues internationally illegal activity, including occupying and building settlements in the West Bank.

If, and that's a big if, the threats against Israel continue even after she cleans up her own act, then she ok, you are protecting an innocent ally.

But you know what they say, don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Kinda the same thing here - immoral acts beget more immoral acts. Nothing surprising there.

Edited by BC_chick
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....But you know what they say, don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Kinda the same thing here - immoral acts beget more immoral acts. Nothing surprising there.

OK...then may the team with the best "immoral acts" win. If this is not surprising, why expect otherwise? Israel has a Sugar Daddy, and Iran doesn't.

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OK...then may the team with the best "immoral acts" win. If this is not surprising, why expect otherwise? Israel has a Sugar Daddy, and Iran doesn't.

America is Israel's sugar-daddy?

A sugar-daddy provides material wealth for a usually beautiful and younger woman knowing well that he would not stand a chance with her if it weren't for his money. Conversely, the ho, err I mean the sugar-baby, inures herself to sleeping with a wrinkled old man for a few morsels of his pie. As such, they are both giving and taking in this dynsfunctional, yet self-serving partnership.

Since Israel doesn't "give back" to the US and the "relationship" is pretty much one-way, I'd say you're more like the delusional man squandering his paycheque at his local strip-bar while his wife and kids go without.

Aww here here, I'm sure she felt the "connection" too during your lap-dance....


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America is Israel's sugar-daddy?

A sugar-daddy provides material wealth for a usually beautiful and younger woman knowing well that he would not stand a chance with her if it weren't for his money. Conversely, the ho, err I mean the sugar-baby, inures herself to sleeping with a wrinkled old man for a few morsels of his pie. As such, they are both giving and taking in this dynsfunctional, yet self-serving partnership.

That's pretty sexist.....excluding homosexuals are we? Jimmy Carter inked the deal...so take it up with him. Egypt and Jordan also get some sugar.

Since Israel doesn't "give back" to the US and the "relationship" is pretty much one-way, I'd say you're more like the delusional man squandering his paycheque at his local strip-bar while his wife and kids go without.

Go visit the former Osirak nuclear power plant circa 1981.

Aww here here, I'm sure she felt the "connection" too during your lap-dance....


She/he...makes no difference. Israel gets to dance and Iran doesn't....not even for tips.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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