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  1. I know how you feel. Bundling is the enemy. In a free market system, we should be able to subsrcibe as we will. We do not have that with Bell, Rogers, etc.. I have Rogers. I have to pay for all kinds of crap (I mean MTV? Come on. Should be ATV. Know what I mean?) to get a small number of channels I value. This is what happens when you monopolize a market. Our regulatory process has failed us.
  2. So we go from a suicide bombing in Islamabad to Israel. Incredible. This was a strike at the heart of the western presence in Pakistan. Hotels like the Marriott are like Western ex-pat clubs. Western ex-pats congregate around places like this. They become social clubs. Watch Hotel Ruanda. Lays it all out.
  3. Reported for name calling
  4. reported - name calling
  5. Good old Jim Flaherty. Elected in Ontario, I believe. Harper backed him up in a recent scrum. Good old Harper. Hardly a seat in Ontario. Wonder why? Hey guys. How about that deficit? Jim? Hello?
  6. Great idea. Free cancer drugs. One in three will need it before we die. How is this less important than bailouts to the auto industry, Bombardier, what have you? Sure if you lose your job at the bomber, you are unemployed. But if you die from cancer because you can't afford the drugs, YOU ARE FRIGGIN DEAD. No brainer. Screw Bomber, GM and Ford. Drugs for cancer patients. What am I missing here?
  7. Folks, when the mitochondria stop working, it's all history.
  8. There simply cannot be a deficit. Amanda Lang of BNN asked Jim Flaherty 3 times if there was going to be a deficit. Of course everyvbody in Ontario knows what kind of guy Jim Flaherty is and how much you can believe Jim when it comes to deficits.
  9. This is what happens when you try to have a serious discussion about Israeli poltics. The kooks come out of the woodwork. Don't feel offended, Oleg Bach. I'm, sure Rue, M Dancer, JBG and the rest of the riot squad will be out with their tear gas grenades in no time.
  10. Here is a CNN/Time quote about Livni written by Condoleeza Rice.. http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/tim...1614647,00.html Pithy Condy quote: "Tzipi has not just been my colleague; she has become my friend." Livni first emerged as a Sharon advisor. Should give some good insight into what direction she will follow. While the attention of the US is diverted with the presidential election, collapse of the financial markets. Georgia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, watch for Lipni to ramp up settlement building, the persecution of Palestinians, attacks on Iran, etc. etc...
  11. I've watched NPR for many years. I'd say that their reporting on many issues ressembles that of the Economist. Not as detailed - but as balanced as far as I'm able to tell. Yes, they are a little left, but the balance is comparable.
  12. Greenspan is agnostic when it comes to money. You have supported some of my posts, but I think you need to get your vision corrected. He was a very good Fed chair for many years. My posts pointed out that SOME ANAYLYSTS WERE BLAMING GREENSPAN LOL. OK?
  13. Nicely said. The problem is that Wall Street has been focussed on the next quarterly report and that the people who were supposed to be bird-dogging the long term (i.e. the regulators) let themselves be scared off by the constant belly-aching from the private sector whining about how the government should stay outta of their hair. This is what happens when you let private sector whining intimidate the regulatory process. Hopefuly the lesson that wil be learned is a very old one. The investment community has long said that is a mistake to put all your eggs in one basket. And yet we have a case here where the world investment community has handed its eggs to AIG for safekeeping. Maybe this will result in a truly global market at last. If any good comes of this at all.
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