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Why is Israel the biggest terrorist state in the world?


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Stop putting smiles faces in your response. I am not joking. I know Jews who have told me that they will defend Israel to death and they won't ever listen to anything that is ever critical of Israel. Hence I said if you have blind faith, don't answer. Don't distort what I say or I will do the same.

Oooohh, those damn people, they have no right defending themselves, no sireee, they should just sit back and take it... :lol: :lol: :lol::P

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As I mentioned elsewhere, if you get raped in the ass, you have the right to stop the rape, even if it means clawing back ineffectively. Israelis are raping Palestinians, their lands, their hopes and dreams, their religions. Some of them are fighting back. Wouldn't you fight back if someone came to your house and started raping you? Maybe you won't...some people will.

Next! Preferably a non-Jew or at least one won't have blind faith in Israel.

Nice catch on the Grand Muffti Dog, he was pure evil.

Why do you respond to every post with the phrase "Raped up the ass" a little preoccupied with gay sex aren't you. The only gay sex I'm aware of in Palestine is the tapes that Hammas has of the Fatah's leaders having group and single sex with other men. Tisk, tisk how un-Islamic.

The land doesn't belong to them, they are decendants of squaters. The Jews paid the Arabs for their land, the squaters refused to leave and have settled into demanding ownership of what was never theirs. If they want to go home go to Jordan, Israel received 15 % of the land and Jordan 85 %. The palestinians aren't helpless victims, they are boarderline psycopaths. Strapping bombs on their children, hiding under Burkas after they lob missles into Isreal. These men aren't even brave enough to stand and fight they use women and children to hide behind. They aren't even noble warriors, they're cowards. Women and children can die in the name of Allah but the men are afraid to die. Pityful.

There will be no peace in Palestine, but it won't because of Israel. Hammas against Fatah and the Sword of Islam against anything that isn't Wahhabi Islam. There will be a three way civil war, get the women and children out and let them have at it. No aide, food or water provided. I cannot feel compassion for a people that use women and children as weapons, yet these same men are to cowardly to die for the Allah they kill for.

P.S. Islam is a religion not a RACE, it isn't racism to discuss Islamists it's called a conversation.

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I am not joking either. Can you write into this forum without using each opportunity to threaten people who will challenge your statements? Is it possible for you to do that or are you so frighteend of people you disagree with you must continually threaten them?

You made a bigoted statement abotu all Jews and now you try defend your racist statement by suggesting what that all Jews are crazed and can't handle criticism of Israel because you know Jews. Think how silly your attempt to justify your bigoted statement is. Even if you did know Jews how many would that be? One? Two? do you even know any Jews?

Do you really think it makes rational sense for anybody to believe based on your interaction with a Jew or Jews that gives you the basis to label ALL Jews with the same characteristics as you do?

Do you even know Jews? Do you? Have you even met one and been able to sit and talk with one? I doubt it. For a man who can't get through two sentences without threatening people and calling people names I doubt you have ever sat with someone you disagree with and were able to carry on a civilized debate-your very words on this forum show that. They demonstrate you are not interested in any opinion but your own and you threaten people before they respond and assume you know what they think and feel. That is called being blinded by rage Aras and its time you evolve past being a man who simply spews hatred. We have one already on this forum. He spews at everyone he does not consider meeting his specifications as being a "true Christian". How about you? Is that what you want to turn yourself into, some angry, intolerant, close minded man who comes on this forum to rage and threaten? Is that the purpose of a forum to threaten people and insult them? Do you want to scream at people or do you want to enage in two way dialogue? Which one is it?

Israeli Jews and non Israeli Jews despite your efforts two lump them in one crazed blind fanatic lunatic concept are far more diversified in thoughts and feelings then you try label them as having and I think deep inside you know that

You know that because are you not the same person who rages when people stereotype Muslims as all being terrorists or Pakistanis as all being crazed and savage? Well?

Stop and control yourself and think use your head not your anger. Stop and think, do you think it would be fair if I labelled all Muslims the way you do Jews? Do you think it would be fair if I labelled all Pakistanis the way you do Jews?

Do you really think because I am a Jew I want to kill Muslims or Palestinians because I am crazed? Should I feel the same way about all Muslims towards non-Muslims? Is that what you would have us do go around calling each other crude simplistic names intended to turn us into demons so we can justify hating each other?


You have come on this forum and chosen to engage in crude racist stereotypes to try justify your hatred and bigotry. If you can not refer to people and treat them as you yourself wanted to be treated and referred to then you can not justify what you say and that comes from not just the Old and New Testaments but the Koran.

Start practicing the very religion you claim to follow. Show some basic courtesy and respect to those you think you disagree with and they might do the same in return. Threaten and scream at them and of course they will look like they will fight you to the death.

Stop and think. You can blow wind at someone but all that will do is make them hold their coat even tighter. Shine on them like the sun, and they will take off their coats and not look so threatening to you.

Can you grasp that concept or are so far gone with your anger you would have us all believe you can only subsist in a world of threats and grunts?

blah blah blah

don't criticize jews, you're antisemite...don't criticize Israel, you're antisemite...and now a nutjob like you tells me "Have you even met one and been able to sit and talk with one? I doubt it".


It is inconceivable for you to believe any Jews could be so racist and bigoted that they would say the will defend Israel NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE?! Do YOU know every Jew? I mean WOW! You come out and criticize me when I truthly tell you that I engaged in talks with dozens of Jews on the internet, and then you claim to know all Jews. Maybe YOU should go out and talk to some Jews! Are you even a Jew or are you trying to engage me in a heated debate because you have nothing better to do? Take the cotton out of your ears!

I have talked to fundamentalist extremist idiotic Jews who want the world to become fundamentalist Jewish, to have racist Jewish laws govern all people in the West. They blame Arabs and Muslims for all the world's problems because after Christians (2 billion), Muslims are their second competition (over 1 billion), and since Jews control the media, now America shares in their hatred of Muslims. They're eliminating their opposition one by one. And don't start telling me that YOU don't control the media...we're talking about secular Jews, and you're blinded by faith. I still can't forget few years ago when every major newspaper I read in Canada (Americans too) said that Israeli soldiers were KIDNAPPED by Palestinians! How the hell do you KIDNAP soldiers?! It's captured, not kidnapped....big bad Palestinian evil people KIDNAPPED our baby-like innocent soldiers! What a bunch of b.s. What a bias!

There are literally thousands of sources of pro-Israeli and anti-Islamic hatred and bias perpetrated by Jews but how do you mention them? I provided several links and this idiotic fundamentalist Jewish guy in this forum says it's antisemitic because it's from an Arab website! In other words, Arabs are racist and no links from Arab sites can be trusted! WOW, the racism!

I provided links from US sites and they were similarly antisemitic...apparently US sites are antisemitic unless they worship Israeli's actions. I provided sites owned by Israeli Jews...guess what, they were self-hating Jews!!!!!! Let me add more exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other words, now I very much hate the word antisemitism because a Jew can punch me and if I complain I'm antisemitic. There's no way out of it. So just a warning...if you play the antisemitic card, I will create a new word (we deserve it), and will respond to your every criticism as (Jewish Hatredism).

And why the hell only Jews have their own special word? Antisemitic should also apply to other groups but it doesn't (look up the roots of it). Why don't we have a special word for Jewish hatred against Pakistanis, Arabs, Muslims, Iranians, Palestinians...just racism or bigotry...because they're not God's special people!

And here's a link anyways...though I know you gonna piss all over anything critical of your beloved criminal Israel...(http://www.ifamericansknew.org).

The U.S. gives more than $7,023,288 per day to the Israeli government and military and gives no money to the Palestinians.

7,633 Israelis and 31,531 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000.

119 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 971 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000

Israel has been targeted by at least 65 UN resolutions and the Palestinians have been targeted by none

1 Israeli is being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 10,756 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel

0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and 4,170 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since September 29, 2000

The Israeli unemployment rate is 9%, while the Palestinian unemployment is estimated at 40%.

Israel currently has 223 Jewish-only settlements and ‘outposts’ built on confiscated Palestinian land. Palestinians do not have any settlements on Israeli land.

SO read this or does reading about Palestians death is antisemitic too!!!

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Nice catch on the Grand Muffti Dog, he was pure evil.

Why do you respond to every post with the phrase "Raped up the ass" a little preoccupied with gay sex aren't you. The only gay sex I'm aware of in Palestine is the tapes that Hammas has of the Fatah's leaders having group and single sex with other men. Tisk, tisk how un-Islamic.

The land doesn't belong to them, they are decendants of squaters. The Jews paid the Arabs for their land, the squaters refused to leave and have settled into demanding ownership of what was never theirs. If they want to go home go to Jordan, Israel received 15 % of the land and Jordan 85 %. The palestinians aren't helpless victims, they are boarderline psycopaths. Strapping bombs on their children, hiding under Burkas after they lob missles into Isreal. These men aren't even brave enough to stand and fight they use women and children to hide behind. They aren't even noble warriors, they're cowards. Women and children can die in the name of Allah but the men are afraid to die. Pityful.

There will be no peace in Palestine, but it won't because of Israel. Hammas against Fatah and the Sword of Islam against anything that isn't Wahhabi Islam. There will be a three way civil war, get the women and children out and let them have at it. No aide, food or water provided. I cannot feel compassion for a people that use women and children as weapons, yet these same men are to cowardly to die for the Allah they kill for.

P.S. Islam is a religion not a RACE, it isn't racism to discuss Islamists it's called a conversation.

Why do I keep mentioning "rape"? Why shouldn't I? Why do YOU think it's GAY rape? Did I mention it or have you grease up your asshole hoping for the best! I'm not into that...but Israeli government can do you that favor for sure!

YOu say: Islam is a religion not a RACE, it isn't racism to discuss Islamists it's called a conversation.

So the previous poster says I CAN'T criticize Jews or Israel because it's antisemitism and now you say that we CAN criticize Muslims because it's called a conversation. Thank you for clearing up for me...would you prefer if Muslims did not exist at all, or do you need to take out your age on somebody afterall? And the attacks on Islam and Muslims continues....


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Why do I keep mentioning "rape"? Why shouldn't I? Why do YOU think it's GAY rape? Did I mention it or have you grease up your asshole hoping for the best! I'm not into that...but Israeli government can do you that favor for sure!

2 to 1 this einstein doesnt see 40 posts.


Yea, see you. Come on back under a different guise, it will be fun to spoil your game by post 3.

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2 to 1 this einstein doesnt see 40 posts.

Yea, see you. Come on back under a different guise, it will be fun to spoil your game by post 3.

That was meant for Moxie who accused me of being gay. I replied. I was not the one to make the accusation...I said that MUSLIMS were being raped, literally and figuratively, their bodies and their culture and religion...

Interesting you compare me to Einstein because I do have a PhD in Sciences.

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That was meant for Moxie who accused me of being gay. I replied. I was not the one to make the accusation...I said that MUSLIMS were being raped, literally and figuratively, their bodies and their culture and religion...

Interesting you compare me to Einstein because I do have a PhD in Sciences.

Poor Muslims. Maybe they ought to stop sawing heads off and crying victimhood everytime someone points out that their "culture" is the product of psychopathy matched to 7th century barbarism. Maybe they ought to stop burning things everytime someone draws a picture of their rapist, pedophilic, murderous genocidal "prophet." Maybe they ought to stop raping Swedish women, slaughtering Blacks, stoning women, and generally trying to take the world back 1000 years. Maybe, just maybe, if that happened, someone might actually give a shit what happens to the deluded morons commonly refered to as the 'Ummah.'

However, in real life, as opposed to fabricated victimologies and imagined Phds, the rest of the bloody world is bending over backwards to accomodate the ridiculous demands made by Muslims. Rapine is something non-Muslims have to be worried about; not something Muslims need to worry their variously bagged heads over.

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Poor Muslims. Maybe they ought to stop sawing heads off and crying victimhood everytime someone points out that their "culture" is the product of psychopathy matched to 7th century barbarism. Maybe they ought to stop burning things everytime someone draws a picture of their rapist, pedophilic, murderous genocidal "prophet." Maybe they ought to stop raping Swedish women, slaughtering Blacks, stoning women, and generally trying to take the world back 1000 years. Maybe, just maybe, if that happened, someone might actually give a shit what happens to the deluded morons commonly refered to as the 'Ummah.'

However, in real life, as opposed to fabricated victimologies and imagined Phds, the rest of the bloody world is bending over backwards to accomodate the ridiculous demands made by Muslims. Rapine is something non-Muslims have to be worried about; not something Muslims need to worry their variously bagged heads over.

Another pro-Israli response. You just described what Israeli government is doing! Genocide, raping people, slaughtering blacks...You're right on the money.

"a furious Sharon reportedly turned toward Peres, saying "every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it."

"LONDON, UK, 23 June 2002 -- Over 80 women in Nablus were raped and

beaten by Israeli troops, who also killed many of their husbands and

relatives trying to intervene, according to a testimony sent to British

Labour MP Lynne Jones."

"President of Israel was charged with rape" http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,,1997187,00.html

Read selections from "Challenging Racism and Sexism" where the daughter of a Holocaust survivor and psychotherapist talks about sexism in Israel and why it is never mentioned in academia.

Read the article by Francis A. Boyle entitled "Palestine Should Sue Israel for Genocide before the International Court of Justice"


Stop mentioning pedophilia...what is your obsession with kids. You're not this Israeli diplomat charged with pedophilia, are you?


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"LONDON, UK, 23 June 2002 -- Over 80 women in Nablus were raped and

beaten by Israeli troops, who also killed many of their husbands and

relatives trying to intervene, according to a testimony sent to British

Labour MP Lynne Jones."

moonbat link please

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Another pro-Israli response. You just described what Israeli government is doing! Genocide, raping people, slaughtering blacks...You're right on the money.
Nothing pro-Israeli about my post at all. It's anti-Islamic, actually. And how ridiculous that you respond with madeup press releases about Israeli soldiers raping Palestian women. Given the dress standards, it would be like buying a pig in a poke, so to speak, with the added excitement of a possible explosion. Yuck.

And you counter the animal behaviour of Islam all over the globe, including bagged and stoned women with "sexism in Israel?" What more need be said? Talk about throwing handgrenades from inside glass houses!

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LOL that article is five years old, here are two current articles on the suffering of the Palestinian people, opps nope Israelis are the victims. Funny thing about rape, globally it's on the rise and guess who the rapists are?

Link: http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?...8&nid=14645

Snippet: A group of young Israeli-Arab men recently attacked and raped two intoxicated Jewish teenage girls near the coastal city of Netanya, the Israeli police released for publication on Sunday.

The shocking attack took place two weeks ago, when the six Arab men happened upon the two Jewish girls as they sat drinking late at night in a public square in Netanya. According to Ynet, the girls resisted the men's advances, but were soon after were compelled, either physically or due to their inebriated state, to enter their assailants' vehicle.

The girls were then driven to a nearby beach where one managed to escape or avoid being raped. The second girl was not so lucky, and though nearly unconscious, was beaten, raped and sodomized repeatedly by the young Arabs as they called her a "dirty Jew."

All six men have reportedly been arrested, and at least one has confessed to the attack after being presented with DNA evidence connecting him to the crime.

Second story: It's an ugly one: http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/12/03/...ng.php#end_main

Snippet: Two Palestinian policemen are among three people arrested in the shooting death of a Jewish West Bank settler last month, the Israeli military disclosed Monday.

Israeli security forces arrested two men who opened fire on a passing Israeli vehicle on a West Bank road on Nov. 19, killing settler Ido Zoldan, the military said in a statement. It identified the suspects as Dafar Baram of the Palestinian national security forces, and his brother, Abdullah, both 22.

According to the military, the two men told investigators they had waited at the side of the road for a passing Israeli vehicle, overtook Zoldan's after they saw it pass, and opened fire. The two admitted carrying out the attack and turned over the weapons they used, the military said.

Separately, Palestinian security forces arrested Fadi Jama, who also belongs to the Palestinian national security forces, the military said.

Me thinks the anti-Jewish brigade are becoming desperate.

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Over 80 women in Nablus were raped and

beaten by Israeli troops, who also killed many of their husbands and

relatives trying to intervene, according to a testimony sent to British

Labour MP Lynne Jones.

Can I get a link to this that isn't from suspect sources? Thanks. No Arabnews.com...ie no 'Palestinian sources'. I don't trust Pallywood at all...for good reason.

This is the closest I could find to an expose' of this story: http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2002-11-25-evans-en.html

The British MP was quoted, in this fantasy tale of rape, saying that "this report has not been authenticated". Yet some anti-Israeli websites ate up the story as fact with no checking of any sources. Pretty typical. Now here you are spreading the apparent lie even further.

Israel is the money laundering out post for anglo America and Britain etc..the jews are not in control - ask Conrad Black who runs things and who they use traditionally as scapegoats for the last 300 years..forget the jew and muslim hating..those cranky anglos have taken over - weapons - dope - immigration (slave trade) - They just love to use anti-semitism and political correctness as a shield for crooked behaviour - take a million bucks to Israeal in a suit case and deposit it in a bank - only question asked "nation of origin" - that's it!

Oleg...I didn't mention Israel at all in my post. My post is in regards to the Palestinian leadership having its roots in Nazi Germany. The Grand Mufti played a big role in the 'Final Solution' and never faced any war crimes trials. He went on to lead the Arabs to war against Israel in 1948 when he outright rejected any UN Partition. As Moxie said...pure evil...and the stink of that evil still haunts the area.

Interesting you compare me to Einstein because I do have a PhD in Sciences.

What field?...if you don't mind me asking. I find it odd that someone with a doctorate in science would even bother him or herself with such mundane things such as forums and their content. Aren't there quazars to discover?

...would you prefer if Muslims did not exist at all(?)

I tend to view people by their actions...and your actions here are not making many friends. Much like a terrorist.

Have a smiley: :P


We plan to eliminate the state of Israel and establish a purely Palestinian state. We will make life unbearable for Jews by psychological warfare and population explosion. We Palestinians will take over everything, including all of Jerusalem.

---Rahman Abdul Rauf al-Qudwa al-Husseini (Yasser Arafat)

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That was meant for Moxie who accused me of being gay. I replied. I was not the one to make the accusation...I said that MUSLIMS were being raped, literally and figuratively, their bodies and their culture and religion...

Interesting you compare me to Einstein because I do have a PhD in Sciences.

An education does not prove intelligence - it simply proves specialization.

Now let's see if you are able to prove intelligence.


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So this aras kid hates Jews, eh? Unlike Buffycat or others, though, he can't at least provide arguments with some semblance of thought. Naming a thread like this one is only name calling and troll baiting, and it's useless to respond to the non reasoning IMO.

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So this aras kid hates Jews, eh? Unlike Buffycat or others, though, he can't at least provide arguments with some semblance of thought. Naming a thread like this one is only name calling and troll baiting, and it's useless to respond to the non reasoning IMO.

I don't hate Jews. I hate murderers, warmongers, rapists, and people like you who distort what I say. Last time I checked Israel was occupying Palestine, not the other way around. Where were you when Bush used the term "terrorist" to refer to us? Did you call US government a "troll" or did it fit with your racist Muslim-hating Israel-loving self-concept? Sorry but bigotry in your comment comes through loud and clear.


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I don't hate Jews. I hate murderers, warmongers, rapists, and people like you who distort what I say. Last time I checked Israel was occupying Palestine, not the other way around. Where were you when Bush used the term "terrorist" to refer to us? Did you call US government a "troll" or did it fit with your racist Muslim-hating Israel-loving self-concept? Sorry but bigotry in your comment comes through loud and clear.

Come, come...Jews have been in the Levant since the Iron Age. Muslims are actually fairly new to the region having arrived with their religion around 630AD. At the point of sword...errr scimitar...I might add.


I'd be interested in hearing your view on what happened in the 1948 war.

Where were you when Bush used the term "terrorist" to refer to us (Palestinians)?

This bothers me consistency-wise. Are you Arab or Pakistani? Also...I was wondering what field you have your PhD in.

aras: Does that mean I can not criticize Israel...I was waiting for someone to say that...no freedom of speech for the newcomer Pakistani.


I'd just as soon not get into a discussion about Jane and her politics. I'd just as soon stick to what we're here for, the picture.

---Henry Fonda

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Come, come...Jews have been in the Levant since the Iron Age. Muslims are actually fairly new to the region having arrived with their religion around 630AD. At the point of sword...errr scimitar...I might add.


I'd be interested in hearing your view on what happened in the 1948 war.

This bothers me consistency-wise. Are you Arab or Pakistani? Also...I was wondering what field you have your PhD in.


I'd just as soon not get into a discussion about Jane and her politics. I'd just as soon stick to what we're here for, the picture.

---Henry Fonda

Why is it matter to you what my field of PhD is? Are you planning a "personal attack" fallacy?

Secondly, I'm a Muslim. When I say "us", that's what it means. I'm Pakistani by the way.

Third, I won't get into the whole thing about 1948 war with you. I have done that to death elsewhere and it proved a real waste of everybody's time. You can believe YOUR version of the events according to Western and pro-Israeli sources such as Wikipedia, and I will believe mine according to Islam, Arab, Pakistani, etc sources.

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Why is it matter to you what my field of PhD is?

You brought it up. If it's a secret...fine.

Secondly, I'm a Muslim. When I say "us", that's what it means. I'm Pakistani by the way.

Fair enough. It lets me know that you view yourself as a Muslim before anything else. I view myself as a Canadian...no matter my roots.

Third, I won't get into the whole thing about 1948 war with you. I have done that to death elsewhere and it proved a real waste of everybody's time. You can believe YOUR version of the events according to Western and pro-Israeli sources such as Wikipedia, and I will believe mine according to Islam, Arab, Pakistani, etc sources.

I find it telling that you won't engage the subject. But ok...you have your secret version of the truth. I suppose I'll just have to accept that.



...billions and billions...

---Carl Sagan

Edited by DogOnPorch
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You brought it up. If it's a secret...fine.

Fair enough. It lets me know that you view yourself as a Muslim before anything else. I view myself as a Canadian...no matter my roots.

I find it telling that you won't engage the subject. But ok...you have your secret version of the truth. I suppose I'll just have to accept that.



...billions and billions...

---Carl Sagan

Expecting me to engage you in a tedious conversation that is based in history is a little too much. I can not be expected to do so everytime a member requests such debate. You do realize that this a highly heated debate, right?

Second, I saw myself as a Canadian first, too, at one time. That sort of changed after 9/11 when people started looking at me weird, and suddenly I realized that even if I saw myself as Canadian, many saw me as a terrorist. It was very upsetting but now I deal with it--unsuccessfully no less. I do prefer to think of myself as Canadian but others won't let me. You won't believe how many people were looking at me suspiciously after 9/11 and how many very curiously would ask me: "so...what do YOU think about 9/11" and everybody in the room would look at me as if I was supposed to say: "I am planning to kill all of you today. All my polite behavior in the past was simply pretense." And I would take out a gun and shoot them. I would not be lying if I said all this has made me more radicalized.

I so very much wanted to just punch all those people, and it was for the first time I realized how some black folks feel. It was as if I was suddenly a different person and I didn't know about it myself.

Think of the whole Chinese and communist thing in US, some time ago.

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Another pro-Israli response. You just described what Israeli government is doing! Genocide, raping people, slaughtering blacks...You're right on the money.
I tend to agree with at least some of your observations. After all, because of the unending violence Israel is a backward, ignorant wasteland, and Syria is a high-tech wonder that makes the deserts bloom.

I think you make some good points in a spare, economical manner.

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"LONDON, UK, 23 June 2002 -- Over 80 women in Nablus were raped and

beaten by Israeli troops, who also killed many of their husbands and

relatives trying to intervene, according to a testimony sent to British

Labour MP Lynne Jones."

"President of Israel was charged with rape" http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,,1997187,00.html

You know, I have posted previously along the same lines (link):

From the London Times, Breaking News (link), there are no details here. Any guesses, is this the work of Jewish people from Montreal or some New York City suburb? Or Saskatchewan or Manitoba farmers?


10 Britons injured in Turkey blasts

Ten Britons have been injured in three explosions at the holiday resort of Marmaris in Turkey, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office said. All 10 Britons are in hospital, but none is said to have life-threatening injuries. A spokeswoman for Thomas Cook, which has hundreds of customers staying in the region, said five of its guests were among the injured. Witnesses in Marmaris said at least one of the explosions appeared to be on dolmuses - small vans that act as short-range buses in Turkey. One of the explosions was described as being near a fast-food restaurant and another near an airline office.

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I saw myself as a Canadian first, too, at one time. That sort of changed after 9/11 when people started looking at me weird, and suddenly I realized that even if I saw myself as Canadian, many saw me as a terrorist. It was very upsetting but now I deal with it--unsuccessfully no less. I do prefer to think of myself as Canadian but others won't let me. You won't believe how many people were looking at me suspiciously after 9/11 and how many very curiously would ask me: "so...what do YOU think about 9/11" and everybody in the room would look at me as if I was supposed to say: "I am planning to kill all of you today. All my polite behavior in the past was simply pretense." And I would take out a gun and shoot them. I would not be lying if I said all this has made me more radicalized.

Aras, I have always wondered if "arab-looking" Canadians experienced suspicion from others since 911. I guess so.

And I find that sad.

We only see the worst of Islam. It's all over the TV every day. Even fiction. CSI and the like have "terrorists" now instead of criminals.

Muslims are vilified in the media.

I can imagine that it would really piss a person off after a while!

I have a friend in Iran who would like to come here to university. Would she be "under suspicion" because of her country of origin or her religion? I've spoken with her many times and have never noticed even a shred of "hatred" of any race, religion or country. Yet if she were here she would be expected to hate - we are taught that Islam equals hate. There are hateful people who are Muslim, and 911 being blamed on them, the conflict between Israel and Palestine, Pakistan and India, Turkey, etc. only add to the suspicion.

Keep in mind, aras that I do not believe in religion and would like to see it eradicated from the earth. At the same time, I also believe that one religion or culture is not inherently better than another. (being that I can't eradicate religion I begrudgingly accept that it exists)

While we in the west may be astounded that people would kill themselves, other cultures are equally astounded that we kill one another so wantonly. I am not saying it's right, just that it is.

I so very much wanted to just punch all those people, and it was for the first time I realized how some black folks feel. It was as if I was suddenly a different person and I didn't know about it myself.

Think of the whole Chinese and communist thing in US, some time ago.

Aras has come here and he is deeply p'od. I suspect that he has chosen (correct me if I am wrong aras) the Israel/Palestine conflict because it is something he is familiar with more than others. (admit it, if you don't know anyone living/lived in the area you are spouting from your arm chair).

I am not saying he is correct in his assumptions, nor correct in his manner. I am saying he is pissed because of his treatment and lashes out with the knowledge that he has.

There are always more than one "version" of events. Those "on the top" will have a different version than those "on the bottom". (history is written by the victor).

And yes it is true that, on this board and in this country, Israel/Jews are subtley considered "above reproach" when it comes to criticism.

Aras, although your approach, with this very sensitive subject, is crude I can understand you wanting to know that others (Canadians, Americans) that don't believe every Muslim is a terrorist.

I'm one of those. I believe each individual is a human first. Everything else is secondary. :)

Edited by Drea
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