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Jerry Galinda

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  1. THANKS ! It's obvious that it's "naive" Russian propaganda.
  2. http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=94eV8kkFI3A&NR=1 Любэ -" Не валяй дурака, Америка" America - be careful.
  3. Любэ -" Не валяй дурака, Америка" http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=94eV8kkFI3A&NR=1 America - be careful
  4. From what I understand - You believe that violence, terrorism - even against Muslim societies - e.g. in Algeria and Egypt and ……….. are caused by “neverending Israeli/Palestinian conflict”. That lack of modernization of Islam is caused by conflict with the Infidel West (Iraq, Afghanistan ) and so on. I have many doubts about it. Conflicts - even wars are (unfortunately) - part of history - are usual part of “life” - therefore - I can’t understand or I don’t know the problem - why “real reform movement in Muslim countries “ is so weak.
  5. That’s why - they killed them. That’s why - they were killing Jews - everywhere in Europe under Nazi occupation.
  6. That’s true. 1.Some people emigrated - connected with Prussians administration (soldiers, civil servants, teachers and so on) - they gradually lost their job . They can’t be employment - because they didn’t know national language. It’s obvious. Sorry - I don’t know - true or false. But as I said before - they earlier or later lost their job in NEW government administration (but not in local administration - from what I know). It’s logical. 2.Some people emigrated because they didn’t want live in another country - they didn’t want to be citizens another country. (“ethnic Germans, unwilling to change their citizenship into Polish, had to leave” - it’s rather possible and obvious) , 3.Some people emigrated because of lesser level of life. Poland was poorer country than Germany. Miracle in economy doesn’t exist. 4.Some people - particularly from mixture families “changed” their nationalities. One day they were Germans - next day - they “discover” that they are Poles . LOL It’s obvious on the borderlands with mixture population. 5. Next “problem” - Kashub - ethnic group. According with Polish statistics - polish ethnic group -but I suspect that according with German statistics - German tribe. Gunter Grass - German famous writer is Kashub and D.Tusk- - currently Polish PM (Prime Minister) is Kashub. Klaus Kinski (famous German actor) - was born Nikolaus Karl Günther Nakszynski in Zoppot, Free City of Danzig (today Sopot in Poland). His parents were Bruno Nakszynski, a German pharmacist of Polish origin, and Susanne Lutze, a German pastor's daughter from Danzig. 6.Generally it is as a kind of domino - such game, 7.And so on, so on. hmmmm - sorry - but I don’t know - what does it mean ? It’s rather obvious that property of ex-Prussian administration (but not communal property) - part of buildings of schools, all barracks, fortification of Thorn and Graudenz and so on - were property of New administration - Polish administration. It’s rather logical. Sometimes Wikipedia isn’t the best source of information. I “checked” only some passages. Obviously my notices doesn’t finish the problem. Btw. Many Germans - citizenships of Germany - had factories and coalmines (Silesia) and so on in the interwar era, in Poland. As I said before - I’m afraid that it’s a little more sophisticated problem.
  7. He “forgets” that Jews lived in e.g. Jerusalem -all the time. That they have - historical rights - to this land (similar as a Palestinians). Of course - they weren’t the majority inhabitants in e.g. XIX century. The problem is that everybody has his Rights - but nobody has political will to real compromise. Jews in Israel (Palestine) -are real fact - and Palestinians must “agree” with it.
  8. Hmmm- I’m not sure if I understand You but from what I know - Germans lived in Pommern in Poland - all the time between First World War and WWII (as my family).They had farms, tenement houses, factories, schools, political parties and so on. In Bromberg almost 10 % inhabitants were Germans. Political emigration didn’t exist. Germans were ethnic minority with all the laws of the Poland’s ordinary citizens. What’s more - they were good organized and usually wealthy -e.g. my family. I thought that they (Your uncles) were more “original”.LOL I must agree - probably jealous is a very important factor in this “matter”. I don’t know how old are you - but I know FROM MY EXPERIENCE that usually we are interested in the “subject “ TOO LATE !! It comes with time - when we are older - but grandfathers - usually died earlier. Memory - it’s not a history - but even myths are possible. First of all - I write about 1918-1939 years. Next - I know “a little” - the history East Europe in 1918-1939 years. I’m ALMOST sure that - in this period didn’t exist in Poland : - displacing of people, - evicted people from properties, Why ? Because everything what new administration did - had to do according with the law. The law which was Prussian law - it means that law was change after several years. From what I remember - The Treaty of Versailles banned to lot (parcel out) - Germans ground landlord - for 15 years. It caused that (in practice) - land reform - wasn’t almost possible in West Poland. And so on, so on. BTW. Land reforms (in Latvia - 1920, Lithuania - 1922 and Estonia -1919y.) was very radical and cause almost “damage” of Germans ground landlords properties (Latvia, Estonia) and Polish ground landlords in Lithuania and partly Latvia. Why I write - ALMOST ? Because we can only be SURE that we die. Everything what I write cause that I have many doubts - about this history (e.g. - new “owner” of the farm had to have - legal claim). But I can’t state that it’s - for certain - falsehood. THE MOST IMPORTANT. Are you sure - that it was before WWII ??????
  9. FACT, TRUE. I like history and I like be honest and accurate. That’s why - I try to check all the items. I see - but - if it was almost a century ago - it’s very little possible that they were evicted from their property. I SEE - they blame Poles for their …… BUT what cause their animosity towards Jews ? As I said before - I suspect (forgive me) that in history of your family is any mystery . They probably can’t lost their property in such circumstances as you said. E.g. My second great-grandfather lost his property (mansion house and ground) - he was profligate in his spending and so on. Btw. You should try to check history - genealogy of Your family - it’s a very interesting matter. AD REM. What cause their animosity towards Jews ?
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