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Jerry Galinda

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Everything posted by Jerry Galinda

  1. THANKS ! It's obvious that it's "naive" Russian propaganda.
  2. http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=94eV8kkFI3A&NR=1 Любэ -" Не валяй дурака, Америка" America - be careful.
  3. Любэ -" Не валяй дурака, Америка" http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=94eV8kkFI3A&NR=1 America - be careful
  4. From what I understand - You believe that violence, terrorism - even against Muslim societies - e.g. in Algeria and Egypt and ……….. are caused by “neverending Israeli/Palestinian conflict”. That lack of modernization of Islam is caused by conflict with the Infidel West (Iraq, Afghanistan ) and so on. I have many doubts about it. Conflicts - even wars are (unfortunately) - part of history - are usual part of “life” - therefore - I can’t understand or I don’t know the problem - why “real reform movement in Muslim countries “ is so weak.
  5. That’s why - they killed them. That’s why - they were killing Jews - everywhere in Europe under Nazi occupation.
  6. That’s true. 1.Some people emigrated - connected with Prussians administration (soldiers, civil servants, teachers and so on) - they gradually lost their job . They can’t be employment - because they didn’t know national language. It’s obvious. Sorry - I don’t know - true or false. But as I said before - they earlier or later lost their job in NEW government administration (but not in local administration - from what I know). It’s logical. 2.Some people emigrated because they didn’t want live in another country - they didn’t want to be citizens another country. (“ethnic Germans, unwilling to change their citizenship into Polish, had to leave” - it’s rather possible and obvious) , 3.Some people emigrated because of lesser level of life. Poland was poorer country than Germany. Miracle in economy doesn’t exist. 4.Some people - particularly from mixture families “changed” their nationalities. One day they were Germans - next day - they “discover” that they are Poles . LOL It’s obvious on the borderlands with mixture population. 5. Next “problem” - Kashub - ethnic group. According with Polish statistics - polish ethnic group -but I suspect that according with German statistics - German tribe. Gunter Grass - German famous writer is Kashub and D.Tusk- - currently Polish PM (Prime Minister) is Kashub. Klaus Kinski (famous German actor) - was born Nikolaus Karl Günther Nakszynski in Zoppot, Free City of Danzig (today Sopot in Poland). His parents were Bruno Nakszynski, a German pharmacist of Polish origin, and Susanne Lutze, a German pastor's daughter from Danzig. 6.Generally it is as a kind of domino - such game, 7.And so on, so on. hmmmm - sorry - but I don’t know - what does it mean ? It’s rather obvious that property of ex-Prussian administration (but not communal property) - part of buildings of schools, all barracks, fortification of Thorn and Graudenz and so on - were property of New administration - Polish administration. It’s rather logical. Sometimes Wikipedia isn’t the best source of information. I “checked” only some passages. Obviously my notices doesn’t finish the problem. Btw. Many Germans - citizenships of Germany - had factories and coalmines (Silesia) and so on in the interwar era, in Poland. As I said before - I’m afraid that it’s a little more sophisticated problem.
  7. He “forgets” that Jews lived in e.g. Jerusalem -all the time. That they have - historical rights - to this land (similar as a Palestinians). Of course - they weren’t the majority inhabitants in e.g. XIX century. The problem is that everybody has his Rights - but nobody has political will to real compromise. Jews in Israel (Palestine) -are real fact - and Palestinians must “agree” with it.
  8. Hmmm- I’m not sure if I understand You but from what I know - Germans lived in Pommern in Poland - all the time between First World War and WWII (as my family).They had farms, tenement houses, factories, schools, political parties and so on. In Bromberg almost 10 % inhabitants were Germans. Political emigration didn’t exist. Germans were ethnic minority with all the laws of the Poland’s ordinary citizens. What’s more - they were good organized and usually wealthy -e.g. my family. I thought that they (Your uncles) were more “original”.LOL I must agree - probably jealous is a very important factor in this “matter”. I don’t know how old are you - but I know FROM MY EXPERIENCE that usually we are interested in the “subject “ TOO LATE !! It comes with time - when we are older - but grandfathers - usually died earlier. Memory - it’s not a history - but even myths are possible. First of all - I write about 1918-1939 years. Next - I know “a little” - the history East Europe in 1918-1939 years. I’m ALMOST sure that - in this period didn’t exist in Poland : - displacing of people, - evicted people from properties, Why ? Because everything what new administration did - had to do according with the law. The law which was Prussian law - it means that law was change after several years. From what I remember - The Treaty of Versailles banned to lot (parcel out) - Germans ground landlord - for 15 years. It caused that (in practice) - land reform - wasn’t almost possible in West Poland. And so on, so on. BTW. Land reforms (in Latvia - 1920, Lithuania - 1922 and Estonia -1919y.) was very radical and cause almost “damage” of Germans ground landlords properties (Latvia, Estonia) and Polish ground landlords in Lithuania and partly Latvia. Why I write - ALMOST ? Because we can only be SURE that we die. Everything what I write cause that I have many doubts - about this history (e.g. - new “owner” of the farm had to have - legal claim). But I can’t state that it’s - for certain - falsehood. THE MOST IMPORTANT. Are you sure - that it was before WWII ??????
  9. FACT, TRUE. I like history and I like be honest and accurate. That’s why - I try to check all the items. I see - but - if it was almost a century ago - it’s very little possible that they were evicted from their property. I SEE - they blame Poles for their …… BUT what cause their animosity towards Jews ? As I said before - I suspect (forgive me) that in history of your family is any mystery . They probably can’t lost their property in such circumstances as you said. E.g. My second great-grandfather lost his property (mansion house and ground) - he was profligate in his spending and so on. Btw. You should try to check history - genealogy of Your family - it’s a very interesting matter. AD REM. What cause their animosity towards Jews ?
  10. I have many doubts of what you are writing. Why ? Because I had family - part of my family comes from Bromberg. They were Germans- and they lived there - in Poland - as a Germans -all their long life. I know the history of this land. Forgive me - but probably it’s a false - nobody had to “accepted Polish as their language” - and so on. My great-grandmother was a German -but nobody evicted her. They had properties (tenements) - all the time. Properties were guaranteed by law - international law. What’s more - majority of inhabitants of the “corridor” were Poles. I suspect that history of this land is a bit more sophisticated - than you think. Btw. Genealogy of the family - it’s a very interesting matter.
  11. Interesting -but - I don’t understand - why did Your mother’s family lose their farm ?? Were they evicted ? When and why ??
  12. As a population , as a nation - for ages - THEY WERE ONLY VICTIMS . HOW LONG - I suspect that ALMOST 1800 YEARS.
  13. From the Turks ? When ? Don’t exaggerate. It was a kind of domestic war. Protestants were killing by Catholics and Catholics were killing by Protestants. Two armies fought and murdered civilians. But Jews were murdered - as a civilians - by armies, civilians and so on. They were - victims - not killers.
  14. "burning law" - what does it mean ? I'm not sure - but I guess. Does it mean - "brake law" - or something like that ? Of course it was a stupid "breaking" law - "joke" of White Doors. BTW. I tried to be quizzical, ironical or something like that.
  15. btw. Saddam - “hero” from CELLAR - naive politician - hidden rat without courage and SO ON, SO ON
  16. Iraq - domestic war ?? It means that Iraq it's an "artificial" country ?
  17. That's true -but e.g. "On his return to the United States, James Burnham coedited the journal Symposium with Philip E. Wheelwright, his former philosophy teacher at Princeton, and taught philosophy at New York University (NYU). At NYU, Burnham fell under the influence of Sidney Hook, who was busily grafting John Dewey’s philosophy onto Marxism—a doctrinal blend with all the charms of a coral snake crossed with a rattler. Thus, from 1932 or so, Burnham took up Marxism, gravitating to the Trotskyist movement. From this vantage point, he characterized the New Deal as “fascist”—a judgment Kelly seems to find eccentric—and became the faculty adviser to the Young Communist League at NYU.' For leftist -everything may be fascism.
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