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Everything posted by aras

  1. Report me...I don't give a shit anymore...I've had it up to here with people on this forum...I'll get banned so you guys can go back to congratulating each other for your racist and anti-Islamic views. Go ahead and fucking report me. I've already been warned by admin not to criticize you guys. I was told that by all you guys that my prophet was a pedophile, a rapist, and all but I when I complained to admin I was ignored. I can't do it to others but they can do to my religion, as far as admin is concerned. So fuck it.
  2. Responding to Islamophobia: A Pro-Active Strategy by Phyllis Bennis October 27, 2007 Institute for Policy Studies Printer Friendly Version EMail Article to a Friend DELETED due to copyright infringement
  3. Do you mean What The Fuck this is in aid of, or did you mean to tell me to shut the fuck up? Please clarify your fucking answer so I know what the fuck to do.
  4. Antisemitism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Antisemitism DELETED by moderator due to plagiarism
  5. Islamophobia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search DELETED due to copyright infringement
  6. Yes, the answer is I worry that his kids will murder others. I also think that his wife is suffering too much and so will his kids. I have a feeling that he would have been turned away had US known that he was so severely mentally ill. Once in US, they couldn't stop him from getting married. I wish I actually knew this person so I could say more about the case.
  7. Well, I guess your IQ is around 120-130. A lot of you people are pretty smart but refuse to argue with me because you don't think much of me.
  8. Thank you. I think you understand me. Don't defend me or even try to understand me, however. Others will turn on you, I promise. I am used to people ganging up on me. Let me deal with them. I have a feeling I will be banned soon anyways. I ccouldn't win when I was much more moderate and shy. I can't win now when I am much more expressive. I guess I will always be thought of as a terrorist and I will have to deal with it. A different time and place those very people would have been in my place and maybe I would have been an asshole too. Maybe it's too much to expect people to understand you.
  9. Yes...I'm in prison...and I am posting all this from there on my laptop!!! Irrationality--check! Paranoia--check!
  10. I still don't understand why some people want to define me only by my strong and vehement criticism of Israel and US. I am a human being and have many different interests. For instance, I am a movie buff. Did you know that? I enjoy reading and also I enjoy watching Seinfeld immensely (see, he's a Jew, and I watch his show!). This post is about this person's suffering, his wife and his children's sufferings as well. He is a Pakistani (not a Jew) and lives in US. So will people stop the paranoia. I am categorically against Eugenics used in the sense associated with Nazi. That means I am not assuming that Jews are somehow inherently inferior as people or some b.s. as such. This is about mental illness and suffering....
  11. You just talked you idiot...so apparently I do order you. Secondly, you were asking me what I meant so I clarified it so that you can say what you thought. Nobody invited you to this thread so get out!
  12. Really?! Did I say he was a Jew? So if I said I was hungry in one post and I don't like Israel's government in another that means I am want to eat an Israeli?!!!! Take your medicine and read the post again. You're seeing the word "jew" everywhere aren't you? We're talking about suffering here and mental illness. Next!
  13. Expecting me to engage you in a tedious conversation that is based in history is a little too much. I can not be expected to do so everytime a member requests such debate. You do realize that this a highly heated debate, right? Second, I saw myself as a Canadian first, too, at one time. That sort of changed after 9/11 when people started looking at me weird, and suddenly I realized that even if I saw myself as Canadian, many saw me as a terrorist. It was very upsetting but now I deal with it--unsuccessfully no less. I do prefer to think of myself as Canadian but others won't let me. You won't believe how many people were looking at me suspiciously after 9/11 and how many very curiously would ask me: "so...what do YOU think about 9/11" and everybody in the room would look at me as if I was supposed to say: "I am planning to kill all of you today. All my polite behavior in the past was simply pretense." And I would take out a gun and shoot them. I would not be lying if I said all this has made me more radicalized. I so very much wanted to just punch all those people, and it was for the first time I realized how some black folks feel. It was as if I was suddenly a different person and I didn't know about it myself. Think of the whole Chinese and communist thing in US, some time ago.
  14. I'm getting paid by the Israeli Lobby. They pay me in "F-YOU" emails, a dozen a day.
  15. I've read all about the Nazi thing...that's not exactly what I'm talking about. I knew someone who suffered from a very nasty psychotic mental illness from childhood. It was extremely tough on him and his family. He could not even make simple decisions but his family got him married (I don't know how much he really knew about being married). Now his children are showing signs of the same disease. Shouldn't people like him be prevented from marrying others? By the way, he's in jail for murder. I don't know him personally but through the friend of a friend. I just feel really bad for his kids and wife. I know the importance of freedom but I also know how it feels to suffer greatly.
  16. Why is it matter to you what my field of PhD is? Are you planning a "personal attack" fallacy? Secondly, I'm a Muslim. When I say "us", that's what it means. I'm Pakistani by the way. Third, I won't get into the whole thing about 1948 war with you. I have done that to death elsewhere and it proved a real waste of everybody's time. You can believe YOUR version of the events according to Western and pro-Israeli sources such as Wikipedia, and I will believe mine according to Islam, Arab, Pakistani, etc sources.
  17. Israel was behind 9/11. Israel has always felt uncomfortable about Iraq, but it could not find a way to destroy Saddam and not start WWIII. There was a lot of tension between Arab states and Israel, you know with the illegal occupation and everything. "Information" about WMD came from Israel as well. It was a smart decision. Kill a few thousand Americans so Americans will killed a million Iraqis. And Israeli government sitting back, eating popcorn (kosher), and watch them on TV. Israel's plan for complete control of Middle East by its zionist government is slowly becoming successful. Occupy Palestine and kill Palestinian Muslims. Have US kill Muslims in Iraq and Muslims in Afghanistan. Next is Iran. With its extreme influence in US media, make it all look like it was Muslim's fault so American people are on board. US sanctions have cost the lives of half a million Iraqi kids. Yet you can not justify a "terror" attack on US because of that or any other US crimes. Yet US justified its illegal invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan because of 9/11. "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.
  18. Canada does not have OIL. Canada does not have a strategic position. Canada is the little dog that gets dragged behind US all the time. Canada is a frightened little baby afraid to stand up to US. I still don't understand what Canada is doing in Afghanistan. It's a concession: since Canada refused to go to war in Iraq now it has to do in Afghanistan. Afghanistan has never posed any direct threat to Canada. I was referring to countries and governments that want to stand up to outside pressure and do only what they deem right--not that which is forced upon them. There are nations that US sees as threat or competition or whatever. Their culture or religion or way of life may not fit in with America's capitalist ideology and future plans. These are the nations that could do well to have WMD--or somekind of advanced weapons so that they could at least show some resistance to US. There is nothing inherently evil about US or capitalism. However, whenever you combine and ideology with a superpower, you better be afraid.
  19. I don't hate Jews. I hate murderers, warmongers, rapists, and people like you who distort what I say. Last time I checked Israel was occupying Palestine, not the other way around. Where were you when Bush used the term "terrorist" to refer to us? Did you call US government a "troll" or did it fit with your racist Muslim-hating Israel-loving self-concept? Sorry but bigotry in your comment comes through loud and clear. Next!
  20. I did not know that. Why would Singapore do that? Just financial incentive or there was some politics...I will look up your links for now. Thanks
  21. "Duel was a consensual fight between two people, with matched deadly weapons." There is honor in that, if anyone insists on assuming there should be honor in war and death. However, there is no honor in a few nations bullying weaker nations, invading them, and threatening them. I really don't think US would have dared invade Iraq if Iraq had WMD.
  22. This is too bad. All Arab and Muslim countries need to have WMD. Israel and US do. Pakistan does. Iran should too. You can not stop US from invading your country unless you have WMD. Human lives have no value for them. If US army was not overstretched, it would be in Iran too.
  23. US claims never to have relations with dictators and terrorists, etc...do you see hypocrisy...
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