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Status Updates posted by cybercoma

  1. Trump's campaign is directly quoting Russian propaganda making its rounds on white supremacy sites.

  2. Trumps lies last night averaged out to more than 1 lie per minute that he spoke. Remarkable.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ash74


      He is telling so many lies people are going to think he is getting help from the Liberal parties in Canada. 


    3. Hal 9000

      Hal 9000

      Most things are perspective.  If Hillary can say she gave back all her emails and Politifact says "mostly true", while Trump says she took a hammer and smashed her devices is a "lie" (because only some were smashed using a hammer), one does have to wonder.  I don't expect you to understand any of this though.  

    4. cybercoma
  3. What's the policy on bombing threads with copied material reply after reply?

    1. The_Squid


      Seems after the "upgrade" that moderation went away.

  4. "[The Republican Party] is literally a fringe party," according to Bernie Sanders.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. cybercoma


      It's crazy. It's almost as if people believed a lot of crazy different things 45 years ago. It's as though society has progressed and gained new knowledge in that time. Incredible!

    3. Shady


      Is that something somebody would believe even 40 years ago?

    4. cybercoma


      Psychosomatics was a common belief in the 60s.

  5. "Canada was born in French." -Stephen Harper 2015

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      I guess he and Woodcock are vying for the lamest comment of the day.

    3. overthere


      budgets balance themselves.

    4. waldo


      overwhere! Lil' buddy... there's a thread waiting for you... did you feel you stayed away long enough for it be buried?

  6. "Congress told the government to spend more money than we have. Congress told the Treasury to run up our debt to pay for it. But now Congress is threatening to run out on the bill. If that strikes you as bizarre, then you are not alone." --Sen Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)

    1. Shady


      She's dumb as bricks. Confess isn't telling the government. Congress is the government. And there are different Congresses. For example the current congress is the 112th congress.

    2. cybercoma


      Shady, you have no room to be casting stones.

  7. "I believe the best contribution Canada can make is by engaging in massive, not token, humanitarian assistance. It is why in answer to the questions asked of me, I support the position of Justin Trudeau," former prime minister Jean Chrétien writes in a column for The Globe and Mail: http://trib.al/Th1WzAu

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sharkman


      What, the crazy old coot took a walk in the snow?( I know there's no snow, that's the crazy part)

    3. Boges


      The proof is the proof.

    4. overthere


      Once an asshole, always an asshole.

  8. "Look, Seth, that's something I said during the Republican Primary. That's like judging a person by what they do when pledging a fraternity." -Jason Sudeikis as Mitt Romney on SNL

  9. "Marijuana is infinitely worse than tobacco." Looks like Harper is doubling down on this one.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The_Squid


      It panders to the base. Remember... The base doesn't see nuance. This is a black and white issue.

      Drugs are bad. Smoking is legal, therefore it's OK.

    3. BubberMiley


      Dumb politics though. This is not the time to pander to the few nuts that like it when you say stupid things. Shady is already voting conservative.

    4. cybercoma


      I thought Conservatives supported popular opinion. At least that's what some of you goofballs keep saying about the niqab.

  10. "Saudi Arabia, an ISIS that made it" -Kamel Daoud

  11. "That may be the ultimate tragedy of capitalism in our time, that it has achieved its dominance without regard to a social compact, without being connected to any other metric for human progress." --David Simon

    1. Shady


      Nice strawman!

    2. GostHacked


      I like to term it 'Shadyman' now.

    3. cybercoma


      You might want to look up what strawman means, Shady.

  12. “To think that we are going to repeal Obamacare, which would have required 67 Republican votes, of course, was a false premise, and I think did the American people a great disservice by convincing them that somehow we could.” -- Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)

    1. cybercoma


      John McCain is not impressed with the Tea Party.

  13. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  14. @jacktodd46: The end-game of Bush's war: a trillion dollars spent, 4,500 dead Americans, at least 100,000 Iraqis dead & al-Qaeda on the march. Brilliant. https://twitter.com/jacktodd46/status/477030150417416192

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. cybercoma


      Yeah but Obama had the choice to stay, so Shady could criticize him for driving up the deficit even further.

    3. Shady


      A residual force. WWII has been over for 60 years, but there's still troops in Germany. The wars been over in Korea fir almost the same time, but there's still troops there too.

    4. The_Squid


      lol there are troops in Germany because they are allies... not a residual from WWII...

      LOL what a comment....

  15. @stephenlautens: Immigrants? √ Unemployed √ Women √ Unions √ Mentally ill? √ - Harper is running low on scapegoats http://t.co/PEW8HkAq #cdnpoli

    1. msj


      Why are you square rooting all those people? ;)

    2. cybercoma


      I'm not, but Lautens is. haha

  16. #TBT Remember that time Joe Oliver misappropriated infrastructure funding to "beautify" his riding with gazebos?

    1. waldo


      methinks twas Clement (ably assisted by Baird)... but perhaps Oliver got in on the G8/G20 gravy-train gazebo-gate diversion, as well.

    2. Mighty AC

      Mighty AC

      Meh, who cares about misappropriating taxpayer funds to gain favour in a swing riding. It's not like they sent voters to incorrect polling stations, used scams to overspend during election campaigns or built a $2M fake lake steps from a great lake.

    3. Boges


      Yeah who cares if we get the right person or not. Remember that time Justin Trudeau talked about Camenbert Cheese. That was funny.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Smoke


      And you guys talk about the "petty" conservative types LOL. What hypocrites!

    3. Shady


      Harper Derangement Syndrome lives on! Lol!

    4. Big Guy

      Big Guy

      The problem with allowing people to comment is that you cannot control the results.

  17. 100 days until the election

    1. Canada_First


      Hopefully it will be over soon.

    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Yeah, in about a hundred days.

    3. cybercoma
  18. 24% of the total accumulated debt since Confederation was amassed under Stephen Harper.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. cybercoma


      Currently the Conservatives haven't paid squat on the debt. They're just creating more.

    3. The_Squid


      Come on CC.... It's how you pander to the base that counts, not what you have actually accomplished...

    4. Accountability Now

      Accountability Now

      Sure...add that in and you're still not close to 24%. Harper's debt to GDP is n the 30% range...one of the lowest in the G7. Compare that with the 70% that Chretien had.

  19. 3.2% of Muslims in Canada wear the niqab. To call the issue a distraction is an understatement.

    1. waldo


      and what minimal percentage of those would presume to be seeking citizenship and have cause/want to wear one within a citizenship ceremony? As Mulcair correctly stated: a Harper Conservative "Weapon of Mass Distraction"!

    2. cybercoma
    3. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      I'd rather deal with niqab's than tin foil hats.

  20. 40% of US workers make less than the 1968 minimum wage, while 77% of jobs created this year were part-time. America is not recovering.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shady


      Proper in who's eyes? You can blame Democrats and Obama for not accepting common sense reforms in their legistlation.

    3. Smallc


      "common sense" is what, exactly?

    4. Mighty AC

      Mighty AC

      far too uncommon

  21. 45% of all American medical bankruptcies are by people who do have insurance.

    1. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      "Nearly 10 million adults with year-round health-insurance coverage will still accumulate medical bills that they can't pay off this year. High-deductible insurance plans requiring consumers to pay more out-of-pocket costs are a challenge for many households."

  22. 7 consecutive deficits and 2 recessions. Harper's economic record is clear.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Yeah tying the Iran deal to Harper's fiscal woes was even a stretch for Shady.

    3. ReeferMadness


      Maybe his name should be Gumby instead of Shady.

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Hey don't leave out his partner Pokey. You know who I mean.

  23. 73% of Americans Support Raising the Minimum Wage To $10 An Hour, Including 50% of Republicans. http://thecontributor.com/73-americans-want-raise-minimum-wage-10-hour

    1. DogOnPorch


      The reality is that it would be better to employ 2 people at a lower rate than one at a higher rate. At least at the moment.

    2. cybercoma


      It would be better if everyone just worked for free too.

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