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Everything posted by wyly

  1. there's nothing hypothetical about it, it's rule of law, international law...the same law that was the basis for removing Iraq occupation from Kuwait...it's a nice double standard.
  2. there aren't two countries...there is one state suppressing/occupying another and the outside support is heavily asymmetrical, if it was symmetrical the zionists would have a reason to negotiate, Israel is essentially the 51state or is the US an israeli puppet state (i get that confused)
  3. or to use your arguement(and cpcftw) from a different thread on taxation the military and those who voted for the cpcp should pay for it, let those who use it give up their pensions to pay for it right?...
  4. eygptians are very attached to their monuments and history that idiotic idea is dead in the water, it'll never happen...
  5. putting a number to children killed since 2000-12...israeli 129...palestinian 1477
  6. it apparently takes a minimum level of intelligence/education to comprehend that...something I understood by the 8th grade...
  7. indeed, israeli zionists keep repeating the myth palestinians don't want peace and negotiations can begin only when the attacks stop...but when there were no attacks there was no attempt to negotiate only land theft/aparthied/ethnic cleansing...zionists will never have any intention of finding a peaceful solution it isn't in their best interest, their best interest lies in keeping the hostilities ongoing as an excuse not to negotiate..
  8. you have a vivid imagination far out of touch with reality in order to make a leap of logic like that....
  9. my brother is a butthole so does that make me a racist?,,,
  10. -7.50 -6.56 there were some silly questions with no middle ground...
  11. disliking buttholes isn't racism...
  12. had me wondering too, I don't recall puuting bubber on ignore...and by the way, sleipnir why does your horsie have 6 legs?
  13. so the 100,000 or so killed in the haiti earthquake and the 2-300,000 killed in the boxing day tsunami were outcomes planned by god because he/she/it obviously knows what it's doing, correct?
  14. sure but the same applies there as well, how many people live outside of Toronto but work in toronto or benefit from it's proximity...a 1% tax at each cities discretion sounds fair to me, and I don't like taxes anymore than anyone else...
  15. that's looney...calgary alone could use 4-5 billion in infrastructure dollars and you think that can be paid with sick days and clawing back pensions?... brilliant math that is ....the wacky right solution to everything is cut someone else's benefits and wages because they obviously don't deserve them...maybe the military could buy new equipment by cutting their sick days and giving up their pensions,,,eeew i see a trend, we pay for pay for HoC renovations by cutting MP pensions...
  16. sure but how do you tax people that don't live in the cities but use the cities infrastructure...we have people here who live in a one hour driving radius who work here but pay no property taxes here, their communities benefit from their income generated in our city but they contribute nothing...that's a sweet deal for them, work in calgary use it's services but pay less taxes in a rural community...
  17. agnostic athiest? more like chicken athiest...I'm absolutely fine defining myself as a 100% athiest i don't feel the need to be pc agnostic athiest...
  18. yup... "one man's freedom ends when/where it infringes on anothers man's freedoms"...or something like that, I heard that a long, long time ago in a Uni poli-sci class...
  19. now imagine yourself living in province where you've had no voice in decades...40% of a province(alberta) has no effective representation ... a FPTP that has only one non conservative seat for 1.5 million people, 27 conservative and one ndp and with 6 new seats to be added later the imbalance becomes even worse....the old reform slogan "the west wants in" didn't reflect the situation it should something like "I want my vote to count" or "I want a voice too" or "I want a full democracy"...
  20. whoops I guess it's not working in Alberta where 40% of the population hasn't had someone represent their opinions(voice) in many decades....fptp is a severely flawed system that is favoured by the established parties to exclude others from power and preserve the status quo...
  21. it's an important discovery...but what if they express a desire to pull their plug?...
  22. calgary doesn't have party politics in the city council, the idea of a 1% tax is not an ndp issue...the city has need of at least two new rail lines which will cost a couple of billion, discussions have begun on upgrading an existing central roadway projected cost 1 billion in todays dollars and then there is an endless ongoing negotiating for completion of the ring road which will cost who knows how much...and we could probably use another hospital(another billion) as the city still hasn't recovered from ralph kliens destruction of the healthcare infrastructure....and where is the money going to come from, the city needs more revenue and the province isn't supplying...saying it be generated by rising local property taxes isn't fair the entire rural region surrounding calgary uses it's infrastructure, calgary is the economic heartbeat of the entire province...
  23. a tax increase has been discussed by urban regions long before and it's non-partisan driven....cities are being short changed by provincial governments catering to rural ridings...I don't like taxes no one does not even the ndp but they're a necessity required to run our society and cities require more funds than they are getting for massive infrasturcture projects and general running of those cities...the suggested increase has been talked about in calgary for a number of years and it has nothing to do with the local ndp...
  24. a drunken fraud who by all himself nearly destroyed alberta's healthcare...verifies the OoC is worthless... national unity? “Let the eastern bastards freeze in the dark."- Ralph klein...butthole
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