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Everything posted by wyly

  1. he can spend a million for a photo-op in India but actually take part in something politically relevant in our country, sorry there's no presidential photo op potential in that...
  2. it's relative to where you live....cost of living is much higher in Vancouver than saskatoon....in vancouver a modest 3 bedroom home can cost a million in saskatoon 300K...a 100k goes a lot further in saskatoon than vancouver, 80K per yr in saskatoon will still get you that home no chance in vancouver and in calgary you can buy a small condo....so charging extra for healthcare for 100k earners may not hurt someone in saskatoon in vancouver that's an unfair burden...
  3. you sure have a lot of problems with basic comprehension....YOU were the one going on about the great french healthcare, french healthcare that has what 35-50% more MDs than canada reducing wait times...then you post a link to Ontario? is Ontario Canada?...and then not understanding the link itself, the biggest issue in canada's healthcare is wait times, having MDs with no where to practice is a facilities issue and that is the critical factor in regards to wait times.come back when you actually understand something about the issue...
  4. abraham lincoln zombie killer such a bad bad movie, wyly jr wanted to watch it on netflix, we manged to last a half hour, soooooo bad...
  5. but then there was ralph klein who said "let the eastern bastards freeze in the dark" and he just received the order of canada...hypocrisy is a wonderful thing...
  6. and to someone in a thirdworld country someone on welfare or disability is rich, it's all relative...100k in canada is not rich... everything is increasing in price why shouldn't healthcare and a cost increase is to be expected to match population grows as well...what we pay is per year is comparable to what other countries pay and our end result is excellent, we get good value for our dollar...we can well afford our healthcare....
  7. 100k per year isn't rich, in calgary that's middle class a modest home and pay the bills... a one bedroom condo requires an income 70K per year...life in the big cities is expensive... universal needs to be just that available to everyone poor or rich, the riich getting the same benefits won't break us nor make much difference...and if they want they can already access private care, but few do...
  8. why would unionization automatically be suspect?...a lack of MD's is our biggest problem and that's due to underfunded universities...looking up md patient ratios we trail european countries by a large margin and a few third world countries as well...imo it's a lack of educational funding thats our problem not so much medical funding....
  9. not harsh at all no hype just a fair decription of what type of movie it is, I've no doubt as to the quality but it's not one that I want to pay to see I'll wait until comes out on cable, if I fall asleep I prefer to do it on my couch...
  10. right and they have access to robo call centers party lists, computers and throw away phones yup it's all a conspiracy by rogue outsiders...
  11. it's a two way street, no point condeming one sides tactics while giving the other side carte blanche...when was the last time you heard the canadian or us governments critizing israeli state terror?...that isn't helpful at all...
  12. awesome review...I think I'll pass on this one doesn't like it's worth the price of popcorn...though I do think DD Lewis is a great actor it sounds like a snoozer, I fall asleep very quickly now a days...
  13. no they do not.... http://www.hrw.org/news/2011/03/30/israel-new-laws-marginalize-palestinian-arab-citizens
  14. my personal experience is non albertans outnumber alberta born resident in calgary...nothing scientific just my everyday contacts,...
  15. so what you're saying one repression is better then the other and they should just shut-up and accept 2nd class status...I like to think how many would trade their status as Israeli to becoming a citizen with the common rights accorded a Saudi canadian?.... probably every single one....
  16. so we should expect the zionists to assassinate a hamas official before then?....how would israel react if just before a ceasefire their defense minister was assassinated as the Hamas military chief was...
  17. unless the americans stop interfering by propping up the zionist regime with miltitary aid Israel has no need to negotiate a peaceful solution, Israel encourages violence as it aids it's primary objective of permanent occupation....were it not for american interferance this conflict would've been resolved decades ago
  18. is Hamas really any different then anyone else?...if anyone would suggest the allies were terrorists for carpet bombing german civilian targets in WW2 what would be the response? didn't we decorate those bomber crews as heroes? how is hamas firing rockets blindly into civilian areas any different? we find it unacceptable but what choice has been left to them, Israel has no intention of ever negotiating and the palestinians don't have the means to fight a conventional war... as it's always been, standard pre war justification propaganda...
  19. well the historical the real nucky "johnon" lived a long life dying at 85 so they can't kill him, it's the lack of apparent security that I find unbelievable...Buscemi is 15 yrs too old for the part the real Nucky was younger, 37 at the time...it's evident there is a mole in nuckies organization, who? there could've been other zombies in the feast and they left the scene....no bones is what puzzles me...
  20. the cpc has "non" party members working the phones from campaign offices does it? really? you have to be very naive to believe that, if it were true the cpc should be enthusiastically going after those "non" party members for legal prosecution and and protecting it's reputation...but no, the cpc merely goes into uncooperative denial mode with a "oh yeah! let's see you, prove it" stance just as you are doing and that's the behaviour of the guilty not the innocent...
  21. it was fraud committed by party members using the same methods across the country, that indicates there was advanced planning and coordination not the work of individual members who just coincidentally used the same methods and cover ups...any deniability is ludicrous, multiple party members took part in fraud and it's cover-up...that the cpc makes no effort to expose the culprits is evidence it is protecting members, if the cpc were innocent it would be in it's best interest in exposing the offenders not resisting investigation, cpc has no interest in revealing how deep it goes protecting key members...
  22. that these same tactics were used in ridings across the country is evidence that there was organized collusion by cpc members to commit fraud in the federal election...that they made efforts to cover their tracks is also evidence of advanced planning...this isn't the work of a few rouge party members...
  23. a green win would be epic, this riding is the center of the corporate energy sector...what a message that would send...
  24. there has been discussion of the bottom pollers in calgary center dropping off the ballot if the cpc candidate was leading...nothing official between parties has been agreed to that I'm aware of...I did read there was an unofficial website that would direct voters from the trailing parties to the 2nd place candidate who stood 2nd in the polls on thursday(so anyone but cpc-crokatt...I don't live in calgary center so can't relate what voters are thinking there...it is a socially progressive riding, generally well off financially, middle class to uber-wealthy....many older baby boomers but a growing number of young professionals...the cpc candidate is wildrose supporter which is not a trait favoured by the younger better educated voters...before the candidates were selected there was discussion among the cpc that their candidate be a moderate to attract the young professional voters, those same people who put Nenshi into the mayors seat and a repeat of the provincial election where liberal NDP and Green votes went to the Conservatives to turn the tide against the the Wildrose fruitcakes..., polls would seem to indicate Crokatt isn't appealing to that demographic, that and her refusal to attend public all-candidate forums...what may save her is vote splitting...
  25. the sponsorship scandal was a regional corruption scandal, nothing really new there, typical for quebec and the cpc and it's supporters made a huge issue of it...but that issue compared to electoral fraud is not even in the same league...election fraud hits right at the very fundamentals of democracy, shit like this happens in third world dictatorships not in western democracies, there is no bigger or more dangerous threat to our democracy than electoral fraud....
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