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Everything posted by wyly

  1. well HBO did in game of thrones, ...Nucky is different in that he is center of the show...still he seems very unprotected considering how many enemies he has... are you saying he was set up by Nucky?...I didn't detect who the insider is that set him up... wonder where this plot line (van alden) is headed... good call, I was suspicious when the preview highlighted finding carols knife, what was the point? why didn't we see her being killed or body being found?...then was lori really eaten? again no body, we've seen every other main character being eaten maybe she's now a zombie waiting in some dark corner...
  2. possibly but he didn't and all the talk of an early lead and support from the established leadership of the NDP did him no good, the media and some insiders had him crowned before the event...the media coronation of trudeau is premature...
  3. that's assuming trudeau win's the race...everyone assumed Brian topp was going to win the NDP leadership...
  4. nucky would seem to be an easy target not much in the way of body guards around at his home...his war with the italians seen to be dragging on needlessly,...... his wife's personal life is IMO killing the show, I use it like a commercial break to find something to eat or I fast forward through it, it's really pointless...
  5. movie critics are like food critics, pretentious people who don't have real jobs ...cloud atlas...I'm still confused...a well made film but I think it probably lost a lot when it was adapted from the book...I haven't read the book but from the scope of the movie I assume they tried to cram a lot in a very short time span, and it was a very long movie...I made need to read the book to make sense of it all...
  6. if the polls in the federal byelection in calgary can be believed the greens are running third...what was supposed to be a easy win for the cpc is not turning out that way, the cpc candidate who supported the wildrose party in the last provincial election is losing support, dropping from 48 to 32%, the liberal candidate is closing in at 30%, the green candidate sitting at 23%, ndp at 12%...it would a hell of shocker if the greens could win... if it were not for the green candiadate green votes would propbalby go to a liberal or ndp, a cpc defeat would then be a likely outcome...interesting race however it ends up...
  7. yup it's still racism...and my asian wife agrees as well...
  8. something I blame the media for is playing ball with political parties and by that I mean letting the parties make the rules controlling the game...the media should set the rules and refuse to cover candidates photo-ops and policy announcements etc. until they agree to proper question and answer meetings...no more running and hiding...
  9. halfway to a union jack...pretty actually but I prefer the one we have, although I think it would've looked good as well with blue bars instead of red...
  10. that's cowardly tim, you can't or won't answer a question ... you've proven yourself incapable of debating this topic intelligently, honestly or both... when you can answer the question put to you I'll respond to your posts in this thread again, otherwise you're wasting my time you have nothing relevant to offer....
  11. hmmm Israel has had three confirmed terrorists as PMs...I don't define occupied populations as terrorists in the west we've traditionally defined them as freedom -fighters/resistanceand Israel being the occupying force in defiance of international law there isn't much doubt who is at fault, resisting occupation by foreign powers is legitimate...
  12. debate's are like courtroom procedure , once defense or prosecution introduces evidence it's on the table to be discussed..., you introduced it, so answer it Betsy-
  13. whoa!! talk about a lack of reading comprehension...
  14. ahh we've seen this before...falling back to your usual cowardly position when you've made claims you can't support, answer a question with a question.... every country that uses PR has a PM chosen from representatives from 50%+ of the population.. now answer the question... name the countries that have multiple PM's...answer or have the balls to admit you can't...
  15. please list the countries that employ a PR electoral system that has more than one PM...
  16. and seeing as the liberals are still the party of the center it's only natural they reclaim the votes they lost to the cpc on the right fringe of center....
  17. well I don't, but clearly some do...that they voted for the party that got those 55-60% of the seats has nothing to do with it of course.. .how they continue to justify it as a fair democratic procedure is entertaining...
  18. honor killings are part of N American culture we just call it be different names, "lovers quarrel", "jealous rage", "domestic dispute"...
  19. I don't deny a need for security, I question whether the PM needed the extra security he had justified the extra cost... I do agree he didn't need to go to India these trade deals are done well before the PM gets there these overseas excursions are merely photo-ops for the home audience, an effort to look " presidential"..
  20. you really don't understand any of the debate here do you?...PR guaranties regional representation...
  21. no, you've done nothing but voice opinion for status quo there is nothing of substance to back up your opinion...
  22. yup, democracy denied...democracy in FPTP is an illusionthe electoral college in the US where the presidential election is determined by a few states, they might as well just run the campaign in Ohio and leave the other states out of it... looking up voter turnout in the Netherlands(PR) 74% voted...61% in canada....how many of those who did not vote didn't do so because they knew it was pointless, their vote would count for nothing...
  23. and Betty has no answer once again ...true blind faith demonstrated once again...
  24. interesting not so long ago righties on the forum were claiming if it came down to a choice between CPC or NDP the liberals would go CPC rather than the commies...now their claiming liberal strength will only be at the expense of the NDP ...aaah the bizarre logic that exists only in rightwing bubble land...
  25. size makes absolutely no difference, mps can still be elected regionally in PR...you're scrambling searching for any straw that supports your defense of status quo...
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