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Everything posted by wyly

  1. so I mistook an irishman for a newfie the other day does that make us the same?...it took a few minutes of careful listening before I recognized him as Irish and not one of our squid jiggers...
  2. not only do our right wingers suck at math they suck at history as well...dief had 53% of popular vote reaching center and Mulroney hit 50%
  3. I recall mr canada voicing extreme right wingnut views he claimed are popular at his legion...ironic my dad a ww2 vet shot at people who held those same views...
  4. hey ya wanna brag about all your incredible credentials again? ....39.5% is center
  5. ya 60.5% wanted anything BUT! the harper and the cpc. ..math wasn't your best subject was it
  6. and Sun now wants to bundled on cable to save their butts....
  7. no harper has a majority because of the FPTP electoral system ..an understanding of the simplest sort of math shows 39% of the popular is not capturing any part of the center other the extreme right of center...capturing center would mean the cpc has 60-70% of the popular vote and they are no where close to that...
  8. harper/cpc play to the right wing base, and that means military/strength/presidential optics...it doesn't matter that the rest of us aren't impressed it not intended for those who don't vote for him...
  9. I'm not so sure you right on that...Port Royal disappeared after an earthquake as did Old Alexandria...not sure of the reason possibly liquefaction was at work in both cases...
  10. yup, just hot water with some weird coffeeish flavour...mrs wyly loves it ...
  11. silver was awesome by the way, absolutely nailed it, I read he only missed one seat...
  12. which is better than anything else we get...I find 308 quite neutralin it's approach...
  13. as opposed to the fantasy land bubble you live in...
  14. well there ya go, no one ever lies in a forum so it must be true....
  15. I'd rather not comment or we'll end up cellmates in the cooler again ...
  16. there's the traditional upsurge in polling during a leadership race and as yet no one other than JT is running, any speculation how that will translate into votes 2-3 yrs from now is very premature...308.com canada's version of Mr silver in the US has the CPC in much weakened minority government(128 seats) should elections be held today, the NDP even stronger(115) and the liberals a very respectable 3rd(92)...so according to 308.com the liberals will be taking seats from the cpc not the NDP ...but again we're a long way off from an election...
  17. ndp support in alberta hasn't changed any, the conservatives strength is skewed by the FPTP system about 1.5 million albertans support the ndp and liberals but that just doesn't translate into seats because of the screwed up electoral system...
  18. stupid fuss over sex, if they didn't make such a big deal of it then there would no fear of blackmail, the french accept extra affairs as normal so it's not an issue...still the rules don't permit it and he broke that rule regardless how stupid it is he had to quit or be fired...
  19. the PM should have security but the $700K difference using our cars vs the Indians cars, that isn't petty, Bev Oda lost her job for a much much much less... that's what i want to know, and if there really are security secrets I'm fine the government revealing the reasons for the extra expense to the opposition behind closed doors , I just want to know they were justified and not an ego trip for the PM...
  20. christian europeans have been raping women beating gays and jews for centuries...dave picton has beheaded more canadian women than all the muslims extremists in the Canada, USA, europe africa, austrailia combined...add ander brevik's total to the mix and muslim terrorists are amateurs when it comes to murder...
  21. that's I thought as well but when the director says she's dead it seems very definitive...unless they buried a body they thought was carol, I see in the preview for next week they find her knife which may hint at that... ya that's plausible...I'm told there was a gang rape scene in the comic of micone by the governors men that has been left out...AMC isn't HBO(spartacus) somethings are just too graphic...
  22. I saw three graves two filled in the other still open(lori's) so one was for t-dog the other carol, it had to be carol's because the director of the episode was interviewed on "talking dead" and he said carol was dead...it's just strange they never showed her body being found...and if lori was eaten where were her bones? not even zombies eat bones...
  23. phobias are irrational fears, a mental health issue... you have a greater chance of being hit by lightning, eaten by a grizzly bear or murdered by fellow canadians in a home invasion than beheaded by muslim extremists...
  24. the company (Streit) that built harpers car uses the same international standards(1 to 7) as the Mercedes offered by India, level 7 which is what India offered...
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