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Everything posted by wyly

  1. christians always attack muslims and atheists. Strange
  2. our country depended on patronage appointments?...he said he would never do it but he did and he did a lot of them...
  3. na you missed the point and the ship it sailed on....you made the comparison of harper's honesty to other leaders and now you want to back away, sorry that doesn't work...harper can't be championed as the most trusted leader because he's lied, so the other leaders hold the moral highground for being honest party leaders...
  4. boring is good...usa politics are dysfunctional...
  5. if the "worst" case scenario happens there is no prepartion possible...should've spent it on prevention... a flooded new orleans will be minor in comparison to the potential drop in food production... well the chinese have taken drastic measures with their one child policy and it will have an effect...part of the third world's problem is us, we were happy to profit from their low labour costs which kept them in third world status...the third world's salvation is improvement of their standard of living and with that education...education reduces population growth....
  6. which is been the point people have been making if we do nothing disaster is in the cards...shrugging it off and saying oh well what can I do is the reason we get nothing done...not punishing governments for inaction iswhy progress is slow...
  7. mandatory minimums...like the mandatory minimum for 6 pot plants...
  8. really, fanaticism isn't welcome in canada? oh the irony!....in the past I've been told by christians to move to russia for being an athiest, I know should be pleased they didn't cut off my head...
  9. i don't care what the usa does....now you're trying to justify harpers lying as okay because others do it too?...no it's not okay....
  10. elections are basis of our democracy why wouldn't we want them...
  11. as Mulcair hasn't been PM he hasn't broken any and the liberals don't even have leader to break promises...so on a head to head comparison harper is the hands down winner of promise breaker/liar of all the party leaders...
  12. that's irrelevant I don't go around making claims of any leaders trustworthyness....I certianly don't say "hear, hear" to statements claiming my leader is less dishonest than others wow as if that's something to be proud of...my leader is less a of a crook than your leader...hear hear!
  13. hey someone who murders one person isn't as bad as someone who murders two and bcsapper says hear hear ...a murderer is still a murderer a liar is still a liar regardless the number...once someone has lied to me my trust is forever gone...
  14. you're just selective in tuning out the lies/flip flops/broken promises....first it's he hasn't broken any promises, then it's all politicians do it, then he's not as bad as the others....what it boils down to is he lies, he isn't trustworthy...
  15. which backs my other comment about theists not comprehending the video...
  16. I'm only curious to see if the progressives of calgary center back the number two candiate to oust the cpc from the seat...I don't have any hope that will happen but I'd love to see it...
  17. sure but don't credit him for keeping promises, he's shown by past actions promises mean nothing to him...
  18. it would be the same as a toll road, user fees...non residents put a tremendous strain on city infrastructure there should be a method of collecting for it's use...
  19. double face palm!anti god-people are fanatical because religious people behead them ...oh my
  20. yes some are dishonest and refuse to listen because they don't like the answer..but there are many IMO who just don't comprehend, if they could they wouldn't be believers.... they don't have that tiny part of a brain that makes others inquisitive and ask questions and not accept vague answers based on nothing but faith...
  21. indeed ...it's just a matter of time before the media starts dragging out old harper comments every bit a bad or worse..."You've got to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettoes and who are not integrated into western Canadian society."
  22. you're not seeing the bigger picture here...it absolutely has potential to end our civilization...climate change caused a number of mass extinction events believing human technolgy can save us if there is widespread ecological collapse is very dangerous...being blind to the possibility is more dangerous than accepting it as a potential reality...it's better to be overly concerned with the dangers and be wrong than ignorant and dead...
  23. luckily I have no affection for maple syrup....
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