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Everything posted by wyly

  1. context is lost in these one line quotes and then there is the "lost in translation" effect...anyone who speaks more than one language knows translating from one language to another is tricky many words, inflections/nuances and sentiments are just untranslatable, subtle meanings can be lost or gained in the translation...
  2. Your reference to ethnic cleansing murder religious slander ethnic cleansing (it was right the first time) is neither appropriate nor acceptable, it's pure unadulterated trolling and I could report you.hypocrisy is such a wonderful word...
  3. bs...in your bubble world anyone who expresses a different opinion than you is trolling....ethnic cleansing of palestinians in Israel is absolute fact, because you have the zionist equivalence of "holocaust denial" is not my problem...
  4. why should they?do Mormons? Mennonites? Amish? Hutterites? Scientologists? Jehovah's Witness? and a thousand other religious minorities have their own state...where is the rule that says every obscure religion deserves their own state...are you volunteering your state/home for a new Mennonite homeland? or is it's some other people's home/country that you intend to give away, maybe you want give canada away to the scientologists?..we canadians would understand we'll happily restrict ourselves to Bantustans while the Scientologists claim whatever territory/resources that they desire...
  5. absolutely fair, people outside of TO if they work or shop in TO should contribute to it's infrastructure...not long ago we had some parking issues with our local C-train, overcrowding and whether to charge for parking or not at c-train stations, one women who lived in a community 20 minutes from calgary wrote a letter to the daily paper complaining how every morning she had issues with parking and how it affected her daily commute to work in the city and something must be done, she doesn't even pay taxes that contribute to the local transit and she thinks she has a right to complain?
  6. yup there's some gouging going on...what appears to be great deal is lost when you add in inflated shipping/postal fees...how can something cost more to send a small parcel from south carolina to Calgary than alaska? $80 more! on a $220 item and then I pay another $20 to canada customs....some US sellers are honest/fair others see an order come in from canada and it's open season to gouge...
  7. could it be they remember it was democrat (Johnson) who fought for their right to vote in the 60s? or that it was republicans in the last couple years who sought to deny them the vote in this last presidential election?...
  8. devine won in a recession, the NDP were holding the line on spending...devine offered billions in financial giveaways to homeowners, it worked he bought his way into power...I know this because I lived there at the time ... why? resource prices are still high the population is benefiting...let's see how well he does if resource prices drop and the economy slows... obviously... wonderful how they put the oil, uranium, and potash into the ground...hey does that mean New Brunswick with a conservative government will soon be a have province once the conservatives finish putting oil, gas, potash and uranium in the ground there too?...
  9. that can be said of 5 other provinces as well and it's not just alberta paying into equalization there are thee other have provinces...so you're being extremely selective only focusing on quebec, why not PEI or Nova Scotia?....albertan's have a biased vendetta against quebec just as they whine about trudeau's comments-hypocrisy....how other provinces spend their equalization payments is their business not ours.... and they have a clue how exactly, experience?....seriously you have no clue when you make a statement like that...that's the equivalent of saying the chinese know they would have better government if they had multi party elections, they have no concept of what that would be like as they know of nothing else...I worked with a russian 30 yrs ago, he had escaped the soviet union at the time, I asked him why russians didn't rebel and install democracy he said because they knew nothing else, they had no concept of democracy they had gone straight from Tsarist rule to Communist rule, same shit different rulers and that's alberta politics...
  10. and I don't think it will matter all that much in the coming by-election... the NDP riding in edmonton the voters were onside with the NDP's stance on alberta oil despite opinions that Mulcair was anti-alberta...IMO calgary center will be the same, if the progressive vote stays divided the conservatives will win, if they vote strategically and vote for the 2nd place candidate a liberal trudeau's comments won't matter...
  11. and you know this how? you make shit up as you go along? billions were squandered, the idiot literally gave away 1.4 billion after he crippled the healthcare system which is costing billions to repair...being the best idiot of a series of idiots doesn't make him less of any idiot ...Norway shows where we could/should be if had competent forward thinking governments... how selective...lets' put that in context, the previous pre-wall conservative (Devine) government in saskatchewan may have been the most corrupt government in canada ever, and nearly bankrupt the province...wall's government benefited from responsible financial management of the previous NDP government and the increase in the price of resources, oil, potash, uranium, none of that had any anything to do with the Wall government, Wall was just fortunate enough to inherit a financially sound economy and be in power when the world demand for resources went up....
  12. I don't live in quebec so it's not something that interests me and I don't enough knowledge of quebec financial management to make a comment...my posts were made as a counter to claims of competence of conservative management of alberta finances...I would note that quebec has had a number of different party governments whereas alberta is all conservative all the time, there is no other party to blame, albertans really have no clue if any other party could do a better job financially or not...
  13. looked up the pic of nucky johnson and Jim Gandolfini would've been perfect if boardwalk had been made before sopranosthe real nucky http://www.nj.com/entertainment/tv/index.ssf/2010/09/ed_devlin_pal_of_boardwalk_bos.html
  14. ya the comparison indeed doesn't hold up it's less expensive to run a province than a country...norways population 4.9 million, alberta 3.8 million 20% fewer people...
  15. of coarse alberta is much wealthier in resources and doesn't have military to support... Norway didn't begin it's pension fund until 1996 so in 16 yrs Norway's built up a fund of 550 billion alberta began it's heritage fund in 1976.... alberta's contribution to equalization fund comes no where near the amount of norway's pension fund total...if alberta averaged 3.5 billion a year in equalization payments since 1996 it still only amounts to 56 billion, what was that Norway pension fund? oh yeah $550 billion in 16 years.....there's no getting around it Alberta's record of financial management sucks...
  16. klein was an idiot, huge cash giveaway's, cronyism, he nearly destroyed the healthcare system(it still hasn't recovered)...alberta survives despite incompetent mangement, it's the natural oil wealth that keeps us afloat...a dozen drunken monkeys l could have done as well running the provinces finances(or one drunken idiot)...compare alberta's pension/heritage funds to norways,... similar population, similar quality of life/standard of living/education, both oil and gas rich but alberta easily leads in other resources, Norway has its' own military to support ....alberta -$15.9 billion but norway has put aside a staggering $550 billion... alberta has been led by financial idiots and Klein was just one of many..
  17. because it's not vocalized does not mean it isn't present, publicly admitting it would end his career he never would've been elected...a smart politician hides/disguises his objectives and the reasons for doing so...
  18. one kids homework assignment which reflects his view/understanding of world is hardly something to be concerned about...now when adults like shady/merlin/mr canada come up with far more twisted/distorted views we should be questioning our educational system...
  19. absolutely, he's just politically more astute than trudeau not saying what he thinks, that ended stockwell days political quest for leadership...check out harpers church and it's twisted values, a moderate sensible person would switch churches but not harper...
  20. because it was a quote bearing the name trudeau name no red neck albertan would even read it, these people aren't dealing from a full deck...
  21. EC would only care if those "successful election strategies" include subverting the democratic process...
  22. trudeaus comment on albertans "socio-democratic agenda" was spot on, I'd rather someone more socailly progressive take the lead and quebec generally leads the way in that department..if given only two choices who would we want leading our country a redneck bible thumper or trudeau?....rob anders as PM? I shudder at the thought...
  23. he only said what many people think...albertans think they can run canada better than anyone else, the difference being they don't say it publicly it's naive to think the cpc doesn't have an alberta/west agenda...albertan voting record shows they only care about themselves so why should other national parties care what albertans think...now if we had a PR system electing liberals, ndp then the picture changes the other political parties have an interest in what albertans have to say...i'm not a liberal voter a trudeau supporter or from quebec and I'm not offended by trudeau's comments it's a non issue with me, political not a wise to thing to say by him but no worse than said by many others from all parties, it'll fade away over time...
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