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Everything posted by ironstone

  1. Are you suggesting the US southern border is secure under Joe Biden? Is there no difference between coming to the US legally or illegally ? Our Current Policy: Let In the Unvaccinated Migrants, But Keep Out the Vaccinated Tourists | National Review Wait! Let me guess your response to this! Bullshit!?
  2. This person is a pretty prominent left winger and stands atop a huge pedestal. Her words carry enough weight with other left wingers. She seems rather petty to put it mildly. H
  3. I'm really curious as to what kind of sentence she will actually get in the end. I believe she is facing up to 65 years at this time but I think the actual time might be much less than that. We all know that she knows a lot more and has that giant ace up her sleeve. Will Ghislaine 'start naming names' to get a shorter sentence? | Daily Mail Online
  4. What are your thoughts on the open US southern border? Hundreds of thousands of people streaming across and apparently the vaccination rate of those people is in the single digits. The blame for this must rest squarely on the shoulders of Joe Biden. This practice will surely worsen the spread of covid putting others at risk. (I'm vaxxed and am pro vaccination but not pro vax mandate.)
  5. Although I'm Canadian I did support Trump although not everything that he did. I also supported the Jan 6 protest, but ONLY the one's that were protesting legally and without the use of violence. Break the law, face the consequences. They don't deserve to be bailed out within mere hours. Do you have some primary sources that you rely on to form your opinions? Just curious.
  6. More from CNN. CNN's Brian Stelter urges Associated Press to attack Republicans | The Post Millennial More on CNN and MSNBC. CNN, MSNBC ratings PLUMMET as Americans turn their backs on woke, liberal media | The Post Millennial All tv and cable news shows are entertainment but some are much worse than others.
  7. Most of what's on tv now is crap but here and there are a few good shows. I just finished Time on BBC which was really good but pretty short for a mini-series, only three parts. Fargo isn't bad, kind of offbeat. Sometimes I enjoy seeing shows that I haven't seen since I was a kid.
  8. A constitutional republic to be exact. For the most part, the US has been served pretty well with the two main parties. There is a growing radical element in one of the parties, very vocal and demanding. (Hint, not in the Republicans)?
  9. It was that you called a lot of us traitors because of our opinions. I'm pretty certain nobody in here hates the US and most of us, myself included, like americans.
  10. This new person jbander is pretty hard core. I think he's genuinely clueless that he's posting in a Canadian forum.
  11. Perhaps delusional and clearly consumed by hate. Almost comical. Consider anger management counselling?. Obviously not capable of civil discourse or debate.
  12. So you consider yourself a patriot and I'll take you at your word. You're also throwing the word hate around as though you don't understand how strong the word really is. I find your position confusing as you seem to hate the Republican party very deeply as well everyone that does not agree with you. As I stated earlier you are clearly just filled with hate which is pretty sad but at the same time you mention the Flag and the Constitution as though you cared about them. That makes you unusual if you identify as a Democrat since there are many within that party that truly seem to hate their own country. If you actually do love the stars and stripes and the Constitution then that's great. But you also seem to be unaware of those in the Democratic party that do not love the flag or the Constitution. Think of the squad...for starters. Freedom of the press, religion, free speech. The right to bear arms. How many prominent Democrats are front and centre defending those rights these days? The Democratic Party is Anti-American - Jake Donnelly Survey: U.S. Liberals Want To Rewrite Constitution, Impose Race Quotas (thefederalist.com) I have no idea if you're a strong Antifa/BLM supporter or not but you seem to be consumed with hate and possibly a propensity for violence which is at the core of those movements. The biggest threat to your country right now comes from within.
  13. Easy to see you're really angry. You're attitude is all to common on the left unfortunately. You're really upset when someone doesn't agree with you. You have to learn to grow a thicker skin and perhaps take a more adult approach to this kind of discourse. Try being calm and using reason and logic in your arguments.
  14. Well put WCM. It's the Democrats and largely the left that have changed dramatically, as in moving wayyyyyy further left. Roosevelt, Truman or JFK would not recognize the modern Democratic party of today. Biden appoints Bernie Sanders( USSR honeymoon) as an economic advisor!! The powerful, influential, and hateful squad are growing inside the Democratic party. What does that tell us?? Best wishes for everyone, old members and new alike!
  15. 1. Paris Accords are nothing to get excited about. 2. Doesn't every president appoint judges? 3. There were also arms sales under Trump. Good deal for Biden though.. 4. Executions. I'm kind of on the fence on that one, some people do deserve it , others perhaps not. 5. Illegal immigrant families were "broken up" under Obama too. At least Obama didn't want to pay them huge sums of money for that. Even Obama understood open borders are not sustainable, Biden does not. When children are sent over with smugglers and no parents, what do you expect to happen? 6. During Trumps 4yrs, the stock market also hit record highs. I think Trump was much more of a free marketer than Biden. If you feel that you're smarter than everyone else I have no issue with that but please don't start lecturing in here about things like dozens of genders and other subjects dear to those on the left. What are your "legitimate " news outlets?
  16. Please list any or all of Joe Biden's successes. Maybe there are some that I genuinely missed. And Trump totally mishandled the pandemic while Joe Biden has handled it brilliantly? Operation Warp Speed was during Trump's time in office. Perhaps saying Biden has failed is a tad inaccurate. So far I would say he is currently failing, but miracles can happen and that could change. Flashback: Ten Times Joe Biden Promised to ‘Shut Down the Virus’ (breitbart.com) Low information voters are a serious problem and they tend to usually be on the left in much greater numbers. Criticism works both ways too, give and take.
  17. Some guy called in to 1310 radio in Ottawa the other day and made a great comment about Biden. He said something to the effect that Biden's record is so awful he makes Jimmy Carter worthy of being on Mount Rushmore.?
  18. But is the objective to get more white males or just males in the classroom? I know there are certain kinds of jobs that may be dominated by one gender or the other so in my opinion they should not lower the standards for hiring. I just have trouble with the notion of not hiring or hiring someone because of race and/or gender. There must be some little thing to give one candidate a very slight edge over another to tip the balance.
  19. I see a few articles about the disproportionate number of females to males in teaching but didn't see anything about giving while males any hiring advantage. If they did it would be wrong as it should be to bend or lessen the requirements for any ethnic group or gender. I favour giving the job to the best qualified person regardless of race or gender.
  20. Is there another country on the planet that China does not take advantage of and bully? Canada certainly does let Communist China walk all over us as do a lot of other countries, including the US under Biden. The Trudeau's have long been fans of Communist China so it's no surprise given how soft Justin is with China. We are all guilty of buying Chinese made products, myself included. Why we let them do it I can't say for certain. The huge trade deficit, we want access to the Chinese market are factors. China never plays by the rules, they have easy access to Canada while our access is limited. I wish more of the free world would take a tougher stance against China but that's unlikely.
  21. Lot's of links about the J6 Committee altering text messages. BREAKING: J6 Committee Admits It Doctored Text Between Jordan And Meadows (thefederalist.com) Jan. 6 Committee Admits to Altering Text Messages [Video] – Middle America News Jan. 6 Committee Says It 'Inadvertently' Altered Text to Meadows (ijr.com) Jan. 6 Panel Acknowledges Altering Text Message Between Meadows and Jordan | Newsmax.com Remember that anything coming from Adam Schiff MUST be taken with a huge grain of salt.
  22. Would anyone disagree that Justin Trudeau would never have become Liberal leader and most certainly not prime minister if not for his last name? The must under qualified prime minister ever.
  23. Will Blacks Survive the ‘Racial Reckoning’? - Ann Coulter At least four Black women and girls were murdered per day in the US last year | Gun crime | The Guardian According to these articles crime is up in certain cities. San Francisco mayor London Breed seems to have changed her tune. Crime was surging in that city and she , like many Democrats strongly favoured defunding the police. Now she might be seeing the error of her ways. Behind London Breed's 'defund the police' turnaround in San Francisco (nypost.com) Massive surge in crime rates may doom 'defund the Police' movement and Dems' chances in 2022 (bizpacreview.com)
  24. With regards to stacking the supreme court, what would prevent Republicans from doing the same thing next time they win back the white house? This yet another really bad idea from the highly influential radical wing of the Democratic party. FLASHBACK: Obama defended filibuster in 2005, now calls it ‘Jim Crow relic’ | Fox News The Dems change positions like most people change socks except most people don't regress and change into dirty socks.
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