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Everything posted by AngusThermopyle

  1. In other words your statement is meaningless, without any form of proof. Thanks for playing.
  2. You have an interesting view of Canada, one that I personally do not share. I would be interested to hear what you consider to be Canada's active genocide. Who is the target of this genocide and where is it happening? As for the illegal invasions you mentioned, what exactly are they and can you provide judgements, international condemnations clarifying the illegality of Canada's actions?
  3. It appears there is a case of selective blindness at work here, maybe more than one. So Canada is backwards because of our legal provisions governing marriage, but Turkey is highly advanced. Far more so than Canada. So, how would the poster rationalize this? I'd say it's a stereotypical case of Sharia and Islam in general at work but I'm sure our illustrious poster will attempt to minimize or justify it, whilst simultaneously preaching about the backwards evils of Canada and the west in general.
  4. If you posted something sensible with facts to back it up every now and again you might have a better response. Instead you post bat sh*t crazy stuff and then attack those who dispute what you've posted instead of trying to refute it logically. Think about that for a moment or two.
  5. LOL! DoggiesBite.org! You really take that site seriously! Have you done any research at all into it? They're charlatans, to say the least. For instance, a dog catcher fell and struck her head when she was chasing a dog, they list that as a pit bull fatality in their stats. Another was the person running from a dog (non pit bull) they were hit by a bus, pit bull fatality. Their statistician has been quoted as stating that he doesn't "play the kennel club name game", in other words it doesn't matter what the breed is. If he says it's a pit bull, then it's a pit bull. He also falsely claims a voluminous record of academic credentials, all fake. In fact a journalist obtained two degree's from the university this "expert" claims to have obtained his from. Just one problem though, he got them for his cat. Sadly many people take these liars at face value and believe the fabricated bile that they spew forth. Here's a few facts about Coleen Lynn and the incident that sparked the whole websites creation. You'll notice that her story changes like the weather. http://legal.pblnn.com/pro-bsl-experts/dogbiteorg/109-collen-lynn-seattle-animal-control-records
  6. I think the only place in the Galaxy that Turkey wants to rule is Uranus.
  7. Ethanol in gas is so very bad for my favourite hobby. I love restoring vintage dirt bikes, especially Motocross bikes. The Ethanol really wreaks havoc on those old engines. Lately I've been riding my 1981 Honda CR125R, whenever I do I try to use gas with as little Ethanol as possible. There are stations that do sell gas with less, or no Ethanol in it. Sadly, the closest to me is about a two hour drive away so I'm stuck putting crap gas in my baby. Of course I could use VP racing fuel but that can be as bad in its own way as Ethanol gas, plus it's about $10.00 a liter. Hopefully we wont see an increase in the Ethanol content, that'll just make life a little harder since I build my bikes to ride, not just show.
  8. Here you go Waldo, I included your whole rationalization, just for you. Now, will you speak to the fact that you made a statement that was patently false? For myself I wasn't claiming any huge problem existed or our demise was imminent. Simply replying to your claim that people could not find anything to use that related to Canada, an obviously false claim. It took all of a minute or two to find them, many more examples do exist. the guy who was attacked in Nathan Phillips square, the guy attacked for walking his dog, the immigrant in Lethbridge assaulting the woman and her daughters at a pool, etc. etc. Those ones are just off the top of my head. So, as to your obvious butt hurt, just man up and admit you made a vacuous statement out of either arrogance or desperation. Personally I just don't give a flying f*ck about any of this petty childish squabbling so many here appear to thrive on. Hence the reason I simply can't be bothered with this forum anymore. Oh, as to your media red herring. The media does not report these things most of the time. For instance, the Lethbridge incident was not picked up by the media. It was Lethbridge police who broke this one in the interest of public safety. If the media is your barometer for whats happening then you are really are misinformed. Here's a hint, the media is not a reliable source for what happens in this world of ours. By the way, what exactly is "the likes" of me? Is that someone who stung you by showing how irrelevant and untrue some of the things you say actually are? Would you like to hear my thoughts on the "likes of you". Or, perhaps you could just try growing up instead.
  9. You must have misunderstood the point. Let me clarify it for you. Waldo stated in his condescending manner that people could not find examples directly relating to Canada so they used examples from other countries. This is obviously untrue as I found several examples in the space of about two minutes. Does that clear up your confusion now?
  10. Here ya go Waldo, just for you. Another for you. Want another? Not enough Cancon for you yet? Have another then. If this isn't enough there's plenty more out there. Just ask and you shall receive.
  11. Nice guys, after the Paris attacks they took to Twitter posting messages such as f-ck Paris, f-ck the French. Also all kinds of posts celebrating and praising the attacks. They've gone from victim status to advocating terrorism. I was sympathetic to their cause but after this last incident they have lost my support and sympathy. Now I'm starting to think they should change "hands up don't shoot" to "pants up don't loot" as some have suggested.
  12. Oh boy! A whole 5.2 bil! Being a resident of Ontario I'm far more interested in Wynnes plan to get us Ontarian's out of the 300 Billion or so debt we owe, half of which was racked up in about 12 years by Liberals. Canada's debt of 5,2 is petty change compared to that. Why do the people who rail against 5.2 never talk about the almost 300 Billion?
  13. That's a Roger Whittaker song, not Elvis. You should have picked an actual Elvis song rather than a cover.
  14. Old news, saw this months ago. Kinda lame really. This looks like much more fun.
  15. I wonder if we'll ever see a woman, any woman, enter the Erzberg Rodeo. We have female competitors who participate in other variations of the sport but they don't compete against men. They have their own series and don't mingle with the men. Not running but equally or more gruelling, in fact competitors have died from exhaustion and heat stroke.
  16. You really should research this some more. The Sub Saharan Africans involved in this were far from impoverished. They make a fortune doing this. This also was not an animal that posed a threat to Sub Saharan Africans. He was an animal that lived on a protected reserve and his only contact with people was controlled. In fact what makes this act even more disgusting is the fact that he was accustomed to people and trusted them. Talk about going for the easy pickings.
  17. I see that no one has mentioned that, in effect, he most probably killed 24 Lions by doing this. Actually, 24 more. The Lion Cecil had two Prides. In these two prides he had 24 cubs. As I'm sure all of you know, when the Alpha male is removed/dies another Alpha replaces him. These new Alpha's, as a matter of taking control of the pride, kill all the cubs from the previous Alpha. Currently there is great concern for the fate of these cubs. Guess he got his monies worth. Give it up Derek. They didn't just use a truck to drive to the location. They used a truck to lure it off the protected reserve and into an area they thought they'd be safe killing it. A huge difference and if you refuse to see that then there is zero point in discussing this with you. Using Canada as a comparison is ludicrous and really reaching. Tell me, where in Canada can you hunt at night and use high powered flood lights? Come on...waiting...waiting.
  18. This guy is a true douche nozzle. If you hunt for food and use what you kill that's one thing. This guy doesn't do that. He hunts for trophies and the thrill of the kill. By most peoples standards that's just wrong, even sick. He's been convicted of a felony in the past related to his hunting. He lured a bear from a protected area then shot it. He then colluded with others to lie about what he'd done. Sound familiar? He has shot and posed with one of the most endangered of the large species on Earth, a White Rhino, because...you know...he's a conservationist. He also settled a sexual harassment case out of court with a former employee of his to the tune of $127,000. Real piece of work this guy is. If you look into this you'll also see that he's drawn the wrath of Hunters down upon himself. Many of them are revolted with the so called hobby of trophy hunting. They condemn the trophy/ thrill kill aspect of hunting stating quite rightly that a true hunter kills only what he must and uses what he kills. Those who wish can defend him all they want but it would appear they are in a tiny minority. Most people find his actions revolting. Karma really is a bitch. I almost forgot to add, they also attempted to destroy the GPS tracking collar Cecil wore. They also lured him out at night then trained spotlights on him while he ate the provided bait so Palmer could take his time with his kill. Even so Mr. Killy McKillster only wounded him and he suffered for forty hours before being killed. And some of you wonder why people are angry. Really? Are those wondering truly so obtuse?
  19. Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick Peter Gabriel - Melt (3rd album) Yes - Close To The Edge Queen - A Day At The Races Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway And tons more including The Doors, The Beatles, Floyd ( pre Wall Floyd) and so on and so on.
  20. Wow! You really are way way out in left field aren't you. I knew that most of what you post is irrelevant and non germain but this insistence of yours really just does emphasize that fact even more. So let me repeat for you, very late at night, around 3 am to be more precise. Tired and in a hurry to get to bed. A couple of minor mistakes. Anyway, do you have anything of value to add to the discusion, or do you simply wish to continue with your childish and inaccurate suppositions?
  21. Ah Remiel, do you have anything of substance to say? Or are you just going to criticize a couple of minor errors made in haste very late at night? Nope...thought not, goodbye. If in fact you do spend the time to do some research, perhaps read the alleged offensive tweats themselves then come back and attempt to add something of substance to the discussion. perhaps you might want to comment on the fact that this case has now evolved to include an investigation of the key players in the prosecutions side of things.
  22. So I decided to look into this a little further because I find it quite unbelievable. This woman is a Loon! If you read the transcripts of the court procedings that becomes quite apparent. Just her statement alone that Elliot is entitled to defend himself against the world if he wishes, just not her is telling. Then when you see how she and her friends attacked him, accusing him of being a Paedophile, accusing his four sons of being rapists and on and on. Well it would appear that they were more harassing and stalkerish than him. If you take the time to read the relevant tweats you'll find nothing threatening about them, some are childish, yes, but not threatening. Interesting also that one of the three key women involved also works for TPS and all three are Radical Femenists. This should never even have gone to court in the first place. Considering all they had to do was put him on ignore I think prosecution will have an impossible task in making their case. Also the fact that the case Judge recieved a letter implying conspiracy and collusion against this guy is pretty damning. So damning that, as I understand it, the RCMP are now investigating several people involved in the prosecution. All the data is out there, it just takes several hours of searching and reading to find it. Almost forgot, the defence's final submission to the court is also available to read. After reading it I simply can't see how he can be found guilty. I will say though that if not guilty the three primary women involved in this case should be charged with Criminal Mischief.
  23. I wondered that as well when I saw the comment. Just more gratuitous and incorrect use of the R word to stifle discussion. Typical and irrelevant, as usual.
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