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Everything posted by AngusThermopyle

  1. Not exactly those days but I did see Queen twice back in the seventies, once for the News of the World tour and also the Jazz tour. Saw Yes, Tormato. Saw Jethro Tull for the Bursting Out and Stormwatch tours. Saw AC/DC for their first NA tour. The list goes on. This is why I laugh when I hear people declare Kanye West talented or a genius, they no not of what they speak.
  2. So I guess you and a bunch of other people here did not actually watch the video. Right? If you did you'd see he made contact first. Putting aside the fact he was forcing his way in, he grabs her arm first. Even after she raises her leg he does not let go. After she swings he then strikes her. Watch the video. You'll see he initiates the sequence, not her. As to racial slurs, well who knows, there is no audio so its just he said she said. and as has already been pointed out racial slurs and nasty language do not justify assault anyway.
  3. I must say I'm impressed Socialist. A statement such as yours shows a certain depth of character, that I must admit I did not expect to see.
  4. If you watch carefully you can see she reaches the bar first. When he arrives he grabs the underside of the bar and forces his way in pushing her forcefully in the process. She turns and says something to him as he continues to push. She has her arm bent or cocked if you will. He grabs her arm. She tries to pull her arm away but he doesn't let go.She then raises her knee and tries to use it to push against him. He still keeps hold of her. This is the point at which she strikes him. He then strikes back, considerably harder. He then runs away like a little bitch. So, leaving out all the bullsh*t about racial slurs (as there is no audio that's just speculation, conjecture and hearsay)it would appear based purely on what is shown that he is the aggressor. Her striking out at him was a response to him confining her.
  5. Yay! We can now get fake documents and even counterfeit money through this site.

    1. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      I seem to recall this freaky BS showed up here at least once before.

    2. Boges


      Those banner ads are personalized to what you've been viewing on your own computer. What have you been up to Angus?

    3. AngusThermopyle


      These were'nt banner adds, they were splashed all over. All the status updates and most of the lead topics were showing this. Truthfully the banner adds I see are usually related to dirt bikes, stereo's and computer hardware. Still...fake I.D. and counterfeit money. Who could resist?

  6. Yay! We can now get fake documents and even counterfeit money through this site.

  7. To be fair I actually looked him up on YouTube and listened to a few of his things. My belief being you shouldn't slag something if you haven't even listened to it. Worst crap I've heard in a long time. Juvenile basic garbage masquerading as music. What amazes me is the fact that he does have fans, quite a few. Even better is the fact that he got the lyrics wrong. Come on! If you're going to destroy a classic at least learn all the words correctly.
  8. I followed that story, poor guy actually cried when he was freed from the chains. He'd survived on hand outs from people and even ate plastic bags. Sadly his sibling is still in captivity. People are working to free him but no luck so far.
  9. How come no one has mentioned this outstanding performance yet? Just amazing, amazing that he could even think for a moment that he could do this. Amazing how he managed to totally butcher one of the most iconic rock songs ever performed. Just to top it off he also announced that he's the greatest living rock star in the world. Gotta say, way to take loony to a whole new level. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcQPftzvYPE
  10. Well that's a truly outstanding example of an overblown melodramatic post that manages to convey no coherent message at all. Well done!
  11. Read about this a few days ago. Apparently she's leaving and going to England now. Way to go! What a good way to lose citizens! Amazing that a guy gets kicked out in very short order for helping his girlfriend but convicted criminals manage to stay for years, sometimes decades. Great system we have at work here.
  12. So Bonam, given your vast experience of these places you should be reporting them. After all, according to you these creatures are being inhumanly tortured. You should be reporting all these places that are maximizing animals pain and terror, dragging their deaths out as long as possible. The fact is that when instances of miss treatment do come to life they are dealt with. Last year three that came to light were dealt with promptly. One was a Veal production facility, another was a dairy facility and the last was a poultry factory. There in lies the difference some of you just don't seem to get. We have laws in place to make the process is as humane as possible. Admittedly there is still a long way to go but there are people who are working on it And that is what separates our process from others. We (some of us anyway) care about this and are doing what we can to improve it. Others don't care and even do their best to make it more sadistic and inhumane. Still don't get it do you?. As to your cultural strawman you bring up. How is being abhored by deliberate cruelty, inhumanity and torture a cultural preference. Is it that you too are pretty cool with the whole idea of deliberately inflicting prolonged torture on another living creature? If decrying torture is, as you put it, a cultural preference then I'll take it and stick with it. However your cultural reference falls flat when you realise that people around the world decry these practises. So by your and BC Chicks metric the Chinese who oppose this are racist and culturally biased? Also interesting, if you bother to do any research at all on this subject, is the fact that this particular "festival" has apparently only existed for about the last ten years. It was not instituted as a traditional cultural festival, but purely as a for profit event. How does that fit with your culture crap?
  13. One more point. All of those saying we do the same thing should inform the authorities of these slaughter houses they've seen where the animals are deliberately tortured and terrorised. That way we can shut them down ASAP, which we will do when this information comes to light. So come on, step up, report these places.
  14. Well here we go, the tired old racist BS. So tell me how it is racist to object to the deliberate prolonged torture of a living creature. Either you think torturing creatures is just hunky dory, or, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. Here, I'll give you an example I saw and you can explain to me how despising the people who did it is racist. Two guys, a dog in a cage. The two guys had a home made spear type of thing with a blade and a live electrical wire attached to the blade. They repeatedly stab the dog in the cage, administering a shock to the animal each time. They don't stab it in a way that will kill it, just enough to slowly over prolonged time kill it. The dog is in maximum agony and terror. This is good though as according to their beliefs this improves the meat. Eventually the animal is bleeding from numerous stab wounds as well as its mouth and anus. The creature is in deep shock and attempts to drink its own blood in an attempt to find some relief. At this point I couldn't watch any more. It was pretty much the most sickening and disgusting thing I've ever seen. All I can hope is that this poor animal died soon after, as soon as possible. Or how about you tell me I'm racist because the dog meat trader who bought a stolen dog then proceeded to chain it to a post while he cut each of its limbs off while it was still alive in order to prove how fresh the meat was disgusts me. Or maybe you can explain my racism when I see them take a living dog by its forelegs and dunk it in a big pot of boiling water. As the dog screams in agony and tries to claw its way out they laugh and use a stick to push it back in. These are just a few of many many examples. It's just racism though, right? Here's a news flash for you. I don't give a rats ass who does this shit. I don't care what race or color they are. I find any one who would do such a thing to be a subhuman piece of garbage. Now lets employ some relevantivism, you like that so we'll use it. Here we go. You'll say "but we kill and eat animals, so it's all the same". Wrong again. We don't try our very best to torture these animals. We don't get inventive finding ways to prolong their terror and agony. I suppose you don't see any difference though do you? In short, with your stupid racism remark and your relevantivism you have just destroyed any credibility you could have had. This tells me you really don't know what you're talking about, or you really are cool with torturing and inflicting agony on these poor creatures..
  15. Can't argue with that. Although I was a member of the CAF for twenty years I simply can't understand this fascination with weapons. Personally I always regarded them as nothing more than the tools of the trade. As such I became highly proficient in their use, but that was the extent of it. Since I've retired I have no desire to own or use them as they are no longer a tool I require in my life. It's just my opinion of course but unless you hunt to live then they are essentially expensive but useless objects.
  16. I agree Cyber. But I should point out that Hip Hop and Rap are still very much engaged in the loudness wars. I did read a very good article regarding this in Stereophile magazine a few years ago. They held a conference that included the most highly respected Engineers in the business. They then measured different forms and styles of music in order to determine just how much the dynamic range of said music was affected by this trend of ever increasing loudness. Although they concluded that many forms of music were affected in a very pronounced negative way they also discovered that there were a few exceptions to the rule. Two of these were Hip Hop and Rap. They concluded that these forms of music contained so little dynamic range to begin with that cranking up the loudness during recording had very little effect on the quality, or lack there off. Quite interesting actually and affirms what I've been saying for years.
  17. So your point is? You might remember the two Afghani girls who protested remembrance day and stood in solidarity with their Taliban brothers wore tight jeans and sweaters with high fashion boots, so what? A tattoo, wow! That changes everything!
  18. Wow! what a stupid line of reasoning. So in your world if this guy screws a nine year old or kills someone its all good because then the law will deal with it? How about keeping this kind of scum out in the first place thus averting little girls being molested or people being killed?
  19. What a crock of s..t. The cases of missing aboriginal women are solved at a comparable rate to those of missing/murdered white women. Now you're going to hate this, but the stats show that the overwhelming perpetrators of such crimes against aboriginal women are...wait for it...aboriginal men. In future instead of just spouting hyperbole and making stuff up to suit your rants you should actually use facts. I know, an unusual and unthinkable concept, right. Try it anyway, you may actually enjoy saying things that aren't pure fantasy.
  20. It should also be mentioned that they make an excellent addition to first aid kits. They're pretty good field dressings in a pinch.
  21. Although many of us hold the so called establishment in contempt you seem to have such a hard on about it that it clouds your entire view of life and Humanity. Pol Pot etc have nothing at all to do with the corruption of the Hydro execs, neither does the Royal Family. Although other entities own their particular questionable or even despicable actions they have absolutely nothing at all to do with the actions of the Hydro execs and this enabling provincial government. They, as with everyone are the architects of their own corruption. Not the Royal Familly, not Hitler, not Pol Pot, or any one else for that matter.
  22. No he hasn't. Do you seriously believe that greed, corruption and cronyism are all the result of the Royal Familly? These are simply another aspect of the Human condition and have exist from the very start of the Human race. Far longer than any Royal familly of any type ever has. Get real for once.
  23. Actually BC is 100% correct. They can be extremely usefull because they're so absorbent. I guess you wouldn't know anything about that though.
  24. It's called deflection Argus. Bob says he doesn't support the Liberals actions yet whenever their corruption and dishonesty comes up he predictably attempts to deflect from the salient points by using irrelevancies. Rather obvious and pathetic really.
  25. Once again excuses from Bob. There's a big difference from Hydro and every business at play here Bob, can you guess what it is? Every business makes money by offering a service or goods that the consumer can choose to purchase or use, or not as the case may be. Hydro offers a service that the public has no choice but to use, no realistic alternatives to that one. Every business can be dragged into court in the event of poor or dishonest practices. Hydro, not at all. In fact they are pretty well protected by this current government. That and that alone is the reality of this situation. Relativism such as that displayed by yourself simply makes you appear disingenuous at best.
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