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Everything posted by AngusThermopyle

  1. Grow up will you. What you call running away other normal people call having a life and not being glued in troll mode to a forum. You know,going for a ride, entertaining friends, that sort of thing. The sort of thing you obviously don't have a clue about. As for offering irrelevant garbage, here's a clue Sparky. So far I have not seen one single thing of substance or value offered by you, hypocrite much?
  2. Wow! This guy is something else! You offer him proof, such as I did with a link to an article about the UN resolution and mission to Afghanistan and he just dismisses it out of hand as irrelevant, even though he asked for it himself. Then when asked repeatedly for something as simple as a number he just refuses to supply it and skirts around it. He has to be the worst that I've ever seen on this forum in all the years I've been a member, and I've seen some real doozy's over the years. You were 100% correct on that call.
  3. They've been making a very simple request, just provide a link or even just the number. Yet, simple as the request may be you refuse to answer it. Why is that?
  4. I'm not sure about that. What I am sure about is the fact that the Liberals handled this as poorly as they possibly could and have managed to outrage a large amount of Canadians. This was a cluster f*ck that they orchestrated and it will surely hurt them.
  5. I've been watching quite a few of these clips lately. I find it both amusing and amazing how Trudeau constantly sets himself up for the big slap down.
  6. That is where we differ. I for one do not put a price on doing what is right.
  7. Whatever, whenever you're shown to be wrong you resort to your usual tactic of obfuscation or denial. As such everything you post is obfuscation and denial.
  8. Yes I do indeed believe they should have fought it, thus sending a strong message that they do not condone the situation that led up to this. It would have been the right thing to do. Instead they did the opposite of the right thing and sent a very unfavorable message.
  9. Sadly they are his most notable point. Other than the socks he's pretty much an empty shirt.
  10. Really, what was this then? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Assistance_Mission_in_Afghanistan
  11. You are making assumptions and you know what they say about that. In this case you are once again incorrect, that's sort of habitual with you isn't it. In fact even if they had lost I would not have liked it but I would have applauded their effort to do the right thing. The right thing being to not reward terrorists.
  12. Probably because it was Chretien who sent us into Afghanistan, not Harper. Probably also because the Afghanistan mission was a UN and NATO approved mission, therefore by any meaningfull or realistic standard was not illegal as you falsely claim.
  13. BS, he was caught under Chretien's watch, it was Chretien's government in power when members of CSIS went to interrogate him. Chretien did nothing at all. After Chretien the situation was inherited by Martin, who also did squat about it. Under Harper the terrorist POS was repatriated to Canada. So in your world of alternate reality the guy who had him repatriated is the creep but the Liberals who did jack are the good guys?
  14. You are factually incorrect. Neither Trudeau nor the GoC were ordered to make any monetary award by any court. In fact this matter was still before the courts in a civil suit and no determination of damages, if any had yet been made. This was purely a Liberal decision and they've publicly stated that to be the case.
  15. Another one finished in time for the season. Now I only have one left to do and it'll be time to look for another project. It's a 1981 Kawasaki KX125 A-7. I love vintage dirt bikes!


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AngusThermopyle


      My Honda is the last year of the Elsinore series, 1981. They dropped Elsie after 81 and went with a straight CR designation. The RM's were awesome bikes and pretty well left everyone else in the dust back then, at least for a few years anyway. I'd love a Husky CR but they're very hard to find now. What I do have is a Husky 175GP Cross Country. They're actually even harder to find than the CR's. She's rideable but still needs a couple of details to make her perfect. The countershaft sprocket cover is missing, still trying to track one down. I also need three of the four plate mounting brackets for the side plates, only one was on the bike when I got it. There weren't too many of these imported into NA back in 1976 so I'm pretty fortunate to have this one. She's a really sweet ride for an old twin shock, drum brake 76.


    3. bush_cheney2004


      Yeah, Huskies were even exotic back in the day and were well respected.  They were pure to the dirt bike riding spirit without all the glam from the big well-heeled Japanese producers.   They were winners in the right hands.

      The good thing is that we have ebay today...for parts. 

      In 1969, I trashed a Suzuki AS50 engine by stupidly separating the case with a screwdriver and hammer !   The dealer fixed the resulting air intake leaks past the rotary valve with epoxy filler.   But they did say I fixed the broken 2nd gear just fine once I had it apart.


    4. AngusThermopyle


      In answer to the two stroke observation. They aren't banned, it's just that the four strokes are enjoying a great deal of popularity right now. Having said that there is a resurgence of popularity happening for the 2T's currently. People are getting tired of the expense and complexity associated with 4T bikes. I can do a top end job on my bikes in a couple of hours as opposed to a lot longer on a 4T. Add to that the thrill factor of a 2T over a 4T and you have a winning formula for the two's. I've ridden both and despite the 4's being easier to ride I'll take a two hands down any day. Nothing compares to the rush you get when a 2T comes on the pipe and that power hits like a sledge hammer. There's still plenty of new 2T's available from quite a few manufacturers and new ones being introduced regularly. In fact KTM have just released their 2T fuel injected models.

  16. Or maybe, just maybe, he was just a kid in a car doing stupid stuff. There's no need to overthink every thing that happens. Kids do stupid stuff all the time. Put them behind the wheel of a car and the stupid concentration rises dramatically in many of them.
  17. Just in case you get the urge to ride your dirt bike across the ocean in Tahiti.
  18. The new Evel Knievel, Robbie Maddison. A new record setting jump.
  19. The ballet of motorcycle sports, these guys defy belief.
  20. Of course, there's always this classic version. Who could possibly forget this?
  21. Kate has always been my favorite female singer since her debut. Have you heard her version of this classic? I like the sort of Reggae spin she puts on it.
  22. It's a beautifull day for a ride so I'm outta here. Now I just have to decide which bike I'm going to take out. If I head back to the track I'll take my 81 Honda and do a bit of motocrossing. Maybe I'll just go for a trail ride instead, then I'll take my 76 Husky. Either way it'll be fun.

    1. Omni


      Wanna borrow my 750 Kawi? Oldie, but a goodie.

    2. AngusThermopyle


      Strictly off road for me, although I'd love to have the bike. My love is vintage, finding, restoring and riding them so an old Kawi would be nice, street or off road. In fact I do have an old Kawi I'm doing now, a 1981 Kawasaki KX125-A7. It'll be a nice match for my Honda when it's done. Right now I'm seriously loving my 1976 Husqvarna 175GP Cross Country.




  23. The start of the Erzberg Rodeo, one of the toughest motorcycle races in the world.
  24. I didn't know they're doing this. It takes some real mental gymnastics to justify what they're doing. In fact one could see them as being a big part of the problem in that doing this also helps disseminate the material and increase the problem.
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