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Everything posted by AngusThermopyle

  1. Are you saying that refugee's don't cost Canadians anything? Prove that.
  2. Don't know about the sky falling, but taxes sure are rising. Gotta pay for all this crap some how dontcha know.
  3. Now who can honestly say they didn't see this coming? Once Trudeau started his free millions for terrorists program it was obvious that this would become the new norm. The good news is that Trudeau can give this guy, who isn't even a Canadian citizen, ten million and claim he saved Canadian tax payers 40 million by doing so. It's truly a brave new world in Canada with the village idiot running the show.  http://torontosun.com/news/national/ex-gitmo-captive-suing-canada-for-50-million-for-alleged-complicity-in-torture#commentshttp://torontosun.com/news/national/ex-gitmo-captive-suing-canada-for-50-million-for-alleged-complicity-in-torture#comments

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    2. hot enough

      hot enough

      This is exactly what will, and should happen when a country embraces its terrorist/war criminal neighbors. Folks who carry out the most vicious of war crimes, planned genocides, terrorism on a global, massive scale, real, actual baby killers.

      Remember how horrified all the good westerners were when the Kuwaiti incubator story hit the news? It was total bullshit, a concocted US ad agency lie to get the always eagerly gullible USians up for another illegal war, need I remind you folks, ALWAYS BASED ON LIES!!

      But the US plans a genocide against the Iraqi people, a plan that was known would cause millions of deaths and the kind, loving, benevolent westerners, the "good" people, don't give a rat's ass. 

    3. Goddess


      Why are none of them suing the Americans who run Guantanamo?  I think it's for the same reason environmental people don't go after China - China doesn't give a shit about what they have to say.  Canada is easier to bully because we don't want to offend anyone.

    4. hot enough

      hot enough

      Goddess: Why are none of them suing the Americans who run Guantanamo? 


      That's like asking why don't people sue the Mafia, in the Mafia's own court system. 

  4. Oh I think there's lots more to say Micheal. You may not like what's said but that wont change the fact that it should be said.
  5. Some porch music from the opposite side of the pond from the previous guys.
  6. Bet you can't guess where these guys are from.
  7. And now, a much better video featuring the same song as the previous video.
  8. Damn! For a second I thought we had a thread about MILF's. Now I'm disappointed.
  9. No, my experiment is based on reality. If like you say people should not drown then prove it. It's simple enough, just do as I suggested and get back to us with your results. You wont though because you know you're full of sh*t and you'd die. You'd die just likely the literally millions of others who have drowned throughout history. You just don't know how to concede anything do you? No matter how stupid you end up looking.
  10. It's not all about panic, exhaustion plays a huge part in drowning, can you not read. Unlike you who relies purely on speculation I actually have real life experience in this topic. I spent 11 years at sea and was fully trained in sea survival. I can tell you from personal experience that once you start to get tired, no matter how calm you are, you will find it increasingly hard to stay afloat. As you become tired it becomes harder to control your breathing, you start to swallow water, it becomes an escalating situation. Like I said, try my experiment and then get back to us with your results. It can't be denied that panic is a major contributor to drowning but to say no one should drown is just unrealistic and naive.
  11. Yes. our lungs act as flotation devices. However these devices become less effective under varying conditions and will fail to act as such given adverse conditions, or just simple exhaustion. Here's an easy experiment you can try. Take a boat out into the middle of lake Ontario and jump into the water. If as you claim no one should ever drown, stay there for 24 to 36 hours and see how you do. Just to make it even more accurate choose a stormy day to do it. It should be no problem since you know more about it than anyone else and have claimed no one should drown.
  12. No, he's Haitian, please do read the linked article before commenting. They are not sending the Minister of Immigration, who is Somalian. This person is an entirely different person. What I find interesting in the article is what is not explicitly said. That is, and it's quite obvious, that the Liberals are now engaging in a furious damage control exercise. It appears that what most sensible people could clearly see is now finally dawning on the Liberals. That is that virtue signalling and self righteous attitudes can have entirely predictable and harmfull effects. Sadly our PM is just not smart enough to see that himself.
  13. That's not entirely true, different humans have different densities. A person with more fat will float easier than a person who has less fat. Combine this with the fact that our bodies consist mostly of water and thus are pretty close to the density of water and it becomes easy to see why some people do not float naturally. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/muscle-versus-fat/
  14. Under Trudeau it takes less years than it used to. I'm wondering if he'll try to reduce the waiting period even further.
  15. It doesn't matter if you strongly disagree, what taxme said is true. Your disagreement doesn't change the fact that they're illegal migrants crossing the border in an illegal manner. That's just a fact. Your strong disagreement doesn't change the fact that the US is considered to be a safe country, that's also a fact. Your strong disagreement also does not change the fact that they aren't refugees. You can disagree until the cows come home and it wont change these facts.
  16. Don't forget the not answering legitimate questions part. Just ignore the questions he cant answer and toss an unfounded insult instead, just part of his modus operandi.
  17. The weather isn't too great today. I'm wondering if I should start my new project, a small 10x10 deck that I can put a pop up gazebo on and use as an outside workshop for my bikes. I think I'll get started on it anyway and see what I can get done before it gets too nasty out. See ya later.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. drummindiver
    3. AngusThermopyle


      You're so funny hot enough...well...not really. More like sad and pathetic. so, what do you suggest? That I do nothing but sit at a computer ranting about conspiracies and manufacturing outrage about nebulous and far removed atrocities to no practical effect at all? That'll help sort out everything wont it.

  18. Maybe yes, but also maybe no. we'll have to wait and see I suppose. Personally I don't think it'll be too long before we are treated to some awesome Haitian gangs, much like the way our Somali's have enriched and strengthened our culture with their super cool gangs.
  19. I'm not the least bit surprised that you ignore a valid question because you can't answer it, as usual. Back of the bus for you, the short bus.
  20. Oh, how nice. And this has what to do with Canada? How does this justify illegal immigrants? How does this justify draining Canadian resources for people who should be going home instead of looking for a free ride in Canada?
  21. They're not refugee's. Why is it so hard for people to comprehend that fact?
  22. As I said, they're not refugee's. They're Haitians who were moved to the US after the big quake. Now they're supposed to be going home and they don't want to go. That's why they're coming here. It has nothing to do with your delusional rants about country destroying etc, etc.
  23. It should be noted that these are not refugee's. They're illegal immigrants, big difference. These people are coming here because they don't want to go back to Haiti, not because they're persecuted, fear for their lives etc. They do not bring anything of benefit to Canada and will be a drain on our economy. However, they will benefit the Liberals when they vote for them, this is blatant self serving behavior by our government as they place their well being above that of Canadian citizens. Trudeau is repeatedly showing himself to be a self serving egotistical amateur playing at being PM. He truly is a terrible choice for the position.
  24. I wonder how much it cost to cover their ass for the dirt path and piece of rope that were there before he built the stairs?
  25. And that is what puts the stinky topping on this whole stinky deal. The whole thing was done in an underhanded deceitfull way from the go, but this is just discracefull. He made a big mistake here, a stupid mistake and it will cost him. There's already a huge degree of outrage about this but the deliberate circumventing of the rights of the two American parties involved shows him to be malicious and a liar(we already knew he was a liar but this just cements that reputation even more firmly). How any decent person can support the manner in which this was done baffles me. It really does look like he cares more for terrorists than for average normal Western people.
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