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Everything posted by AngusThermopyle

  1. I believe you overstate the authors position when you say she is against change. My take on this is that the author is against change for the sake of change. It appears to me that she is against change that is useless or detrimental. Not against change as such when shown or proven to be beneficial. She raises some very good points. I did read the entire thing, perhaps you should too.
  2. All Is Lost is a great movie. Redford shows how its done. For the duration of the entire movie he only speaks once (actually yells) yet he manages to convey feeling and emotion without having to speak. As I said, he shows how it s done, and done properly.
  3. Thanks for providing that, I couldn't be bothered looking for it. Yep, that's it. Ship em all back to Germany. Nice guy you are.
  4. Actually yes we did. I remember reading that and thinking the person who said it deserved to have his ass kicked. So, yes, that was said. No lie at all. Perhaps before accusing others of telling lies you should actually know what you're talking about.
  5. Oh socialist! You are just so brilliant and witty! Did it ever enter your mind to check when Moonbox joined as opposed to when you joined? Once again you display your unparalleled grasp of inanity and idiocy. Well done!
  6. Really socialist, show a little respect. They're educators, not teachers.
  7. Just a random act dont cha know. Number 24,633 since 911, just random.
  8. Execute all the F'ers, Wrap them in pig skins and hang them from trees. No paradise, no Allah and no 78 year old virgin for them.
  9. You obviously missed the thread started by Topaz about Harper's singing.
  10. Getting Down To Business, Randy Bauman. Sorry, cant seem to find the video.
  11. Wynne values power and nothing else. You should educate yourself. Maybe keep up with the times.
  12. Just imagine the fuss if he'd sung American Female by The Guess What.
  13. I see, so you're saying she isn't smart enough to grasp the intricate web of deceit and lies involved in scamming Ontarian's.
  14. Yep. I don't think even Sony cares what Randy Bauman has to say. I'm especially sure that Randy Bachman doesn't give a rats ass what some guy called Randy Bauman has to say about it. Whats really interesting is that this guy is one of Canada's great rockers and none of you guys even know his name.
  15. It would be a sign of good faith if they at least got rid of the debt retirement charge. You know, that added cost that was actually paid off years ago but they continue to collect. That one. Any person or business that did such a thing would be charged with fraud at the very least. Not these crooks though, they just happily continue taking what isn't rightfully theirs.
  16. I don't think it matters or anyone cares what "Randy Bauman" thinks or says about him singing it.
  17. The truth is that Socialist doesn't give a rats ass about anything but trying to grab more of other peoples money.
  18. It might just cause them to engage the brain before spouting off on a public medium. Lots of young macho guys in the Forces who don't spout off publicly.
  19. The latest research shows that Turbines are decimating bat populations. These things are quite the destroyers apparently.
  20. This is an interesting read. Apparently it was posted on the online version of the Ferguson paper but deleted shortly after. Is it legit? Couldn't tell you. As I said though, an interesting read.
  21. What I see is that the comments made were not aimed personally at you. Your response...well...
  22. Yep, they raided the fund for 300 million and are also just over half a billion behind their projection for deficit reduction. In other words before raiding the fund they were over 3/4 billion behind their projection. Still, that's not too bad. With these guys a billion here and a billion there is the usual way they operate. That last, of course, is an example of sarcasm. So who thinks we'll ever see an end to the dept retirement charge on our Hydro bills? Oh wait! We actually already did years ago. They just continued it because its a convenient way to collect more money to blow. Wait till you guys see the final tab on the useless Pan Scam games, it'll be a doozy.
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