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Everything posted by AngusThermopyle

  1. Progressive? So blatantly buying votes at the tax payers expense is now considered to be a progressive attribute?
  2. If by strong progressive agenda you mean totally dishonest and corrupt agenda then you are 100% correct.
  3. Oh my, sorry I didn't snap to and do your bidding in a timely fashion you approve of. It may come as a surprise to you but not everyone lives on these boards. Some people don't even visit this site everyday, or check every thread or notification. In future I'll try to conduct my thread browsing in a manner you'll approve of...not. So here's your acknowledgement. It was information I received and based on my experience from when I work overtime and see a comparable amount disappear from my cheque it seemed reasonable. Happy now? Any more imperious demands you wish to have fulfilled? If so, I'm sure you know where they can go.
  4. A railroad job, he's not in court because he did nothing to try him on. Now they're hoping it'll just go away. Disgraceful conduct, and not on the Admirals part. Correct about Sajjan, again.
  5. Now that's odd. My reply to Rue in the Islamophobia thread appears to have disappeared. Is there something wrong with showing a character from an old movie? You know, Fu-Manchu, a very popular character from past international espionage and intrigue type movies. Is MLW now so sensitive that old movies will be banned? What gives?

  6. No it's not. It's simply illustrating the oldest ploy in the political arsenal of weapons. The good old divide and conquer. It's been around forever, I'm surprised you didn't know that.
  7. Okay, how about some facts in this discussion then. Here's a fact. Using the CRA tax calculator and plugging the new wage in shows that an employee will make an additional $104 per week. After taxes they will take home an extra $51.97 a week. The government will take an extra $52.03 a week. The government is getting a better raise than the employee. So, how far do you think that extra $51.97 a week will go as prices rise to compensate for the wage increase. Do you honestly think this raise will be impetus behind what many erroneously call "a living wage"? Do you believe it will create a "living wage"? The only real Wynner here is the Ontario Liberal party. They buy votes, increase revenue and also create a platform for lots of virtue signalling and self righteous sermonizing. They're playing people for suckers and the suckers are eagerly gobbling it up.
  8. Well nice of you to focus on just one single example, but then if that's all you've got then that's all you've got. So let's address that shall we. Yes, I do think using your position and power to benefit is very serious. I'd say it transcends racism as it is colour blind and takes as much advantage of people of colour as it does any one else. It's not just a simple case of racism, it's a case of screw everyone, no matter their colour.
  9. So she's pissed about being booted, and at this time we don't know if she's telling the truth or not, as mentioned it's still he said, she said. What I find notable is that at least Scheer takes action, Trudeau on the other hand absolutely refuses to do the same when his people make far more egregious gaffs. You know, Mourneau, Monseff, Hehr etc. All of them should have been given the boot yet Trudeau refuses to do what he should. That to me shows a contrast between the two men, and it's a contrast that further makes Trudeau look even worse than he already does.
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. OftenWrong


      Exactly Hal, this is just more nonsense from the hypersensitive left. The kid wearing the shirt didn't care. Leave him alone. He's allowed to wear the damned monkey shirt.

    3. ?Impact


      The kid may not have cared, because he might not be aware of the history and was paid to wear the shirt for the photo shoot. The company however is an International company and should have been aware of the situation.

    4. OftenWrong


      Sure ?Impact, I know what you man but then again I would not have been triggered by the picture if I saw it without all this media attention it's getting. We have a little nephew who is 5 years old, my wife sometimes calls him "my little monkey". No one takes offence. Although, we are not black. I don't see what difference it makes. Just my opinion.

      Drawing conclusion from this- black boys and girls are not permitted to wear shirts with monkey references on them. Only white kids are.

  10. I've been wondering about the common interests myself. we'll never know, Trudeau is the most secretive PM Canada has seen so far. He lies more frequently than he changes his cute little kiddie socks. This is a shot of the good chums sharing their mutual interests. Too bad he couldn't find time to meet with the families of the Canadians who were beheaded by terrorists. I guess they had nothing in common with him.
  11. Trudeau's political compass isn't just wonky, it doesn't exist. The examples are so numerous that it's hard to keep track after just two years. The next big slap in the face for him is the picture circulating currently of him and his brother wearing sweaters mocking the last supper while they laugh uproariously. The question some will ask is, when was the picture taken. In reality it doesn't matter, in politics optics is everything. The guy is truly clueless, he's worse than a dim witted high school kid.
  12. Oh my! And the hits just dont stop coming. This one is for everyone who screeched in mock outrage about McKay's fishing trips on a forces helo.


  13. This is just a personal observation but I've noticed that you do try to shut down discussion when you don't like what's being said. Perhaps you don't notice yourself doing so, but it is quite obvious. Sadly I have to disagree with you. I feel the poster should be able to say whatever he wishes. That's just me though, I don't agree with restricting free speech for those I disagree with.
  14. So far I've been impressed with what I've seen of Scheer during question period. Trudeau is constantly outclassed by Scheer, to the point where he has that deer in the headlights look about him every time Scheer questions him. Singh doesn't impress me, especially since his bizarre rant about having better hair than Trudeau. That one did it for me, he should never have stooped to such vane childishness. He basically placed himself on the same stupid and shallow level as that currently occupied by Trudeau. As for May, well there's nothing I've seen so far from her that gives me any reason to consider her at all. That's not even counting her demented Khadr outburst.
  15. New forum rule. Just delete anything you don't like or disagree with. It makes discussion so much easier that way.

    1. ?Impact


      I don't like that rule, how can I delete it?

    2. Argus


      Just put her on ignore and poof, no more problems.

  16. Only real men play soccer, and this video is indisputable proof of that.
  17. Only real men play soccer, and this video is indisputable proof of that.
  18. Not to mention that when she says she'll put two covers in the system I think she means water tight covers. Perhaps I misunderstood what she was saying but if I didn't then those covers would introduce large amounts of friction to the system. That's on top of the friction already present, and also the negative bouyancy effects.
  19. Interestingly this scenario is quite similar to the one that existed when we built our last Frigates. At that time it was the Germans who proposed that we buy their Meko class Frigates. The big difference was that those ships would be built in Germany as opposed to Canada. So that was a no go right there. The Meko's were very good ships and we would have saved a lot of money if we had purchased them, but that wouldn't have helped our ship building industries at all. In this case most would be built in Canada so we'd benefit from the job creation aspect of this plan.
  20. A new proposal to replace our aging Frigates has emerged from a French/Italian consortium. The government has said that the cost to replace these ships has risen to $60 billion now. This proposal would reduce that cost by $32 billion and also provide plenty of good jobs for Canadian workers for years to come. Given that the ships will fit our requirements, and they should as they're a very highly regarded class it would appear to be a no brainer. The only downside would be that the Irving's would lose out on that extra $32 billion. http://nationalpost.com/news/french-italian-consortium-offers-canada-a-deal-on-a-new-fleet-of-frigates-that-could-save-32-billion#comments-area
  21. He'll scrap Wynne's questionable cap and trade scheme. He'll impose a Carbon Tax because Trudeau has said that if he doesn't then he will. I'd rather take my chances with Brown's Carbon Tax than anything Trudeau can dream up.
  22. Ooh! Cool, a dope fiend Apocalypse. They could call it The Walking Head.
  23. So many stereotypes in what you posted. where to start? Well first, substances sneaking in. Did you know that upon inspection it was found that one of the new government approved grow ops was using carcinogenic pesticides on the weed they were growing for public sale? As opposed to this many private growers insist on safe and organic growing methods as they've been proven to provide the best results and yields. shady characters in an alley. Once again a reefer madness style stereotype. The fact is that Cannabis is firmly entrenched in our society and the users and sellers cross all demographics. As for the black market fading out, wrong. In fact it looks like it will remain as robust as ever. Have you heard about the planned taxes on sales? Estimates show that what's proposed in taxes could add up to 50% to the current street cost. It'll be just like overtaxed tobacco, a thriving black market will continue. As for Wynne winning again. Who in their right mind would wish that corrupt lying catastrophe on anyone?
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