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Moonlight Graham

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Moonlight Graham last won the day on July 25 2024

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  1. Well I don't like the post-Obama Democrats either.
  2. Depends how much you like authoritarian dictators with a cult of personality.
  3. He's a dictator. Congrats to his moronic supporters.
  4. Cmon dude this is just hateful.
  5. Conservatives are more charitable than progressives. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0049089X21000752
  6. Jesus wanted people to give money to the poor and be charitable. He never said there should be government people with guns forcing people to give their money or else violence and bars. I think socialism, when its fair and reasonable in modest amounts, is moral, but it is theft.
  7. The loyalists defended the King's realm, they didn't run to America when things got tough. Till the last man.
  8. Trump wants to drill baby drill and has removed the US future move to all-EVs. I assume Musk doesn't like that. Guess he doesn't have as much pull as we thought.
  9. The only thing this government has been defending for 9 years is Justin's image. Its a party of hyper-sensitive wimps and losers who lay on their backs to show their bellythe moment they think someone might get offended. Anyone who thinks like this is a loser. That's a lot of the left now unfortunately, trying to turn everyone everyone into simps like them. Now the party is getting a makeover from some equally wealthy Goldman Sachs schmuck who loves taking credit for our recession recovery that had nothing to do with him and everything to do with Alberta sitting on gobs of oil when global prices had skyrocketed. Another crowned prince for the Liberals to delude themselves over.
  10. The US and Canada and every other western or economically developed country can only grow in population via immigration. Otherwise they'll shrink.
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