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Status Updates posted by BC_chick

  1. Burning a mosque or talking crap on the internet I sorta get, but beating up a mom going to pick up her kids just makes me sick to my stomach.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BC_chick


      Yes Boges, I think burning an empty building where a bunch of faceless people go is better than beating up an innocent woman who is going to pick up her kids.

    3. Boges


      How do you know the arsonist took into consideration if the building was empty or not?

    4. BC_chick


      Because of the time of day it took place.

  2. Apparently when Aussies want to insult one another they call them Canadian.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. BC_chick


      Yay, we're totally irrelevant after all.

    3. kimmy


      This thread is totally Texas!

  3. Seems a lot of people here today need to work on their 4-7-8 breathing techniques.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BC_chick


      Everyone can benefit from it.

    3. BC_chick


      More at Dr. Weil.

    4. Big Guy

      Big Guy

      Should only be attempted in safe conditions. Tried it to-day and fell asleep on the toilet.

  4. Thank you October 19th.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BC_chick


      You're right overthere, I really need to work on my objectivity. I aspire to be as open-minded as you and other CPC lovers. I have no idea how you continue to be so open to new ideas and different people. Kudos to you.

    3. overthere


      Gee I've touched a nerve.


      But sweriously, do you feel you have the tools to objectively assess Trudeaus performance now or ever?

    4. BC_chick


      I'm working on it, I love reading your posts for guidance. You are such a beacon of impartiality.

  5. We didn't have a ski season last year, followed by a drought over the summer and now it's 20 degrees at the end of October.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Boges


      JT will fix it.

    3. BC_chick


      Definitely. With his hair. Err, I mean heir.

  6. The only reason 24 Sussex didn't get fixed up while Harper was there was because he didn't want to move out for the 12-15 months it would take to do the repairs. I'm guessing he felt anything else is beneath him.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Smallc


      The story also said they could have moved across the street, into this: http://www.ncc-ccn.gc.ca/places-to-visit/official-residences/7-rideau-gate

    3. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      Didn't the article also say the mansion had 34 rooms? Whoever the heck built it 150 years ago wasn't a "man of the people" lol.

    4. Smallc


      lol, probably not. I'm actually surprised it's so large. The little bit you can see of it, it seems far more modest than that.

  7. I'm so tired of seeing Trudeau's gaping mouth in 4 out of every 5 pics where he's rallying. I can't believe the staffers haven't trained him yet not to do that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sharkman


      Come on, he's just a substitute teacher after all.

    3. waldo


      rise above the superficial... and no, that Chretien impairment was not the result of a stroke.

    4. overthere


      Yes, it terrifies me too to see Trudeau opening his mouth.

      Something seriously damaging to our country is sure to follow.

  8. When it comes to ridiculous fear-mongering, who wore it best - the 'soldiers on the street campaign' or 'brothels in your neighbourhoods'?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hydraboss


      Thank gawd it's not "Soldiers in Your Brothels".

      Now THAT would just be wrong.

    3. BC_chick


      LOL, that could be NDP's campaign.

  9. Bet the shredders are working OT this weekend at KPMG

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. kimmy


      Hardly a first for KPMG.

    3. ReeferMadness


      wow, msj. There's an industry slogan. We're not (quite) as bad as banking. :)

    4. msj


      Honestly, Canadians have no idea how corrupt our system is on an ordinary everyday level.

  10. I have yet to see one sign from my riding's LPC candidate.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BC_chick


      No, Squid is on Vancouver Island, I'm in Metro Van in the burbs...

    3. -1=e^ipi


      Some drunks randomly put an NDP sign on my lawn overnight.

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      I'm surprised at the number of ABH signs that are sprouting up lately.

  11. Shame on JT for his support of C-51. I hope he ends up with even less than 34 seats.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Boges


      Shows how JT doesn't really take a solid stand on much. I support this . . . but. He's going to get squeezed from both sides this coming election.

    3. overthere


      He supports it, but doesn't support it. Gotcha.

    4. Big Guy

      Big Guy

      A majority party tables an omnibus bill to remove mothers day and increase taxes on apple pie and fund our military in time of war. The opposition sees the need to fund our troops, the government will not split the bill and the opposition votes to pass the whole bill. The opposition is then obviously against motherhood and apple pie.

  12. Boeing thread and it's the only one I lurk. Come on WWWTT where is it?!?!

    1. WWWTT


      Very strange case BC_chick. I believe it is safe to say that at this point, something very very odd did happen.

  13. Cool, I like the Quote-notification feature.

  14. A long time ago another great man was born on this day. Happy birthday Justin Trudeau. ;)

    1. Shady
    2. Argus


      He things he's as entitled as Jesus anyway.

    3. BC_chick


      Well, they're both sons of gods. ;) Or so they "thing"...

  15. Yeah, let's pack four-PM's en-route to an important funeral and take pics of them laughing their faces off. How tacky was that?

    1. GostHacked


      Let's hope the plane does not have warddrobe malfuntion.

    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      And let's hope they didn't take ans "selfies"

  16. I'm liking JT more and more every day. 2015, where art thou?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. BubberMiley


      No more off the wall than Rhode Island and California having the same representation in the Senate.

    3. scribblet


      Not 'bashing' JT, just concerned about his concern about Quebec. We do know that any attempt to change the Senate if it doesn't favour Quebec will be blocked of course.

      This shows that JT cares more about Quebec than maybe it appropriate. If we keep the Senate, it should be Equal and Elected... no favouring Quebec with extra seats.

    4. Smallc


      The Canadian Senate was not set up to balance the provinces, but the regions. That's the difference.

  17. It's so funny seeing conservatives get so worked up over JT. I can almost see the froth through the computer screen.

    1. The_Squid


      It's very amusing. Especially the BS about his inexperience when our PM has been a professional politician.

    2. Pliny


      Major objective achieved. Good government rates somewhere down below tax the rich in importance.

  18. The forecast for the lower mainland calls for sun sun sun. 17 degrees tomorrow. Bike ride to the beach may be in order.

    1. The_Squid


      Nice! The Island is nice too!

  19. Oh thank goodness I got the daily weather update from American Woman. The suspense was killing me.

  20. I was here when socialist admitted he's Mr. Canada, as well as Right Wing, QWERTY and several others which he said still post here. He said he 'loves' all the attention he gets and enjoys getting under people's skin. He quickly removed the status update. Do not feed the troll.

    1. WWWTT


      I just read a comment made by socialist on Shady's status update and he does sound like Merlin.Both characters have similar sounding pleas.And would notoriously write comments that are uncharacteristic of their style.

  21. My city breaks down at the sight of a snowflake. What kind of Canadians are we?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sharkman


      I just heard at supper that they closed the brand new Port Mann bridge! Reason? Ice chunks falling from the big cables and damaging cars.

    3. The_Squid



      Every time it snows 3+ inches the trans Canada highway will be shut down cuz of the 3 billion dollar piece of crap bridge!

    4. BC_chick


      The bridge is a piece of crap? Them's fighting words. I'd like to think of it as a little token of appreciation for the folks willing to live waaaay out there.

  22. Aspen, Seattle... or Amsterdam?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The_Squid
    3. cybercoma


      Better go to Amsterdam. Federal law still makes pot illegal in Seattle and Aspen.

    4. DogOnPorch


      Marijuana is also illegal in Holland...but tolerated in Amsterdam.

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