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Everything posted by myata

  1. The astounding moral and intellectual decay: decomposition of the integrity of cult converts cannot be shrugged away with some jokes. It's a grave development that can have serious and far reaching consequences.
  2. Anyone with a grain of intelligence left (brain dead don't need to be disturbed): can ask a simple question: why, who tells a brutal, violent criminal upfront that they can get away with what they wanted, and with complete impunity? In the normal world, it has zero sense, from any perspective, moral, ethical, rational. Because this is nothing like normal. It shows a chasm of moral degradation the cult has descended in a very short, in human not even history time and keeps going down and down, blindly and blissfully. The lying buffoon who is also a patented coward and egomaniac knows very well that he won't do anything to Putin; and Vlad knows that too, whether he has a screw in the buffoon or the admiration is pure and genuine (one way too; Vlad and his KGB buddies mock and despise Western useful !diots). His only chance to show some "achievement" satisfying his limitless ego is to press and coerce the victim. And so he's telling to Vlad, open text. There's nothing more to add here. However it ends, the Republicans can have no claims, no squeaking excuses that they didn't know what he is, and what he would do. The responsibility, shame and stink are as solid and square here as were and will ever be; and they will last for the perpetuity, as long as the memory and history persists.
  3. It can be more than that: way more. Divided, the free world will fall to the new axis of brutal dictatorships. It would be the Dark Age unlike any other in history because they learned how to rule forever with unprecedented oppression and terror: as demonstrated repeatedly. That's what they are putting their shaking finger to. And not a squeak that they didn't know.
  4. It won't return cult converts to sanity most are way beyond that, but they could not claim they didn't know. Yes they knew and they chose it. Joint naval exercises China, Russia, Iran.
  5. The bandit gets what they wanted, and goes free, with impunity. "Nothing nefarious". The cult will destroy you entirely, until nothing: not a grain of dignity; principles; honor and reason is left. It will consume you whole and there will be no complains or explanations this time because they chose it.
  6. And when you're up against Russia, China and Iran on your doorstep, who will stand with you? It'll stick, you know.
  7. Well they cannot say they didn't know. There wasn't a strong reason to go insane this time. It would be nothing like the last time.
  8. And what if Haiti will end up governing Canada? Like who gave any guarantees? Sounds fun, waking up each morning or almost, to a machine gun firefight.
  9. The bond contract with Chubb’s Federal Insurance Co. was signed by Trump earlier this week. It's a subsidiary of the Chubb group that has an office in Russia
  10. When people create their own mental reality, via indoctrination, propaganda or to escape the reality returning them back can be not just steep but insurmountable task. It can and literally took generations.
  11. What a load of bullshit: just give it all to psycho bandits and hope they'll leave you in peace. Or now that they see that you're weak they'll come for more. Every time. Which one would it be? Guess. Centuries, millennia of memories, expeience: all for nothing. Yes it's possible: just look.
  12. There's more to the point. Humans like and need collective, psychic ceremonies and rituals since the unknown beginnings. Shamans, druids, Stownhedge, pharaohs and priests you name it, something in the great ape genes. When you see Krishna dance it serves that call and it's OK. But if and when, the moment it ventures further and begins to claim the privilege or dictate of morality, it gets it all wrong, very wrong: inquisition, witch hunts, Galileo, Hitler's pope, minor abuse, abortion and again, whole bloody h..ll breaking out. There's no avoiding a sound rational conclusion from this long chain of facts: no; they don't have a clue. Old men in a gilded chair have it all wrong, yet again. One could hope for a heavenly miracle but not this time, nope. And so, you should use your own clear mind; your conscience and your moral judgement. Never question it because of something an old man in a chair said.
  13. In the times of WWII the top establishment of the Catholic church was ambivalent on Nazis and their crimes. Past decades and generations, history books and discussions and lo: another brand of fascism is rising in Europe; it is as aggressive, bloodthirsty and inhumane. And the Pope is calling for a ceasefire and negotiations. With Hitler: seek a compromise understanding and a peaceful resolution. How can moral blindness, total, absolute ignorance of such magnitude, repeatedly, twice in a row, be explained by an institution claiming itself to be a moral compass of the humanity? There's one answer that is both simple and explanatory: the opaque, ultimately hierarchical institutions that is a relic of the ages and forms of organization long past are also the ones that are most likely to misconstrue the reality and produce wrong assessments of it. Even repeatedly, in a row. Even in cases as black and white as can possibly be. This is a fact now: the history. Anyone with a functional mind cannot ignore it.
  14. Irresponsible populism paves the way to authoritarianism.
  15. There's no road back with the entropy, it's a one-way street. Only if via a disruption event.
  16. I'll comment only once here, this is quite characteristic of the rising loudmouth populism headed by none else but a pathologically lying buffoon. We are free of any responsibility for anything we do, while you're to blame for all that is happening. This level of mentality of course is nowhere near sufficient to face and overcome increasingly complex challenges of this time. So the outcome of this adventure is very well known if and long before it begins.
  17. Why do you think it's more important? While I contend that the partisan, binary political system generally exacerbates and encourages move to the extreme ends of the spectrum, Democrats have not yet threatened the foundations of the free market system, so "left" is really a stretch or misnomer here. On the other hand, not only selected individuals but a large group that is taking over the Republican party, has quite openly been playing into the hands of totalitarian dictators like Putin; and hinting not once of doing away with NATO just at this time. If the new axis of totalitarian tyrants is on the America's doorstep while it willingly undermined and destroyed the alliances built by generations, what would be the higher priority, and a threat?
  18. Surprising here is not the outcome, it happened in history and not once. But the ease with which it has happened. Why? The binary political system naturally drives different groups and cliques together: the primary goal is not to advance certain view and agenda in the interests of the society but to win and rule, in the interests, mostly, of itself. Around it there's a cloud of words, postures and performances but it changes little in the essence. So in my understanding of it, the Republican party has and had for a while at least these groups in it: 1. The angry populists 2. The political establishment 3. and hopefully, the Constitutional fraction that respects the values and claims of freedom and democracy. The first group was always there and kept forming projects and caucuses: Tea Party, Freedom (ironically) caucus, and others throughout history. Revealing these days is that the establishment part really had no foundation, principles: it would undersign anything and anyone that would give them a chance to win. That of course was the cause of its own demise: they needed populist loudmouths like Trump; came to depend on them to guide them to the power, having created and sustained no viable alternatives to this course. But trumps, they do not need them, because they can talk to their cults directly. Never thought it could happen. Oh well. But what puzzles me really is the third group. In all of this, it has never come into the public view. Never attempted to form a consistent position, and message to the public. No known even informal groups common to the other side. Why? Sure we heard names but those are individuals, Chaney, Haley. But from the perspective of the outside world, it appears as the sane, Constitutional and principled wing of GOP just doesn't exist. A paradox? I have no explanation. And so, in the time of uncertainty as the voice of a charismatic populist is amplified by the first faction and the second simply folds in, there's nothing left to stop the rising tide of populism. That was easy.
  19. The lying buffoon's pet aka the House majority leader Johnson has been playing directly into the hands of the bloodthirsty totalitarian dictator Putin. This is factual and objective and one cannot see it any other way. This is how it will go into the history. To be fair, in his geriatric fits of extreme caution Biden hasn't done everything necessary to ensure Putin's defeat. When you aren't doing all that is necessary for the success, you contribute to the likelihood of a failure. This how it works in this world. Great postures and wise words will count for nothing, Joe.
  20. Well, insights into an egomaniac's mind can be complicated but there can be little doubt of the outcome: Vlad is a "savvy genius". That's your bloodthirsty totalitarian thug who invades neighbors on a whim and kills his political opponents. Blind wouldn't see it of course, and a brain dead couldn't comprehend.
  21. I'm all for the responsible to be held to account. But f-ing lying hypocrites here crying and wallowing because of alleged virus interference and absolutely not noticing, ignoring point blank a gang of criminal dictator thugs driving the world into an abysmal war - or submission to them. All because some lying buffoon told them so. Do you believe that they are seriously concerned here? Genuinely? Not a single chance: they would just ignore filter out the part of the reality that wouldn't fit into their dogma.
  22. Bah what is it? I meant the other members here. You can try 'asking' them yourself.
  23. The question was very simple: is Vlad of Russia or Un of North Korea a genius or/and very honorable individual. Would you like to try it yourself?
  24. You don't think and you exist?!
  25. The totalitarian dictator thug Vlad Putin severely miscalculated starting his three day "special operation". By now Ukraine's resistance has severely depleted Russia's Black Sea fleet, including sinking of the flag cruiser, several large ships and over a third of the total fleet overall. Just yesterday, yet another "advanced" Russia vessel had an unexpected rendez-vous with the sea bottom. These days Vlad desperately needs to replenish his quickly eroding force. Except he cannot do that because Turkey has closed the Bosphorus Strait to the belligerents that includes, obviously, Putin's Russia. Turkey is also an active member of NATO: see the problem for Vlad? So he has been looking for help, quite desperately. Anyone? Anywhere? Well there's still hope for Vlad. The first option is to force Ukraine to accept some deal, on Vlad's terms how else. And the second, to do away with the NATO itself. And guess who, and where has been squeaking from his lying buffoon's mouth at the top of his lungs on both topics: almost exactly to the tune that Vlad wants to hear and itching and scratching to see? No: you won't get away with simplicity or naivete this time around. Not even retardation, this time. Helping the rising tide, axis of brutal dictatorships in the world around is exactly what you're putting your fingers to. And this is exactly how the history will know you. Yes, you knew.
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