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Everything posted by myata

  1. When and if hitler is advancing it's time for a "peace" treaty. Sure, tried. Did it bring "peace"? But facts, memory, experience matter nothing to dead brains. How could they? Not possible.
  2. The dictators already know that the buffoon does nothing but running away from any real confrontation with them. They'll play and push him to the very edge, till he gives them everything they want, and then more. "Tough", in his wet dreams and bullshit talks only. A scary moment for the world's most powerful democracy, till present. Might doesn't mean much without the reason, resolve and will.
  3. Brain-dead bullshit and what else? How else can one ignore obvious, immediately visible reality glaring in one's face? Brain-dead bullshit does the trick, always, 100% success.
  4. Watch it live: dead brain discourse can be aggressive too. Driven by dead energy of course (not to be confused with the dark one), what else.
  5. Russians are on a direct mental link with a brain-dead expert. Dead wave buzz, non stop. All is lost, run!
  6. Sure he can boast again. That's the only thing he does, and reasonably well after all, what could be the problem?
  7. Trump was elected in 2016. Putin started his first war against Ukraine in 2014. The buffoon did not end it. Syria: withdrew U.S. troops supporting opposition to Putin's ally dictator Asad. Flirting with totalitarian tyrant Un ended in a fruitless fiasco. Engineered Western coalition withdrawal from Afghanistan (with a contribution by Joe's catastrophic planning). Repeatedly promised to, and undermined NATO. Promised, if elected, to help totalitarian aggressive maniac Vlad Putin. That would be quite a complete picture, wouldn't it? "Tough", "will end wars"? Only by running away whenever and wherever possible. Not even a joke: just bullshit.
  8. This is a prime and complete illustration how it works: first, they turn off their brain, not the automatic functions maybe like feeding and breathing, but the thinking part. Eyes too. Then in the place of a thought (with alive, real people) they stick a coined phase, empty words a placebo with zero meaning. "Negotiate" with a psycho. "Ceasefire" with a hitler. No thought, nor checks with reality is possible. Just keep shoveling it and hope that a million of sh*tloads of zero meaning could add to anything. Will it, could it? Of course not. A second-grader already knows.
  9. You have a valid point here and certainly, Liberals in the West played a big, real role in helping Vlad rise and eventually, through indecision and inaction, teased him to do something outrageous. He could have been stopped in the early 2000s, 2008 and 2014. All missed. Let's forget and reboot. But there's a difference between not doing all what is necessary and we as species are famous, possibly even champions of that; and the direct assistance, playing into the hands of the enemy. That difference cannot be erased by just words. This is what Trump and his clique up to these days: helping Vlad out of his conundrum. Helping him. Helping hitler of our days. That never happened before, make no mistake. And it will be remembered for a long, long time - if there will be memory.
  10. One cannot be this dumb, one has to walk, avoid obstacles after all. Brain, conscious dead would explain it though.
  11. The Republican leadership is openly playing into the hands of totalitarian thugs like Putin. Fait accompli. And his best buddies of course, North Korea, Iran and guess who? It is right in the plain sight. No you can't claim not seeing it or not understanding what's going on. And you'll go right in the history - if there will be one to write, for this. No you can't talk ahead while walking in the opposite direction. It won't fly, with the history. They want to smear you in their total degradation of integrity, morality and humanity, paint you in this betrayal so you won't let a squeak out whatever they do. This is exactly how it happened the last time. But now you knew. So, there will be no ways out, explanations and excuses. There will be no pretending it's only business as usual. Yes: you knew.
  12. "Ceasefire" with Hitler? What a pile of lying bullshit. Like what else could one come up with, with a dead brain?
  13. There's always someone at fault, with a psycho on a rampage. No they made him do it!
  14. MAGA lies of the buffoon's "toughness" aren't even dumb just plain ridiculous. He ran away from every single confrontation with a dictator thug Putin, Un, Assad. He fired Commander Mattis possibly because he kicked Putin's mercenaries asses. Only MAGA brain dead can believe absolute, utmost bullshit they are creating and then, eating happily, brainlessly. Vlad holds him by his balls and they both know it. Whole world has seen it. He isn't even hiding it. He'll jump and yap to Vlad's cue as a lapdog. Oh wait, already?
  15. Not sure if it's related but an individual of reason and integrity always has the choice. One is not compelled to participate in insanity. If you cannot or won't stand up to it, at least you can leave it, just not participate.
  16. They never learn because can't: something always gets in the way. This is exactly what most totalitarian dictators do at some point: really, no exception.
  17. A total degradation of integrity, reason and humanity. Make concessions and seek compromise with a murderous maniac. Maybe he wouldn't attack you again right away. Or maybe he will. They pretend to not understand what is it they are saying. Watch it live here.
  18. "Emperor Caligula made many bizarre decisions during his reign. Certainly one of them was declaring war on the god of the sea, Poseidon. He ordered his soldiers to go to the beach and stab the sea and waves with their swords and throw spears at them" "Negotiations" of the victim with a psycho bandit will solve this "conflict". You could ask, how could this happen to someone who called themselves intelligent? This is how: watch it live, here. Turn off their brains, pay no attention, don't comprehend what they are saying and the result: total degradation, decay of reason; integrity; and humanity. And they wouldn't even know it. So simple.
  19. A victim of an unprovoked brutal aggression needs to be "pressured to make concessions". Hear it. Watch the degradation, decay of: morality; humanity and consciousness in real time, live. Nobody made them. They just chose it.
  20. "Nothing nefarious" in assisting modern Hitler in his plans. Tacit enablers of modern hitlers - mindless and blind in their wild dance because hitlers sure like sunrise will come for them next. This what we're dealing with here: nothing, not a grain less.
  21. The astounding moral and intellectual decay: decomposition of the integrity of cult converts cannot be shrugged away with some jokes. It's a grave development that can have serious and far reaching consequences.
  22. Anyone with a grain of intelligence left (brain dead don't need to be disturbed): can ask a simple question: why, who tells a brutal, violent criminal upfront that they can get away with what they wanted, and with complete impunity? In the normal world, it has zero sense, from any perspective, moral, ethical, rational. Because this is nothing like normal. It shows a chasm of moral degradation the cult has descended in a very short, in human not even history time and keeps going down and down, blindly and blissfully. The lying buffoon who is also a patented coward and egomaniac knows very well that he won't do anything to Putin; and Vlad knows that too, whether he has a screw in the buffoon or the admiration is pure and genuine (one way too; Vlad and his KGB buddies mock and despise Western useful !diots). His only chance to show some "achievement" satisfying his limitless ego is to press and coerce the victim. And so he's telling to Vlad, open text. There's nothing more to add here. However it ends, the Republicans can have no claims, no squeaking excuses that they didn't know what he is, and what he would do. The responsibility, shame and stink are as solid and square here as were and will ever be; and they will last for the perpetuity, as long as the memory and history persists.
  23. It can be more than that: way more. Divided, the free world will fall to the new axis of brutal dictatorships. It would be the Dark Age unlike any other in history because they learned how to rule forever with unprecedented oppression and terror: as demonstrated repeatedly. That's what they are putting their shaking finger to. And not a squeak that they didn't know.
  24. It won't return cult converts to sanity most are way beyond that, but they could not claim they didn't know. Yes they knew and they chose it. Joint naval exercises China, Russia, Iran.
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