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Everything posted by myata

  1. In the beginning, the outset the deal was simple: citizens alertness, involvement and responsibility is the necessary condition, and a cornerstone of a working, functional democracy. Wise words were spoken, quotes cited and books written. It was never the free for all, no matter what you do or wouldn't, deal. Yet, one small thing came in the way: the entropy; the principle of laziness. Why spend energy and time, that can be spent in a more rewarding way; why read, think and analyze, make non-obvious and sometimes, difficult decisions it it runs and works already just by itself? The proverbial eternal motion, just like. From there, there's only three short (in the history scale) steps. First is the detachment of the political shell. Formally, it's still a democracy but it thinks, decides and runs itself. It doesn't need those little folk down below except as a source of fuel, the dough; and for the exaltation ritual, once so often. Then, the little folk notice that, the detachment. From its relative perspective it looks as the political elites departing away (from their lowly reality), but remember the original deal: no, nobody made you! And so it's growing disenfranchised; worried; angry and discontent. And that is already the soil, the basis. In the final step, comes in someone who can orchestrate the discontent to their advantage. The deal becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy: from lofty claims through laziness and irresponsibility to its opposite, the mobs cheering against and cursing it. And every step of the way, the majority was on board! Astounding, no? The only visible way out of this conundrum appears to be to make the democracy a constant, ongoing responsibility of the citizens. But that would be a tough sell on both sides. The elites that wouldn't want to part with the power and the privileges; and the population that wouldn't be seeking to take on the new duties. So, is the democracy doomed, from the outset?
  2. The Republicans in the House are already helping Putin, who's been repeating Hitler's mad and destructive quest step in the criminal step. Now, this is a direct and undeniable cause and effect result. The impact will go way beyond some petty political games as they want to position it: all the way to America's commitment, claim and tradition of supporting freedom. After such a betrayal, there would be no walking, no talking back, no explanations or valid reasons: only the fact. No one will be fooled by what it would mean: a turning moment. The history will record exactly how it happened. Every little name, and finger.
  3. Pretend to be a brainless !diot and see what happens. Why would he want to invade us, really? Never happened before!
  4. I'm curious how did the discussion go, when it was first brought in? Did anyone, just one, newbie and innocent say, look but can we really put this tax on it? Doesn't look like a service and someone would sure notice? And the wise and exalted ones, no look this is how we fund our great system (complete with your great salary, benefits and over-generous pension, infinitely) and our wise (and obedient) folk will sure understand and happily cheer for it. Just another joke, parody of democracy nobody seems to notice: pigs running their trough. What could go wrong? A jury, selection of citizens need to determine and set the pay of their representatives for a certain period, just like it's done in some sane countries: who else? Fair and realistic in the current reality of their country. It would be such a can of worms. Just don't fix it. Oh well. An essential addition here: of all stripes and colors, doesn't matter a bit. They are all in it because it pays for their entitlements, regardless of the color etc. Just ask them. How could it go wrong?
  5. It's a conscious and responsible decision. Yes: I will not object to scrapping it. The climate change is real but we have a bigger problem here now: governments. Governments in this country cannot, no longer capable of doing anything: a) intelligently and b) honestly so every undertaking results, and will result in a cash grab and some grossly overpriced mediocrity if not outright failure. The system has run itself for a while and now it's mostly running for itself. The laws on paper cannot cancel the entropy.
  6. The pet h-tes to pedal back because it would make him admit, including to himself, that he's only a little obedient pet of a bombastic lying buffoon. No plan, no principles zero independence and self-esteem, gone. Hardly an enviable place to find oneself in. But hey, it was entirely, 100% out of own, conscious and deliberate choice! You get what you choose, and the decent people will point at your example and the history will record you for who you were and what you did. All fair deal. Want to be like him? Find yourself in his shoes and in the eyes of the history? It's a choice. Nobody made you.
  7. To a complete loss of intelligence and conscience? That happens to the kids, allright.
  8. Makes me just as curious: can it be that pure, innocent lo.. OK, affinity. Of has to be there something more to it, real and physical?
  9. You stop fighting to defend yourself to defend yourself? This is just abracadabra, nonsense. You're going in circles only because the dogma does not let you admit the obvious, 100% solid and established fact: you have to stand up to Hitlers. There's no other way to remain who you are, and free.
  10. Here's what happening here: it's a contradiction between some notions of the right and decency you still have and the dogma that you cannot disobey (but chose yourself entirely voluntarily out of free will). The former tells you that you have to stand up to an aggressive, brutal bully: you know there are no other ways, really. But the buffoon dogma tells you that you cannot support those who dare to stand up. A contradiction. Cannot be reconciled by any number of deceitful and misleading words you're trying to pile. No you can't have it both ways: you stand up to a thug; or you cower to him. No other verbal ways. Simple, no?
  11. You mean you won't do that is necessary for it? That means, you would help making it happen. And that means helping Hitler of our time. How else can one read that: with objectivity, honesty and the right mind? No, there's no point going any further. You just said there can be no negotiations with Hitler and back again. Brain dead muzak, the reality does not exist. Sure. But that was your choice, remember. Nobody made you.
  12. So that has to be your honest answer. OK. Everything you say was done before, you can't tell anything new. France and Great Britain had many arms and thought it would deter. But the bully thought differently. Are you speaking, and thinking for him, the modern Hitler now? You don't force Hitler to stop. You don't stand up to modern Hitlers. Why couldn't you just say that? Why so many useless words while it's so easy to see where you're standing, and going?
  13. No you will not lie your way out here. This is not about the victim, but the thug, aggressive, brutal and murderous. Do you stand up and force them to stop, or against helping the victim, so that you may become the next one? All of this is already known, no new insights only about you. So, which one?
  14. "Respect" a murderous psycho for his bloody crimes, is this how you see it? All the bloody Russia propaganda points. Psycho on a shooting rampage because felt threatened by the shopping mall, just misunderstood. With that kind of brain, it's no puzzle now. A natural attraction.
  15. The proof: You use all of the force available and necessary to stop an aggressive thug on a murderous rampage against your neighbor: because if not stopped, next he'll come for you, or yours. Obviously. The same one, whom "the man" seems to admire, including publicly. By the way. Or, you are against assisting your neighbor to defend themselves, from the thug. The two cannot be true at the same time. Which one? Lying and wiggling won't work here. Respect Hitler and then he wouldn't invade you (maybe)? A lie. This is already proven by history. No lies will change the verdict.
  16. It's still mindboggling that in this age, with all the information at their fingertips and with no overwhelming reason like the debilitating recession last century, seemingly intelligent folks choose to turn their brains off, consciously and deliberately, and follow dumb, patently deceptive preachings a bombastic lying buffoon against all the facts and evidence from the reality. How do they get to it? What's the benefit, in mindless jumping and cheering? And they used to praise themselves on being critical and independent. Astounding. Just wow.
  17. And you aren't answering the question, squeezing out of it: which one is it when you're facing a brutal, aggressive bully bent on destroying all that you stood for: the force; or "don't agree"? Because it's not just "them", if the bully doesn't go anywhere, it's you who will be facing him next time. Can one be that naive to not get it by now? No, little chance. Just lying.
  18. You can lie to yourself, but not to the objective reality. "Negotiate", with who? With Hitler, negotiate? How do you negotiate with Hitlers? With an aggressive bloodthirsty alien, in what language would you like to "negotiate" and on what shared conceptual basis? They're weaker I'll eat them after or during negotiations. They're stronger they'll kick my ass and drive me out to rot and decay. What "negotiations" where do you see them, in this simple picture? This is how it worked last time with Hitler, but you forgot? No, one cannot be that naive. You're only lying. Trying to spit and glue together logical ends that just cannot stay, because they are the opposites.
  19. With his innocent trick of "holidays" the buffoon's pet has set the House to ignore the solemn date that whole world will ponder and talk about: February 24, the second anniversary of Putin's brutal invasion of Ukraine and the factual end of the post-WWII world order. The message could not be any clearer: it means nothing to him and his bunch. The one and only way to read it. Important to know and remember here one thing: it was a choice, free and deliberate. Nobody made them do this. And this is exactly how it will go into the history. If we will have one.
  20. Experimental journal: dead brain producing random vibrations! Astounding.
  21. So from one end of the mouth you talk about "force" and the other, blocking all assistance to those who actually stand up to the thug? That's called "true conservatism" these days?
  22. Isn't it interesting how Trump may be in fact, playing a positive role by bringing the Republicans to the point of the decision they had to make cycles and years ago: what is primary and paramount: the democracy; the principles; the integrity? Or worshiping any Idol in the hope to win at all cost: like in everything, dropping their entire self in the process. And this choice is right now - not in some foggy faraway. Yes it came fast but hey, you invited it by playing with it, hoping to gain some points with it and through it - remember? Just like it happened the last time. And now: just like the last time, it figured out that it doesn't really need you. That it can talk to the mob directly, and you'll cower to it, try to fit in, cheering and stomping; or be thrown out ruthlessly because the mob will not tolerate independence and principles. You've closed the path amazingly fast and now the choice is limited only to what will you do. You always have it, this choice. You are always responsible for your choices and their consequences. Nobody made you: you chose it. And the future will know.
  23. Brain dead refluxes, no comprehension needed or possible (because it would need living neurons, at least one). The nature is amazing.
  24. When why the allusion? What was the point of it? Yes world isn't perfect and democratic governments happen to abuse their powers. They need to be exposed and stopped, if and when they happen not years and decades after the fact, that is useless and ridiculous. But here we have a bloodthirsty violent thug on a murderous rampage and instead of doing everything possible to stop him - not out of charity even, just common sense because he won't stop on one victim obviously; we have these conservatives, nope lets freeze everything and chat about Trudeau. Who do you want to fool with these tricks? You are cheering for Putin and thugs like him by the act, and inaction more than by any words. The act and the deed, they speak everything.
  25. Time to close the experiment: the absolute zero of intelligence, only the dead brain harmonics. Yes, experimental fact now, write it in the journal.
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