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Status Updates posted by socialist

  1. Hearing stories of BC teachers having to beg for paper. Yes, you read correctly, paper. The assault on public education and democracy continues. And most of you are too naive to understand.

    1. Hal 9000

      Hal 9000

      Yes, there is an assault on public education. I didn't want to say it until the strike was over though. Suckers!!!

    2. Shady


      They should be moving to paperless anyways.

  2. I'm predicting an NDP victory in the next BC election.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WWWTT


      That's ways away

    3. Hal 9000

      Hal 9000

      The vote will be common sense Vs. emotion

  3. Has anyone here read Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      I suggest picking it up if you are having trouble sleeping.

  4. Waldo and I have had our battles, but we both admire the writings of Howard Zinn.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. scribblet


      why would he want to

    3. Argus


      Waldo doesn't wear shoes. He walks on water, don'tcha know.

    4. overthere


      Wally is exclusively a velcro shoe and sweatpants guy. Pragmatic, sensible and fair.

  5. Enjoying Labour Day? Thank a public sector union.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. socialist


      We wouldn't have weekends were it not for public sector unions.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. waldo


      I'm shocked at your doctrine, shocked I tells ya!

    3. socialist


      I guess you are out of your element with this debate.Here, I;ll give you another chance to save face. http://www.remappingedu.com/shockdoctrineinbced/

    4. sharkman


      The whole reason there's no deal is the gov is trying to get the union to abandon their court case against the gov. They've won 2 decisions, and the gov is on its last appeal. High stakes.

  6. Poll finds Public overwhelmingly support BCTF. Have a look waldo. http://bcfed.ca/new-poll-shows-support-for-teachers-still-strong-especially-among-parents/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. socialist


      How come you didn't respond to the last article, Shock Doctrine in BC? Curious why you avoid.

    3. socialist


      Waldo, what about the Shock Doctrine and BC? What did you think of that piece? Maybe you didn't comprehend it.

    4. socialist


      Waldo, I'm disappointed you can't respond to something when challenged. You use immature humor to evade.

  7. Public education in British Columbia: The rise of the shock doctrine or kindling for a shock-proof otherwise? http://www.remappingedu.com/shockdoctrineinbced/

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. waldo


      which side will 'blink' first, hey socialist?

    3. socialist


      The BCTF is being reasonable, waldo. Have you been following.

    4. socialist


      Waldo, you support the right wing liberal government in BC? What gives?

  8. Why we must stand up to Neo-Liberalism. Educate yourself here, Waldo. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/aug/05/neoliberalism-mental-health-rich-poverty-economy

    1. waldo


      stand up to it??? You couldn't even define it. It simply became a buzzword you 'liberally' threw around. It's pervasive - who you gonna call... ghostbusters?

    2. socialist


      Just admit you don't understand the concept destroying us. I told you to get off the pot long ago.

  9. Looking like a sizeable Liberal majority in 2015.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mighty AC

      Mighty AC

      Traditionally, the CPC polls the best when they are on summer break and not actually doing anything. These numbers have to be troubling for them. Socialist nailed the Ontario Liberal majority, when it looked unlikely, let's hope he's right about another Con loss.

    3. socialist


      I know more about politics than most. Justin will win easily. And Overthere, education is a provincial matter. Some people have no clue.

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      JT will be happy about the latest commitee findings with regard to NDP constituency offices. With that the NDP joins the CPC in the book fiddling biz. I hear just today Mackay is considering easing MJ laws so we can see the desperation.

  10. So I find out that a few of you are behind a conspiracy to have me permanently banned from here.

    1. The_Squid


      Name names....

      Or it never happened.

    2. overthere


      beware the one armed man

  11. I\m back. Bad news for those who feel threatened by me.

  12. Ontario teachers give BCTF brothers and sisters $1 million. Great show of solidarity. We know what we are up against. http://www.cknw.com/2014/06/19/ontario-teachers/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. socialist


      Solidarity is important, waldo. We stick up for each other regardless of region.

    3. socialist


      Waldo, you have plenty of wisdom, but you lack knowledge on public education and its importance. You're still on the pot.

    4. Argus


      In my experience a lot of teachers are on pot too.

  13. Food Banks being set up for BC teachers. And people think teachers are rich.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The_Squid


      Shady and I agree.... WTF???

    3. socialist


      What an ignorant comment by Angus. Unreal.

    4. The_Squid


      It is absolutely a PR stunt... no one is falling for it.

  14. The BC Liberals didn't even attempt to bargain this weekend. They won't stand a chance next election after these shenanigans and this attack on public education. Conditions in BC schools are abysmal.

  15. Quite a while ago I predicted a Wynne majority. Right again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. socialist


      Yep. Wait until Justin sweeps to power.

    3. The_Squid


      Just shows that there's a 1st time for everything....

    4. Mighty AC

      Mighty AC

      I had a Hudak minority to show. That's a wager ticket I'm happy is worthless.

  16. Happy Wynne won. I know she will be respectful of Ontario teachers and make up for Dalton's mistakes.

    1. Peter F
    2. GostHacked


      Just another politician with hot air and nothing to say. New boss=old boss

  17. Where's Waldo? He's from BC. Would like his thoughts on teacher lockout.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. socialist


      Waldo, don't be ridiculous. This is about kids. Join the thread I created on the subject.

    3. guyser


      Proms ARE serious, how the hell else can they get drunk and laid?

    4. Boges


      Your Teacher? Wait they're on strike. :-/

  18. Happy to see BC public overwhelmingly in favour of teachers. Too bad Neo-Libs.

  19. Rotating teacher strikes begin in BC today. Too bad the liberal government has forced this to happen.

    1. Argus


      Time to fire a bunch of teachers.

    2. kimmy


      Time to fire a bunch of politicians.

  20. Looks like Wynne will win Ontario. Good to see there is still common sense in that province.She will do great things with a majority.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. socialist


      Bankruptcy? Shady, you have no clue about economics.

    3. cindi


      Kathleen Wynne is displaying even more chutzpah than Dalton McGuinty did in his campaigns. She is seriously calling her reckless, spendthrift scandal ridden government "safe hands" and claiming her massive tax and spend promises are a balanced approach although even the NDP is calling her spending plans reckless.

      In the last three elections it seemed impossible to imagine the Liberals winning but each time they proved the people of Ontario could be fooled and bribed with b...

    4. WWWTT


      Just like Mike Harris did Cindi! conservatives=liberals!

  21. Where's PCT? I guess he left after I handed his ass to him in the Public Education thread.

    1. Shady


      You should set a better example for students.

    2. WWWTT
    3. socialist


      I think PCT is actually some punk kid.

  22. Neo_liberal policies damaging Alberta public education.

  23. Understand the Neo-Liberal agenda against public education in BC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQ9UgWC1jMw#t=25

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