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Status Updates posted by socialist

  1. I'm disappointed that this forum is going downhill.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WWWTT


      That's a terrible thing to write socialist!

    3. The_Squid



      Typical socialist silly trollish behaviour.

    4. Argus


      You're right. You should leave immediately.

  2. Anyone want to join chat to discuss BC teacher job action?

  3. BC's Neo-Liberal government has backed the BCTF andd educators into a corner. Strike action commences Wed. Keep underfunding public education, and hurting kids, neo-liberals.

  4. I will be taking a stand against neo-liberal/corportist agenda against public education.

    1. WestCoastRunner


      There is that word again? neo-liberal. What the heck does it mean. Explain in 2 sentences or less.

  5. Congratulations to the residents of Kitimat for giving Big Oil the middle finger. Common sense.

  6. Speak up and stop the Neo-Liberal assault on public education!!!

    1. The_Squid
    2. socialist


      Keep your head in the sand, squid. Can't say I'm surprised.

    3. Shady
  7. Stop corporate influences in public education. Be heard!!!!

    1. guyser


      OK, Support corporate influence in public education

    2. socialist


      You would be that ignorant, wouldn't you guyser.

  8. Want to become an educator? Get used to 60 hour work weeks.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shady


      Good pay, good pension, good benefits, and 3 months of vacation comes with a price. If you don't like it, choose another profession. Nobody's forcing you to teach.

    3. iolo


      Think of the delights of having the ignorant constantly running you down! It's a shame to take the pay! :)

    4. guyser


      including sleepin eating and commuting , whats the diff from anyone else? Whiny teachers

  9. Let's show our solidarity for BC teachers and the BCTF who are facing some tough times right now.

    1. Shady


      Lots of people are facing tough times.

    2. socialist


      How many people's jobs promote healthy democracy? Without stron public schoools, democracy will continue to erode.

    3. Shady
  10. Putin will learn the hard way that it is detrimental to try to embarrass Obama. Obama making all the right moves here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. socialist


      Watch and learn. Putin made a huge mistake. Obama/Kerry/Hagel/ Clinton will make Putin look like the fool.

    3. Boges


      By invading?

    4. socialist


      Nope. Brush up on your knowledge of geopolitical affairs. Putin is done. Huge mistake.

  11. Proudly wore my pink shirt to show I am against bullying.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AngusThermopyle


      Well that must have solved all the problems. Those pink shirts must have those bullies quaking in fear.

    3. The_Squid


      Awareness and public exposure makes bullies quake in fear.... It can only be a good thing.

    4. AngusThermopyle


      Sure Squid keep telling yourself that.

  12. Didn't think it was possible, but JT has inspired me more after today. What a great future leader!! Can't wailt till 2015!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Argus


      Trudeau is a character, not real

    3. socialist


      BC Chick is a provocateur...not real.

    4. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      Great leaders have solutions to problems,. What solutions did JT bring to the table....

  13. Don't read this message.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Argus


      You can't tell me what to do! You're not my mom!!

    3. sharkman


      Okay, I read all of the messages except the offensive one!

  14. I miss talking soccer with Wyly; a real sport..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AngusThermopyle


      Both pale in comparison to a good session of full contact curling though.

  15. Has anyone seen Rick on here lately? Some of the best members aren't around?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sir Bandelot

      Sir Bandelot

      trex was banned for starting a thread about online bullying. That was in 2006. Charles didn't like that thread. Isn't it ironic

    3. Sir Bandelot

      Sir Bandelot

      check it out- it's worth a laugh! hahah

    4. Shady


      Rick was just a name caller. Nothing insightful about calling people names.

  16. Why is everyone checking out my profile?

  17. Just had an interesting conversation with Charles Anthony in live chat. Thanks Charles.

  18. Who wants to join me in live chat to discuss the issues?

    1. The_Squid


      No takers.... What a shocker...

    2. socialist


      Say something useful for once.

  19. Yikes!!! I'm afraid of Agenda 21!! What shall we do? LOL

  20. Trudeau makes huge gains!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. socialist


      Squid, look at the Liberal increase in popular vote. Justin is having a HUGE impact. Liberals will likely win majority in 2015.

    3. Mighty AC

      Mighty AC

      They did make massive gains in the con ridings.

    4. Argus


      They really had nowhere to go but up...

  21. CPC only wins one by-election. 2015 can't come soon enough. Bye Bye CPC!!!!

  22. What happened to punked?

  23. Jack Weber..AKA Jimmy Wilson is BACK BABY!!!!

  24. Public education does not exist for the benefit of students or for the benefit of their parents.

    1. AngusThermopyle


      You're right, its for the benefit of dimwits who can only get jobs as teachers.

    2. GostHacked


      Home schooling it is then.

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