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Everything posted by sharkman

  1. The timeline on this seems to bear out Putin’s version. Stalin signed the pact with Hitler in 1939. Poland signed their pact in 1934. There was a normalization of relations between Poland and Germany after that, and different forms of cooperation. How much of the Putin interview did you take in? Hopefully you are not simply getting this from your Twitter feed.
  2. Okay, riddle me this. In 1934 Hitler signed a treaty with Poland called the, “German Polish Declaration of Non Aggression Pact”. Didn’t Germany sign the agreement with Stalin later? So Putin would technically not be wrong about that, or, what am I missing? Yes it’s clear that Hitler was not dealing honestly with Poland, too bad that Chamberlain was so easily duped.
  3. I've watched the first hour. I'm not sure what Tucker was going for with his performance, but it was not his finest hour. It's hard to say what went on behind the scenes. Perhaps he was given limiting parameters in which to conduct the interview. I've noticed that the really good liars, or instead maybe the highly intelligent folks, the ones with a formidable intellect lets say. They can lie seamlessly. They can make you believe just about anything if you are not careful. I'm sure we can all pick our favorite politician to hate and agree that some people have turned deceiving the public into a fine art. Putin may well be such a one. From what I've seen of the interview thus far, I simply can't spot it when Putin is lying. It kind of reminds me of Obama. Such a smooth talker, making you feel good about yourself as he pulls the wool over your eyes. I am not armed with a knowledge of Russian history, but I doubt that Putin would be so stupid to tell whoppers that can so easily be proved wrong, so his discourse on his country’s history is probably at least close, eh?
  4. No, the fantasy is that Joe and his dementia riddled mind will actually run. Drooling on his tie, grabbing young women and tripping all over the place. Also saying crazy schiit like president Obama is going to win this election. That would be the perfect red pill…
  5. The people who made these judgement or rulings in favour if Joe will be facing military tribunals when all of Biden’s evils come to light.
  6. Okay, how many nations has the US either bombed, drone striked, removed the president or leveled crippling economic sanctions on since WWII? Start with Germany, Italy, France, etc., Japan. Then move onto Korea, Vietnam, half of South America with deposed leaders through the CIA. Then there’s Lebanon, Granada, Honduras, Chad, Iran, Iraq, Panama, Columbia Bolivia, Peru. Here, read this list(leave off the operations before 1940): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_United_States_military_operations
  7. I have a very low opinion of Putin. My wife’s old college roomie is married to a Russian in his early 50’s. He was at risk of being drafted and fled Russia through Norway. Both sides are drafting older men, and women too, that’s disgusting as far as I’m concerned. The bigger question for me is, why are both sides grinding their people into dust? WHY? Because the official reasons do not add up.
  8. It's quite simple, really. Take as much time as you need. How. Many. Countries. Has the US bombed, hit with military strikes or drone attacks in the last 50 years. Now count up the number of countries Russia has done the same with. The US has been far more aggressive than Russia.
  9. Yeah. You can’t argue that Russia has been more aggressive than the American Empire. And you can’t break free from your programming about Russia to actually consider the Ukraine war and why Russia hasn’t taken it completely over. They were stopped? Please…
  10. The title of this thread is inadvertently more accurate than you realize. Putin’s war. On freedom. He’s doing more for freedom than anyone else in the world. And if you can’t see that yet, surely you can see that the US has attacked more nations than Russia has in the last 50 years. Why is that?
  11. I don’t follow Twitter. I never signed up with them unlike you. Most members of BRICS are hoarding gold. Putin was or is the BRICS president. BRICS has started doing oil trades outside of the US dollar, and they have 47% of the world’s oil reserves. Whether you can read these tea leaves or not is irrelevant. In 2006, people warning about an economic collapse was met with derision. Then when it happened actual banks were going under. Believe whatever makes you happy.
  12. My goodness. Are you that obtuse? Let me give you an analogy. The sports media questioning the general manager about the underperforming coach’s performance. “His job is safe, the players need to start playing the system, and you can quote me!”. Then 2 weeks later, the coach is gone. You don’t know what China or India or anyone else is doing and they are not going to tell. However, when they are both buying gold bullion at record setting levels, then only the obtuse don’t get it. Your hero Warren Buffet pulled over 140 billion out of the stock market. Get a frickin’ clue. He didn’t tell anyone he was doing it either so I guess it never happened…
  13. You say China is the big dog in this banded together group of nations, and then you use a quote from one of the lessers to make your point. What does China have to say about it? Why are China and Russia hoarding gold? Who cares, South Africa’s finance minister is speaking!! 🤣
  14. Well it sure isn't CNN: https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fmedia%2F2024%2Ffeb%2F04%2Fcnn-staff-pro-israel-bias "According to accounts from six CNN staffers in multiple newsrooms, and more than a dozen internal memos and emails obtained by the Guardian, daily news decisions are shaped by a flow of directives from the CNN headquarters in Atlanta that have set strict guidelines on coverage. They include tight restrictions on quoting Hamas and reporting other Palestinian perspectives while Israel government statements are taken at face value. In addition, every story on the conflict must be cleared by the Jerusalem bureau before broadcast or publication. CNN journalists say the tone of coverage is set at the top by its new editor in chief and CEO, Mark Thompson, who took up his post two days after the 7 October Hamas attack. Some staff are concerned about Thompson’s willingness to withstand external attempts to influence coverage given that in a former role as the BBC’s director..." For those with the ability to think critically, the above proves that one of the major news outlets in the US has bias that is directed from the top. And the point is, they all do. They release news that has been approved according to their directed bias, not according to a search for truth and facts.
  15. And the answer for American aid is: 180 billion. That they had to borrow to send, and the war is lost. Stop reading your propaganda, it’s telling you complete lies.
  16. This year is going to be huuuge. Over 40 nations will be holding national elections and the unrest and change will be multiplied across all continents. To that add that the US can no longer bring to heel countries that resist its will. All of its economic might has been brought to bear on Russia and it clearly hasn't worked. In response, Russia has welcomed several more countries into the BRICS, which now holds 47% of the world's oil reserves. When BRICS issues its own PM backed currency it will initiate a run away from the US dollar on the world stage. What this will do to the value of the US buck I have no idea, but it can't be good. Keep on breathing hopium, moonbox, but the writing is on the wall.
  17. It’s so sad to see the level of propaganda in this thread, and how badly some are being duped. Has your propaganda told you how many billions have been sent to Ukraine? Let’s make it simple. How many billions have been sent by the US alone?
  18. Uh oh. Now even CNN is releasing polls showing that Biden is going to lose the election against Trump. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/01/politics/cnn-poll-trump-biden-election-2024/index.html Those military strikes of Biden‘s are not even helping.
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