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Everything posted by sharkman

  1. The Trump win will be historic, epic and one for the ages.
  2. Here’s another one for you, the current director of the Secret Service assumed her role in 2022. Her previous position? Head of security for Pepsi. Trump’s team insist over the denials of the Biden(?) administration that they have been requesting for more protection repeatedly, to no avail. Bongino, who seems to have contacts within both the Secret Service and Trump’s security detail, is saying this is what he’s hearing as well. We know that a bill was introduced to remove protection on Trump if he was to be convicted of some of the charges. It all looks pretty disgusting.
  3. That’s what I thought. You’ve got nothing, but ignore the MSM downplaying Biden’s slurring, mumbling and forgetting names and how to get off the stage. Shaking hands with the air. You better get an emotional support animal too, because when Trump wins, which is now guaranteed, you will lose it entirely.
  4. Prove it. Let’s see the physical manifestation of this with Trump. No? More propaganda with faked video nonsense. You have no idea what the truth is, but keep breathing in that fairy dust….
  5. Fun fact for critical thinkers: The Secret Service Director was hired in 2022 by the Biden Administration. Her previous position was head of security for: Pepsi.
  6. Get this, SFB. This attempt on Trump seals his victory in November. Seals it. So you better get an emotional support animal or something, because with your extremist views you’ll end up barking at the moon with the rest of the brain dead otherwise. Totally your call.
  7. And here we have the blind spot of the left. Only able to see propaganda coming from one side. But then an event happens that embarrasses the media sources they trust, and their programming kicks in instead of critical thinking. Like Biden's atrocious debate performance, which FORCED the media to admit something that the right has known for 3 years. Biden has dementia. He can't remember simple things unless he's pumped up with drugs. The left's response is not to ask, " hey, why did my trusted news sources hide Biden's dementia from me for 3 years?". Because hey, Trump is the next hitler, which is just another simpleton theory that can be disproved in 5 seconds. Keep on drinking that kool aid, bro.
  8. Apparently you are unaware of the democrat strategy to registrar as a republican so you can try to sway a republican primary. No idea what the shooter was(rep/dem), but giving money to a political organization when you are so young, that's an activist right there.
  9. Pay attention. This is because there is a struggle going on RIGHT NOW to gain control of the narrative. Not the truth, but the narrative. So the response of the people can be shaped and controlled. To what end, I have no idea at this time. The nonsense about Trump being the next hitler? That's a conspiracy theory that has been planted in people by repeated viewing of nonsense, half truths and complete lies that get repeated often enough to become plausible to certain people. They get duped. The shooter was duped as well. Many parts of the news media are nothing more than operations to control what people believe.
  10. The first priority is always to get control over the narrative. Not the truth, but the narrative. Usually the truth needs to be buried so deep that only conspiracy theorists are wiling to dig it up. Why was the Secret Service so inept? It turns out that President Trump's Secret Service detail was not the full presidential package. His team had asked repeatedly for the increased protection, but it had been denied by either the director of the Secret Service, or underlings in the Biden Administration directly. Either way, it's pretty obvious that the team covering Trump was not large enough for the venue.
  11. You’ve spent the last 8 years or so taking in propaganda and left wing Trump conspiracy theories, so you deserve the id10tic outlook you now possess.
  12. He donated to Act Blue, a far left political organization. He may have registered as a republican, I haven’t seen proof of that, but no republican donates to an organization that is trying to get democrats elected. https://thenationalpulse.com/2024/07/13/breaking-trump-shot-during-rally-secret-service-covers-45-holding-bloodied-ear/ “The National Pulse has found Federal Election Commission (FEC) datamatching the name to a location in Bethel Park, which–if the same person–shows the shooter was a donor to the Progressive Turnout Project through ActBlue, a left-wing political fundraising platform. The Progressive Turnout Project helps to elect far-left Democrats to Congress and other offices.”
  13. This event sounds the death knell for the campaign of whoever opposes “hitler” in November. You hitler conspiracy theorists better ramp up your weak Trump hate. You’ve been using hitler so often in the last decade, it doesn’t whip up public outrage anymore. So what’s left? Stalin? Putin the Second? Good luck fellas.
  14. Psalms 91:7 "A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you..."
  15. It does not look good. There is no saving face for the secret service. Trump should fire them immediately and bring in a private force. Get Hell’s Angels to do security as well. I don’t even want to think about the implications. The Secret Service did nothing about a guy crawling across a roof in close proximity to the event.
  16. And apparently the shooter is dead, at the hands of the Secret Service. That’s one that won’t be let off by a crooked judge…
  17. You really should stop watching the propaganda arm of the liberal party.
  18. Now is not the time for your posturing, you arrog”nt tw*t.
  19. I hope he’s ok, the deranged lunatics need 4 years of Trump in their faces
  20. Is that the best you can do? Because your guy is slurring his words, mixing up names and forgetting them and forgetting how to get off stage. On November 5, he won’t be on the ballot. You want to quibble over that while your Democrat titanic goes down?
  21. Yeah, he’s been doing this for at least 3 years, and the media has been covering for him the whole time. And now they all change their tune at the exact same time, like a conspiracy is in play. Get rid of Joe. I pity the people like Reason, defending Joe as he becomes public enemy #1. And we can say hey, Trump may be old and say some weird things, but at least he’s not slurring his words and crapping his pants. Joe has brought the bar down pretty low, thanks Joe! Like I’ve been saying the last 2 years, there is no way Biden will be running for president in 2024.
  22. Funny how the left in this forum can’t admit that Joe lost, when CNN and most Dem talking heads are saying it. The debate was rigged in Joe’s favour. No audience. Tight speaking/microphone rules. Friendly ‘host’. On the right they are suspecting that Joe was allowed to twist in the wind to make it more obvious to the Dem establishment that he needs to go. Count on this: the Dem convention in August will be a free for all, and it might even be the end of their chances in ‘24. All of the extremist freaks will turn it into a $hitt show.
  23. Good lord goddess, these people have no limit to their murderous ways. I keep saying, let Justice be done though the heavens fall.
  24. This sounds perfectly reasonable without some context, or further analysis. August, how do you feel about the Chinese police stations that were on Canadian soil? Does that seem like foreign interference of some sort? Or what about the reports of Chinese military being allowed to conduct drills on Canadian soil? In your judgement does any of this raise a red flag?
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