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Everything posted by impartialobserver

  1. There is no rent control in the places that I listed.. therefore your schpiel about rent control is for nothing. Unrelated. Come play again when you can post something related to the topic.
  2. Today's musical flavor is Alter Bridge. Being that I will be seeing them in concert on Friday.. best to brush up on their stuff.
  3. Lets make this clear.... I do not possess your passion on this topic. I know, someone says covid, and you are instantly fired up, foaming at the mouth, and ready for a fight. I shrug my shoulders and move on. I have an immediate and allergic response to hyperbole no matter who says it? Understood? Internet forum posters (which you seem to fit this pattern) always are claiming that the end is near... What this end is.. they can never say. Nothing just happens.. nahh.. They have to use words like revolution, slam, vicious, earth-shaking, revelation, conspiracy. The traffic light at xyz street failed... it can't be that simple. It is an omen of things to come.. or more likely, it is the xyz party or leader conspiring against those poor, unsuspecting souls who are simply working hard and are now being shat upon.
  4. You apparently do not have the intellect to understand the full LEGAL ramifications of what you lay out. If someone one is homeless but not explicitly breaking a law... yes, this happens often, then the city, county, state has no authority to force them to work at a camp.
  5. I guess its good that you have an outlet. My experience is that internet forum posters are far too biased/hyperbolic to be of any value to me when it comes to making a decision. Also, my experience is that life is never nearly as grand as what internet forum posters and the media make it out to be.
  6. Feel free to do whatever. However, this is why I mostly do not engage with trolls. I occasionally slip up or do not sniff them out soon enough.
  7. 2. Hungarian is just an example. The point is that doing so would not affect any change either. At the last office, we had a bum that would pace up and down the parking lot. Upon anyone coming out of the office or the surrounding stores.. he would start yelling about how government workers are all scumbags and such. I equate a lot of internet forum participants to this guy.
  8. You are free to do whatever you want.. is that clear? If you wanted to run outside naked and yell profanities in Hungarian.. have at it. Just making an observation, after years of doing this online forum game and in the past, getting quite worked up.. i had to stop and think. Is my impassioned diatribe going to actually affect any real change? Answer. No
  9. I challenge you to say where you (or anyone) should do anything. I will not hold my breath.
  10. It is fascinating how worked up folks get on these forums. very limited number of participants.. presumably none of which have any authority. Therefore all of their bluster is for nothing.
  11. what do you think of this. one year out of date but I doubt that the national changed all that much in one year https://statisticstimes.com/demographics/country/canada-demographics.php#:~:text=Demographics of Canada&text=There are 0.39 million births,deaths in Canada in 2021.
  12. interesting how I was "force-fed"... I was not aware of anyone putting a gun to my head forcing me to consume their content. Maybe there was a gun and this is just some episode of The Twilight zone and I could not see them.
  13. So the population growth is 100% due to immigration. No one was born... if so, that's interesting
  14. An urban voter is going to vote against anything that appears to be diminish the romanticized view of the untouched forest/outdoors. Here is an example. We have a proposed lithium mine in NW Nevada. As far as the US goes.... this is middle of nowhere. Vast, untouched high desert. Yet as soon as the project was to be approved by county commissioners.. the environmentalists came calling. Where were they from? San Francisco. What was their concern? Wildlife, water supplies. Hmmm... well before this project had you asked them about Thacker Canyon, Nevada they would have said, "huh... is that near Vegas". Answer not even close. Most leftists reflexively agree with them. Conservatives view this as a chance to get jobs and milk the land for something. Those who have ever driven this stretch of road know how empty and desolate it is. Hours of no one and nothing except fences, sagebrush, and dirt. What else are you going to do out here. There is no water and so ranching is tough (most operate in the red). Can't grow anything.. soil is alkaline, dry, and has no organic matter.
  15. Explain how this plays out in Boise, Reno, Spokane, and las vegas where there are no rent controls? If you give me a bunch of subjective opinions... I am going to be done with you. Growing up poor gave me two insights that you obviously do not possess.. First, poor people live in the moment. You have money now.. you should spend it now. Second, they get locked into a rhythm of sorts. Whatever you did yesterday helped you survive to today so best just to keep going as is. Those are the two primary issues that are at the root of most poverty. The desperation that comes later almost always come from having no back up plan and nothing in reserve.
  16. Microeconomics is mostly the study of how the individual allocates finite resources.. I can tell that you are an armchair expert and nothing more. Macro is where you look at the bigger pictures... companies, counties, cities, nations. etc. The second one has politics wrapped into it inevitably. Fiscal policy has an impact on the bigger picture.. Idaho is not a blue state and Reno is not die-hard Blue. It is more purple Now why Joe Blow buys the spicy chips and not the plain potato chips.. according to your types is purely a function of someone in the government conspiring against them (see.. I can make assumptions too).
  17. Unrelated... I am talking about the urban core vs. the suburbs not poverty in general. I grew up poor... I have insight into this that you could only hope to have.
  18. Reno is not exactly a blue area... more assumptions from you. All emotion, passion and no objectivity. I deal with your types at my job. Besides, I taught microeconomics which is not a political topic... I know that you can't grasp that. (Hint... I know exactly how you will respond)
  19. There are three words for it..... Bid Rent Curve. It has to do with age of buildings, maintenance, and certain professions needing to be next to one another.
  20. You are the OP and so that's who I am responding to... a bit on the defensive. This speaks to your character.. You really should try to not be so transparent. I taught Economics, Statistics, and Math at the high school and community college level. I had one of you in my class. When he tried the usual "commie, blah, blah" garbage.. I had him download data and do a simple calculation. When I asked him what the answer was... he pouted and dropped out the next day. He (just like you) want affirmation. No, I taught in Idaho and Nevada. From my viewpoint having worked and lived with a few hundred teachers.. I have met one that would align with the one mentioned in the OP.. but that can't be, can it?
  21. First, I am married to a teacher and have been since 2008. Second, I have taught at the high school and community college level. So I have a background... thanks for assuming and as usual make yourself look less than brilliant. I know your type.. your factual sources are simply subjective opinions that you agree with. If you are truly objective... you do not need someone else to summarize or report stuff for you. When I want info on jobs for example.. what do I do? I go to the raw data. Raw data... not someone giving me an opinion on the data.
  22. I would vote yes for allowing it in public. It does not bother me in the least.. If you think it is a sexual act... then this shows that you have never had kids and are not a woman. This is like saying that because you as a man use a urinal and therefore expose your unit even in the slightest that you are inviting gay sex...
  23. I would be interested to read up on where exactly this population is moving to in Canada. Been To Alberta twice and BC twice. Great places but only spent a total of 3 days in both so really have no feel for the greater picture.
  24. I believe in verifiable, objective facts not making assumptions based on the existence of one or a few outliers. BTW.. verifiable, objective facts is not links to articles, subjective opinions, and supposed experts weighing in. My guess is that you think that all teachers (100% of them) are of this ilk. All or nothing logic is for those who can't grasp nuance or grey area.
  25. Next difference between urban and rural voters is land use. The urban voter ventures out to the outdoors occasionally and views it as a shiny new toy or novelty. You should preserve it and keep it nice and shiny. The rural voter views it as an asset. Something that you should use and if possible, preserve. The rural person is more likely to make a living off the land so it makes sense that they come at it from the viewpoint of productivity and not novelty. There is this narrative that if you preserve the pristine outdoors that you will get tourism dollars... that is not always the case.
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