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Everything posted by Perspektiv

  1. Can't say I have the answers, but Trudeau truly is a master of growing his government and through it, will make it painfully difficult for a anyone trying to undo nearly half a generation of damage.
  2. Technically to be a politician in today's climate, requires to be a cult leader and a bit of a conman. If someone has an entrepreneurial spirit, and hasn't started a business, this doesn't negate their entrepreneurial spirit. Pierre Poilievre has an entrepreneurial spirit, whether you choose to see it or not. As an employer, I can spot that type of spirit a mile away. Hire a guy like that, and he will be competent enough to run the show for you. To Trudeau's defence, he has done a better job than Poilievre at providing this. Leave some work for PP, I say. Jeesh!
  3. This is a common political tactic. I think many immigrants will vote, based on their individual needs. You make many wish to vote against you, if your policies are hurting the very people you choose to bring in. My wife has immigrated to Canada, appreciated the opportunities this has given her. However, is not happy with how much of her pay goes to the government. I know so many immigrants who work their butts off to reach the middle class, only to have more of their hard earned efforts be taken from them, to redistribute wealth socially, vs addressing the cost of living crisis head on. My wife as an example, comes from a country that is heavily conservative. God fearing. The first time she experienced someone demanding to be called "they", was so confusing to her, as it defied logic. "Don't ask questions, you can lose your job, just do it, just because" was the advice she got. More policies that hurt her, have soured her on Trudeau. He is eerily similar to the Philippines current leader, Marcos who is despised by many. IE silver spoon fed child of a dictator, with a much softer image, but incredibly incompetent, and overspending causing the people he so called protects, to be mired in even more poverty and struggles. I would be shocked if that demographic of people would vote for someone like this. Many African people are highly conservative. Indian people. I know so many Indian business owners, ranting about the financial squeeze being put on them. Trudeau wants the "ultra rich" to pay even more. Quite a few small business owners, medical professionals and the like are essentially being targeted, after struggling so badly during covid. Telling a clinic owning doctor to pay their "fair share" am sure will go down well, after many have felt hung out to dry. My doctor is quitting and switching careers, and there will be more to come. The sheer lack of awareness of unintended consequences, is baffling. Trudeau if competent, could possibly pull this off (swaying voters). But his sheer incompetence will make things more miserable for Canadians, wanting relief from this, demanding change at the ballot box. I will be no different.
  4. I have seen and heard of so many doctors quitting. Not sure if this is a crisis nationwide, however but know its incredibly hard for some doctors who are stretched dangerously thin, to where they no longer can be expected to reasonably care for their patients. I know a few people in Victoria who had that happen. My doctor quits in June. Sent me a courtesy email, highlighting his resignation. Our medical system is a mess is not even appropriate enough. Dumpster fire, would be sugar coating it, still o_O
  5. Got fired for not taking the shot, while shooting oneself in the foot. Sounds like our current leadership. "Forget about unintended consequences, we will throw money at it later."
  6. Yeah, 18 hours is utterly unnacceptable in a G8 country. Not sure what can fix this. All I know, is that I have spoken with a few people in medical trade who struggle to find work in their field. Shameful, especially if they are qualified.
  7. Impossible when you have parties fanning the flames of it, from either end. Its lazy, but highly effective. Move too far left, you p**s off the centrists and the right. They move further to the other side, disillusioned. You're seeing that shift in Canada. Poilievre moves too far right, and they far left will be even more extreme. IE admitting people can be animals if they feel like it. Grizzly bear claw implants will be trending in 25 years. Book it.
  8. Play war games, and its usually the people who get burnt. Israel played with fire. They will likely retaliate, and open the flood gates for a level of aggression that may potentially overwhelm them. Nobody knows whether the US will intervene.
  9. Very hard to dialogue with someone when you see that they believe there are unlimited genders, or that a 4 year old child can "decide its gender" and be prepared or wish to make permanent changes to them, based on this. I thought I was a girl, as a child, as I was surrounded by girls. My mother was quick to remind me that I had a penis and balls. Now with the level of affirmative care that is required, many non trans people are slipping through the cracks, and getting permanently changed, only to regret and want to reverse course later in life, as now sterile people or women with deeper voices, unable to reverse the damage, not the treatment that was don to their bodies. When this movement moves closer to actual treatment and doing what is best for people, vs posturing politically and playing politics to advance ideology, will this be a movement where dialogue will be possible. You can't dialogue with such people, and doing so drags you into war. Its like trying to scold a crackhead for poor manners. You're wasting your time. Better to vote such ideas out, and let them be.
  10. With cable TV and catering. Its only right, that tax payer dollars get spent wisely. Talking that rehab talk, is racist.
  11. Its obviously not okay, but it is their lawful right to self defense after the attack on their consulate. They weren't asking permission. They were telling the US they were going to attack, and the US were warning them, that only a certain level of attack would be accepted (beyond this, would likely cause the US to intervene further). I don't see where the US gave any blessing, other than two countries essentially giving one another a respectful heads up, clearly not wanting to escalate tensions in the region, but needing to send a message. This is an attack on sovereign territory. Israel is also within its right to retaliate, but should this retaliation cause mass casualties, it will further isolate itself, globally. Precisely what Iran wants. A lot easier to seriously damage the country, when the most powerful military in the world won't come in and intervene. Iran clearly and solely wanted to send a message. No deaths occurred. Had it wanted to inflict damage, it would have used far more firepower as well as the element of surprise by using all its proxies to fully overwhelm Israel's defense systems. This was a highly coordinated, and calibrated attack.
  12. Well, its effective. The US is peeing its pants over it, so they may just be able to get one of Israel's largest allies to leave them high and dry. Perfect for their enemies to pounce on them and do as much retaliatory damage as possible on the far more isolated state. Iran is playing chess.
  13. I would agree. But there should be protections in place for both, and loopholes shouldn't be there to easily be taken advantage of. IE a bully landlord wanting to renovict you or move in their relatives to squeeze you out. You apply to the rental board to get your case heard, the landlord uses the law to avoid showing up under a loophole forcing you to wait 1 year or more due to backlogged cases, while amplifying the pressure on you to move. I have experienced and/or seen cases for both sides.
  14. Sorry, but a hostage taker opens fire indiscriminately at the police from inside his vehicle, and he is getting heavy handed return fire coming back his way. Warnings to surrender, time being given, the area being surrounded, are acceptable measures to minimize civilian deaths. That hostage being killed while unfortunate collateral damage, was needed to eliminate such a threat from spreading. I see it no different than with Israel. They don't retaliate, and they send a message of weakness and can expect more direct attacks to come in the future.
  15. Oh, but they have. They are sending an incredibly strong message with this attack. An attack this strong, is essentially daring you to retaliate. This is just a warning shot. If this causes mass casualties, I don't see how you don't declare war on Iran. Thats irrelevant. Its the collateral damage of war. If American soldiers bombed Russia, the US would be deserving of every single return strike coming back its way.
  16. It also showcases a level of creativity and thinking outside the box, to resolving issues. He is incredibly savvy at reaching people. My wife is an entrepreneur, but is slightly risk averse. Her liking risk less, doesn't make her any less of an entrepreneurial spirit. It also showcases ones determination and drive at getting things done or reaching goals. He's also got the gift of gab. Many entrepreneurs are blessed with this. The ability to connect with people, and being highly persuasive in doing so. Starting a business doesn't automatically make one entrepreneurial. I have seen tons of entrepreneurial spirits who never wanted to run their own businesses. This isn't a knock on someone, unless they are incredibly incompetent at their jobs.
  17. This is just playing identity politics. Very hard to counter someone telling you kids kill themselves based on what you're trying to ban or control. Its highly misleading, as youth also kill themselves after such care is administered to them. Worse even, youth decide to reverse the procedure, due to this affirmative care which makes it harder to ask questions and truly determine should certain care be administered. All else fails, you just call them a transphobe and gleefully watch them squirm to prove they are not. Its lazy, but highly effective. I should use the race card more often when pulled over for speeding. "Do you know why I pulled you over?" For being black? By the way, you are on camera, so be careful what you say next. *gleefully watches officer being uncomfortable*
  18. Isn't that like saying a broken clock is right twice a day? Its broken. That's a very low standard to set, which is why there aren't any self help books on advice by crackheads sold at Barns and Nobles.
  19. Not sure how being a politician will automatically stop one from having an entrepreneurial spirit. He's clearly showcased it, and has the track record to prove it. Calling one a career politician as an insult, is like calling into question a pilot's heavy handed miles flying. Its an asset. If one built successful entities while serving, then it showcases their vision to doing so. He clearly is knowledgeable, and has vision. Both of which he routinely mops the floor with his opposition on.
  20. But stands up for women, somehow. Its just a bad look. He threw his male house speaker under the bus as well. Ironically, that's as much of a b***h move as you could do. It's totally relevant. He is literally peddling to appeal to women. Can't even get one to want to stay married to him until the end of his term. Its a bad look, and is the epitome of coming across as undesirable to them. He first got elected due to his looks. Not his competence. Image is everything. I think its worse to come across as incredibly incompetent. On that, we are in full agreement. Lacking vision when taking over controls of a country, is disturbing to me. Poilievre has an entrepreneurial spirit. Some say entrepreneurs make poor politicians. I think its the opposite. How can you govern an economy without vision?
  21. I am aware as a leader, that every single employee that I have, is an extension of my reputation. The business reputation. Caring about women, would mean you would want to put thus women in the best possible light. Hiring incompetent women, would totally damage the reputation of women, plus the leader who hired them. To me this brand was damaged, when he not only couldn't keep his own woman satisfied enough to stick it out and hold appearances, but put women in positions at times, that looked both out of place, and clueless. Of course. If they are competent or if the men are competent, we aren't having this conversation. He's hired a few incredibly incompetent women. They shine because he put emphasis on their vaginas vs their skills.
  22. But he didn't condemn what the movement was doing to the black community. Not saying there aren't. Why not run based on competent people being hired, vs advertising you at all costs will have 50% women in your cabinet? I was offered a position with the RCMP a few years back. I was a high scoring black candidate in testing. However, there were potential officers who were white who had scored higher. They were looking to fill a set percentage of people who had my skin color, so it would have been irrelevant how high a score a white counterpart had, if they were trying to hit targets on diversity. Am not saying I wouldn't have been a highly qualified police officer, but it wasn't lost on me that they weren't picking from the very best. I pride myself on having earned every job that I have had. I beat out tough competition. This wasn't the line reason I opted for another opportunity, but one can't deny you're diluting the talent pool when your top focus isn't the talent.
  23. If the world is toast in two years, there are no solutions. The quickest plans to remotely dramatically reduce emissions would be decades away. If its that imminent, we all croak. Might as well chill, and enjoy life while that time comes. Running around like a mad man will have you die of a heart attack before that finish line. Doing more, and being less of a polluter are two different things. It's like a woman sleeping with 500 men, and another looking down on her having done 600, but because she always used protection. You're both wh*res. Ones just dirtier. All I see is virtue signaling points. Identity politics. Reality is, it will take decades to dramatically reduce fossil fuel use.
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