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Everything posted by Perspektiv

  1. This doesn't work socially. Its been attempted. It only enriches those at the top. You're thinking based on your ideals. Morals. Nothing wrong with this. Issue, is you're ignoring the reality. Things cost money. Let's just say I want to build homes for all the homeless. Free of charge. Great. But the reality, is there will be a requirement to find cash to do so with.
  2. One must choose to volunteer. That is part of the issue. Nature of man, is one that is incredibly selfish and greedy. In the Philippines, highly God fearing country, I would go to church and many priests would push this humility speech. How those who struggle most, have some type of greater space with God--all while being inside churches that look like castles and some decked out in gold. Imagine, my step mom is protestant. Some of these churches have been linked to swindling, albeit legal. So even churches fall to those natural instincts. Seeing a sucker, and wanting to get all you can get out of them. Of course not all are like this. Blaming money, ignores what was used to pay for goods in the past. Currency has never been the issue.
  3. We opened up a restaurant, and just invested heavily in CCTV cameras. If someone stole from me, would be petty enough to press charges even if its 20$. I would send a strong message through it. I will gladly ruin your life with a jail record, and won't hesitate to use every legal lever to do so. If that fails, will post your footage dining and dashing on our Facebook and YouTube and humiliate you into paying or at least in getting a name we can lay those charges into. I have seen barber shops do this, successfully. Nothing like public shaming to get someone to pay. All else fails, we do what most gas stations do, and you prepay for your food. I have zero sympathy for people like this. Most homeless people I have seen will ask you for food. For water. There is a level of entitlement behind going to get fine dining food, and not only feeling entitled to it, but entitled to it for free, robbing staff and the owners at large who rely on that revenue, without a care. The level of narssissism to me, warrants heavy handed consequences to be brutally handed down to such a person.
  4. What these crooks don't care for, is ironically they often portray themselves as victims being forced to steal, but that in doing so--cost more to those who unfortunately happen to be honest.
  5. 100%. If Trudeau can successfully reduce the cost of living and push through this tax, heck even I would vote for him. Reality however, points to the costs of things increasing further. If it's the latter, Canadians will speak on their displeasure about it at the polls. There will be reminders about who prioritized increasing an already existing tax, vs fix the financial reality Canadians are facing.
  6. Bingo. They deliberately divide to see who can win those culture wars that would have millions march to the polls. Whoever has the best PR will will. Not Americans.
  7. Basically. He knew he wasn't going to trigger anything here. The optics are great for him. Trudeau being hand held by the NDP. Forced to pick a side. So, once the cost of living spikes because of the unintended consequences in hiking how farmers produce and transport your food hits Canada at the pocket book, he will have that video of Trudeau and the NDP talking about climate change like its dire with fear mongering included, omitting that unless you get all of the worst polluters in the world on board, you're essentially agreeing to pay higher taxes to redistribute your money into the hands of poorer ones, which is the only thing this tax is doing successfully.
  8. Also, I think it builds character to be told by a teacher you won't amount to nothing. I had several. Dropped out. Told I would be a failure. My mother taught me to know who I am, and to believe in myself. So I used that negative energy as motivation. I have always had a chip on my shoulder, but it was destructive. I used it for good. I don't think that growth is possible (the recognizing I was fulfilling a prophecy by destroying my life, proving their point), if I am not exposed to a few people s******g on me and my name. I see so many insanely narssissistic youth now, because nobody teaches anyone consequences anymore, unless you go against what you're taught.
  9. At that extreme its virtue signaling masquerading as empathy. I see it like this woke person I worker with who got offended at words like crackhead, but would get grossed out by the rank smell of urine and body odor. Wouldn't be caught near one of these people. Its not empathy at that level. Its literally the control of your speech. Constantly correcting your incorrect speech, and replacing it with softer words, which include everyone. Sorry, b****h, but I curse like a mother f****r, don't like it--change the channel.
  10. Understatement of the year. Change dreads with assault rifles, and you have a point. Am pointing out your flawed logic.
  11. Your border has more holes than Rosie O'Donnell's briefs. I have family who live in Haiti and are relatively safe. By your logic, it should be safe to have a vacation there. Its still a s***hole. Am a Haitian no less. Again, you're a prostitute with HIV, looking down at others who wear clothing that is too skimpy.
  12. Nearly San Francisco bad. You know Vancouver is bad, when they will soon be used as the measuring stick to describe a s*** hole. "Shootings in Chicago have reached Vancouver levels". "Mexican drug cartels, have extorted Vancouver levels of innocent civilians". Heard it snowed record levels today. How bad are the roads? "Its Va.." okay I'll stop. I remember struggling to drive initially, as have been in 5 crashes as a passenger, and have witnessed countless deadly crashes. Worst of which in Europe, when a dude wrapped his sportscar around a post. It hasn't stopped me, but sure as heck made learning incredibly difficult due to the anxiety which had me almost quit. Glad I didn't. Let me rephrase. Am apprehensive on guns. Quite sure if my home was attacked, I wouldn't hesitate to Swiss cheese anyone else trying the same stunt. I think like you said, practice makes perfect. A friend took me to a range pre-covid, so the phobia is gone. Its just not being comfortable with accidentally hurting people with one. But knowing how to expertly load and unload one, knowing when a bullet is in the chamber would probably do the trick. For driving, defensive driving did the trick for me, and swerving from near death crashes let me know I truly had control of my car and knew what I was doing. I made sure I was sharp, to avoid worrying about those who aren't.
  13. You need evidence to know there are a lot of lives being lost to guns in the US? That there is a growing trend regarding mass shootings that aren't every few years anymore? Isn't that like pointing to similarities between a crackhead and pothead is that they are both doing drugs? Very few would pick being a crackhead. Heck, even those facing war, near famine and drug related violence.
  14. People stating crime is dropping fast, while there are high amounts of mass shootings, shootings in general, looting in some places and stores being forced out of others due to it, is like a prostitute telling you she's the cleanest one on the block. Sure, you wish to believe it. Probably should. Stats may confirm it. But something about it seems fishy.
  15. It's still ridiculously high, as is the murder rate and rates of shootings. It being down, doesn't point to it being low.
  16. I never felt the need for a gun here. In the Philippines, is a other story. If I lived in the east of Vancouver, I may change my mind. I assumed based on a recent case I saw where someone had shot someone in his house. Good to know, but still wouldn't want a gun in Canada. The moment I felt the need for one, it would mean Canada had begun to dwindle into being a banana republic. This is where I saw the case, but I appreciate that not all provinces will apply the exact same rules. Good to know. But for me the moment I need to, its game over for me. We would move. I don't like guns, as a friend of mine was shot to death. I have had weapons pulled on me. I just don't like the weapon. But if push came to shove would buy one. Just can't justify doing so in Canada. I have worked so hard to earn a lifestyle which works for us. To be forced to change this would simply motivate me to go to a country where this was expected (needing to own a gun in some areas).
  17. I don't see how people see Putin as a loose cannon. He is cold, calculated and meticulous on the details.
  18. The 3D printer, and material along with what would be needed to print the gun are so cost prohibitive. It would be better to buy an illegal gun. If you're looking at flooding the market with these, then it makes sense to make such a financial splash. So am not surprised, as is still relatively easy to smuggle guns into Canada. I see it no different than the fear mongering on climate change. With it, your government has scared people into accepting a tax, that does nothing but take more money from my pocket, to give to others. The global warming issue is a global problem. Its in its name. Meaning, the solution needs to be global, or expect it to continue. But I can't trust any government using fear to manipulate my thinking. Kind of like me selling you an expensive microwave, you wanting the half priced one. Me telling you a couple similar models have caught fire, but this one should be safe. This one, is warrantied for 5 years, giving you peace of mind. I have been doing sales my whole adult life, so can't stand being manipulated. It's precisely why I don't do it to clients. Any government gladly doing this to you, doesn't care about your best interest. Its all about their own.
  19. The US is already a banana republic. Am sorry, but don't mean no disrespect, but I don't see how it is not. Trump becoming a dictator would be the final nail in its coffin, but looking at the crime level, poverty, brazen crime I don't understand how this is not already the walls, paint and driveway already built of the home of the richest third world country on the planet.
  20. Thieves don't care much for legal guns, so they are armed to the teeth, while a lawful homeowner is forced to hand away their car keys, vs protect their home and property. You honestly think that with a porous border like ours, that smuggling guns here would be difficult? Main reason why me and the wife are investing in the Philippines vs here. In the Philippines I can lawfully own a gun, with a license. You enter our home, I can give you a courtesy warning, then light you up with bullets if you don't comply, and call someone to collect the body--legally. Just like some US states, they have similar stand your ground laws, and if you break into my home, I am within my rights to defend my family using whatever force necessary. Crazy what happens when the consequences for breaking into someone's house, is very serious. It somehow tends to happen a lot less. What's the point of working your butt off to buy the car and the home, if your government can't keep you safe? Worse even, your gun laws are so weak, your only options are a hunting knife and close combat, which dramatically reduce your odds of escaping serious injury, or death. Its a joke.
  21. Anyone voting for woke governments to protect them, get what they deserve. I look at NYC subways being patrolled by military, as a prime example.
  22. I hope it isn't a carbon tax, because this is clearly not working. Emissions are up. Not down. None of Trudeau's targets have been hit. It costs me more to fuel my car, but I need to drive as do many people who work a lot on the road. You can't punish tax payers. The pressure should be firmly on the shoulders of auto makers. Fuel companies. This is nothing but a wealth redistribution program, and middle class folk like myself, are excluded from the party. I have dependents as well. Taxes only go up 3 cents, but how much will the gas stations bump their prices by? Some will likely see an 8 to 10 cent hike. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but gas is already unaffordable. An EV isn't a financial priority, as my funds are allocated to business. Trudeau needs to realize that you can't pressure people to be green. You need to provide them with better alternatives. You're otherwise doing nothing but hurting tax payers, who will be quick to vote you out.
  23. And people wonder why nobody respects authority? What a joke. Cops have guns. If you don't wisest is to comply. If you do and want to live, again. Wisest to comply. Chris Rock puts it best.
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